Amedio Jungle


C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
World of Greyhawk

RESOURCES: foodstuffs, rare woods, spices, ivory,
platinum, gems (III, IV)

Little is known of the Amedio Jungle, except that it is
inhabited by tribes of cannibal savages -- some purportedly
of Suloise extraction or admixture. Expeditions
have sometimes returned with considerable
wealth and tales of mines where gems abound. A
large lake is reportedly the gathering place for the
savage tribes when ready for warfare and raiding.
Contact has been through various of the Sea
Princes. Amedio savages employ the following weapons:
darts, javelins, spears, clubs, shortbows. Some
natives use blowguns, a 5' to 7' long hollow tube
which guides a breath-propelled wooden sliver coated
with poison from 10 to 30 yards (though 30 yards is
certainly long range). They cannot penetrate armor,
however, so are dangerous only to persons with
exposed flesh. Poison is used commonly, but generally
is weak.
Dice Roll Encounter
01-10 Dakon
11-15 Gibberlings
16-20 Men, Patrol, Slaver
21-30 Men, Tribesmen
31-45 Men, Tribesmen (cannibals/headhunters)
46-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables

2 Dragon, Green
3 Bloodthorn
4 Grippli
5 Ettercap
6 Baluchitherium
7 Ophidian
8 Kobold
9 Baboon
10 Boar, Warthog
11 Flightless Bird
12 Elephant, African
13 Ogre
14 Beetle, Giant Rhino
15 Jaguar
16 Basidirond
17 Buckawn
18 Forester's Bane
19 Choke Creeper
20 Stego-centipede


Ecology Fund

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle