The Savant:
A Q&A character for the AD&D® game
By Vince Garcia

Background and purpose Prerequisites Armor and arms Magical items allowed Explanation of skills
Explanation of special abilities Savants, sages, and sage skills Humankind Humanoids and giantkind Fauna
Supernatural and unusual Demihumankind Physical universe Flora Savants and spells
Dragon - Classes - Dragon 140

B a c k g r o u n d   a n d   p u r p o s e
The savant is either a cleric or magicuser with a special dedication to scholarly
pursuits. While not specifically a separate
character class, the savant may be taken
as a special split-class available to magicuser or clerical classes and subclasses.

Clerical savants:  Within the structure of
a large religious order are a unique few of
the priesthood whose duty is to assist the
church hierarchy in matters of decisionmaking through the knowledge possessed
in their fields of expertise. On other occasions, these savants may function as
church representatives, journeying to
distant affiliated churches to deliver hierarchical pronouncements, perform exorcisms, or stand at the forefront of conflicts
affecting others worshipping his deity.

A PC savant is likely to be been assigned
to strive against some sort of threat to the
well-being of fellow worshipers, or for
some other DM-determined purpose (conversion potential, extra tithes, information
on a lost clerical artifact, etc.). This savant
is thus most often introduced into a party
of adventurers through a cleric or paladin
already ingratiated with the group, who
serves the same deity or temple. It is possible that the entire fellowship may in fact
be sponsored by the savant?s parent order.

Magic-user savants:  The magic-user
savant is not as restricted as his clerical
counterpart. In his case also, the key function is to specialize in certain fields of
knowledge ranging from a practical experience in fashioning potions or scrolls to
those of an encyclopedic nature. While he
may exist as part of a wizards' guild, fulfilling much the same function as a clerical
savant, the magic-user savant may also
begin his career by serving an apprenticeship under a guild sage or savant, and
later separate to undertake his own magical studies while retaining an active interest in broadening his knowledge of the
world and its many arcane mysteries.

P r e r e q u i s i t e s
Savants may be human, elven, or halfelven, and may be of any alignment. They
may not be multiclassed (in effect, they
are). Minimum ability requirements are
listed as follows: dexterity 16, intelligence
15, and wisdom 14. Savants receive a 10%
bonus to experience if all three scores
exceed 15.

Armor and arms
Savants are limited to the armor and
weaponry allowed to their primary class.
They do not receive extra weapon/nonweapon proficiencies or penalties for the
added savant class. They also attack and
make saving throws as applicable to the
primary class.

Magical items allowed
Savants may use those magical items
allowed to their primary class. They also
may attempt the reading of all scroll types,
based on their talent to read languages. In
addition, they may read all books and
librams, receiving experience point benefits as listed in Table 1 (in addition to those
normally granted the primary class, if
applicable). Note that a savant, by virtue of
his class, avoids any detrimental effects
from the reading of these works normally
applicable to a nonsavant.

Table 2 lists experience point totals,
levels, and titles for the savant class. While
characters gain no extra hit points from
the savant class, they do not suffer hitpoint penalties. Experience points, however, must be divided equally between the
classes. Savants of both sorts are limited to
a maximum experience level equal to that
possible for the primary class.
Savants need not be trained by a higher level savant to advance in level. The funds
and time used in level advancement, however, are assumed to be spent on the
acquisition of reference tomes and on spell

Savant skills and spells are listed in Table
3. Additional spells not listed in any of the
AD&D® game books are given in Table 4
and explained in the text. All spells are
provided in addition to the spells acquired
from the savant?s primary class. Savant
skills are also listed, along with areas of
may not be multiclassed (in effect, they
are). Minimum ability requirements are
listed as follows: dexterity 16, intelligence
15, and wisdom 14. Savants receive a 10%
bonus to experience if all three scores
exceed 15.

Armor and arms
Savants are limited to the armor and
weaponry allowed to their primary class.
They do not receive extra weapon/nonweapon proficiencies or penalties for the
added savant class. They also attack and
make saving throws as applicable to the
primary class.

Magical items allowed
Savants may use those magical items
allowed to their primary class. They also
may attempt the reading of all scroll types,
based on their talent to read languages. In
addition, they may read all books and
librams, receiving experience point benefits as listed in Table 1 (in addition to those
normally granted the primary class, if
applicable). Note that a savant, by virtue of
his class, avoids any detrimental effects
from the reading of these works normally
applicable to a nonsavant.

Table 2 lists experience point totals,
levels, and titles for the savant class. While
characters gain no extra hit points from
the savant class, they do not suffer hitpoint penalties. Experience points, however, must be divided equally between the
classes. Savants of both sorts are limited to
a maximum experience level equal to that
possible for the primary class.

Savants need not be trained by a higherlevel savant to advance in level. The funds
and time used in level advancement, however, are assumed to be spent on the
acquisition of reference tomes and on spell

Savant skills and spells are listed in Table
3. Additional spells not listed in any of the
AD&D® game books are given in Table 4
and explained in the text. All spells are
provided in addition to the spells acquired
from the savant?s primary class. Savant
skills are also listed, along with areas of
the savant?s specialized knowledge and

Explanation of skills
Read languages:  This skill allows the
savant to grasp a basic understanding of a
text written in an unfamiliar language. It
should be noted, however, that successfully rolling the skill does not confer a discernment of the text equal to that of
linguistic fluency; rather, the savant comprehends the overall meaning of the passages ? main verbs and nouns, for
instance. If the savant also possesses a
specialty category in linguistics, he is then
able to correctly decipher the manuscript
following a period of reference work (1-4
days, as a general rule). Note that this is
true only if the initial  read languages  roll
was successful and if the savant has access
to his (or someone else's) library.

It is also through this skill that the
savant is able to decipher and read magical scrolls from classes other than his
primary one (akin to the thief's skill). His
base chance of success is modified downward by 5% for each level of the spell
inscribed on the scroll. If the roll is failed,
normal repercussions result.

Legend lore:  In no way is this skill a
substitute for detect  magic  or  identify.
This skill is limited to recognizable objects
with notable histories, or to legendary
people or places. It indicates that the
savant is aware of the general history of
the object. For example, a savant makes
his roll when examining a magical sword
and realizes this sword belonged to Goth
the Paladin, who disappeared 10 years
earlier on a quest to recover the  Mace of
Cuthbert.  According to legend (which isn?t
always accurate), the sword was a holy
blade of great power, and had special
potency against dragons. In another example, the savant?s party has discovered an
ancient temple in a swamp. Examining
some of the inscriptions and paraphernalia
found, the savant concludes that this was
once an important temple abandoned
when a ceremonial conjuration spell went
awry, releasing a great evil.


Table 1
Experience Gained from Magical Books
                                        Experience points gained:
Magical book Proper alignment Improper alignment
Book of exalted deeds 4,000 - 16,000 1,000 - 4,000
Book of vile darkness 3,000 - 12,000 2,000 - 5,000
Libram of gainful conjuration 4,000 - 24,000 2,000 - 12,000
Libram of ineffable damnation 5,000 - 20,000 2,000 - 8,000
Libram of silver magic 6,000 - 36,000 4,000 - 16,000

Table 2
Savant Experience
Experience points Experience level Level title: Cleric Level title: Magic-user
0 - 2,500 1 Novice Student
2,501 - 5,000 2 Delver Reader
5,001 - 10,000 3 Seeker Searcher
10,001 - 25,000 4 Expositor Tutor
25,001 - 50,000 5 Minister Instructor
50,001 - 80,000 6 Inquisitor Researcher
80,001 - 115,000 7 Adviser Examiner
115,000 - 155,000 8 Theologian Scholar
155,001 - 205,000  9 Oracle Philosopher
205,001 - 280,000 10 Savant Savant
280,001 - 380,000 11 Savant Savant
381,001 - 500,000 12 Savant Savant
500,001 - 650.000 13 Master Savant Master Savant

200,001 experience points per level above 13th.

Explanation of special abilities
The following special abilities are listed
by level in Table 3. These abilities are
available to both types of savant and are
limited as described in each entry.

A. Beginning at 1st level, and every four
levels thereafter, the savant gains fluency
in a language of his choice. Any human or
demihuman tongue is included in this
(Egyptian, Dwarvish, etc.). If the savant
seeks to learn a monster language, two
language proficiency slots must be used.

B. At 1st level, the savant possesses a
specialty category within his required
major: theology and myth for clerical
savants, or legends and folklore for magic-user savants. The initial knowledge level
of these specialty categories is fixed at
20%. Beginning at 2nd level, and every
other level thereafter, the savant may
increase his knowledge level in this or
another specialty category by 10% (to
99%, rather than 100%). At his option, the
savant may otherwise acquire another
such category within one of his majors.

C. At 1st level, the savant begins campaign play with a knowledge level of 30%
in a single sage major  (see Dungeon Masters Guide,  pages 31-33 for more details).
For either type of savant, this sage major
must be humankind for humans, or demihumankind for elves; half-elves may choose either. Starting at 3rd level, and
every three levels thereafter, the savant
may increase his knowledge in this or
another sage major by 10% (to 99%).

D. Beginning at 6th level, and every six
levels thereafter, the savant may choose a
new sage major with a base knowledge
level of 20%, or he may add 10% to his
knowledge of another major or specialty
category of his choice (to 99%).

Savants, sages, and sage skills
As mentioned earlier, one of the primary
functions of the savant is to act as a reference specialist, offering the benefit of his
knowledge to his superiors as it relates in
matters of decision-making. This position
differs somewhat from that of a sage, who
may frequently work with the savant, for
while the savant is a ?walking encyclopedia,? the sage often forsakes learning the
arcane processes of magic to perfect his
knowledge in a few select areas. The
savant therefore occupies a middle ground
between spell-caster and sage, offering up
his acumen in relation to his particular
spell-casting class. Thus, regardless of
level, the savant rarely occupies a position
of ultimate control over any collective
body apart from the savants or possibly
the sages. Diagrams 1 and 2 represent two
possible heirarchical positions held by the
savant within a church or wizards? order.

It will be noted that sages are absent
from the clerical structure. In the majority
of cases, they are found only operating for
and within a wizards? guild, with clerical
savants alone filling the roles of both
savant and scribe. An example of this type
of situation takes place in the FORGOTTEN
REALMS setting, wherein an organized
group of savants operates out of the city
of Ravens Bluff, hiring themselves out for
those in need of their talents.

The major fields of savant knowledge
and the specialty categories within them
can be quite varied. A listing and brief
description of these follows. This list may
be added to or have entries deleted by the
DM at his discretion.

This subject includes general knowledge
of human culture and behavior.

Art and music:  This topic comprises a
general knowledge of human artwork and
music. At the player's discretion, this
specialty field may be narrowed to knowledge of one particular group's art and
music (such as a certain nation, tribe, etc.).
The narrowed skill would also include a
rudimentary ability to perform with
instruments common to the specific culture (though certainly not even approaching the talent of a bard).

Demography:  This field provides a general knowledge of where assorted human
races may be found.

History:  This field provides a general
knowledge of human history.

Languages:  This skill is indicative of a
talent to reference and decipher written
human languages. It is not a substitute for
language fluency.

Law and customs:  This skill represents a
general familiarity with human legal systems and customs. As an option, this skill
could be narrowed to include detailed
knowledge of this sort of information for
one particular area or people.

Linguistics:  This skill includes the talent
to grasp the basics of the human spoken
word. Once again, it does not substitute
for true linguistic fluency, but it does
allow the character to grasp a rudimentary understanding of certain key words
and phrases after two to eight hours of
contact with a willing subject.

Legends and folklore:  A character with
this skill has made a study of humankind's
various myths and legends.

Theology and myth:  This skill indicates a
general study of humankind's religions
and well-known myths surrounding major
deities. This skill further imparts a basic
understanding of various religious taboos.

Humanoids and giantkind
This field includes a general knowledge
of humanoid monsters (orcs, trolls, etc.)
and true giants. For more information on
these subjects, see the skill listed under
? H u m a n k i n d . ?

Biology:  In addition to 'humankind' skill
knowledge, this skill imparts a rangerlike
understanding of the vulnerable areas of
giant-class humanoids, giving a damage
bonus of +1 per savant level when making either physical or magical attacks (if a
roll against the skill is successful).

D e m o g r a p h y
H i s t o r y
L a n g u a g e s
Law and customs
Legends and folklore

This topic includes a general knowledge
of animals and some monsters. These
categories are listed below. Knowledge of
these creatures includes details of relative
strengths and abilities, weaknesses, habitats, mating habits, gestation periods, and
other related information similar to the
general, nonmechanical (i.e., hit points,
armor classes, etc.) game data provided in
the "Ecology of" articles.

Amphibians:  This field includes amphibious animals and monsters.

Arachnids:  This topic covers all varieties
of spiders.

Avians:  This category covers flying animals and monsters, including naturally airborne humanoids and demihumans.

Cephalopods and echinoderms:  Cephalopods includes squid, octopi, and so forth;
echinoderms includes starfish, sea
urchins, etc.

Crustaceans and mollusks:  Crustaceans
includes crabs, lobsters, and so forth;
mollusks includes all varieties of shellfish.

Icthyoids:  This category includes waterborne humanoids such as sahuagin, mermen, and so forth.

Insects:  This category includes all
insects, insectoids, and related creatures.

Mammals:  This category includes all
mammalian animals and monsters, but not
humanoids or demihumans.

Marsupials:  This topic includes kangaroos, wombats, and other pouched

Reptiles:  In addition to nonmonster and
monster reptiles, this category includes
reptilian humanoids, such as lizard men.

Supernatural and unusual
This field includes a general knowledge
of supernatural and occult phenomena.

Astrology and numerology:  This field
allows the savant to perform the equivalent of an  augury  spell. Note that the base
success figure is equal to the savant?s skill
(unlike the spell)

Calligraphy:  With this skill, the savant is
granted the abilities of a scribe, including
the talent to fashion scrolls of any sort ?
including those that cannot normally be
cast through either of his classes. To do so,
research must first be made as if the
savant were a character of the proper
class (equal in level to the savant) attempting to independently create the particular
spell. Note that the savant?s ability to later
read these scrolls is tied to his  read languages  skill as outlined earlier. In no way
does this successful research allow the
savant to actually cast the spell ? it only
allows him to write a scroll of it.

Cryptography:  This skill allows the
savant to decipher runes and symbols
such as those found upon a treasure or
merchant's map.

Dweomercraft:  With this skill, the savant
may note the magical properties of an
item. This discovery requires a period of
study and analysis of approximately one to
four weeks. If the roll is failed, the study
time is still spent. In this instance, the
savant may not attempt a second research
of the item.

Medicine:  This skill includes the abilities
of the biology skill but further allows the
savant the knowledge of how to cure
nonmagical diseases and poisons (DM?s
discretion on whether the character may
have access to the required materials).


Planes (Astral, Elemental, and Ethereal):
This field of study grants the savant a
general knowledge of the conditions and
inhabitants of the Outer planes.

Table 3
Savant Skills and Spells *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spells gained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (level and number)
Level Read Languages Legend Lore Special abilities ** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 30% 20% A 1 - - - - - -
2 35% 20% B 1 - - - - - -
3 35% 25% C 2 - - - - - -
4 40% 25% B 2 - - - - - -
5 40% 30% A 2 1 - - - - -
6 45% 30% B, C, D 2 1 - - - - -
7 45% 35% - 2 1 1 - - - -
8 50% 35% B 2 2 1 - - - -
9 50% 40% A, C 3 2 1 - - - -
10 55% 40% B 3 2 1 1 - - -
11 55% 45% - 3 2 1 1 - - -
12 60% 45% B, C, D 4 3 2 1 - - -
13 60% 50% A 4 3 2 1 1 - -
14 65% 50% B 4 3 2 2 1 - -
15 65% 55% C 4 3 2 2 1 - -
16 70% 55% B 4 3 2 2 2 1 -
17 70% 60% A 4 3 3 2 2 2 -
18 75% 60% B, C, D 4 4 3 3 3 2 1
19 75% 65% <blank> 4 4 3 3 3 2 2
20 80% 65% B 4 4 4 3 3 3 2
21 80% 70% A, C 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
22 85% 70% B 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
23 85% 75% <blank> 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
24 90% 75% B, C, D 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
25 90% 80% A 5 5 4 4 4 4 4
26 95% 80% B 5 5 5 5 4 4 4
27 95% 85% C 5 5 5 5 5 4 4
28 99% 85% B, D 5 5 5 5 5 5 4
29 99% 90% A 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Planes (Outer):  This field of study grants
the savant a general knowledge of the
conditions and inhabitants of the outer

This field includes a general knowledge
of demihumans (elves, dwarves, etc.). For
more information on these subjects, see
the skill listed under ?Humankind.?

Art and music
D e m o g r a p h y
L a n g u a g e s
Law and customs
Legends and folklore
T h e o l o g y   a n d   m y t h

Physical universe
This field of knowledge includes a general understanding of the physical laws of
the universe (magnetism, gravity, thermodynamics, etc.).

Alchemy:  This skill represents the character's training in the secrets of alchemy and the transmutation of materials. In a
practical sense, the character may attempt
to change materials from one form to
another in accordance with the following

1. Elements can be transmuted one
factor higher or lower on the Periodic
Table of Elements (see your handy dictionary). Thus, platinum or mercury could be
transmuted to gold, but neither could be
converted to copper. At the DM?s option,
the factors can be increased beyond one.

2. The amount of transmutable material
is equal to 1 lb./level.

3. The cost is 1 gp/lb.

4. The time necessary equals 1 day/lb.
Other transmutations may be possible
based on the DM's discretion. Also included is the ability to fashion all sorts of
potions, including those normally denied
the primary class  (healing  for an illusionist,  polymorph self  for a cleric, and so on).

Astronomy:  This skill includes a knowledge of the stars, allowing the savant to
both navigate and note the passage of time
if conditions allow a clear view of the sun
or night sky.

Chemistry:  The savant with this skill can identify and create chemical materials
such as acids, metallic poisons, smoke-puff
grenades, incendiary fluids, etc.

Geology and mineralogy:  This skill
grants the savant the talent of identifying
and refining precious metals from crude
ores. Further, the savant may be considered familiar with underground conditions, and can note such things as gas
pockets, unstable rock areas, etc.

Meteorology and climatology:  This skill
allows the savant to determine weather
conditions with full accuracy for the next
24 hours, with partial accuracy for the
next 72 hours. A savant in possession of
this skill who conjures forth an air elemental by use of a spell may roll against his
knowledge level to bring the elemental
into willing submission without the need
for a periodic check for control loss.

Oceanography:  A savant with this skill
may be familiar with the sea, as well as
with the general handling of ships and
boats upon its surface (although not to the
extent of a sailor). Also included in the
skill is a working knowledge of shallowwater creatures and monsters. As with the
meteorology and climatology skill, the
savant may check to bring a conjured
water elemental under willing submission.

Topography and cartography:  This skill
allows the savant to read and create maps.
Further, the savant may direct a party to a
particular point if he possesses an accurate map of the area.

This field includes a general knowledge
of plants and plantlike creatures.

Fungi:  The savant with this skill may be
considered familiar with poisonous and
nonpoisonous mushrooms and mushroom
creatures (myconids, shriekers, etc.).

Herbs:  A character with this skill has a
practical knowledge of various herbs and
vegetables. In addition, the character
possesses the equivalent of the healing
nonweapon proficiency.

Note that only very general interrogatives may be posed to a sage major. More
detailed queries must be referred to an
applicable specialty field. As an example, a
savant with a major in demihumans might
be aware of the fact that halflings live in
ground burrows, but would not know the
exact location of any without checking the
special category of demography. As a
general rule, then, if a query falls within
the realm of a specialty category, a roll
must be made against that category for a
precise answer.

As has been mentioned, the special
categories themselves tend to provide only
general information on all subjects falling
within them. As an allowed option, the
categories may be narrowed to provide
specific and detailed information on a
certain group falling within the particular
category. Referring back to the example of
halflings, a savant making a successful
check against his demography skill notes
that halflings may be found in the north of
the province of Greenshire.

Assuming the skill has been narrowed to
halflings alone, the information noted
would be correspondingly more detailed,
to the extent that the savant would know
that halflings dwell just outside the towns
of Webley and Greenville in the northern
reaches of the province of Greenshire.

In the case of a true sage, the knowledge
possessed would from the start be far
more detailed. The sage would be considered to have precise and exacting knowledge on all creatures or groups falling
within a known specialty category. Thus,
to keep the skills of the two groups in
balance, the savant?s level of knowledge is
generally less than that possessed by a
sage counterpart..

S a v a n t s   a n d s p e l l s
As relentless researchers of knowledge
and arcane mysteries, savants achieve an
ability to successfully research and cast
spells from classes other than their primary one. The majority of these spells are
informational in nature, and each time the
savant gains an additional spell from the
savant spell table, the DM may consult
with the player and ascribe one from the
following lists. Other normal AD&D game
spells corresponding to those spells that
may be cast by a savant may be obtained
through normal adventuring; these may
be written into the character?s spell book
and memorized at his leisure without the
need to roll for learning the spell. Naturally, the savant may research normal or
special savant spells on his own time with
additional funding, in the same way a
magic-user or cleric does.

All spells from the general list are identical to the listed AD&D game spells with
respect to casting times, material components, spell functions, etc., with the exception of  detect evil  or its reverse, which
successfully functions against even lowlevel or level/hit dice creatures, and the
legend lore  spell, which explains fully the
details of a noteworthy object or place,
including magical powers for items and a
general history for people and places ? in
clear language.

S p e c i a l   s a v a n t   s p e l l s

Detect Untruth (Divination, Reversible)
Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: 3 rounds
Components: M
CT: 1 segment
ST: None
AE: 1 creature

Explanation/Description:  When the
savant employs this spell, he is able to note
an untruth spoken by a creature, including even a minor evasion of the truth. The
reverse of the spell allows the savant to lie
or evade the truth without being discovered by any means.
The material component is the forked tongue of a snake.

Table 4
General Savant Spell List
Level Magic-user Cleric Illusionist
1 Comprehend languages Detect evil Detect illusion
- Erase Penetrate disguise Detect invisibility
- Identify Portent Read illusionist magic
- Read magic - -
- Write - -
2nd ESP Augury Misdirection
- Know alignment Detect charm -
- - Detect life -
- - Find traps -
3rd Clairaudience Locate object Nondetection
- Clairvoyance - -
- Material - -
- Secret page - -
- Tongues - -
4th Wizard eye Divination -
5th Contact other plane True seeing -
6th Legend lore Find the path True sight
- - Stone tell -
7th Drawmij's instant summons - Vision
- Duo-dimension - -
- Symbol - -
- Mordenkainen's disjunction - -

Protection from Energy Drain (Abjuration)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 round
ST: Special
AE: 1 creature

Explanation/Description:  This spell
protects the recipient from the effects of
undead energy drain, allowing a saving
throw vs. death magic to avoid losing
experience points through this means. The
material component is a vial of holy water
rubbed over the body.

Exorcism (Abjuration)
Level: 2
Range: Special
Duration: Perm.
Components: V, S, M
CT: Special
ST: Special
AE: 1 creature

Explanation/Description:  A clerical
savant casts this spell to rid one object or
area of an evil spirit's inhabitation. The
casting time is equal to one turn per hit
die of the spirit, during which the caster is
shielded by  protection from evil 10' radius.  The material components of the spell
are a small silver bell, a book of prayers,
and a blessed candle which must remain
lit throughout the ceremony. Each turn of
casting, the savant must roll 4d6 for a total
below his constitution, subtracting one
from the roll for each three levels of his
experience. Failure ends the spell, subjecting the savant to possible attack from the
enraged spirit. Another attempt may be
made 24 hours later.

At the spell's completion, the target
creature must save vs. spells or be forced
back to the realm of the dead. If the saving
throw is successful, the creature remains
in the general area but loses one-fourth of
its hit points. If subsequent exorcisms
reduce the creature to zero hit points, it is
permanently driven from the area. Those
subject to the spell include any singular
undead possessing or haunting an individual, object, hallway, room, etc. Note that
this does not include intelligent undead in
the area of a specific lair (vampires, liches,
death knights, etc). Upon completion of
the spell, the savant snuffs out the candle
and destroys it.

Table 5
Special Savant Spell List
Level Spell
1 Detect untruth
- Protection from Energy Drain
2 Exorcism*
- Know intent
3 Call spirit* 
- See hidden. doors.
- Hold undead*
4 Greater vision*
- Phase shift**

Know Intent (Divination)
Level: 2
Range: 5"
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, S
CT: 1 segment
ST: None
AE: Special

Explanation/Description:  When this
spell is cast, the savant becomes aware of
the intent of an encountered individual or
group. Information revealed is along the
lines of the following one-word descriptions: friendly, neutral, hostile, etc.

Call Spirit (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 3
Range: 1"
Duration: 1 rnd/level
Components: V, M
CT: 2 turns
AE: 1 dead human or demihuman

Explanation/Description:  This spell
allows the savant to summon forth the
spirit of a dead human or demihuman,
which is bound to answer all questions
fully and truthfully. While the spell is in
effect, anyone who speaks (other than the
savant or the spirit) breaks the spell and
causes the spirit to return from whence it
came. The material components for this
spell includes an iron censer filled with 50
gp of burning incense, as well as the skull
of the deceased, which shatters at the
completion of the spell (successful or not)
and cannot be mended in any way.

See Hidden Doors (Divination)
Level: 3
Range: 4"
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, M
CT: 1 round
ST: None
AE: 1 wall less than 50' long

Explanation/Description:  This spell
allows the savant to note secret or concealed doors within the area of effect. The
material component is a polished glass lens
through which the caster peers.

Hold Undead (Divination)
Level: 3
Range: 1" /level
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, M
CT: 1 round
ST: None
AE: Up to 4 undead creatures

Explanation/Description:  With this
spell, the clerical savant is able to hold
corporeal undead creatures ? even those
not normally affected by  hold  spells. If the
creature is attacked while under the influence of the spell, the  hold  is broken (use
the Assassins' Table for Assassination on
page 75 of the  DMG  to determine if the
creature is slain outright). The material
component is the cleric's holy symbol.

Greater Vision (Divination)
Level: 4
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round
Components: V
CT: 2 turn
ST: Neg.

Explanation/Description:  If the savant
is presently striving against a threat to his
church, he may attempt the casting of this
spell once. If the target fails a saving
throw vs. spells, the savant glimpses a
momentary vision of his enemy ? lich,
demon, necromancer, paladin, etc. If the
target saves, it glimpses a vision of the

Phase Shift (Alteration)
Level: 4
Range: 0
Duration: Once to to and form per 3 levels; max. 1 turn
ST: None
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 segment
AE: Savant only

Explanation/Description:  This spell
allows the savant to instantaneously teleport to and return from the Ethereal plane
when attacking (an action similar to that
employed by the phase spider). The material component is a bit of phase spider

Psychic Impressions (Divination)
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round
Components: M
CT: 1 round
ST: None
AE: 1 object

Explanation/Description:  If the savant
handles an object while using this spell, he
is allowed to glimpse important happenings which befell its previous possessors.
Thus, a savant examining a sword next to
a skeleton may receive a vision of the
fighter in his former life, and possibly
what killed him.

Turn & dead (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Range: 4"
Duration: 1 rnd./level.
Components: V, S, M
CT: 3 segments
AE: 1 undead creature/level

Explanation/Description:  This spell
allows a magic-user savant to approximate
a clerical turning by means of a spell. If an
undead fails its saving throw, it departs
from the area as though it has actually
been turned. This does not bring an
undead into the service of an evil savant.
The material component is a cleric's holy
symbol. (DMs may disregard this spell if
they wish to maintain a separation
between spell-casting classes.)

Bestow Hit Points (Alteration)
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, S
CT: 1 round
ST: None
AE: 1 creature

Explanation/Description:  With this
spell, the clerical savant may bestow up to
one of his hit points per level on an intelligent creature. This has the effect of
restoring lost damage or even increasing
the target?s hit points above his normal
maximum. The magically bestowed hit
points last until they are removed by
damage or until the savant dispels the
enchantment. For the spell?s duration, the
savant is without these hit points. In the
event the target is slain, the savant permanently loses the hit points bestowed ?
even if the target is subsequently raised or
resurrected. Only one spell at a time may
be enacted upon a creature.

Life Steal (Necromantic)
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Components: V
CT: 1 segment
ST: Neg.
AE: 1 creature

Explanation/Description:  This spell
allows the savant to leech up to 1 hit point
per level from a living (i.e., not undead)
human or humanoid and bestow it upon
himself or another within a time limit of
three rounds. The leeched hit points can
increase the recipient?s hit points beyond
his normal maximum, and last up to one
hour. Any damage suffered is first subtracted from these additional hit points.

Recall Spell (Alteration)
Level: 6
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Components: V
CT: Special
ST: None
AE: Special

Explanation/Description:  This spell
allows the savant to recast any previously
cast savant spell. (Material components
must still be obtained if the spell requires
them.) The casting time is equal to that of
the spell in question plus one segment.

True Name (Divination)
Level: 6
Range: 3"
Duration: Perm.
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 round
ST: Special
AE: 1 creature or object

Explanation/Description:  This spell
allows the savant to discover the true
name of a creature if it fails a saving
throw. It may also be used to discover the
command word of a device (no saving
throw allowed). The material component
is a  potion of ESP,  which must be consumed by the caster.

Spell Drain (Alteration)
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hr./lvl.
Components: V, S
CT: 1 segment
ST: None
AE: 1 spell-casting creature

Explanation/Description:  Through the
use of this spell, the savant is able to drain
and utilize the memory of a spell possessed by a spell-using creature. The
savant, if aware of the spells known by the
target, may declare the spell which is
drained; otherwise, the most recently
memorized of the target's highest-level
spells is drained. The savant may not
regain the seventh-level spell slot until the
stolen spell is cast or the memory is lost.
Material components are also necessary if
the spell normally requires them.

As a final note, all savant spells, including those of a clerical nature, are stored in
a spell book. This spell book may be considered equal to that of a magic-user in
terms of weight and in terms of the number of spells it may hold.

1. SUBCLASS = n/a
    WISDOM =
20. COMBAT =



<believes in God, whom he calls Azathoth>



<believes in God, as a Neutral Ultra-Deity>
<he believes that God exists in the center of the Multiverse>