Entrance to Fear
The party awakens in a place where
there is no light and no sounds but their
own. Characters with infravision can
ascertain that all party members are
present. The place they are in looks and
feels like a natural cave, about 30 feet in
diameter. There are four 10-foot-high
exit tunnels somewhat evenly spaced
around the perimeter. Characters with
infravision cannot see a ceiling; apparently
it is too high. The floor is covered 
with sand. 

None of the party have any possessions
save a dirty cotton loincloth. They have no
weapons, no food, nothing: only their wits,
and a small closed cloth tube which rests on
the floor in the center of the room. It is a
foot-and-a-half long, about the size of a
wand or scroll tube.

If the players look down the exit tunnels,
they see nothing down 3 of them, but
see a distant, dim light down the 4th
(northernmost) tunnel. This light occasionally
flickers and moves slightly.

It is 110 feet to the ceiling of this room,
where a heavy stone block plugs the hole the
characters were lowered through. The walls
are crumbly and will not support a climber's
weight above a height of 15 feet even if the
climber is using a spider climb spell to
adhere to the walls.

The scroll tube is made of cloth, with a
light wooden ring at each end to give it its
shape. (It can be used to hold 1 breath of
air, or 2 if covered with pitch--see area
10). The tube contains 3 scrolls, 1
with spells for illusionists and 2 <with spells> for
magic-users. There is also a short note. All
of the spells listed are at the 7th level of ability.
(Note: C = casting time, R = range,
D = duration, s = segments, r = rounds,
t = turns.)

Scroll A:
Audible Glamer (C 5s, R 13", D 21r)
Dancing Lights (C 1s, R 11", D 14r)
Wall of Fog (C 1s, R 3 ", D 2-8 + 7r)
Invisibility (C 2s, R touch, D special)
<500 xp, 1500 gp>

Scroll B:
Spider climb (C 1s, R touch, D 8r)
Feign death (C 1s, R touch, D 13r)
Dig (C4s, R3", D 7r, 5-foot-cube can be dug each round)
<800 xp, 2400 xp>

Scroll C:
Affect normal fires (C 1s, R 3 1/2", D 7r)
Light (C 1s, R 6", D 7t)
Jump (C 1s, R touch, D special, 3 leaps possible, see PHB)
Read Magick (C 1r, R 0, D 14r) This spell is
permanently written in a common
magic-user's script (as in a spell book),
and will not disappear once read, unlike
the other spells on the scrolls.
<400 xp, 1200 gp>

Of course, it is impossible to read normally
with infravision, so these scrolls must
remain a mystery to the party until they can
find a light source. The special read magick
spell will enable magic-users to read the
scrolls. (An illusionist does not need a read
magic to read illusionist writings.)
<add read illusionist magic>

The tube also includes a note, which
reads: "We have all been deceived. This is
the best I could do to help. May your gods
be with you. If you escape, seek your
revenge on the 1 who lured you here.
Seek out the Water Dragon, at the <link>
Suderham docks. Edralve." <link>

If the players think of it, they find that it
is possible to make crude blackjacks with
their loincloths and sand, which they can
wield at -2 "to hit: Wet sand is better, as it is
heavier, and use of such will cause the
attacks to be made at only -1. All the sand in
this room is dry. Sand blackjacks strike for
1-4 points of damage, but only 1/2 of this
will be permanent damage.

If the party does a careful hand-search of
the floor of the chamber, they find 12 small
sling-sized stones. (These have fallen from
the crumbly walls, and have not yet been
collected by the kobolds at area 6.) The
characters may attempt to make crude
slings from their loincloths. These will have
only 1/2 the range of normal slings with
stones, i.e. short range = 2", medium range
= 4". and long range = 8". Of course, any
character not proficient in the use of the <Weapon Proficiency, PH>
sling will suffer the usual "to hit" penalties
applicable to a non-proficient member of his
or her class. Sling stones inflict 1-4 points of
