Arthur Collins
The Psionicist | Table I | Table II | - | - |
Expanded Psionics | Minor Disciplines (Devotions) | Major Disciplines (Sciences) | Grand Disciplines (Arts) | ... And the Deryni make three |
Dragon | Classes | - | Psionics | Dragon 78 |
And now, the psionicist:
A class that moves
psionics into the mainstream
by Arthur Collins
[ E d i t o r ' s i n t r
o d u c t i o n : B y c o u r t e o u s
a r r a n g e m e n t w
i t h K a t h e r i n e K u r t z ,
author of the Deryni and Camber fantasy
trilogies, this article and the ones
followi n g i t <(The Deryni,
& Villains of the Deryni> i n c o r p o r a t e
c e r t a i n e l e m e n t s o f t
h e
Deryni universe in its description of
P s i o n i c i s t c h
a r a c t e r c l a s s f o r t h e
A D & D ?
g a m e . S o m e
p a r t i c u l a r t e r m s a n d
p h r a s e s
used in these articles are drawn more
l e s s d i r e c t l y
f r o m M s . K u r t z ? s w o r k
s ; t h e s e
are marked with an asterisk (*). Readers
interested in learning more about the
Deryni universe will find a list of
Kurtz's books at the end of this section;
t h e y a r e
h i g h l y r e c o m m e n d e d . ]
F r o m t h e m
o m e n t I d i s c o v e r e d p
s i o n i c s
i n t h e P
l a y e r s H a n d b o o k , t h i s
a s p e c t o f
the AD&D? game has had an enormous
a t t r a c t i o n f o r
m e . P s i o n i c p o w e r s s p
i c e
u p t h e g a m
e w i t h n e w p o s s i b i l i t
i e s . A n d ,
for me at least, they have one great advantage
over spell casting: they are simpler,
p a r t i c u l a r l y i n
t h e i r m e t h o d s o f u s e
a n d
recovery. They also open up new vistas
g a m i n g ; p l a n a r
t r a v e l i s m u c h e a s i e r
t o
a c c o m p l i s h p s i o
n i c a l l y , f o r i n s t a n c e .
But there are some weighty problems
i n v o l v e d i n
u s i n g p s i o n i c s , t o o :
m a i n t a i n i n g g a m e b a l a n c e ,
f o r o n e t h i n g . A d d e d
to an already powerful character?s abilit
i e s , t h e u s e o f
p s i o n i c s m a y r e s u l t i
n a
? k i l l e r c h a r a c t
e r , ? w h i c h i s b o r i n g
t o
play and detrimental to the game. And
k e e p i n g t r a c k
o f p s i o n i c s t r e n g t h p
o i n t s
c a n g e t t o
b e r a t h e r c o m p l i c a t e d .
A l s o , t h e r e ? s
a r a t h e r b a s i c p r o b l e
w i t h t h e w
h o l e c o n c e p t o f p s i o n
i c
endowment. As the rules are written, a
p s i o n i c i n d i v i d
u a l c a n n o t h a v e m o r e
t h a n
6 d i s c i p l i n e s --
n o t e n o u g h t o m a k e
p s i o n i c s s t a n d a l o n e
a s t h e n u c l e u s o f
c h a r a c t e r ' s p r o
f e s s i o n . B u t w h e n p s i
o n i c
a b i l i t y i s
a d d e d o n t o p o f t h e
a b i l i t i e s a
character already has by virtue of his
c l a s s , y o u
r u n t h e r i s k o f
o v e r b a l a n c i n g
the character -- you get (for example)
thieves who are better at psionics than
they are at thievery, or who use their
psionic abilities more often than they use
their thieving skills. For these reasons,
is easy to see why psionic powers are a
(little-used) optional part of the game.
The practice of psionics really belongs
as a character class profession in its
right. Psionic powers need a little expansion,
but have the potential to add a great
new class to the game: a distinct
rather than merely a subclass of something
else. Nor would such a class relegate the present system of psionics for
classes to the dustbin. The two could
exist side by side. To differentiate
between them, we will call the psionically
endowed character of a standard class a
Psionic, and the member of the new
a Psionicist.
The Psionicist is a member of a class
devoted to the exercise of arcane mental
powers. Certain individuals have within
them a talent for that sort of thing, and
these persons can opt to be Psionicists.
Table I: Class specifications
Ability score minimums
Strength | 3 |
Intelligence | 101 |
Wisdom | 101 |
Dexterity | 3 |
Constitution | 9 |
Charisma | 101 |
Possible races: human,
Maximum level attainable: 20
Hit die type: varies with level (see below)
Maximum number of hit dice: 11
S p e l l a b i l i t y :
n o
Armor permit ted: none
Shield permitted: none
Weapons permitted: club, dagger, dart,
hammer, sling, spear, staff, sword,
scimitar (but not two-handed sword)
Oil permitted: yes
P o i s o n p e r m i t t e
d : a c c o r d i n g t o a l i g n
m e n t
Alignment: any
Starting money: 3-36 gp (3d12)
W e a p o n p r o f i c i e
n c i e s : i n i t i a l l y , 3 ;
a d d i t i o n a l p r o f
i c i e n c i e s g a i n e d a t 4
t h
and 7th level (maximum 5 weapons)
N o n - p r o f i c i e n c y
p e n a l t y : - 4
Bonuses to x.p. awarded: +10% if IWC
avg. (see below) is
16 or better
M i n i m u m s t a r t i n
g a g e : h u m a n , 1 8
+ 1 d 6 ; half-elf, 40 + 2d6
Combat: uses thief table
Saving throws: uses magic-user table
Notes to Table I
Ability scores:
As with regular psionics,
at least one of a character's scores
in intelligence,
wisdom, and charisma
must be 16. For the Psionicist class, the
other two scores must be at least 10 each.
Hit dice type: As seen in Table
II, the
hit dice a Psionicist gains will vary from
level to level. He begins at 1st level
one 10-sided die, then gains an 8-sided
at 2nd level (the points rolled being added
to those gained at 1st level), another
d8 at
3rd level, and so forth. No other class
a pattern like this. This system simulates
a Psionicist's mental development. The
Psionicist begins with only a fraction
his eventual mental powers operative,
and so must depend upon brawn as much
as brain. As he (or she) goes up in levels,
he still needs to be in good physical
shape, but the mental training he pursues
will mean he puts less and less emphasis
on the physical side of things, like combat
training. These abilities atrophy
somewhat, to be replaced by increased
psionic ability. (Also, in terms of game
balance, a little extra hit-point help
begin with can enable this character to
survive.) In terms of average hit points,
this is not unreasonable. A 14th-level
Psionicist has an average of 40½
points. A 12th-level cleric has an average
of 46½ hp, a 12th-level
magic-user has 28½
hp, and a 12th-level monk has 32½
hp. All
three of these example characters would
have approximately the same number of
experience points as a 14th-level Psionicist
would have.
Armor and weaponry: The Psionicist
can pick from a fair assortment of weapons
(just a little better than the choices of
a druid). All of these are common, nonspecialty
type weapons, unlike bows, pole
arms, two-handed swords and such that
are typically employed by specialists.
However, the Psionicist uses no armor or
shield; he is not interested in fighting
as a
profession. (Deryni
are an exception to
this; see the following article.)
average: This concept, mentioned
in Table I in relation to experience-point bonuses, is
crucial to the
Psionicist as a class. It shows up again
Table II under "Ability factor." It is
average of the Psionicist?s intelligence,
wisdom, and charisma scores. The lowest
IWC average (IWC for short) a Psionicist
could have would be 12 (2 scores of 10
plus one score of 16 = 36, divided by 3
12), while the highest IWC would be 18
(all three scores of 18). Averages are
carried to one decimal place in all cases, and
an IWC of 15.7 (for instance) is not equivalent
to 16.
Table II: Experience levels, hit dice, and psionic abilities
Experience Points | Level | No.
HD |
type |
Level title | Ability
factor |
Attack | Defense | Minor | Major | Grand |
0 -- 2,500 | 1 | 1 | d10 | Beginner | x 10 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2,501 -- 5,000 | 2 | 2 | d8 | Psychic | x 11 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
5,001 -- 10,000 | 3 | 3 | d8 | Medium | x 12 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
10,001 -- 15,000 | 4 | 4 | d6 | Adept | x 13 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 0 |
15,001 -- 25,000 | 5 | 5 | d6 | Guide | x 14 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 0 |
25,001 -- 50,000 | 6 | 6 | d6 | Sub-Warden | x 15 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 0 |
50,001 -- 75,000 | 7 | 7 | d4 | Warden | x 16 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 0 |
75,001 -- 100,000 | 8 | 8 | d4 | Trainer | x 17 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 0 |
100,001 -- 125,000 | 9 | 9 | d4 | Director | x 18 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 0 |
125,001 -- 150,000 | 10 | 10 | d4 | Sub-Master | x 19 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 3 | 0 |
150,001 -- 300,000 | 11 | 11 | d4 | Master (name level) | x 20 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 0 |
300,001 -- 450,000 | 12 | 11+1 | -- -- | Grand Master | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 1* |
450,001 -- 700,000 | 13 | 11+2 | -- -- | Grand Master (13th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 4 | 1 |
750,001 -- 1,000,000 <mistake!> | 14 | 11+3 | -- -- | Grand Master (14th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 1 |
1,000,001 -- 1,300,000 | 15 | 11+4 | -- -- | Grand Master (15th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 2 |
1,300,001 -- 1,600,000 | 16 | 11+5 | -- -- | Grand Master (16th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 9 | 5 | 2 |
1,600,001 -- 2,000,000 | 17 | 11+6 | -- -- | Grand Master (17th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 9 | 6 | 2 |
2,000,001 -- 2,500,000 | 18 | 11+7 | -- -- | Grand Master (18th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 6 | 2 |
2,500,001 -- 3,000,000 | 19 | 11+8 | -- -- | Grand Master (19th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 7 | 2 |
3,000,001 + | 20 | 11+9 | -- -- | Grand Master (20th level) | x 21 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 7 | 3 |
* IWC of 16 or higher needed to acquire any of the Grand Arts
Notes to Table II
Name level: Upon
reaching 11th level,
the Psionicist attains the title of Master,
and can found a school if he desires. He
will have to outfit a lab and assemble
library. Costs for this are similar to
for outfitting a resident alchemistor
The school will attract 2-5 students (1st
level Psionicists), who conform to the
category of followers generally, and can
advance in levels. They will not pay for
their tuition, but the Master could always
take students for pay, of course. However,
having more than 5 students at one time
(whether they are followers or customers)
will cut significantly into the Master?s
adventuring/research time.
The Master who assembles a lab and
library gains the following benefits:
The ability to function as a sage
in the
specialty categories of Human (or HalfElven)
Psychology, Divination, Medicine,
Metaphysics, and Planes;
The ability to concoct potions, without
the aid of an alchemist, that affect psionic
The ability to do research and fabricate
various items, such as a helm of
For matters concerning research and item
fabrication, see the description
of the power
transfer discipline (below)
and consult the DMG to adapt procedures
not covered to fit the Psionicist.
Ability factor: When the IWC
is determined for a Psionicist character, his
acquisition of psionic strength points
also determined. A character with an IWC
of 14 begins with 140 psionic ability
points (70 psionic attack points and 70
psionic defense points): 14 × 10
= 140. At
second level, he would have 154 points
(14 × 11); at third level, 168 (14
× 12); and
so on. For purposes of this calculation,
round decimal fraction up; a Psionicist
with an IWC of 15.7 begins at first level
with 157 psionic ability points (78½
attack, 78½ defense); at second
level he
would have 173 points (15.7 × 11
= 172.7,
r o u n d e d t o 1 7
3 ) . I f h i s a b i l i t y
s c o r e s
change for any reason, then so would his
p s i o n i c a b i l i t y
. T h u s , t h e l o w e s t
p s i o n i c
a b i l i t y a n y
P s i o n i c i s t c o u l d b e g i n
w i t h
w o u l d b e 1
2 0 ( m i n i m u m I W C o f
1 2 × 1 0 ) ,
a n d t h e m o
s t h e c o u l d b e g i n
w i t h w o u l d
b e 1 8 0 : n o
t a v e r y i m p o s i n g
p s i o n i c
endowment, but adequate. However, at
12th level (Grand Master), when his abili
t y f a c t o r r e a c h e s i t s
m a x i m u m ( x 2 1 ) , t h e
r a n g e o f a
b i l i t y i s f r o m 1 5 2
( m i n i m u m
I W C o f 1 2
× 2 1 ) t o 3 7 8 ,
s l i g h t l y h i g h e r
t h a n the
upper limit of 344 f o r a P s
i o n i c
character (as described in the Players
H a n d b o o k ) .
A c q u i s i t i o n o f
a t t a c k / d e f e n s e m o d e s
and disciplines: Consonant
with the pursuits of a class devoted solely to psionics,
the Psionicist can eventually acquire all
the attack and defense modes of psionic
combat, and up to 10 minor devotions, 7
major sciences, and 3 grand arts (described
below in the section on
"Expanded psionics").
This acquisition
is gradual, level by level; the character
always begins with the mind
defense mode, as per the PH, then
one attack mode or one defense mode, in
alternating fashion, at every experience
level after 1st until the maximums (5 of
each) are reached. As the DM allows,
these can be gained in a random order or
by choice.
The same goes for acquisition of disciplines.
Either a minor devotion, a major
science, or one of the grand arts is
acquired upon attainment of a new experience
level. (But note that a minimum
IWC of 16 is required to practice the
grand arts.) Being a distinct class, the
Psionicist ignores the exclusions of various
disciplines to certain classes, and in
cases where classes vary in their ability
use a particular discipline (e.g.,
weaponry) always uses the most advantageous
listing. Note, however, that the
term "level of mastery" presents some
problems. The general
rule in the PH
says, "The level of mastery of any discipline
equals the level of experience of the
character who possesses it unless otherwise
specified." But that would mean that
a person who acquired a new discipline
at 5th level would automatically begin
exercising it at the 5th level of mastery.
makes more sense to alter the general rule
to say: The level of mastery of any
discipline equals the number of levels the
character has possessed that discipline,
unless otherwise specified. Thus,
a discipline acquired at 8th level is used at the
1st level of mastery until the character
attains 9th level, whereupon that discipline
is now used at the 2nd level of
In terms of level advancement and
tutoring, requirements for the Psionicist
should be adapted from the requirements
for magic-users where practical.
The Psionicist could
function well
within the parameters of the psionic
powers given in the AD&D
rules. But
much could yet be done to expand the
psionics system, and more disciplines are
needed to flesh out the Psionicist's
Table III: Additional psionic disciplines
Minor devotions | - |
23. | Lights |
24. | Rapport |
Major sciences | - |
19. | Wards* |
20. | Mental surgery |
Grand Arts | - |
1. | Amplification |
2. | Endowment |
3. | Power Transfer |
4. | Preservation* |
5. | Restoration |
6. | Severance* |
(Additional minor and major disciplines
are numbered in sequence
with the table
on p. 111 of the Players Handbook.)
23. Lights
Range: 3"
Strength Point Cost: l/turn
Duration: Time of concentration or
2 turns/level of mastery
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: See below
The use of
this discipline enables the user to duplicate
the effects of the spells faerie
dancing lights, and light
(as per the druid
and magic-user spells). The light
produced is shimmery and varies in color,
with each individual possessor having his
particular color; anyone may choose
white light if the ?individual color? is
not desired. The variation known as
handfire* resembles a ball of the
lights kind of light, although once
conjured, any Psionic character may move it
or control it at a cost of 1 point/round.
Extinguishing light from this discipline
costs 5 points if the one doing the extinguishing
is not the original conjurer, and
control of the light in a competitive situation
goes to the character who expends
the most strength points to achieve control.
Another function of this discipline is
the ability to light candles (from 1-12,
varying wih each exercise of the discipline)
at a cost of 1 point for each pair of
candles, rounding up (so that it costs
points to light 3 candles). This use of
discipline resembles molecular agitation,
in a way.
24. Rapport
Range: 3"
Strength point cost:
5/round (10/round if not touching)
Duration: Time of concentration
Saving throw: Neg.
Area of effect: 1 individual,
or see below
The basic
form of this discipline is a simple
Psionic-to-Psionic telepathy
that can be
shared by up to 6 individuals. Rapport
cannot be established with non-psionic
creatures, unless they are under the influence
of a psionic-related spell or device
(DM's judgment). Memories may also be
shared with this discipline. When using
this discipline for anything beyond the
basic (1st level of mastery) form, only
individual may be scanned or probed at
one time. The powers gained from this
discipline are cumulative as additional
levels of mastery are achieved.
First level of mastery: Basic rapport
described above.
Second: Rapid sharing
(A more sophisticated rapport where the information
shared is communicated in only onefourth
the time it would otherwise take,
or is up to 4 times more complex.)
Third: Detect lie (1
individual, saving
throw applies.)
Fourth: Mind scan (1
individual, saving throw applies; this usage supplies a
rapid check on superficial motives, intentions,
Fifth: Very rapid sharing
(As above for
2nd level of mastery, but extended to onetenth
the time or 10 times the
Sixth: Undetectable lie
(Check for each
hearer at -2 on saving throw.)
Seventh: Detect lie (1-4
with saving throw at -3 for 1 individual,
-2 for 2 individuals, -1 for 3 individuals,
or as usual for 4 individuals.)
Eighth: Mind probe (An
probe of 1 individual's mind, willing or
not; saving throw applies.)
19. Wards*
Range: 0
Strength point cost: 50 (plus special;
see below)
Duration: Until dispelled
Saving throw: None
Area of effect: Up to 10" radius hemisphere
from single user (up to 4 users
may cooperate; see below)
Of the various kinds of psionic warding and shielding, this is the most
powerful. It affects
an area around the user or a room, and
once invoked the user need no longer
concentrate upon it. Normally, that area
is defined by the Psionic's presence (a
diameter hemisphere centered on the
user) or the shape of the room, but if
user is employing a wards
major matrix
(see the magic item section later in this
article), the placement of those objects
defines the extent of the ward's
Up to 4 Psionic characters or creatures
may participate in setting wards.
can all contribute to the 50 psionic
strength points necessary to invoke one,
in which case the ward extends
for a 10?
radius around the user contributing the
most points. Or, if each user contributes
full 50 points and each is within 10? of
least one other user, they may overlap
their wards and thus extend
the area of
protection to 2, 3, or 4 times the radius
a single usage, centered on whichever
user is desired.
O n c e t h e ward
has been invoked, the
area of protection thus formed may be
opened only from the inside (costing 20
points to open, 20 points to close again)
unless enough power is concentrated
upon it (from outside or inside) to break
it. The user(s) who put up the ward
cancel the effect whenever desired, at
point cost. A ward invoked
without prior
preparation can be broken by the application
of three times the psionic strength
points used to invoke it (150 points for
single-user ward, 300 points
for one
formed by two users who spent 50 points
each, and so forth). If the area to be
warded (such as a room) has been previously
prepared by the user, then breaking it requires five times the strength
points used to create it. Preparation of
area costs 20 strength points, which must
be expended by each user, and this preparation
lasts for 24 hours before it must be
renewed. A ward formed with
the aid of a
wards major matrix cannot be broken
anything short of a wish spell.
The wards discipline is equivalent
effect to a protection from evil spell,
magic circle, or similar things for
keeping out undesirables. No living thing
can pass the circle except at the desire
the invoker (and after he spends 20
strength points to open the circle). In
addition, sound does not penetrate the
circle, nor can anyone eavesdrop on those
within it, or spy on them with clairaudience,
clairvoyance, the scrying of a
crystal ball, or by other magical
or psionic means. (Those inside can see out,
but the converse is not true.) The outer
surface of the ward hemisphere
appears as
a pale, shimmering light, rising to form
dome up to 10? high per each user setting
the wards. The color of the
light can be
keyed to one of the invokers (see the
lights discipline, above), or can
be an
almost-invisible white.
20. Mental
Range: Touch
Strength point cost:
Saving throw: Neg. (only
necessary if used on another person)
Area of effect: 1 individual
surgery is the ability to reach
into one's
mind or the mind of another and alter it
or cure it of an affliction. The functions
are listed according to the level of mastery.
First: Dispel
exhaustion -- As the 4th-level
illusionist spell, except that the
haste function does not apply. Cost
points per individual affected.
Second: Inhibition
-- Plants a behavior
pattern in an individual which that individual
must make a save against to overcome.
Cost 20 points per week of effect.
Third: Read
memories -- Saving throw
applies. This is a much deeper kind of
work than that mentioned under rapport,
above. Any of the subject?s general recollections
are open to the reader, at a cost of
10 points per age of a particular recollection
measured in months. (Scanning a
memory from six months in the past
would cost 60 points.) Major events from
the distant past can be scanned, but only
yield sketchy information, at a cost of
points per age of the memory measured
in years. Detailed examination or reading
of a hidden or shielded memory costs 50
points above and beyond the ?scanning?
cost, and can only be done once per day.
Reading memories occurs almost instantaneously,
and the subject of the reading
is not aware of what is taking place.
Fourth: Adjust memories --
Can cause
subject to forget or remember some fact,
or can construct a fake memory, at the
same costs as for reading memories.
Fifth: Feeblemind -- As the spell, permanent until removed. Cost 30 points.
Sixth: Cure insanity or feeblemind
Saving throw applies, otherwise permanent.
Cost 40 points.
Seventh: Cure psychic wound --
Effective against an injury of the variety
causd by psionic combat. Cost 50 points.
Eighth: Trigger -- Puts a "trigger"
the subject's mind, so that if it is tampered
with in a certain way, feeblemind
or death (as desired by the user of the
discipline) will occur. Cost 70 points.
1 . Amplification
R a n g e : 3 ?
S t r e n g t h p o i n t
c o s t : 1 0 / p e r s o n
D u r a t i o n : S p e c i
a l
Saving throw: Neg. (applies only to
unwilling subjects)
Area of effect: Up to six individuals
Explanation/Description: This is the
ability to augment psionic ability by tapping
the resources of non-psionic minds.
The subject(s), willing or not, are placed
in a deep, trance-like sleep which lasts
4-9 (d6+3) hours. If awakened before that
time, the subject(s) will be in a state
stupor, unable to function effectively.
While under the effects of the trance,
the mental energies of the subject(s) are
available to be employed by the user of
the amplification art. Each
point of intelligence, wisdom,
and charisma the subject possesses equates to 2 points of psionic ability.
The controller can use these
psionic strength points in any fashion
and at any rate he desires as long as he
within range of the subject(s).
The user of this discipline can choose
the amount of a subject?s psionic potential
to ?borrow,? expressing this choice as
a percentage of the subject?s total potential
(which may or may not be known by
the user). However, only up to 50% of a
subject?s psionic energy potential can
siphoned off during a single application
of the discipline without danger to the
subject. Using more than 50% of someone?s
psionic potential brings one of the
following consequences down upon the
subject (saving throw applies):
51-60% = temporary amnesia (2-12 wks.)
61-70% = permanent amnesia.
71-80% = subject feebleminded,
81-90% = subject in coma for 1-12 days,
must make a system shock roll
every day or die.
91-100% = death unless save is made,
in which case subject's
intelligence, wisdom,
charisma scores fall
to 3.
2. Endowment
Range: 0
Strength Point Cost:
Duration: Permanent
Saving throw: Success
(see below)
Area of effect: 1 individual
This art
enables the user to endow eligible non-psionics
with psionic power. An eligible
non-psionic must meet two criteria: He
must have at least two scores of 10 and
one score of 16 in intelligence, wisdom,
and charisma; and he must make a saving
throw (which, like all saving throws
involving psionics, includes the magical
attack adjustment for wisdom). If he
makes the saving throw, he becomes a
Psionic (as per the Players Handbook).
<(see: Psionic Ability, Attack
Modes, Defense Modes, and Psionic
If he fails the save, this indicates that
does not possess usable Talent and cannot
ever receive psionic powers.
Previous to the use of
Psionicist must mind probe the individual
(rapport, 8th level of mastery function)
to determine the proper "power ritual"
for the individual. The power ritual
will usually involves the acquisition of
one or two hard-to-get items peculiar to
the individual being endowed, and once
all preparations are complete, the ritual
itself will take 1 hour to perform. The
newly endowed Psionic immediately
reckons up his abilities and commences
his career as a Psionic, as per the PH.
Note that it is possible,
employment of this art, for a character
obtain psionic ability after he has already
advanced in experience levels, so that
5th-level character (for instance) who
just endowed would only have a single
minor discipline available, at the 1st
of mastery, as though the character was
only 1st level in experience. Except for
acquisition and mastery of disciplines,
psionic ability gained in this way comes
fully developed and ready to be used.
Endowment (The Forum, Dragon #81)
3. Power
Range: Touch
Strength point cost: Special
Duration: Permanent unless object is
Saving throw: Neg. (see below)
Area of effect: 1 object
Explanation/Description: This art is
used in the making of objects of
In principle, this is similar to making
magical items: the object to be empowered
must be of the finest quality, etc.
Once made, the object has qualities similar
to those of an unusual sword: semi-sentient, with ego and intelligence.
Empowering an object costs
strength points for every minor devotion
transferred to it; 200 strength points
every major science transferred to it;
300 strength points for every grand art
transferred to it. The physical object
must be of special manufacture, and will
cost 20,000-50,000 gp (at least) and take
from 40-400 days for the Psionicist to
complete. Beginning on the day after
completion of the manufacture of the
object and continuing day by day
thereafter, the Psionicist attempts to "send" a
particular discipline into it; the object
able to ?receive? as long as it makes a
saving throw equal to the Psionicist?s
own save vs. spells.
Prior to each daily power transfer
attempt, the object must be prepared for
the undertaking, at a cost of 50 psionic
strength points. An attempt to transfer
one power may be made each day following
completion of the item. During this
time, the Psionicist may do nothing else
beyond eating and sleeping: the fabrication
of the object consumes his whole
working attention. If a day goes by in
which no transfer attempt is made, or if
the transfer work is interrupted (by the
Psionicist, voluntarily, or by a failed
saving throw), then the object is finished as
it then is; no more powers may be transferred
into it.
When all of its possible abilities are
stored in an object of power,
it may be
?sealed? by an application of permanency
(see the preservation art,
under 5th level of mastery). If this is
done, either by the creator of the object
a different Psionicist, the item will lose
10% of its original psionic ability at
end of each full month of its existence
until it becomes powerless after 10
Upon completion, the object
has a psionic ability equal to half of the maker?s
ability score, an intelligence score equal
to its maker?s, and an ego score of 1 pt.
per minor devotion, 2 pts. per major
science, and 3 pts. per grand art (cumulative)
transferred into it. It might also have
one (25% chance) or two (10%) attack
modes; it will always have one defense
mode (but not necessarily mode F). It will
be very hard to destroy (-5 on all attacks
made or actions taken against it, +5 on
its saving throws).
Should the maker desire it, he can
render the object physically
except through some cataclysmic force.
This is done by channeling 400 psionic
strength points into it on the day prior
the application of permanency.
The object will have the exact alignment
its maker possesses at the time of
completion. Further, the maker will be
a b l e t o s e
n s e t h e p r e s e n c e o f
t h e object if
it is within 12?, and can command it
within a 3? range, even if it is in another?s
possession. If the maker?s will is resisted by the present possessor of
object, then the issue is resolved
by a
struggle for control between the
and its possessor. (For this purpose, the
ego of the object is
doubled when the
item is within 3? of its maker.) The
of power will attempt to overcome
possessor and make him turn the object
over to its maker.
If the object of power is destroyed,
its maker (if still living) suffers. The
destruction of a normal object of power will
cause its maker to immediately lose all
his psionic strength, stripping him of
power until he builds it up again, and
must also make an immediate system
shock roll. The destruction of a superhardened
object of power (one which was
protected by the expense of 400 strength
points, as above) will cause the permanent
loss of all psionic ability for the
maker, who will be killed and feebleminded
into the bargain.
An object that is engaged in
combat can be effectively destroyed if
strength is reduced to zero, but only if
powers have not been ?fixed? by the
application of permanency.
In such a
case, it will regain its power as
a psionically endowed individual would. If permanency has not
been placed upon it,
and its psionic strength is reduced to
then the object is drained
of power and
no longer functions (like a magic item
drained of charges).
The possessor of an object of
power, if
psionic himself, may add its strength
points to his own for the purposes of
stepping up his own power (as in multiple
psionic operations); or he may
employ the object?s power without
his own supply. Reference should be
made to the "Swords
vs. Characters" section of the DMG in moderating the use of
an object of power. If a non-Psionic
employing an object of power,
his use of
it largely depends on his ability to withstand
its combined ego and intelligence.
4. Preservation*
Range: Touch
Strength point cost: 50
Duration: Permanent, except for 1st
level of mastery
Saving throw: None
Area of effect: 1 individual or object
Explanation/Description: The grand
art of preservation is primarily
directed at
forestalling decay or preventing demise.
may be placed on oneself or on another.
Particular powers available to the user
depend on the level of mastery.
First: Preserve
a corpse or other dead
thing from decay (duration 24 hours).
Second: Trap soul in irretrievably dead body.
Third: Release soul trapped in irretrievably dead body or other object.
Fourth: Siphon
memories -- Can only
be done in the first 1-10 minutes after
subject dies, and only with 50% effectiveness
at most. Also, for every minute that
elapses after death before the siphoning
begins, 5% less of the subject?s memories
can be siphoned, so that after 5 minutes,
only 25% of all the subject's memories
be acquired in this way. Siphoned memories
become part of the taker (he becomes
that person, to a degree). Thereafter,
for a
time, he may outwardly present that person's
personality and memories, alignment aura, etc., instead of his own aura.
However, he must assimilate the
siphoned memories within one week. For
every 24 hours beyond this he delays, he
must make a system shock survival roll,
and he must make a saving throw vs.
spells when he does attempt to assimilate
the memories. Failing a system shock roll
means he dies; failing the saving throw
means he goes insane. Once the attempt
is made successfully, it takes 10-40 turns
to assimilate the siphoned memories,
after which time the "alternate aura" can
no longer be used.
Fifth: Permanency
-- As per the magic-user
spell; see the text for power
above, for an example of an application
of this discipline that is unique to
Sixth: Dispel permanency
-- Neutralizes
the effects of magical or psionic
Seventh: Dying
stasis -- Stops the process of dying; the soul/spirit is linked
the body (dead, but not irretrievably so)
and cannot venture more than 3? from
the corpse. This must be applied to the
body within one round (1 minute) after
death, or the soul will have vacated the
body and not be retrievable by this means.
A soul or spirit affected by dying
may not communicate with living beings,
except through speak with dead
or similar means. It is on the Prime Material
Plane, and can see other souls, spirits,
and necromantic phenomena on the same
plane. It is invisible to, and unnoticeable
by, living and corporeal creatures.
Eighth: Remove stasis
-- Cancels the
dying stasis effect. The ?dead? body
then be immediately healed/cured, or it
will truly die.
5. Restoration
Range: Touch
Strength point cost: 60
Duration: Permanent
Saving throw: Neg.
Area of effect: 1 person, creature, or
can be used in three ways.
The first way is
as the spell
of the same name, including
the deadline for efficacy -- 1 day/level
experience (mastery) of the Psionicist
doing the restoration. However,
Psionicist may expend 20 points per day
a f t e r t h e
d e a d l i n e t o e x t e n d i t
f u r t h e r . I n
a d d i t i o n , o b j e c
t s t h a t h a v e b e e n
b r o k e n ,
defaced, drained of magic, or polluted
may be restored (physical limitations:
object may not be greater than man-sized
a n d a p p r o x i m a t e
l y 2 0 0 l b s . w e i g h t ) .
T h e
s a v i n g t h r o w
d o e s n o t a p p l y t o
t h i s f u n c tion. It does apply to the second
which is the reverse of the first:
drain of a creature or object, as
the spell.
The third function has to do with the
home plane(s) of undead creatures. The
user of this discipline may force undead
(ghosts, wraiths, etc.) wholly into
or out
of the Prime Material plane, with
interesting results: a ghost?s AC is at
stake, a wight?s ability to drain levels,
etc., since these are tied to their dual
existence on other planes. The user himself
may also freely enter their half-worlds
and planes with no risk to himself
directly from the environment of the
plane. For instance, the Negative Material
Plane would utterly drain the life energy
of any Prime Material Plane native who
went there ? but not if the journey is
the use of this discipline: the Psionicist
will be as much ?at home? as the undead
that reside there, and can meet them on
common ground. This plane-shifting is
n o t permanent, and will last
12 hours, if
not cancelled sooner by shifting back
(costing another 60 points). Thus, undead
will revert to their normal dual-planar
existence, and the Psionicist will be
drawn back to where he came from after
12 hours.
Restoration (The Forum,
Dragon #81)
Range: Touch
Strength point cost: Special
Duration: Permanent until removed
Saving throw: Neg.
Area of effect: 1 individual
Explanation/Description: This discipline
is rather like a continuation of
mental surgery.
It is the ability to reach
into another?s mind and block the exercise
of certain mental powers. Use of this
discipline triggers a nexus in the mind
the victim or patient who fails his saving
throw, rendering the subject unable to
cast spells and/or use psionic powers.
Innate abilities such as laying on of
hands are also affected. A magic-user,
cleric, paladin, Psionicist, or other such
character who is/was capable of spell use
or the exercise of some sort of magical
mental power may have his abilities
severed to the extent that he becomes
simply a ?normal? person, retaining only
any non-magical and non-mental skills
related to class and level (?to hit?
bonuses, weapon proficiencies, etc.). A
character cannot advance in levels while
affected by severance. Strength
point costs
for specific applications of the discipline
are as follows.
Cleric/druid spell use: 30 points ×
level of spell use severed (for example,
blocking of the ability to use 3rd-level
spells would cost 3 × 20, or 60 points).
spell use: As
above, but costing 20 points x the level
spell use blocked.
Innate magical and/or
clerical abilities:
30 points per ability blocked.
Psionic ability: 80 points
to block the
use of any psionic strength points; also
forces the subject to act as a "defenseless
psionic" in any psionic combat situation.
Table IV: Representative magic items
affecting psionics or used with psionics
1. | Ring of wishes or luck blade |
2. | Book of exalted deeds |
3. | Book of vile darkness |
4. | Deck of many things |
5. | Helm of telepathy |
6. | Ioun stones |
7. | Pearl of wisdom |
8. | Sphere of annihilation |
9. | Talisman or Zagy |
10. | Tome of clear thought |
11. | Tome of leadership & influence |
12. | Tome of understanding |
13. | Vacuous grimoire |
14. | Various artifacts and relics |
15. | Shiral crystal* |
16. | Jerraman crystal* |
17. | Merasha* (potion) |
18. | Transfer portal* |
19. | Mind link medallion* |
20. | Wards major matrix* |
The above items either affect psionic
power or levels of experience or the ability
scores of characters. Also included are
new items, marked with asterisks, particulars
for which are given below.
crystal: These beautiful amber-colored
crystals have no innate magical
powers, but due to their crystalline structure
act as focussing agents for mental
energies concentrated upon them. Deep
meditation with a shiral crystal
the rate of recovery of psionic strength
points and halves the meditation time for
recovery of magic-user or cleric spells.
balls made of shiral operate at
+25% efficiency.
Small, GP: 500
Small, XP: 1,000
Large, GP: 2,000
Large, XP: 8,000
crystal: These brightly
colored stones have the ability to absorb
psionic or spell potential and then deliver
it back upon anyone triggering them.
They may also be timed to deliver their
psionic or spell power within 48 hours.
The user first infuses the crystal with
desired spell or psionic power. Then he
either times it or sets a trigger (such
going off when the first person enters
room), and leaves it. The jerraman
does the rest. However, the jerraman
cannot discriminate between events or sense
someone's or something's identity (it's
only a rock, at that), so there is the
possibility that a trap set for a thief might be
triggered by a bunch of giant
rats. The
DM is the final judge of what is reasonable
in terms of triggering events set by the
user of the jerraman crystal.
GP: 100
XP: 500
A potion much dreaded by all
who use psionic powers, merasha
has the
effect of deadening mental abilities. It
comes in two forms. A lesser preparation
mixed with a drink of wine or some alcoholic
beverage leaves a psionically
endowed person psionically defenseless
for 2-12 hours (though he will not know
it unless he attempts to use his powers
and finds they're gone). The full-strength
merasha, whether ingested or injected
any measurable quantity of one-quarter
ounce of more) has the effect of rendering
a psionically endowed person helpless:
his mind is confused (as per
the confusion spell),
his psionic powers are
blocked, his strength and dexterity
reduced to 3, along with a generally
stupefied state of mind. This lasts for
hours. Saving throws apply in both cases,
success indicating either no effect (lesser
potion) or half effect (greater potion).
The effect of either variety has a duration
of 2-8 hours per application. Merasha
used in healing as a major means of treating
psionic persons whose minds must be
sedated, but it is also a potent narcotic
capable of being used for mischievous
purposes. It has no effect on non-psionic
persons/creatures, unless they are of the
type that can use psionically related spells
or devices, in which case the effects of
potion will come into play if they use
those spell powers or devices any time
after the application of merasha,
its period of potency (2-12 or 4-16 hours,
depending on strength, saving throw
applies). Merasha is treated
as a poison
instead of a magic potion when a distinction
needs to be made.
GP, Lesser: 1,000
XP, Lesser: 500
GP, Greater: 5,000
XP, Greater: 800
portal: This is a common
means of getting places for psionically
endowed individuals. A transfer portal
constructed by means of the power
and teleportation disciplines, the
power being placed on an ordinary paving
stone or even a patch of ground. Such
a portal is invisible and can be covered
a thin layer of wood or fabric (but not
metal) and still function. It will teleport
(without error) up to 3 individuals from
this one to another portal.
The individual
using the portal need only
stand over the
prescribed spot and expend 10 psionic
strength points, and he and everything
is carrying will be whisked instantaneously
to another portal. However, he
must have seen at least a mental image
the destination portal in order
to go
there. Placing a ward over
a portal effectively negates that portal; an individual
cannot teleport to that portal,
and cannot
teleport away from it until and unless
ward is broken. Transfer portals
rank as
standard psionic items, and their destruction
will entail no ill effects for their
original maker, unless some unusual feature
has been built into them. They do
not require permanency to be
upon them, and they will last until
psionically or magically destroyed, since
they do not have any psionic strength of
their own: they are merely focal points
psionic energy. It costs 250 strength
points to destroy a portal.
GP: - - -
XP: - - -
link medallion: A simple device
created by a psionically endowed person,
a mind link medallion can be
any hard
metal object. The maker attunes the
medallion to himself by use of the
discipline (10 points cost) and at the
same time attunes it to another person.
Thereafter, either may contact and mindconverse
with the other while meditating.
The call of the device is weak, however,
unless another Psionic or Psionicist is
channeling energy through the device to
notify the other person of the need to
converse. A non-psionic using the device
cannot make it ?call? to another person.
Therefore, it is wise for the users to
pre-arranged times for contact. A third
party who comes into contact with the
device can use it to locate and identify
maker if he or she is probing it psionically
while the maker is receptive to its
call. The maker can disempower the
device (for 5 strength points) any time
is in his possession. It will last for
days otherwise.
GP: - - -
XP: - - -
major matrix: These are a collection of small cubes like
dice without
spots, 4 white and 4 black. When
arranged in the proper pattern and used
with the discipline of wards,
they form an
unbreakable ward, a shimmering
dome of
protection. The white and black cubes are
merged to form 4 grey oblong blocks
which are placed around the area to be
protected before the ward is
Thereafter, they define the circumference
of the protected area, which can be a circle
with a radius of up to 10?. As mentioned under the description of the
discipline above, this area can be
extended with the help of other psionicsusers.
The wards major matrix can be
used up to 10 times a month?
GP: 10,000
XP: 2,500
Value of new psionic items
Item | GP (sale) | Ex. pts. |
Shiral crystal, small | 500 gp | 1,000 xp |
Shiral crystal, large | 2,000 gp | 8,000 xp |
Jerraman crystal | 100 gp | 500 xp |
Merasha (lesser) | 1,000 gp | 500 xp |
Merasha (greater) | 5,000 gp | 800 xp |
Transfer portal | - - - | - - - |
Mind link medallion | - - - | - - - |
Wards major matrix | 10,000 gp | 2,500 xp |
... And the Deryni
makes three
Mention has been made
above to having
the two types of psionic-using characters
in play in the same campaign. The
Talent develops differently in different
people. For some (the Psionicists), it
comes slowly to flower, with much training
needed to realize its full potential. For
others (the Psionicists), it blossoms all
once. And there is yet a third type of
psionically endowed individual: the
Deryni. This race and some major personages
within it, taken from the books
of Katherine Kurtz, are detailed in a pair
articles accompanying this one.
<(The Deryni,
& Villains of the Deryni)>
1. SUBCLASS = n/a
20. COMBAT =
Discipline problem
Dear Editor:
I would like to congratulate you on the
issue of DRAGON #78. The articles on psionics
were well planned out and well written.
cleared up many problems and misunderstandings,
and the new class and its psionic powers
make a new and different type of character
(not a
The only question I have is this: Can a
person not of the psionicist class use
the major
and minor disciplines under Table III,
or are
those limited to that class only?
Chris Beck
Tucson, Ariz.
(Dragon #80)
Arthur Collins, the author of the article
on the
psionicist class, created the new disciplines
for that class -- "to flesh out the Psionicist
's abilities," as the article puts it.
But that
doesn't mean you can't consider them new
disciplines usable by any psionic character.
the whole psionics system is optional to
with, and the additions printed in the
are not official rules, you can pretty
much do
what you want, as long as it works for
From a rules-structure standpoint, there's
something to be said for including the
new minor
and major disciplines in the big list,
since that
brings the totals to 24 minor devotions
and 20
major sciences and makes random rolling
disciplines a little easier. Be advised,
though, as
with all of the material in DRAGON®
that anything you use from an article or
feature is
not a rule change that would be recognized
in any
official tournament or competition; you
won't be
able to go to an AD&D
Open Tournament (for
instance) and play a psionicist character,
or a
psionic character who knows the mental
discipline. Only when (and if) the information
an article is incorporated into an official
rule book
can it be considered "fair game" for tournament
play and other official activities.
-- KM
(Dragon #80)
Psionic repairs
Dear Editor:
A short note to pass on to you two corrections
that need to be made to my Psionicist article
First, on p. 27, the attack and defense
were reversed in Table II. The Psionicist
out with 1 defense mode (mind blank) and
attack modes; not, as printed, 1 attack
mode and
0 defense modes. The second paragraph on
28 states this correctly, but the table
had it
Second, on p. 32, the examples under Severance
got confused. The text reads "30 points
the level of spell use severed," so the
should say that "the blocking of the ability
to use
3rd-level spells would cost 3 x 30, or
90 points."
These are trivial, I know. And I must confess,
I?ve never had to send you a correction
before for
anything of mine you've published -- all
in all, a
very good track record!
Arthur Collins
Indianapolis, Ind.
(Dragon #80)
Dear Editor:
I'd like to point out (as I'm sure many
readers will) that Arthur Collins misinterpreted
the relation of psionic attack and defense
points to
ability points in his article (issue
#78). According
to the Players Handbook, 1 ability
point is
made up of 1 each of both attack and defense
points, i.e., 100 attack points and 100
points equal 100 ability points. As a result,
Psionicist class is vastly over-powered.
"Ability factor" multiplier in Table II
should be
halved to adjust the class's abilities
to more
reasonable levels. As they stand now, Psionicists
have twice as much power as they need.
Robert M. Schroeck
Princeton, N.J.
(Dragon #81)
I was surprised to get this letter — from
one of
the other authors who contributed to our
section in issue #78 — and even
more surprised
at what I uncovered after a little investigation.
I can't find a passage in the Players
section on psionics that backs up Robert’s
The text, in fact, says the opposite: “Psionic
ability is double psionic strength, . .
. One-half
of psionic ability is attack strength,
one-half is
defense strength.” In other words, Arthur
to be right, and Robert seems to be the
one with
the misinterpretation.
Well, that explains why no one else wrote
in to
tell us about Arthur Collins’ “mistake.”
Then I
checked out Robert’s article, “Overhauling
and discovered that he had incorporated
his misinterpretation into his manuscript
— and,
worse yet, we didn’t catch it. He says
that 25
points of psionic ability is equivalent
to 25 points
of attack strength and 25 points of defense
strength. Based on my understanding of
rules, that’s wrong. Fortunately, the error
ruin the reasoning behind Robert’s proposal
“overhauling the system”; all you have
to do to
make his suggestion consistent with the
rules is
change “25 points” to “50 points” in a
couple of
places, so that his hypothetical first-level
character is still endowed with 25 attack
and 25 defense points.
The Forum (Dragon #81)
The Psionicist articles (#78)
were very
well thought out and researched.
I have three comments/criticisms
the grand discipline of Restora-
I have no problem with the first two
abilities this grants, but
the power to force
undead to return to their
home planes did
not seem to fit. Semantics
aside, the de-
scription of this power does
not mesh with
the other two. It seems like
a very limited
combination of probability
travel with the
spells to return other-planar
creatures to
their home planes. This could
be fitted in
with the other two powers
if it were rewrit-
ten in the same vein as the
other two. As it
stands, it resembles Banishment
with a little
teleportation thrown in.
The second
point deals with the discipline
of Endowment.
This is an excellent render-
ing of the power-assumption
ceremonies in
the Deryni books. However,
there is an
easier way to test for the
possibility to as-
sume powers. Simply follow
the procedure
described in Camber
of Culdi and High
A potential test may be made by
using a shiral crystal. The
person to be
tested goes into a trance
under the direction
of the Psionicist. Then,
in that state, he or
she tries to make the crystal
glow. Simply
have the character roll the
save described
for Endowment. If the character
makes the
save, Endowment can be used
with no save
needed. If he or she fails
the save, there is
no need to waste the energy
it requires for
The third
point also deals with Endow-
ment. In the description
of this discipline, it
states that when a person
is Endowed with
psionic abilities, he or
she starts with one
minor discipline. This does
not correspond
with the books, but this
must be because of
game balance. I do not think
it would upset
game balance too much, though,
if the
person were to receive the
number of disci-
plines he or she would have
had at that
level. This would allow them
to gain several
abilities at once, rather
than having to wait
a lot longer to earn the
requisite number of
experience points to advance
another level.
At high levels, assuming
power would not
give the advantage that it
should, since it
takes so much longer to advance.
procedure is designed to
cure that.
William L. Collins
Sandwich, Mass.
Dragon #81
* * * *
Although I enjoyed the Psionicist
in issue #78,
I encountered a problem. If a
psionicist gains a discipline
such as Preser-
vation upon becoming a 20th
level Grand
Master, he can then attain
only a first level
mastery of that discipline.
In some disci-
plines, of course, level
of mastery makes no
difference; in cases like
this, however, there
is a very great difference.
There should be
some provision made for advancement
certain disciplines after
the psionicist be-
comes a Grand Master (20th).
Andrew R. Briggs
College Park, Ga.
(Dragon #81)
32 | Khaitai Ghentin (psionicist
4; 93.433)
31 | Ariel Anjelique (psychokineticist
2; 93.271)
30 | Fare Mirage (psionicist 5; 93.268)
Fare's Coat of Protection +1 (93.241)
29. Psionicist
28. Mellenea (psionicist 14; 92.732)
27. Woltor (psionicist 7; 92.476)
26. Endemian (psychokineticist 16;
25. Malto (psychometabolicist 12; 92.473)
24. Vierna (psionicist 5; 92.474)
23. Harlo Everwinter
22. Meari (psychometabolicist 15; 92.230)
21. Stelectra (psychoporter 5; 92.231)
Empower: The sword can be mightier than the pen.
Probe: We have ways of making you think.