If anyone enters by either pair of bronze
doors, a permanent
servant slams
them shut behind the visitors.
There can be no doubt that this huge
of red granite, lit by scores of flambeaux and pervaded by the odor of heated metal and sulfur, is the Fire Temple. The great doors of beaten brass reflect the leaping flames. Tapestries adorn the walls of the north (wider) section, depicting scenes of fire in evil form. Despite the many torches and flaming cressets, the air seems to carry motes of rust-colored luminescence, and the streaks of blue and mica flakes in the polished granite walls appear to leap and dance as if flames, caught within the rock. (a) A brass tube,
20' long and 2' in diameter, is suspended from the ceiling by
(b) (b)
To either hand, east and
<5 tapestries, 9 cubic yards each, 45# each: 88 gp, 116 gp, 89 gp, 94 gp, 63 gp, 71 gp>
Continue if the southern (main) Temple is
(b) (b)
A glance into the huge pots finds them
filled with some sort of glowing amber liquid. (c) At the south end
of the Temple
set in wrought
Before this altar is a fire pit of diamond shape, 10 feet long north-south
If a block of charcoal incense is placed in the
fire pit, it instantly bursts aflame, and the
tube — a great bell — sounds loudly, calling
the priests and indicating that faithful worshippers wish to sacrifice
to the Elemental
Evil of Fire.... The priests in area 205 certainly
respond to the noise, if still alive.
(c) Six skulls adorn
the apatite altar at the
south; each weighs 100 gp. The wrought
gold design on the altar can be pried
(weight 500 gp).
Anyone entering the deep fire pit by the
altar takes 4-24 points of fire
damage each
round (minimum 1-6 for even a touch)
unless magickally protected; no saving throw
applies. With magickal protection, the
intruder takes no damage the first round,
and only 1-6 points per round thereafter
(again, however, with no saving throw).
Items placed within the fire must be saved
for each round, and vs. fireball rather than
normal fire (due to the intensity of the heat).
When anything or anyone enters the fire pit,
the salamanders (see below) start to grow.
(b) (b)
The amber liquid in the great copper cauldrons
is fine scented oil with continual
in each. Approved supplicants are to fill a
bowl to pour upon (c)
the altar. If any material
other than copper touches the oil, a salamander
appears in the cauldron, igniting the
oil and causing a wave of heat that inflicts 2-
12 points of fire damage on
each victim
within 5 feet; the salamander then attacks
the defiler of the "unholy oil."
If (c) the altar is
touched prior to pouring the
golden oil upon it, a sheet of flame expands
out 5 feet from the altar in all directions,
inflicting 10 points of fire damage
to each
victim (no saving throw). This causes a
magick mouth on the central skull
to bellow
clerics and guards nearby (if any).
If oil is poured upon the altar, a magick
mouth on the central skull speaks in common, commanding that the faithful
offer major sacrifice. At this, the flames of
the fire pit leap higher, each appearing as a
miniature salamander. Visitors must now
either depart or make a sacrifice, placing a
valuable treasure (worth 500 gp or more) or
living creature in the <deep> fire pit, and leaving it
there until destroyed. Failure to sacrifice
causes salamanders — 16 of them! — to
grow to full size in 4 rounds. However,
only 4 salamanders are real; the others
are mirror images.
Salamanders (4): AC 5/3, MV 9",
HD 7 + 7,
hp 44, 41, 40, 37, #AT 2, THACO 12, D 1-6/2-12
(spear and constriction), <2 spears,
2 ox tongue spears>
SA 1-6 heat damage added to each attack,
SD + 1 or better weapon to hit;
XP 1265, 1235, 1225, 1195
(Total XP: 4920) (5200)
The salamanders cannot MOVE or attack
until they reach full size, but thereafter can
even leave the fire pit to take appropriate
actions. Each has a spear of red-hot bronze.
The fire in the <deep> fire pit is magickal and of
evil nature. Water only causes steam
vapor to arise from the coals, effectively
causing a wall of fog filling the
south Temple
AREA and lasting 1 round per gallon of
water applied. Holy water quenches
cubic foot of burning coals per vial, but
unless all the coals are so quenched, the
dead portion flames again 1 TURN later.
<how many cu. ft. of burning coals?>
<Before this altar is a fire pit of diamond shape, 10 feet long
north-south and 8 feet broad.
It appears to be several feet deep, and its bottom is covered with
glowing hot coals.>
<10x8x2(?) = 160 cubic feet?>
A pyrotechnics spell may be applied
effect, using up the coals in producing the
effect, but the coals gain a saving throw of
20 minus the level of the caster; for example,
a roll of 16 or better would resist such an
effect from a 5th level caster. If the saving
throw is successful, the spell has no effect.
Affect normal fires likewise
has no effect if
used to reduce the flames, but if used to
enlarge the fire, the coals burn brightly for
4 rounds and then become absolutely
cool for another 4, after which they burst
into glowing heat once again.
Beneath the glowing coals of the <deep> fire pit is
a locked iron box; however, it cannot
found until after 5-8 rounds of SEARCHING,
detect magic or other magickal
aid notwithstanding. The box is trapped with a scythe
blade; when any item is lifted from the bottom of the box, the razor-sharp
blade neatly
cuts through anything (no saving throw).
Any item struck is ruined; a hand thus
removed may only be replaced by application of a regenerate
In the box are 2 potions of fire
resistance, (XP: 250, 250)
a ring of fire resistance,
and (XP: 1000)
a longsword that does not
The latter is, however, a
frost brand +3/+ 6 vs. fire creatures. (XP: 1600)
It is Lawful Good (Int
16, Ego 17) and speaks common,
red dragon, and salamander;
its primary
powers are detect evil, detect
magic, detect
shifting walls and rooms, and it has an
extraordinary power of levitation.
(Also, see the
DMG, pages 166-168, for more
details. ) <alt> <levitate, or, levitation?>
<the base XP for a frost brand is listed at 1600. this should be higher for an unusual sword -- in the meantime, i would add 400 XP there, at least>
<this room's description needs to be revised a bit, the desciption
should have been sectionalized into the areas (a), (b), (c), as denoted
on the map>
<i've made an attempt to do this, but i am not sure if it correct
-- please check this>
<what is not well-defined is the location of the brass tube, and
the fire pit>
<right now, if i had to take a guess, i would guess that the brass
tube is at loc. (a), and that the fire pit is 10' north of the altar of
sacrifice (c)>