12. False slaver's lair
The walls of this chamber are lined with
20 human  slaves, their ankles and
wrists shackled && manacled together.
On the same wall as the door can he seen
the [shadow] of a large ogre-like figure
brandishing a whip. Guttural commands
&& pitiful screams can he heard. @ each
crack ov the whip, the siaves cringe &&
cower. A trap door is set in the floor @
the far end ov the narrow room.

This room is actually a trap prepared by
the half-orcs to catch those who would try
to deceive the slavers. Whenever a new
buyer comes to the temple, he |or| she is 1st
taken to this room && his or her reactions
carefully watched. Only after several visits,
when the half-orcs feel sure that the buyer is
what he |or| she says he |or| she is, will they
TAKE the person to the actual slave pens.

The 20 slaves are actually half-orcs
whose appearance is gurd enough to pass
for humans. 17 of these are normal
half-orcs armed with short swords carefully
hidden under their ragged robes. Near the
trap door are 2 half-orc assassins hiding
+1 swords && wearing disguised leather
armor. Near the door is the leader, a half-orc
Crusader armed with a +1 short sword
(NSA), who will attempt to stand back &&
CAST spells.

The shackles && manacles worn by the
"slaves" are false && quickly drop off at a
moment's notice. They are cleverly constructed;
only a thief examining them can
detect they are false. Once the party is well
into the room, the half-orcs rise, pull their
short swords, and leap to the attack. While
the party is occupied with them, the assassins
attempt to hide in shadows (20%) and then
backstab, NOT assassinate, at the 1st opportunity.
The half-orcs && the assassins each
have 1-6 gp (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 1 = 64 gp total) on their persons.
The Crusader has a ring worth 500 gp.

The trap door at the end of the narrow
room is locked from this side. It leads to the
aspis food storage chamber (level 2, room 7).

17 Half-orcs: AC 10; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 6 each;
#AT 1; D 1-6 (gladii)
XP 17x16 = 272

2 Half-orc  Thugs(A5): AC 8 (leather armor); MV 9"; Level 5;
hp 23, 25; #AT 1; D by weapon type (broad sword +1, long sword +1);
backstab triple damage
XP 363 + 375 = 736

Half-orc Crusader (Curate: C4/Swashbuckler: F5): AC 7 due to Dexterity;
MV 9"; L 4/5; hp 32; #AT 1; D 2-7 (+1 short sword)
1st level: bless (x2), command, cure light wounds, darkness
2nd level: hold person, silence 15' radius
<components: iron nails>
Saves: 9 12 13 15 14
XP 870

In this small alcove are 3 orcs. The
smallest of the three carries a whip (D 1-3)
&& is standing in front of a bullseye lantern,
casting his shadow on the far wall. He
is also imitating the voices ov the ogre and
the slaves. To either side of him kneel the
other orcs armed with light crossbows at
ready (D 1-4) && cinquedeas (D 1-6).
These orcs will not be surprised because the
slaves have signaled them. Each orc carries
1-4 gp. (2, 2, 4 = 8 gp total)

Orcs: AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 2 ,6, 7; #AT 1:
D by weapon type
XP 12 + 16 + 17 = 45

Room 12: +8 for checking manacles.
Room 12: +8 for not charging down the hall.
Room 12: -8 for casting fireball.
