Control Lycanthropes
Level: 6
Range: 6"
Duration: Special
Components: V, S, M
CT: 3 segments
ST: Neg
AE: Special

1 werebear or
weretiger, 1-2 wereboars, 1-3 werewolves
or wolfweres, 1-4 wererats, or 1 jackalwere
can be controlled by means of this
spell. Control of only 1 type of lycanthrope
may be attempted with any use of
this spell. If the lycanthrope is in human
form, the druid need not say what kind of
lycanthrope he is attempting to control,
but if lycanthropes of more than 1 type
are present in human form, only those of
one type (druid’s choice or choice at random
on basis of lycanthropic HD) will
be affected. Control lasts as long as the
lycanthropes continue to fail their saving
throws. A new check is made every night
during the week of the full moon (seven
nights); between full moons, control is
automatic. The effects of the spell are like
those of the 4th-level magic-user spell,
charm monster. In addition, the caster of
this spell can force lycanthropes under his
control into and out of wereform by
means of a simple command.

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins