The Witch:
        Revised and expanded NPC class

by Bill Muhlhausen

- - - - -
Dragon - Classes - Dragon 114

Preface: To Wiccans, sorry, what follows tends to present the Witch as often evil.
To non-Wiccans, well, learn about Wicca.
I'd like to emphasize that what follows is just part of a Game, just part of Fantasy.
So, to any Wiccan that reads this... no worries.
What follows is not the truth about most of Witchcraeft: it's just Fantasy!
That said, Yes, I think that The Witch should be a core AD&D class, as it is a strong archetype.
Have fun, and remember this is just a Game... Fantasy.

- St. Prespos

    The witch has long been a popular NPC
character in the D&D && AD&D games,
and long-time readers of DRAGON Magazine may recall numerous incarnations
of this character class and its powers
over the years. The most recently published
version of the witch appeard in
DRAGON issue #43, in November 1980. Bill
Muhlhausen's article was revised and
edited by Kim Mohan && Tom Moldvay;
this version has been further expanded
and revised by Roger E. Moore,
and edited by Karen Martin, Robin Jenkins, and (once
again)  Kim Mohan.

1. SUBCLASS = n/a
2. SOCIAL CLASS MINIMUM = <less than a wizard>
    WISDOM = 13 (PR)
4. POSSIBLE RACES & MAX. LEVEL ATTAINABLE = human, elf, half-elf
6. HIT DIE TYPE = d4
15. STARTING MONEY = (CHA x 10) + 2-20, magick items worth up to 5000 gp
20. COMBAT = as MU
21. SAVING THROWS = MU or cleric, whichever is better

It must be noted that the witch is a very
powerful spell-caster. It could conceivably
be used as a PC on an experimental
basis, but it works best as an NPC
used to challenge parties of adventurers
on a long-term basis. The class has been
deliberately given extraordinary spellcasting
powers, in terms of numbers of
spells available and the power of individual
spells; PC witches may
prove to be overwhelming, but NPC
witches are thus. better able to challenge
large groups of adventurers. The decidedly
evil nature of the witch (as a rule) is
also a point against its use as a PC

We hope you enjoy it. Happy Halloween!
— The editors.

The witch is a special type of powerful
spell-caster. Though similar to the magick-user,
it is not a magic-user subclass, much
in the same way that the cavalier is similar
to (but not a subclass of) the fighter. The
witch has talents and powers normally
associated with other spell-casting classes,
as well as its own unique abilities.

Based upon the witch of fairy tale, myth,
and fantasy, the class includes a number of
distinctive abilities. Witches use herbs for
healing and magic, somewhat in the manner
of druids (to which witches are distantly
related). Witches combine cleric and
magic-user forms of magic, since they are
essentially worshipers of forbidden religions
(generally evil in nature, but not

always so). They specialize in spells involving
nature, the changing seasons, and
sympathetic magick (i.e., magic based upon
the similarities between a spell-casting
ritual and the spell’s effect), and they are
also very knowledgeable about
enchantment/charm spells involving humans
and humanoids. The manipulation
and control of other beings is one of the
hallmarks of witch magick—a necessary
step on the way to achieving greater and
greater power. Evil witches often specialize
in curses and destructive spells.

Witches gain new spells by performing
ritual sacrifice and prayer to deities—
usually demon princes, archdevils, or the
current oinodaemon. If the deity is
pleased, it sends a servant being to teach
the witch a new spell appropriate to her
level and ability. Because the witch must
learn the new spell as a magic-user does,
her chance to know each listed spell and
her minimum and maximum number of
spells per level are taken from Table II on
page 10 of the PH.

always gain the spells read magick &&
write, not having to check for knowing
these spells as they start in their class.
Witches may use the latter two spells to
learn the spells used by other spell-casting
classes, so long as the spells learned are
duplicated in the list of spells allowed to
witches, and so long as the witch is of a
level appropriate to the spell. For instance,
a 4th-level witch who has found a scroll
with the 2nd-level cleric spell find traps
may attempt to learn the spell directly
from the scroll, copying it down (in her
own magickal language) for future use. All
witches keep and use spell books, from
which they relearn their spells as do
magic-users (see page 40, “Recovery of
spells,” in the DMG, and pages 79-80 in UA).

If a GM desires a witch
with more variety, the restrictions on
which spells may be learned by witches
may be loosened. Spells that summon
beings from the lower planes and bind
them to certain tasks are not likely to be
taught to a witch by her deity’s servants
(whether they are evil or good), but nothing
should stop the witch from looking up

such arcane knowledge on her own. Independent
witches who did not join a High
Secret Order (see below) are the ones most
likely to make use of such spells — so long
as the witches do not use them to attempt
to bind their own deity. Other spells, particularly
those from UA,
may be added as well (see the general
notes on spells below).

There are two orders of witches. Low
Order Witches may progress to 16th level,
and High Secret Order Witches may advance
to 22nd level. Witches may be of
any alignment, though evil witches are the
rule; good and neutral witches are almost
unknown. The prime requisites for a
witch are intelligence and wisdom, each of
which must be 13 or higher. Only humans,
elves (any sub-race from UA),
and half-elves can he witches; furthermore,
only humans and dark elves
(drow) can be members of a High Secret
Order. Other elves and all half-elves are
limited to no higher than 11th level as
witches, but no male witch of any race can
rise higher than 9th level. No witch may
be multiclassed or double-classed, due to
the difficulties involved in learning and
maintaining one’s magical powers. No
earned bonus to experience is gained for
exceptional ability scores.

Most witches are female, since this class
attracts a disproportionate number of
female humans, elves, and half-elves to its
practice. This situation is encouraged by
the large number of evil male beings ruling
the Lower Planes, most of whom desire
mortal consorts, and by female deities
(of any alignment) governing magick, who
find worshipers among women in oppressive,
male-dominated societies. Male
witches are sometimes called warlocks,
though this term invites confusion with
the level title for 8th-level magic-users.
Conversely, many female magic-users are
improperly called witches. As a generic
term for a single witch, the pronoun “she”
is used in this text.

Witches have 4-sided hit dice and receive
1 hit die for each level of experience
up to and including 11th level. Thereafter,
they each receive one additional hit point
for each level of experience — 11+1 for

12th level, 11+2 for 13th level, and so on.
Witches receive constitution bonuses as do
magic-users, and they save either as
magic-users or as clerics, on whichever
column is better against a given effect.
Weapon proficiencies, allowable weapon
types, attack tables used, and attacks per
round are all as per magic-users. They
may wear no armor whatsoever, save for
magical protections such as rings, bracers,
cloaks, etc., and witches cannot use
shields. They may use any magical item
that magic-users are able to employ. Oil
may be used as a weapon (though it rarely
is), and poison is freely used by evil

Witches with above-average intelligence
receive bonus spells, similar to the procedure
for a cleric with above-average wisdom:
Intelligence Spell bonus
13 One 1st-level spell
14 One 1st-level spell
15 One 1st-level spell
16 One 2nd-level spell
17 One 3rd-level spell
18 One 4th-level spell
19+ One 5th-level spell

The spell bonuses are cumulative; e.g., a
witch with a 15 intelligence receives three
additional 1st-level spells. A witch must
have an intelligence of 16 to cast 8th-level

Witches start out in the world with a
variable amount of money, depending
upon how well they are liked by their
deities. Multiply a witch’s charisma score
by 10 and add a variable amount from 2-
20 to find the number of gold pieces given
to a 1st-level witch through a servant of
her deity. Thereafter, witches tend to
accumulate numerous useful magical
treasures. NPC witches have an amount of
magical treasure equal in gold-piece value
to their level multiplied by five, expressed
in terms of thousands of gold pieces. For
example, a 2nd-level NPC witch would
have about 10,000 gp worth of magical
equipment — perhaps a single ring of
mammal control, potions of invisibility and
diminution, an eversmoking bottle, and a

rug of smothering (used as a trap). The
cash reserve for an NPC witch is roughly
equal to her amount of XP
expressed as gold pieces, though "cash"
may actually be in the form of mundane
items such as glassware, spell components,
wall hangings, furniture, and so forth.
Each NPC witch's lair should be tailored by
the DM to fit the campaign circumstances
as seen fit. These guidelines do not apply
to PC witches (if they are permitted).

Followers, hirelings, and apprentices
Because of their close working relationship
with their deities, witches regard
themselves as superior to all other classes
of characters. Witches tolerate no masters
save their deities or higher-level witches,
and they insist upon governing all underlings
with absolute authority, regardless of
alignment. Witches who have become
consorts of their deities are especially
dangerous and intolerant of all rivals.
Anyone who attempts to control or give
orders to a witch invites disaster.

When a witch reaches 9th level, she can
attract 5-50 zero-level followers of the
appropriate alignment if she establishes a
place of worship. Since witches usually
worship forbidden gods, such a place of
worship must be kept secret, and it must
also be cleared of wandering monsters.
The followers try to remain hidden from
the outside world except under extreme
circumstances. A witch may also obtain
the services of hirelings in the normal
manner and is allowed to consult with
sages if she desires.

A witch may have as many as three
apprentices in training at one time. All
apprentices are, of course, witches themselves
and cannot be of a level higher than
one-fourth of the witch?s experience level.
Thus, a 4th-level witch can have 1-3 1stlevel
apprentices and cannot have a 2ndlevel
apprentice until reaching 8th level
herself (fractions are rounded down).

Apprentices can acquire experience
points through normal means, and can
also receive the benefit of up to one-half of
the witch?s own acquired experience
points. The awarding of a witch?s experience
points to her apprentice(s) can only
take place when the points gained would
not raise the apprentice(s) to a level more
than one-fourth the level of the witch

For example: A 7th-level witch with
60,000 experience points has a 1st-level
apprentice with 2,300 experience points,
and the witch performs an action that
awards her 500 experience points. The
apprentice would be entitled to half, or
250, of those points (if the witch desired to
award the points to the apprentice), except
that such an addition would raise the
apprentice to second level, and the witch
cannot have a 2nd-level apprentice until
she reaches 8th level. Thus, the apprentice
can be awarded a maximum of 200 points
because she must remain at 1st level; from

that point onward, the apprentice won?t
be able to record any more experience
points gained until her teacher advances
to 8th level.

High Secret Orders
Each major deity worshiped by witches
maintains a formal organization of the
most powerful witches in a certain area.
This organization is usually known as a
High Secret Order. High Secret Orders
may have members scattered over an
entire world or across a small country, as
the situation permits; orders that have
been decimated by magical wars or which
are just starting out may be highly localized.
High Secret Orders serving different
deities and causes have been known to
attack one another in dreadful battles
involving attacks by extraplanar creatures
and the use of awful spells, though ?
surprisingly ? such orders are rarely
warlike. Even members of diametrically
opposed orders prefer to oppose each
other in more subtle manners, weaving
complex plots and spreading their influence
against one another in generationslong
dances of rivalry and power. Kings,
high priests, archmages, arid dragons may
be drawn into these conflicts, serving as
pawns in a greater game.

Upon attaining 10th level, a witch must
decide whether to apply for membership
in a High Secret Order. This application
may be made only by witches with at least
16 intelligence and 16 wisdom. The witch
must also possess at least one of the following
objects: any magical crystal ball,
any magical (non-cursed) broom, a mirror
of mental prowess, a mirror of life trapping,
or one of these objects, depending on
alignment: libram of silver magic if good,
libram of gainful conjuration if neutral, or
libram of ineffable damnation if evil. Unless
accepted into the High Secret Order, a
witch may not progress beyond 16th level.
A witch who joins a High Secret Order
may progress to the 22nd level of experience.

Witches who join a High Secret Order
are bound to even greater servitude to
their deities than before and take on additional
responsibilities to carry out their
deities? wills. Witches who choose not to
join such an order at 10th level cannot
later decide to join, but they gain more
personal freedom and have a less complicated
relationship with their deities. Such
?independent? witches are not well regarded
by other witches, even those of
their own alignment and religion, and
High Secret Orders rarely go out of their
way to assist these ?ungrateful renegades.?

High Secret Order witches, in addition to
the spells acquired normally, receive one
additional High Secret Order spell for each
level they have gained while in the High
Secret Order. For example, a 10th-level
witch receives one High Secret Order
spell; at 15th level, she receives six High
Secret Order spells; finally, at 22nd level,
she receives 13 High Secret Order spells.

There is only one Queen of Witches and
one Princess of Witches for each High
Secret Order. A princess who acquires
enough experience points to become
queen when there is a reigning queen
must either remain at princess level (gaining
no additional powers or abilities) or
plot against the current queen in an attempt
to overthrow her.

Witches' special abilities
A witch is taught certain special abilities
by her deity and her deity?s otherworldly
servants as she progresses in level. These
abilities, noted on the Witches Table at
their appropriate levels, are explained
below. Note that spell-like powers are in
addition to spells already known by the

Brew poisons and narcotics (3rd level):
An evil witch can brew one dose of
either a poison or a narcotic each day,
providing she has the necessary ingredients.
The mixtures cannot be used to coat
weapons and must be ingested by the
intended victims. A witch learns how to
brew Type A ingestive poison at 3rd level
(see pages 20-21 of the DMG). She learns
how to brew an additional type of ingestive
poison for every two levels she progresses
beyond third level. Thus, at 11th
level, a witch can brew Type E poison.
Saving throws are applicable.

A narcotic has the effect of a sleep spell
on a victim with 8 hp or less if the saving
throw is failed. A victim with 9-16 hp is
reduced to half dexterity and half normal
movement for 12 turns; a victim with 17-
24 hp loses one-third dexterity and onethird
movement rate for the same 12-turn
duration; a victim with 25 + hp loses onesixth
dexterity and movement for the
duration of the narcotic's effect. A successful
saving throw halves the effect and
duration of a narcotic. Only humans,
demi-humans, and humanoids are affected.

Brew truth drug (4th): A witch may
brew one dose of truth drug per week. A
victim who ingests a dose of the drug and
fails a save vs. poison falls into a stupor
and is forced to answer 1-4 questions
truthfully. The truth drug can only affect
an individual of an equal or lower experience
level (or equal or fewer hit dice) than
the witch who brewed the potion. The
stupor (which reduces movement and
strength by half) lasts 2-12 turns. A dose of
truth drug is potent for only one day after
being made. Only humans, demi-humans,
and humanoids are affected.

Brew love potion (5th): The witch
can brew one special form of philter of
love per week. The potion has all the
effects of the usual potion, save that the
victim is affected only by the witch, the
victim gains a -4 to save against being
charmed by the witch, and the charming
effects last for 8+2-8 turns. This potion

has a chance of affecting a victim of the
same level (or with equivalent hit dice) as
the witch who brewed the potion. Thus, a
9th-level witch could brew a potion to
affect a fighter of 9th level or lower, but
not a 10th-level fighter. Enamoring effects
last until dispelled. Victims who save vs.
spells are not affected. Only humans,
demi-humans, and humanoids are affected.

Manufacture potions and scrolls (6th): At this level, a witch may make any
potions listed in the Players Handbook or
in Unearthed Arcana, without the help of
an alchemist. An alchemist can cut compounding
and infusing times by 50%. In
addition, scrolls may be penned by the
witch for later use, as per the rules in the
DMG (pages 116-118).

Candle magick (7th): A witch may
manufacture one candle per month, a
process that requires no interruptions (or
else the candle is ruined). For each three
days spent in making a candle, the candle
burns for one turn, up to a maximum of 9
turns (for a candle which took 27 days to
make). The magic of a candle takes effect
when the candle is either snuffed out or
burned down to nothing at the end of its
duration, At 7th level, a witch may make
red candles; the ability to make other
colors of candles is gained as the witch
rises in level. A candle must be burned in
the presence of the intended victim

(where appropriate) in order to work, and
the victim must not be further than 10'
away through the entire burning time.

Saves may be attempted, where
applicable, for the effects of all candles
except red candles. Any candle that does
not burn continuously for at least one
turn has no effect. A candle that is extinguished
midway through a TURN is treated
as though it had not burned at all during
that TURN, but that TURN is counted
against the max. amount of time a certain
candle may be burned. Thus, if a candle
with a max. life of five turns is extinguished
midway through its third TURN of burning,
its effects are as though it had
only burned for two turns (not two
and a fraction), but if it is re-ignited
later, it has only two, turns of burning <>
left before it goes out automatically.

Red candle: The victim is affected as if
by a philter of love, with a duration
of one day (24 hours) for each turn of burning.
No save is allowed, and the potion's
effects cannot be dispelled xcept by
a limited wish, alter reality, or wish spell.

Blue candle (9th level): One turn of protection from evil/good; 10' radius (as per the MU spell) <>
is gained for each
TURN of burning. This power has double
effects against good beings if used by an
evil witch, or against evil beings if used
by a good witch.

Purple candle (11th level): This acts as
a truth drug, as noted above, allowing two
questions to be asked of a victim for each
TURN of burning, with all such questions
being answered truthfully.

Yellow candle (13th level): One TURN of
telepathy (the witch is able to read a victim's
mind and communicate with him) is
gained for each TURN of burning. All languages
are understood for the duration of the
effect, and falsehoods and evasions are
known as such.

Gold candle (15th level): This cures 1-6
hp damage on any being able to be affected
by a cure light wounds spell, on the
being nearest the candle when the latter is
extinguished, for each TURN of burning. If
the witch puts out a candle, she herself
is cured.

Black candle (18th level): One curse can
be placed on a victim for each TURN of
burning, up to a max. of six turns of burning and
six curses. The curses are
weakness (STR is reduced to 3), <>
feeblemindedness (INT is reduced 3),
clumsiness (DEX is reduced to 3), <>
foolishness (WIS is reduced to 3),
ugliness (CHA is reduced to 3), and <>
exhaustion (CON is reduced to 3). <> <order>
Saves vs. spells
can be attempted for each curse
and, if successful, negate that particular
curse only. Casting wish or remove curse
(the latter by a cleric of at least 9th level)
removes one curse for each casting of that
spell. Each curse lasts indefintely until

Use all magical scrolls (9th): Druid, <>
M-U, and illusionist scrolls can be

read and used with a 10% chance of spell
failure. Cleric scrolls can be read by a
witch, but only those spells usable by both
clerics and witches may be employed (with
a 20% chance of failure).

Experience Points Experience level 4-sided dice 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HSO Level Tit Special ability 
0 -- 2,500 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - Medium None
2,501 -- 5,000 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - Soothsayer None
5,001 -- 10,000 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - - Spiritualist Brew potions and narcotics
10,001 -- 20,000 4 4 3 2 - - - - - - - Sybil Brew truth drug
20,001 -- 35,000 5 5 4 2 1 - - - - - - Siren Brew love potion
35,001 -- 50,000 6 6 4 3 2 - - - - - - Conjuress Manufacture potions and scrolls
50,001 -- 75,000 7 7 5 3 2 1 - - - - - Mystic Candle magic
75,001 -- 100,000 8 8 5 4 3 2 - - - - - Seeress None
100,001 -- 200,000 9 9 5 5 3 2 1 - - - - Enchantress Use all magical scrolls
200,001 -- 350,000 10 10 5 5 4 3 1 - - - 1 Sorceress Acquire familiar
350,001 -- 600,000 11 11 6 5 4 3 2 - - - 1 Witch None
600,000 -- 900,000 12 11+1 6 6 5 3 2 1 - - 1 Topaz Witch Manufacture magical items
(300,00 xp per level for 
each additional level 
beyond 12th)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
900,001 -- 1,200,000 13 11+2 6 6 6 4 3 1 - - 2 Sapphire Witch Brew flying ointment
1,200,001 -- 1,500,000 14 11+3 6 6 6 5 3 2 1 - 2 Ruby Witch None
1,500,001 -- 1,800,000 15 11+4 6 6 6 6 4 3 1 - 2 Emerald Witch Manufacture control doll
1,800,000 -- 2,100,000 16 11+5 6 6 6 6 5 3 2 1 3 Diamond Witch Manufacture perma magick items
2,100,101 -- 2,400,000 17 11+6 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 2 3 Witch Mother Fascination
2,400,001 -- 2,700,000 18 11+7 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 3 Priestess None
- - - - - - - - - - - - <fine tune colours> -
2,700,001 -- 3,000,000 19 11+8 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 High Priestess None
3,000,001 -- 3,300,000 20 11+9 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 Eternal Priestess Longevity
3,300,001 -- 3,600,000 21 11+10 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 Princess of Witches Limited wish
3,600,001 ++ 22 11+11 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 Queen of Witches Shape change

Acquire familiar (10th): This power
is similar to a magic-user?s 1st-level find
familiar spell, except that there is no
chance of not acquiring a familiar.
Witches? familiars are quite powerful. The
familiar adds its hit points to the witch?s,
but, if the familiar dies the witch only
loses the hit points the familiar originally
added ? not double the number. Familiars
as tough as a witch?s are difficult to locate;
if her familiar dies, a witch must wait
from 3-18 years to acquire another. Familiars
are usually given bizarre names by
their mistresses, such as puns (Mephisto-
Fleas), nonsense words (Sybybala), anagrams
of other famous names (Yaabagab),
and so on.

The specific animal types used as familiars
by witches are the same as used by
regular magic-users. However, a witch?s
familiar is capable of human speech, has
high intelligence and considerable cleverness,
and is AC 5 with 2 HD. Such familiars
may not appear noticeably different
from others of their kind, however. A
witch?s familiar adds + 1 to its ?to hit? and
damage rolls. Possession of a familiar
gifts the witch with the abilities given by a
pearl of power (of a type randomly determined
for each familiar), because the
familiar?s own mind can store spells and
telepathically assist the witch. A telepathic
link bonds both witch and familiar within
a 12" radius. Special familiars may be
acquired, as per the magic-user spell, and
such always have the maximum number
of hit points.

Manufacture magical items (12th):
At this level, a witch may manufacture
magical items that do not have permanent
natures (such as wands and rechargeable
items, as well as one-shot devices).
Brew flying ointment (13th): The
witch may brew enough ointment per
week for one human-sized individual to fly
(as per the fly spell, only at 48? speed).
The flying duration is 1-4 hours plus a
number of turns equal to the witch?s level.
The ointment must be smeared over the
recipient?s unclothed body to work.
Witches using this ointment have maneuverability
class A.

Manufacture control doll (15th):
Once per week, a witch can make one clay
or wax doll which she can use to control
one character or monster. Dolls are made
to fit general categories, e.g. a man, a
woman, a troll, a dragon. For the doll to
function as desired, a part of the specific
target (a nail clipping, a lock of hair, a bit
of outer skin or scales, etc.) must be made
part of the doll. Once the specific material
is added, the doll acquires a focus. The

doll must now be shown to the intended
victim. If the victim fails to save vs. spells,
the victim is charmed (as per a monster?s
charm spell, in the DMG, page 65). The
charm lasts as long as the doll is intact and
in the witch?s possession. If the witch loses
the doll, or if the doll is destroyed or damaged,
the spell is broken.

Manufacture permanent magical items (16th):
The witch may now create
items that do not require recharging.
This process is performed in a month-long
ceremony during which the witch takes
the item to be enchanted and invokes her
deity to properly enspell the item. The
chance for success is 70%, plus a percentage
amount equal to the witch's CHA.
If an item fails to be permanently enchanted,
it must be destroyed and a new attempt made later.

Fascination (17th): The power of fascination may
be used once per day. A
witch merely has to concentrate to exercise
the power. Any individual who merely
looks at the witch and fails to save vs.
spells faithfully serves the witch as long as
the fascination lasts (a number of turns
equal to the level of the witch). Service
while fascinated is nearly absolute, stopping
just short of following suicidal orders.
This power is unrelated to the 2nd-level
illusionist spell fascinate.

Longevity (20th):
From this point onward, the witch ages at only one-tenth
the normal rate for her racial type, except
for magickal effects (which increase or
decrease the witch's biological age as
usual; see below).

Shape Change (22nd):
This power is
usable once per day for no longer
than two turns each time. Otherwise, this
power is identical to the 9th-level M-U
spell of the same name.

General Notes on Spells:

    Duplication: Certain spells are duplicates
of existing magic-user, cleric, druid, or
illusionist spells. These spells are noted as
such below by the presence of a letter-number
symbol, designating the the class
and spell level which the witch duplicates.
Thus the witch spell clairvoyance
(MU-3) is in all ways the same as the third-
level MU spell of the same name
(except for minor differences noted elsewhere).
Certain minor alterations in the spells
castings || effect are noted as well, if any
exist. All duplicated spells that are reversible
in their original form are also reversible
as witch spells, unless stated otherwise
(see, for example, darkness and light).

    Holy Symbol: Witches do not use
or unholy symbols in their spell-casting
rituals. Any good-aligned character who
displays a holy symbol in an attempt to
witches of an evil witches spell gains a +2
bonus on ail saving throws against the
witch?s magic; however, no other actions
may be attempted by that person. Further-
more, good-aligned clerics who display a
holy symbol to ward off an evil witch?s
spell gain a basic magic resistance to that
witch?s magic of 5% per level of the cleric,
in addition to a +4 bonus on all saves
against her magic. Thus, a 5th-level good
cleric gains a 25% magic resistance against
any spell cast at him by an evil witch.
Neutral or evil beings who confront a good
or neutral witch gain no such saving gra-
ces. This power was granted to good clerics
to offset the might of evil witches.

Alignment restrictions:  Several witch
spells are described as only usable by
witches of certain alignments. In many
other cases, the use of a spell may be
contraindicated by the nature of the spell
as regards the alignment of the spell
caster. DMs who choose to make the witch
a non-player character in their campaign
should use great discretion in the selection
and use of certain spells by a witch of a
particular alignment.

Material components:  All spells that
duplicate existing spells have verbal, material, and somatic components as required
by the pre-existing spell. All other spells
require both verbal and somatic components, with material components left to
the discretion of the DM employing the
witch as an NPC. It would be permissible
to require no material component for such
spells, and it would certainly also be permissible to assign particular material components to some or all of such spells.
Herbs, roots, bones, and other plant and
animal material are often used, sometimes
purely for effect.

    Casting time:  The casting time for any
witch spell duplicating an existing spell is
the same as for the existing spell. The
casting time for any other witch spell is a
number of segments equal to the level of
that spell. Casting time for any High Secret
Order spell, including spells from the
Players Handbook,  is 9 segments, except
for  banish,  which has a casting time of 5

    Cantrips:  Witches may learn any cantrips normally learned by magic-users, and
such cantrips are often used in normal
magical rituals and work. However,
witches are granted immunity to all cantrips (as a means of preserving their dig

    New spells:  As noted earlier, the
Dungeon Master may give an NPC witch
spells other than those listed here. However, this should be carefully done to avoid
having the witch turn into a powerhouse
and to avoid breaking down the witch?s
distinctive repertoire of spells and abilities.
There would be no need for a witch to
have or use the 5th-level cleric spell  magic
font,  for example, and other spells might
be of little use or interest to a particular
witch. The DM should construct a witch?s
spells to reflect her personality and interests, perhaps playing upon several major
themes. One witch might be concerned
with summoning and binding minor evil

helpers; another might want to gain control over the inhabitants and treasures of
a particular forest. The spells selected for
such witches should be generally directed
toward attaining such goals.

    Male victims:  If a spell notes that it is
effective against men, the terms ?man?
and ?men? should be read as generic
terms, referring to all male humans, demihumans, and humanoids

First Level*
1. Change self (i1)
2. Charm man I
3. Control vapor
4. Cure wounds
5. Darkness
6. Detect evil
7. Detect illusion
8. Detect poison
9. Faerie fire (d1)
10. Find familiar (mu1)
11. Give wounds
12. Light
13. Magic disk
14. Mending
15. Minor quest
16. Read languages
17. Reflected image
18. Seduction I
19. Sleep
20. Unseen servant

* - The first-level spells listed here do not include read magic and write, which are automatically gained by all witches.

    Change Self - I-1

    Charm man I - A witch must have a
CHA score of at least 11 to CAST this
spell. The spell affects up to 5-8 men <human males?> of
3rd level or lower in a 16' radius from the
witch, and has a duration of 2-5 turns. It
affects victims the same as a charm person
spell. If there is a leader with a group of
men, he may dispel the charm if his charisma
plus a roll of 1d8 is six points or
more higher than the witch's CHA. If
the spell is not dispelled by a leader, each
man within the AREA of effect must attempt
a save vs. spells. A successful save
negates the effect of the spell for that man
only. If there are more men within range
than the max. # who can be
affected, the spell is directed against the
lower-level men first. The spell won't
work on any man who has taken damage
from any other action of the same witch
during the current encounter.
    RANGE: 0'
    AREA: 16' radius
    DURATION: 2-5 turns
    SAVE: negates

    Control vapor -- Range is 10' times the
level of the witch, area of effect is a 3"
diameter sphere. A quantity of gas or
vapor may be controlled and moved about,
with a maximum movement of 6? per
round. The spell-caster may move while
controlling the gases, but may not begin
casting another spell while the control is
being maintained. The duration of the
spell is 1 turn or until dispelled.

    Cure wounds -- Usable only by witches
of good or neutral alignment. By touching
one character or creature, the witch can
heal from 1-6 hp damage. Neutral witches
cannot use  cure wounds  and  give wounds
on the same day. See the spell  cure light
wounds  (C-1) for further details.

    Darkness ? I-1 (only neutral and evil
witches may cast this spell).

    Detect evil --  C-1

    Detect illusion  --  I-1

    Detect poison --  D-1

    Faerie fire --  D-1

    Find familiar --  MU-1

    Give wounds ? Usable only by witches
of evil or neutral alignment. By touching
one character or creature, the witch can
cause from 1-6 hp damage. Neutral
witches cannot use  give wounds  more
than once per day. See  cure wounds

    Light  -- C-1 (only witches of good align-
ment may use this spell)

    Magick disk  -- Range 2?, maximum dura-
tion 10 rounds. This magical missile is +3
to hit if cast by a witch of level l-16 and
+4 to hit if cast by a witch of level 17 or
higher. The disk may be thrown around
corners if the caster is in plain view of the
corner and has just seen an opponent go
in that direction, but the missile is only
+1 to hit when thrown around a corner.
The disk damages opponents requiring
magical weapons to be hit. It may be
thrown once each round for up to 10
rounds, scoring 1 hp damage for each
successful hit, or it may be thrown once
only for a fixed amount of damage (if it
hits). If thrown once, damage caused is 4
hp for levels 7-9, 8 hp for levels 10-12, 10
 hp for levels 13-16, and  12 hp for levels 17
and higher. The caster may specify sub-
dual damage only, as per the procedure
for subdual outlined for dragons in the
Monster Manual.  The spell is usable once
per day.

Mending --  MU-1

Minor quest  -- Range 2?, duration 6
hours, area of effect 5? diameter sphere.
The spell affects up to 12 experience levels
worth of humanoid opponents, or up to
six levels (6 HD) of monsters, with lowest-
level opponents in a group affected first.
The caster must be able to verbally com-
municate with her opponents for the spell
to work. By using this spell, the witch can
send her attackers away from her on an
imaginary errand for themselves, such as
going to town for supplies or going to a
nearby river to get water. If the intended
victim or victims fail a saving throw, they
are compelled to attempt the errand,
provided that it poses no direct threat to
their safety or well-being. There is a 20%
chance, plus 1% per level of the caster,
that the quested being or beings forget
about the witch after the spell has worn
off or after the quest is completed, which-
ever comes first.

Read languages  -- As per the 1st-level
magic-user spell  comprehend languages,
except  that  only  written  communications
may be understood.

Reflected image  -- Range 4?, duration 1
day per level of the caster or until dis-
pelled, area of effect up to 2? by 2?. This
spell enables a witch to form picture on
any reflecting surface, depictmg a single
scene that she has in mind.

Seduction I  -- Range 6?, duration 2
turns or until dispelled, area of effect one
man. This spell causes the affected man to
cast aside all weapons, armor, and clothing
in an attempt to seduce the witch, leaving
the victim virtually defenseless against
attacks from the witch or any other char-
acter or creature. Immediately after the
spell wears off or is dispelled, the victim
can retrieve one of his dropped weapons
on a roll of 11 or more on 1d20. If the roll
is 16 or more, the victim may also retrieve
a shield or helmet. Rolls may be repeated
each round until successful, as long as the
victim stays within grasping range of the
weapon or other object to be recovered.
The saving throw for this spell is com-
    puted by adding the  seduction  spell level
(1 through 8) to the charisma score of the
witch and subtracting the wisdom score of
the intended victim. The resulting number
is used as a modifier (plus or minus) to a
roll of 1d20. The adjusted die roll must be
equal to or greater than a certain number,
depending on the class of the intended
victim, for the save to be successful. Bar-
    barians need a 15 to save, fighters and
rangers need a 13 to save, thieves and
assassins 12, cavaliers and paladins 10,
magic-users and illusionists 9, and clerics,
druids, and monks need 8 to save.

Sleep  -- MU-1; the spell affects from 2-16
creatures of 1 HD (or of 1st level), 2-12
creatures of 1+1 to 2 HD (or 2nd level), 1-
6 creatures of 2+1 to 3 HD (or 3rd level)
and 0-1 creatures of 3+1 to 4 HD (or 4th
level). Each group is rolled for separately,
making it possible for the spell to affect up
to 35 creatures at one time.

Unseen servant --  MU-1

Second level
1. Bless
2. Charm man II
3. Detect invisibility
4. ESP
5. Find traps
6. Hold person
7. Hold portal
8. Identify
9. Knock
10. Locate object
11. Magic mouth
12. Nature call
13. Pacify
14. Pit
15. Purify food & drink
16. Pyrotechnics
17. Seduction II
18. Speak with animals
19. Speak with plants
20. Speak in tongues

Second level

Bless ? C-1 (only good and neutral
witches may cast this spell)

Charm man II  ?  Same as  charm man I,
except that duration is 5-10 (1d6 +4) turns
and number of men affected is 7-12
(1d6 + 6) of 4th level or lower.

Detect invisibility  ?  MU-2

ESP  ? MU-2 (victim must be touched to
be affected)

Find traps ?  C-2

Hold person ?  C-2

Hold portal ?  MU-1

Identify ?  MU-1

Knock ?  MU-2

Locate object ?  MU-2

Magic mouth ?  MU-2

Nature call  ? Range 12? radius around
witch. The spell summons from 1-10 small
birds or mammals (up to the size of a
squirrel or hawk) or one creature as large
as an eagle or a wolf. The spell allows
communication with the summoned creatures, enabling the caster to give the creatures one of two orders. The summoned
creatures can be made to rush at an opponent and fake an attack, causing confusion
in monsters of animal intelligence or lower
and causing more intelligent opponents to
attack at -2 to hit for a duration of 1
turn. The summoned creatures cannot be
forced to rush at a character or creature
from which they would normally flee.
Summoned creatures can also be made to
act as messengers, carrying any object
their size permits them to carry for up to
three days.

Pacify  --
Pacify -- Range 6?, duration 4 turns + 1
turn per level of caster; area of effect 1?
by 1? by 2?. The spell affects from 1-8
creatures of 6 or fewer hit dice, causing
those who fail a saving throw to cease
combat and either leave the scene or lie
down on the spot to rest (50% chance of
each). Pacified characters or creatures
won?t harm the witch or her party as long
as the pacified creatures are not harmed.

A pacified creature is allowed another
saving throw each time that creature is
attacked while under the influence of the
spell. The spell does not affect undead.
Pit  ? Range 6?, area of effect 4?. The
spell creates a 20?-deep, 20?-wide pit anywhere within the area of effect. The spell
may only be used in an outdoor environment, and cannot be employed inside a
structure or enclosure, or underground. If
used as an offensive measure, intended
victims are permitted a saving throw. A
successful save made by a stationary opponent means the caster misjudged the target?s position or distance from the caster,
and the pit is formed at a location 20?
away from the intended victim or victims.
A successful save made by an intended
victim who is in motion means that the
target has a 70% chance of avoiding the
pit during the next round. A victim who
falls into the pit takes 2d6 hp damage if
stationary before the fall, or 3d6 hp damage if moving before the fall. The spell
remains in effect until six creatures have
fallen into the pit, or until it is dispelled.

Purify food & drink  --  C-1 (only good
witches may cast this spell)

Pyrotechnics  --  MU-2

Seduction II  --  Same as  seduction I,
except for determination of saving throw.

Speak with animals --  D-1

Speak with plants --  D-4

Speak in tongues  -- Duration 2 turns + 1
turn per level of caster. The spell enables a
witch to understand the language of any
intelligent entity and communicate with
that entity in that language. No saving
throw is allowed. Only one language may
be understood and spoken for each cast-
ing of the spell, but it is possible to cast
the spell again (while the first casting is
still in effect) and understand up to three
languages at once (with three separate

Third level
1. Calm
2. Clairvoyance
3. Comfort
4. Continual light
5. Cure disease
6. Dissipate vapor
7. Fireball
8. Invisibility
9. Lightning bolt
10. Mystic rope
11. Phantasmal force

Calm  -- Area of effect 7" radius from
caster, duration 6 turns. Number of characters or creatures affected is unlimited
within the area of effect. All insects, animals, humanoid types, and monsters of 5
HD or less lose their will to fight, even if
currently engaged in combat to the death.
Saving throws are made at -2. The magic
resistance of any intended victim is lowered by 15% from its normal magic resistance for purposes of determining whether
this spell is successfully cast. Every attack
on a calmed being entitles that being to
another saving throw at +3. Members of
the witch?s party are unaffected by the
spell unless one or more of them is attacking the witch. The caster has no control
over beings who are calmed after the spell
has taken effect.

Clairvoyance --  MU-3

Comfort  -- Range 2?, duration 36 turns,
number of creatures affected up to 10.
Recipients of the benefit of this spell feel
no pain, heat, cold, hunger, thirst, or ex-
haustion, and need not eat or rest for the
duration of the spell. The spell does not
negate normal damage taken, but it does
n e g a t e   t h e   e f f e c t s   o f   a   wand of fear,
drums of panic,  any similar magic item, or
a  sleep  spell. Recipients receive a + 1 to all
saving throws for the duration of the spell.

Continual light --  C-3

Cure disease --  C-3

Dissipate vapor  -- Range 1" per level of
the caster, duration 2 turns, area of effect
5? by 5? by 5?. This spell disperses any
gaseous substance. Creatures with intelli-
gence (such as an air elemental) are enti-
tled to a saving throw  VS. spells. The
movement rate of the dissipating gas is 6?.

Fireball  -- MU-3 (only an evil or neutral
witch may cast this spell, and only one
fireball  may be cast in a day)

Invisibility --  MU-2

Lightning bolt  -- MU-3 (only evil and
neutral witches may cast this spell, and
only one  lightning bolt  may be cast in a

Mystic rope  -- Range 10?, duration 2
turns +5 rounds for each level of the
caster above 6th level, or until the rope is
destroyed or dispelled. The spell creates a
magical rope in the witch?s hand or on the
ground in front of any creature designated
by the witch who is within range. The
rope can be of any length desired up to
100?. It unerringly carries out the witch?s
orders to move about, attach itself to any
solid object so that characters can pull on
it, use it to climb or descend a surface, or
ensnare up to six small, three man-sized,
or one giant-sized creature. In order to
ensnare second and subsequent oppo-
nents, the rope must first successfully
ensnare  the  creature  upon  whom  the
ensnarement is currently being attempted.
The rope can attack only one potential
victim at a time. Any part of the rope not
being used to tie up a character can move
at a rate of 9? and drags an already en-
snared creature around in an attempt to
tie up other victims. The rope is consid-
ered to have a strength of 19. Saving
throws are allowed to any creature in
danger of being tied up, but a new saving
throw must be made at the start of every
round in which the danger still exists.
Saving throws in the third and subsequent
rounds are made at +2. Any creature
being chased by the rope is -1 to hit
other opponents in that round. Actual
ensnarement, once a saving throw is
failed, takes one full round, after which
the victim is rendered helpless until and
unless the rope can be cut or untied by
the victim, or destroyed by an attack form
which damages it. The rope has 1 hp for
each 4? of length, and has a saving throw
number of 12 against all attack forms
which can harm it. The rope can be destroyed by  dispel magic  or  disintegrate  if it
fails its save. The breath weapon of a
dragon, strong acid, and magical fire or
lightning cause damage to the rope, and it
is destroyed and immediately disappears if
its hit points are reduced to less than one-
third of its original total. Normal weapons
have  no  effect  on  the  rope,  but  magical
weapons can cut through the rope in two
rounds. The rope suffers no damage from
such blows, but simply becomes two sepa-
rate pieces of rope, each piece retaining
the proper proportion of the rope?s cur-
rent number of hit points. Any captive
with strength of 18 or higher has a chance
of freeing itself in each round after be-
coming ensnared, but must save at -2 in
the round after becoming freed in order
to avoid immediately being tied up again.
The percentage chance for a victim to free
itself is 5% for a captive of 18 strength,
10% for strength 18/01 to 18/50, 15% for
18/51 to 18/75, 20% for 18/76 to 18/90,
30% for 18/91 to 18/99, 40% for 18/00,
50% for strength 19, 55% for 20, 65% for
21, 75% for 22, 85% for 23 and 95% for
strength 24. A victim may make an at-
tempt to free itself once per round.
Dragons or dragon-sized creatures have a
constant 80% chance per round to free
themselves from the rope, but the percent-
age drops to 40% if the dragon is ensnared
about the head, so as to render its breath
weapon useless. Dragons may attempt no
offensive action while trying to break an
ensnarement about the mouth.

Phantasmal force  --  MU-3

Phantom light -- A mobile  faerie fire
that either follows behind the witch and
her party or leads the way, at a distance of
up to 12?. Identical in all other respects to
the regular spell.

Plant entrapment  - Range 5?, duration
2   t u r n s ,   a r e a   o f   e f f e c t   2 ?   b y   2 ? .   T r e e
branches, grasses, shrubs, and the like,
within the area of effect, grab at and
attempt to hold motionless all living and
undead creatures with their reach, and
may attempt to disarm or strangle an
intended victim if the witch orders the
attempt. If a victim fails to save against the
spell, there is still a chance for the victim
to free itself manually from the grasp of
the plants, with the possibility of success
dependent on the size and strength of the
plant life doing the entrapping.

Protection from normal missiles  --  MU-3

Remove curse  --  C-3

Seduction III  -- Same as  seduction I,
    except for determination of saving throw.

Fourth level
1. Charm monster
2. Control fluid
3. Cure/cause serious wounds
4. Glyph of warding
5. Hallucinatory terrain
6. Infravision
7. Levitate
8. Mirror image
9. Neutralize poison
10. Plant growth
11. Polymorph other
12. Polymorph self
13. Seduction IV
14. Shock
15. Strength
16. Wall of Water

Charm monster  --  MU-4

Control fluid -- A witch may control an
amount of liquid equal to six cubic feet for
each level of experience of the witch. For
a maximum duration of three turns, the
liquid may be made to move at the witch?s
directions at the rate of 3? per round. The
witch may herself move about while this
spell is in effect, but she may not begin to
cast another spell until this spell ends or is

Cure/cause serious wounds  --  Generally
the same as the 4th-level cleric spell  cure
serious wounds  (reversible). Only witches
of good or neutral alignment can  cure,  and
the spell restores 3-13 (2d6 + 1) hp dam-

age. Only witches of evil or neutral alignment can  cause,  and the spell administers
2-12 (2d6) hp damage.

Glyph of warding --  C-3

Hallucinatory terrain --  MU-4

Infravision --  MU-3

Levitate --  MU-2

Mirror image --  MU-2

Neutralize poison --  C-4

Plant growth --  MU-4

Polymorph other --  MU-4

Polymorph self  -- Generally the same as
the 4th-level magic-user spell of the same
name, except that the witch may only use
the claw and bite attacks of the creature
whose form is assumed, and not any special attacks.

Seduction IV  -- Same as  seduction I,
except for determination of saving throw.
Shock - Area of effect 6? radius of
witch, duration 1 round. The casting of
this spell creates a blast of electrical energy emanating in all directions from the
witch, doing 4-32 hp damage to each character or creature within the 6? radius.
The spell affects friends and enemies alike.
A successful saving throw cuts damage in

Strength  --  MU-2

Wall of water  -- Range 3?, duration 6
turns, area of effect up to 4? wide, 4?
high, 1? thick. The casting of this spell
creates a magical barrier of water that is
impervious to normal fire, but not to a
fireball or other magically created flame.
Creatures of flame take 5-30 hp damage
when passing through it. The wall?s swirling currents block missile fire, including
magic missile  and  magic disk.  Any living or
undead thing with less than 5 HD cannot
pass through the wall. Creatures with 5 +
HD can pass through but take 3-18 hp
damage in doing so. A creature that can
pass through it needs two rounds to do so,
unless the creature has strength of 18/51
or greater, in which case it moves through
at its normal movement rate. The wall
cannot be used to create a water elemental. The wall must have one of its sides
resting on the ground or floor. The spellcaster may pass through the wall unharmed and may fill up to five water
flasks from it without harm. Any water
stored in this manner loses all its magical
properties. When the spell ends or is
dispelled, the water does not disappear
but instead becomes normal water and
flows out along the surface it is contacting.

Fifth Level Spells
1.  Animal growth
2. Anti-magic shell
3. Charm animal
4. Immunity
5. Insect plague
6. Monster summoning I
7. Oracle
8. Produce flame
9. Seduction V
10. Slow
11. Spirit
12. Teleport
13. Transmute rock to mud
14. Weakness
15. Water breathing
16. Wizard eye

Animal growth  -  D-5

Anti-magic shell  -  MU-6

Charm animal  - Generally the same as
the 2nd-level druid spell  charm person or
mammal,  except that the spell affects only
non-humanoid animals.

Immunity  - Duration 18 turns for each
experience level of the caster. The character or creature touched by the witch after
the casting of the spell is immune to diseases and poisons for the duration of the

Insect plague -  C-5

Monster summoning I  -  MU-3

Oracle  - Generally the same as the 5th
level cleric spell  commune,  except that the
spell can be used only once per week.

Produce flame  - Generally the same as
    the 2nd-level druid spell of the same name,
except that the flame does not have to
originate from the caster?s hand and may
be created anywhere within a 3? radius of
the witch.

Seduction V  - Same as  seduction I,
except for determination of saving throw.

Slow  -  MU-3

Spirit  - Duration 4 + 1-8 turns, range
    touch. The spell allows the witch or any
one character or creature she touches to
have a noncorporeal body that can pass
into and through objects. The recipient of
the spell becomes transparent, but the
outline of its body can be seen. Only lat-
eral movement is allowed, at a rate of 12?
per round, Normal weapons and missiles
magic weapons do half damage, and offen-
sive spells are only 30% effective (15% if a
save is made). Combat is possible with
other noncorporeal forms such as
shadows, spectres, ghosts and wraiths, as
well as elementals of the medium through
which the recipient is passing. The recipi-
ent of the spell may cast no spell higher
than level 2 against opponents not in spirit
form which cannot do full damage to the

    Teleport  -  MU-5

Transmute rock to mud  -  MU-5

Weakness - Duration 1 turn per experi-
ence level of the caster, range touch, area
of effect one individual. The spell cuts the
victim?s strength in half (fractions rounded
up) for the duration of the spell or until
dispelled. A strength of 18/01 or greater is
reduced to 10.

Water breathing  -  MU-3

Wizard eye  - MU-4

Sixth Level
1. Animate dead
2. Cancel life level
3. Evaporate fluids
4. Haste
5. Leomund's secret chest
6. Lower water
7. Seduction VI
8. TK
9. True sight
10. Vision crystal
11. Wards of defense
12. Worship

Animate dead -  C-3

Cancel life level - Duration one month;
    all saving throws made at -5. The witch
must make a successful roll to hit the
victim?s armor class for the spell to work.
Witches of level 20 and higher are allowed
    a duration of one year. The effect of the
spell is to drain a life-energy level, identi-
cal to the effect of a wight, for the dura-
tion of the spell. No further experience
may be gained by the victim until this spell
is lifted. Only a  wish  can undo this spell
prior to the end of its duration.

Evaporate fluids  -  Same as  dissipate
vapor,  except that the spell is effective
against liquids instead of gases or vapors.

Haste  -  MU-3

Leomund?s secret chest  -  MU-5

Lower water -  C-4

Telekinesis  -  MU-5

True sight  - 1-6 (only witches of good
alignment may cast this spell).

Vision crystal  - Duration 1 turn for
each 7 levels of experience of the caster
(fractions do not count). This spell enables
the witch to make any transparent or
reflecting object into a  crystal ball  for one
    viewing. A  crystal ball  created in this
manner does not count as one of the re-
quired items for a witch desiring admis-
sion to the High Secret Order. See the spell
magic mirror  (MU-4) for other relevant

Wards of defense - Duration 5 seg-
ments per experience level of the caster. The spell creates a stationary force field of
a 2? radius around the witch, shielding
her from all magical or physical attacks
for the duration of the spell or until it is
dispelled. The witch may cast spells of
level 3 and lower from inside the field,
and may fire missiles from within the
field. The witch may move about within
    the field, but if she moves up to or beyond
the 2? radius from her original position,
the spell is dispelled.

Worship  - Range 12?, duration 3 turns
per level of the caster or until dispelled.
The spell affects one intelligent (semi-
intelligent or higher) creature, regardless
of hit dice. Characters or creatures with
magic resistance are entitled to a saving
throw as usual, and have their magic
resistance reduced by a factor of 90% for
purposes of determining whether the spell
takes effect. Characters or creatures with
out magic resistance save at -2. The
effect of the spell is to put the entity into a
trance from which it cannot be revived.
until the spell expires or is dispelled. The
victim obeys simple commands from the
witch and, if the victim has spell-casting
capability, may cheerfully cast one spell
from its repertoire (of the witch?s choice)
on behalf of the witch.

Seventh Level
1. Astral projection
2. Call spirits
3. Control lycanthrope
4. Control undead
5. Find the path
6. Fire storm
7. Geas
8. Legend lore
9. Love
10. Seduction VII
11. Stone to flesh
12. Wall of ice

Astral projection  - As per the 7th-level
cleric spell  astral spell.

Call spirit  - Range 2? from corpse con-
taining spirit to be called. No saving throw
allowed. The spell must be cast at night,
and the name of the deceased must be
known to the witch before casting. One
round after casting, the spirit of the de-
ceased  character  or  creature  is  summoned
to the witch. She may then ask the spirit
four questions of any sort, and the spirit is
compelled to answer truthfully if the
answer is known to it or can be obtained
by it. Before any questions are asked, the
spirit must be told whether it is supposed
to search the spirit world for the an-
swer(s) or to rely entirely on its own
knowledge. There is a base chance of 50%
that the spirit knows the answer to any
question(s) asked of it. This chance is
adjusted upward by 20% if a search of the
spirit world is called for. However, a
search of the spirit world takes from 5
rounds up to one day, depending on the
difficulty or complexity of the question,
per question. If a spirit does not know and
is unable to discover the answer to a ques-
tion, it informs the caster of that fact. The
spell lasts until dispelled or until the caster
h a s   r e c e i v e d   f o u r   r e s p o n s e s   f r o m   t h e
s p i r i t.

C o n t r o l   l y c a n t h r o p e   ? Range 12? radius
of the caster, duration permanent or until
dispelled. No saving throw allowed. Any
and all lycanthropes within range are
affected, and won?t automatically attack
the caster. However, for each day or part
of a day the spell remains in effect, there
is a 5% chance (cumulative) of the affected
creature(s) breaking the spell and attacking the witch. (Roll separately for each

C o n t r o l   u n d e a d   ?  Same as  control lycanthrope,  except that the spell affects any
and ail undead creatures within range.

Find the path  ?  C-6

Fire storm  ?  D-7

Geas  ?  MU-6

Legend lore  ?  MU-6

Love  -- Range touch, duration permanent or until dispelled. The spell is usable
only by witches of good or neutral alignment. The spell acts as a permanent  philter of love  if the intended target fails its
saving throw. The spell can only be removed by a  limited wish  or a  wish.  Only
one target can be affected for each casting
of the spell.

Seduction VII -  Same as  seduction I,
except for determination of saving throw.

Stone to flesh  ?  MU-6

Wall of ice?  MU-4

Eighth Level
1. Charm man III
2. Clone
3. Death
4. Dispel enchantment
5. Mass polymorph
6. Reincarnation
7. Rusting touch
8. Seduction VIII
9. Summon devil
10. Temporary resurrection
11. Wasting
12. Youth

Charm man III  ?  Same as  charm man I,
except that the spell affects 9-16 (d8 +8)
men of 5th level or lower.

Clone  ?  MU-8

Death  ?  Range 12", duration 1 round,
area of effect 4" by 4". This spell instantly
destroys from 2-16 creatures (undead
extraplanar beings excluded) within the
area of effect, as long as the intended
victims have 7 or fewer hit dice. Or, one
creature of more than 7 HD can be killed.

No saving throw is allowed in either case.
The effects of this spell can be negated if a
successful  dispel magic  has been cast
earlier in the same round, or by a  dispel
enchantment  spell  cast  by  another  witch
(see below).

Dispel enchantment  -- Range 12" for
creatures,  touch  for  magic  items.  This
incantation either creates a circular field
of anti-magical force that permanent dis-
pels any sort of spell which is currently in
effect within range of the  dispel enchant-
ment  spell, or it renders useless any single
magic item which is touched by the caster.
No saving throw is allowed for the items,
though artifacts and relics are not af-
fected. Magic is dispelled at the level of the
witch?s magic use. Duration of the spell is
5 rounds/level for dispelling spells, or
turn/level for neutralizing magic items.

Mass polymorph --  Range 12", area of
effect 6? by 6? by 6?. Caster may poly-
morph up to 10 man-sized creatures, as
per the  polymorph other  spell. Saving
throw is made at -3 for each creature,
-4 if only one or two creatures are in-
tended to be affected. In addition, any
character or creature which makes a
successful system shock roll has no chance
of being  polymorphed.  Up to three differ-
ent types of creatures may be among the
creatures which are changed into; for
example, in a group of at least three tar-
gets, the witch could turn one or more of
them into a cat, one or more into a dog,
and one or more into a mouse. Creatures
larger or smaller than man-size cause the
maximum number affected to be altered
accordingly, with two small-sized creatures equivalent to one man-sized creature, and two or three man-sized
creatures equivalent to one large-sized

Reincarnation  -- MU-6

Rusting touch  -- Duration 1 turn or until
dispelled, range touch. The spell affects all
ferrous metals as if they had been touched
by a  rust monster, and can affect as many
items as the witch can touch within the
duration of the spell. Magical items made
of metal get a save at -4; otherwise, no
saving throw allowed.

Seduction VIII  --  Same as  seduction I
except for determination of saving throw.

    Summon daemon/demon/devil -- Usable
only by witches of evil alignment. The
spell is generally the same as the 5th-level
magic-user spell  conjure elemental,  except
that the conjured creature vanishes with-
out attacking should the witch?s concentra-
tion be disturbed. Archdevils and the like
cannot be conjured, and any intelligent
creature that is conjured and performs a
service for the witch may claim a service
from her at any future time.  Protection
from evil  must be cast by a cleric or
magic-user in the witch?s party or the
witch herself must burn a blue candle
before the spell can be cast. No saving
throw is allowed to the summoned being.
This spell brings whatever sort of creature
the witch desires, be it a Type V demon or
a styx devil, but there is a percentage
chance equal to the summoned being?s hit
dice that the spell fails.

Temporary resurrection  --  Duration two
days per experience level of the caster,
range 6", only one character or creature
can be affected on each casting. The spell
causes the affected character or creature

t o   b e   b r o u g h t   b a c k   t o   l i f e   w i t h   a l l   p e r s o n a l
p o w e r s   p r e v i o u s l y   p o s s e s s e d .   N o   s a v i n g
throw allowed. The spell is reversible,
with  temporary death  causing the affected
creature to be rendered lifeless for the
duration. A saving throw is allowed for
the reverse of the spell. Only witches of
evil or neutral alignment may cast  tempo-
rary death.  Note that material goods
owned by the character returned to life
are not restored by this spell's powers.

Wasting  --  Duration 1 turn or 2 touches,
whatever comes first. The spell causes
any character or creature which is
touched to immediately age 10-100 years.
Intelligent creatures (low intelligence or
higher) are allowed a saving throw.

Youth  -- Duration 2 rounds, usable once
per day. Affects one character or creature
per casting of the spell. Anyone or any
    thing touched becomes 10 years younger
for the duration of the spell.

High Secret Order spells
1. Banish
2. Circle of blindness
3. Combine
4. Control weather
5. Disintegrate flesh
6. Earthquake
7. Guards and wards
8. Intensify
9. Maze
10. Paralyzing pit
11. Prismatic sphere
12. Prismatic spray
13. Reflection
14. Seek
15. Solidify air
16. Transport via plants
17. Vaporize
18. Volcanic circle
19. Weight concentration
20. Wind walk

Banish  -- Range 24", area of effect 2? by
4" by 4?. The effect of this spell is to send
any character or creature (including an-
other witch) or an inanimate object that
has been animated straight to a random
Lower Plane in a random location. The
spell affects one creature or thing only,
but is infallible and operates regardless of
any attempts to dispel or counteract it.
Even creatures the witch cannot actually
detect may be  banished  if one is threat&-
ing her well-being in a direct way, as long
as that creature or thing lies within the
spell?s area of effect.

Circle of blindness  ?  Range 7?, area of
effect 3? radius of impact point, duration
3 turns. No saving throw is allowed. All
witches are immune to the effects of this
spell. Within the area of effect, the spell
neutralizes normal vision and hearing and
negates the effects of the following spells:
ESP, detect invisibility, detect magic, detect
evil/good, locate object, seek, clairvoyance,
infravision,  and  wizard eye.  The spell also
    renders useless any magic item that offers
any sort of detection ability. The circle is
immobile, and victims may blunder out of
the area of effect. The only other ways to
counteract the effects of the spell before it
wears off are  wishes  of any sort, the witch
spell  dispel enchantment  as by the inten-
tional premature dispelling of the spell by
the caster.

Combine -- This spell allows the caster
to combine the casting of two or more
spells, not to exceed a total of seven spell
levels. Range, duration, and area of effect
of the combination spell are determined
according to the smallest or shortest such
figures for the spells involved. The two
spells so joined must have been memo-
rized by the witch prior to their casting,
and the  combine  spell may be cast up to a
full turn prior to the casting of the two

Control weather ?  D-7

D i s i n t e g r a t e   f l e s h   ? Range 5?, area of
effect 4" by 4? by 4?. The spell enables a
witch to completely disintegrate all living
material and beings within the specified
area of effect. Only beings with a magic
resistance gain any form of saving throw
against this attack. Nonliving material
possessions and objects are not affected by
this spell, but dead organic matter (bodies,
bones, etc.) is also consumed.

Earthquake  ?  C-7

Guards and wards  -  MU-6

Intensify  ? Range 15" (outdoors only),
duration 1 turn, area of effect ½ mile
square. This spell multiplies the power of
one currently existing natural phenome-
non: A light breeze would become a
hurricane-strength wind, the sound of
rustling leaves would become a deafening
tumult, a sprinkle of rain would become a
flash flood.  Dispel magic  has no effect on
this spell.

Maze  -- MU-8

Paralyzing pit  -- Range 8?. The spell,
when cast outdoors, causes the immediate
formation of a pit 2" by 2" by 2". Victims
falling into the pit, either upon its forma-
tion or in subsequent rounds, automati-
cally take 2-12 hp damage from the fall. In
each round after the fall, a victim must
make a saving throw vs. spells or be para-
lyzed. The paralyzation feature of the pit
lasts for six rounds after the formation of
the pit, but the pit is permanent and con-
tinues to inflict 2-12 hp damage to anyone
or anything that falls into it later. When
the spell is cast in a dungeon or inside any
other type of enclosure, no pit is formed;
instead, a paralyzation field 1" thick and
2? wide, to the maximum possible height,
is formed. The field lasts for 12 rounds.
Victims are allowed a saving throw at +1,
and if a save is failed the victim is para-
lyzed for 2 rounds. Victims are entitled to
a new saving throw every second round
they are in the field, but must make a
successful save in two consecutive rounds
    to avoid being paralyzed all over again.
The spell-caster may enter the pit or the
field without being adversely affected.

Prismatic sphere  --  MU-9

Prismatic spray  --  I-7

Reflection --
Duration 2 turns, area of
effect immediate area around spell caster.
This spell creates a shimmering cloud
around the witch, causing any magical
attack used against her to be turned
against the attacker. Attacks with normal
weapons have no effect and are not reflected.
The spell won?t reflect the effects
of a  banish  spell or any detection spell.
Banish still works, and divination spells
simply have no effect.

Seek  --  By casting this spell, a witch
immediately gains the ability to determine
    the location of any single item, place, or
    creature and visualize all major aspects of
its immediate surroundings (within 5?).
She is able to tell in what part of a world
or area the thing being sought exists; the
closer she actually is to the thing being
sought, the more definite her general idea
of its location. The spell may be used by a
witch for her own benefit, or she may be
induced to cast it on behalf of another
character or creature, as long as that
individual is of the same specific alignment
as the witch. When the spell is performed
on behalf of someone else, the witch must
be provided with an extremely detailed
description of the item being sought. As
payment for her service, the witch can
require a magic item in the individual?s
possession (50% chance) or a sum of
10,000-40,000 gp.

Solidify air  --  Range 3?, area of effect 2?
by 2? by 2?. By casting this spell, the
witch can  cause  the atmosphere within
the area of effect to solidify. The solidifying process takes five rounds, after which
any creature(s) within the area of effect
are trapped and unable to move. The
atmosphere forms into a rocklike substance which is solid and hard, but porous
enough to allow trapped creatures to
breathe. The substance is not affected by
dispel magic or any other similar spell.
Furthermore, the witch may command the
solidified air toe become nonporous, smothering those within it in a single round, or
she may command the solidified air to
turn to fog, releasing the trapped characters but temporarily blinding them. At any
time, the witch may communicate freely
with those trapped inside the block of air
by speech. No saving throw is given
against this spell, which has a permanent
duration until dispelled by command of
the witch.

Transport via plants  --  D-7

Vaporize  --  Range 3?, duration 10
rounds, area of effect 4? wide by 2? deep
by 2' high. Any rock, mineral matter, or
metal in the affected area is turned into a
thick fog that can be blown away.  Dispel
magic  has no effect on this spell. Magical
items must save against disintegration to
avoid being destroyed.

Volcanic circle  --  Range 8?, duration 3
rounds. The spell creates a circular patch
of cohesive lava 1" wide by ¼? deep
which radiates outward from the point of
origin at the rate of 3? per round. Creatures touched by the lava immediately
take 8-80 hp damage from the molten
rock. The spell-caster is unharmed by this
spell. Ground that has already been passed
over by the circle is safe to walk on after a
full turn.  Dispel magic  has no effect on
this spell.

Weight concentration/dilution  --  Range
10', duration 6 turns, area of effect up to
10 creatures or objects. The spell enables
the witch to triple a target?s weight, making it move more slowly, become unable to
fly, etc.  Weight dilution,  the reverse of the
spell, causes a target?s weight to be reduced to one-tenth of its normal amount,
meaning that strong winds could blow
away men, wagons, or other normally
heavy objects. Targets are allowed saving
throws.  Dispel magic  has no effect on this

Wind walk --  C-7




<finish this article, beginning at L1 spells>

THE WITCH: Revised and Expanded NPC Class (114.8)
Followers, hirelings, and apprentices (114.10)
High Secret Orders (114.10)
Witches' special abilities (114.10)
Brew poisons and narcotics (3rd level) (114.10)
Brew truth drug (4th) (114.10)
Brew love potion (5th) (114.10)
Manufacture potions and scrolls (6th) (114.12)
Candle magic (7th) (114.12)
Use all magical scrolls (9th) (114.12)
Acquire familiar (10th) (114.13)
Manufacture magical items (12th) (114.13)
Brew flying ointment (13th) (114.13)
Manufacture control doll (15th) (114.13)
Manufacture permanent magical items (16th) (114.13)
Fascination (17th) (114.13)
Longevity (20th) (114.14)
Limited Wish (21st) (114.14)
Shape Change (22nd) (114.14)
General notes on spells (114.14)
Spell descriptions and explanations (114.16)
Charm Man I (w1) (114.16)
Control Vapor (w1) (114.16)
Cure Wounds (w1) (114.16)
Give Wounds (w1) (114.16)
Magic Disk (w1) (114.16)
Minor Quest (w1) (114.16)
Read Languages (w1) (114.16)
Reflected Image (w1) (114.16)
Seduction I (w1) (114.16)

Charm Man II (w2) (114.16)
Nature Call (w2) (114.16)
Pacify (w2) (114.16)
Pit (w2) (114.18)
Seduction II (w2) (114.18)
Speak in Tongues (w2) (114.18)

Calm (w3) (114.18)
Comfort (w3) (114.18)
Dissipate Vapor (w3) (114.18)
Mystic Rope (w3) (114.18)
Phantom Light (w3) (114.18)
Plant Entrapment (w3) (114.18)
Seduction III (w3) (114.18)

Control Fluid (w4) (114.18)
Seduction IV (w4) (114.19)
Shock (w4) (114.19)
Wall of Water (w4) (114.19)

Charm Animal (w5) (114.19)
Immunity (w5) (114.19)
Oracle (w5) (114.19)
Seduction V (w5) (114.19)
Spirit (w5) (114.19)
Weakness (w5) (114.19)

Cancel Life Level (w6) (114.19)
Evaporate Fluids (w6) (114.19)
Vision Crystal (w6) (114.19)
Wards of Defense (w6) (114.19)
Worship (w6) (114.19)

Call Spirit (w7) (114.19)
Control Lycanthrope (w7) (114.20)
Control Undead (w7) (114.20)
Love (w7) (114.20)
Seduction VII (w7) (114.20)

Charm Man III (w8) (114.20)
Death (w8) (114.20)
Dispel Enchantment (w8) (114.20)

Mass Polymorph (w8) (114.20)
Rusting Touch (w8) (114.20)
Seduction VIII (w8) (114.20)
Summon Daemon/Demon/Devil (w8) (114.20)
Temporary Resurrection (w8) (114.20)
Wasting (w8) (114.21)
Youth (w8) (114.21)

Banish (wHSO) (114.21)
Circle of Blindness (wHSO) (114.21)
Combine (wHSO) (114.21)
Disintegrate Flesh (wHSO) (114.21)
Intensify (wHSO) (114.21)
Paralyzing Pit (wHSO) (114.21)
Reflection (wHSO) (114.21)

Seek (wHSO) (wHSO) (114.21)
Solidify Air (wHSO) (114.21)
Vaporize (wHSO) (114.21)
Volcanic Circle (wHSO) (114.21)
Weight Concentration/Dilution (wHSO) (114.21)