35. Markessa’s Private Chambers
This room is a luxurious bed chamber,
richly outfitted with costly furniture, 
<pegs, wood billets, medium rug, altar, bunks, mat>
expensive tapestries, and brightly colored <Tapestries, DMG>
carpets. There is a curtained alcove
in the southwestern corner of this room,
draped with white velvet. There is a
canopied bed, a blanket chest at the foot
of the bed, a wardrobe, 2 ornate
chairs, and 3 small tables, 1 holding
a basin and pitcher for washing.
There is also a small fireplace.

This is Markessa's private quarters. If she
has escaped from room 22 and is still alive
she will be sitting in the curtained alcove in
front of a dresser with a mirror, combing her
hair or bandaging her wounds. She will be
armed && armored as given in area 19. Note
that she will not have available any thrown
darts, and will not have rememorized any
spells used. Markessa has a wand of magic
missiles with 12 charges left in it on the
dresser and there is a pinch of dust of disappearance
on her powder puff. If the party
attacks her she will use the dust of disappearance
to turn invisible and attack with her
wand. Attacking while invisible from dust of
disappearance will not cancel her invisibility.
She will then MOVE to the fireplace and FLEE
out the secret entrance.

The mirror or the dresser will, upon cornmand,
show what is occurring in room 30 as
seen by the painting there. The blanket
chest holds 2 down-filled pillows and a
fur cover worth 300 gp.

Embedded into the south wall behind the
bed curtains is a wall safe. The safe has a
poison needle trap in the lock. Inside the
<Open Locks, PH> <Find And Remove Traps, PH>
safe is a metal box containing a gold and
ruby necklace worth 1,400 gp, a matching
pair of earrings worth 600 gp, and a stickpin
with the leering face of a gargoyle with 2
ruby eyes worth 75 gp. When the head of
the stickpin is pressed a drop of very toxic
poison will form at its tip (save vs. Poison at
-4 or die, if pricked). There is also a velvet
purse holding 50 pp and 3 sapphires
worth 150 gp each.

Hidden behind a secret panel (treat as a
secret door) in the back of the safe are
Markessa’s 1st and 2nd level spell books. The
1st contains the spells magick missile, protection
from good, and shocking grasp. The
2nd contains scare, wizard lock and
darkness 15’radius.

Behind the fireplace on the east wall is a
secret door opened by adjusting the flue
with a poker. When the secret door is
opened the wooden chandelier on the ceiling
will come crashing to the floor to distract
attention. The fireplace will then swing out
into the room revealing the secret passage
beyond it. This is Markessa‘s ESCAPE tunnel
if she is pursued to her chambers.
