The Glyphs of Cerilon

by Larry DiTillio
Learning glyphs Limits on glyphs Mechanics of glyphs Cerilonian glyphs General notes
Possible magic items relating to glyphs - - Dragon 50 Dragon

The Glyph of Warding spell is one of
the most fascinating and useful spells in
the AD&D™ game for both players and
Dungeon Masters alike. For a player, a
good Glyph can solve all sorts of dilemmas,
as well providing a safe, pre-planned
route of escape. For the DM, a Glyph can
serve as a very nifty trap, certain to foil
those nimble-fingered, keen-eyed thieves
at every turn. Glyphs are also terrific for
providing a surprise for an invading party
that is bent on pounding through that
open archway to blast the Temple of
Evil’s resident High Priest.

Aside from their practical usefulness,
Glyphs also provide an opportunity for
the DM to utilize a bit of fiendish creativity
in the actual creation of the Glyphs
themselves. Glyphs that differ by only a
single element (e.g., one Glyph that is a
triangle with two wavy lines, and one that
is a triangle with three wavy lines) can
make for many delightful snafus, as can
Glyphs that have the same purpose but
different names. There are also many
more possibilities for Glyphs than the
usual fire damage, electrical damage,
paralysis, and so forth which the PH details. Following are a description
of the mechanics of Glyphs as
they exist in the author’s Cerilonian
Campaign, a list of Glyphs for the reader’s
perusal, and a few ideas for magic
items which pertain to Glyphs. Happy

Learning Glyphs: When a Glyph of
Warding spell becomes available to a
cleric, he or she will learn only a single
Glyph. Thereafter, the Cleric may learn
one additional Glyph per level in this
manner: The cleric must go to a temple
of his deity and there have a Commune
spell cast for him for the express purpose
of learning a new Glyph (i.e., no
other information can be asked for, or
any other aid sought). The deity in question
will then decide if the cleric is
worthy of gaining a new Glyph. Once the
cleric is of a high enough level to cast a
Commune, or if he has some magic device
enabling him to do so, he many employ
the spell himself, without journeying
to a temple. However, no more than
one additional Glyph per level can ever
be learned in this manner.
Clerics may also learn Glyphs from
other clerics in this manner: The teaching
cleric must cast a Commune (only a
high-level cleric can teach Glyphs) to

ascertain whether his or her deity will
permit the teaching. If both clerics serve
the same deity, this casting of Commune
is not necessary; however, a cleric desiring
to teach a Glyph must be still of sufficiently
high level to cast the Commune
spell anyway. The two clerics must then
sequester themselves for a period of not
less than 8 hours, without interruption,
during which time they must pray, meditate,
and engage in activities of a similarly
reclusive nature. At the end of this 8
hours the cleric learning the Glyph must
roll his wisdom score or less on d20. If he
succeeds, he learns the Glyph; if he fails,
the process must be repeated on a subsequent
day. If a cleric should fail the
wisdom roll three times, he may not ever
be taught that particular Glyph, though
he might still receive it from his deity in
the usual fashion. Note: This procedure
applies only to clerics learning a Glyph
for casting purposes. The name of a
Glyph can be freely transmitted to any
cleric with no special method required,
but this does not enable a cleric to cast
that Glyph. This outlook on Glyphs considers
them as potent mystical symbols
whose power must be understood, and
this understanding must come from divine

Limits on Glyphs: A cleric is limited to
casting a total of two Glyphs per point of
Wisdom; i.e., a cleric of 18 Wisdom could
learn a maximum of 36 Glyphs for casting
purposes. Again, there is no limit on
how many names of Glyphs can be
known, only on actual Glyphs used in
Note: In teaching a Glyph, radical
alignment differences between the clerics
involved, enmity between certain deities
and unworthiness of the prospective
learner are all grounds for a deity to disapprove
teaching of a Glyph.

Mechanics of Glyphs: When a Glyph
“fires” it will be visible for 1 segment. The
DM should draw the Glyph and “flash” it
for 6 segments to any player whose
character is in a position to have seen it.
Naturally, a Glyph drawn on the other
side of a door which the party is facing
could not be seen. Also, only characters
fairly close to the caster should have any
chance of seeing the Glyph when it fires.
Glyphs may also be seen without their
going off by means of a Detect invisible
spell, a Gem of true seeing or another
similar magic device.
Certain Glyphs may produce effects

which negate the possibility of seeing
them (for instance, Han, one of the
Glyphs described below, which throws
off a blinding light), and in no case
should a character damaged by a Glyph
be able to see the Glyph.
Several Glyphs serve the same function,
but have different names and configurations,
and many are similar in appearance
(to better confuse the players).
In no instance can a different name be
used to negate a Glyph, despite the fact
that the Glyphs cause similar effects.
Only the name of the Glyph in question
can be used to pass it.
The DM, as resident godhead of his or
her world, should choose the Glyphs
which clerics gain at each level, either
randomly or arbitrarily. Likewise, a cleric
who has been untrue to his or her deity
should not receive a new Glyph. A cleric
should not learn from the deity a duplicate function
Glyph (i.e., the cleric should
know only one Glyph to cause electrical
damage, one to cause blindness, etc.).
Clerics may, however, learn such Glyphs
from other clerics, or from magic items,
or from the experience of others.

Cerilonian Glyphs


Causes paralysis,
duration 1 round per
level of caster, half if save


Causes fire damage
to any alignment other
than Lawful Good, 2
pts. damage per level of
caster, half if save made.
Only Lawful Good clerics
may cast this Glyph.


Causes electrical
damage, 2 pts. per level of
caster, half if save made.


Causes electrical
damage plus amnesia. This
Glyph causes 2 pts. damage
per level of caster and
causes total amnesia in
the toucher for 1 turn per
level of caster. Both effects halved if save
made. The amnesia will cause mages
and clerics to forget spells and thieves
and warriors to forget all skills, as well as
wiping out all memory of comrades and
even one’s own name. Bora cannot be
cast by any cleric below 7th level.


Demon Ward. This
Glyph is specifically designed
to ward demons of
Types I & II or subdemons. <>
It does no damage,
but a Type I or II
demon or sub-demon may not pass it
despite any magic resistance. This ward
is limited to a 5 x 5 ft. area and is usually
cast on doors or gates to keep demons
out (or in). This powerful Glyph may
only be cast by clerics of 8th level or
higher. Note: No Type I or II demon or
sub-demon may speak the name of the
Glyph even if it is known by that creature.
Another person or creature, however,
can do so, thereby voiding the ward
so that the demon can pass it. Also,
should a higher demon pass it, the ward
is destroyed.


Drains Strength, 1
point of Strength (or 1
“step,” in the case of exceptional
strength) for
each 2 levels of the caster;
effect halved if save made
(round fractions down). This loss is permanent
(Restoration or Wish needed to
regain). Only clerics of 7th level or higher
may cast it. For monsters it drains hit
points in the same manner:
levels, permanently.


Causes fire damage
to evil alignments only, 2
pts. per level of caster.
Only clerics of good alignment
may cast it.


Reverse of Akme.
Causes fire damage to all
but Lawful Evil alignments,
2 pts. per level of caster.
Only Lawful Evil clerics
may cast it.

EZ: Magicbane.

This Glyph
drains charges from any
magic item possessed by
the toucher or passer, 1
charge per 3 levels of caster:
causes uncharged
items to be unable to function for 1
round per level of caster and wipes 1
spelI from the mind of any mage or cleric
for each 4 levels of the caster (e.g., a
12th-level Ez would wipe 3 spells from
the mind of a mage). Saves must be
made for every item that could be affected
(which includes magic weapons and
armor), and no bonus for the item in
question is allowed. If saves are made
there is no effect. Potions affected by
this glyph lose their power for the number
of turns appropriate, and scrolls will
likewise not work for the proper amount
of time. Magic items in the artifact class
add +3 to saving throws only for themselves,
This Glyph is very powerful and
can be cast only by clerics of 10th level
or higher. Respite its effect on magic, it
may still be destroyed by an Erase spell.
Choose spells wiped out of mind at


Causes electrical
damage to all but neutral
alignments (includes Neutral
Good, Neutral Evil,
Lawful Neutral and Chaotic
Neutral), 2 pts. per level
of caster. It may only be cast by a cleric
of a neutral alignment, including those
alignments outlined above.


Causes uncontrollable
muscle spasms for 2
rounds per level of caster.
Victim drops everything,
falls to the floor, writhes
about, sustaining 1 point
of damage for every 2 rounds of effect. If
saved is made, victim suffers spasms for
half the time. This Glyph may only be
cast be a cleric of 6th level or higher.


Causes paralysis, 2
rounds per level of caster,
half duration if save is


Causes electrical
damage, 2 points per
level of caster, to any character
of chaotic alignment
only. Half damage if save
is made. Any cleric other
than one of a chaotic alignment may cast
this Glyph.


Causes confusion
for 2 rounds per level Of
caster, half that time if
save is made. This confusion
is exactly like the
druidic spell; except that
the victim will never attack the Glyph
itself, and any such result should be ignored,
rolling a new result instead. The
type of confusion should only be rolled
for once. (e.g., a character trips Glyl cast
by a 10th-level cleric and saves. He then
rolls “wander away” on the Confusion
spell chart,. He wilt wander away for 10


Causes a blinding
flash of light. Character
tripping it and anyone
within 10 feet looking in
the same direction as the
tripper is blinded for 2
rounds per level of caster, half that time if
save is made.


Metalbane. All metal
on the passer or toucher
of this Glyph disintegrates.
This includes weapons,
armor, gold, silver, etc. A
save negates the effect.
Magic weapons or devices of metal are
allowed special additional saves with a
bonus of any plusses they may have if
the initial save is failed. This Glyph may
only be cast by a cleric of 12th level or


Polymorph. This Glyph
causes the toucher to polymorph
into a small earthworm
for 2 rounds per
level of caster. System
shock rolls for changes of
form are required, and if the roll is failed
the character dies. A save negates the
effect. All the character’s equipment becomes
part of the worm form. Only a
cleric of 8th level or higher may cast this


Causes fire damage
to good alignments
only, 2 pts. per level of
caster. Only evil-aligned
clerics may cast it.


Demon Ward. This
powerful Glyph is akin to
Cand, yet is even more
powerful. It wards against
Type III and IV Demons,
as well as all lower demons
and sub-demons. It does no damage,
but simply prevents a demon from
passing it, and it is limited to a maximum
5 x 5 ft. area. A demon above Type IV
passing or touching it will destroy it, and
a character may say its name to allow a
demon to pass it. Only a cleric of 10th
level or higher may cast it.


Causes electrical
damage, 2 pts. per level of
caster, half damage if save
is made. (Same effect as


The witherer. This
Glyph causes the toucher’s
limb to wither permanently,
affecting whichever
limb he touched the warded
area with. If no touching
is involved, roll d4 to ascertain which
limb is withered: 1 = right arm, 2 = right
leg, 3 = left arm, 4 = left leg. This roll is
only necessary when the Glyph is warding
an open archway, bridge etc. A Restoration
spell or Wish can restore the
limb. Saving throw merely numbs the
appropriate limb for 1 round per level of
the caster (limb is unusable for that
time). Only clerics of 9th level or higher
may cast it. <compare to: withering palm, wj7>


The freezer. This
Glyph freezes solid the
toucher or passer for 2
rounds per level of caster.
This freezing further causes
1d4 pts. of damage
per round to the person or creature frozen.
If save is made, duration && damage
are both halved. Only clerics of 7th
level or higher may cast it.


The shortener.
This Glyph causes the victim
to shrink to a height of
6 inches for 2 rounds per
level of caster. Only the
actual body shrinks; all
equipment, etc. remains normal-sized
(so the character may be buried or
crushed by his or her own equipment). A
save negates it.


Drains Dexterity, 1
pt. for each 2 levels of the
caster or half that if saved
is made. The loss is permanent
(Restoration or
Wish needed to regain). In
the case of non-character victims (monsters
roll for Dexterity or ascertain it in
some other way and reduce AC, move,
etc. as appropriate.


Paperbane. This
Glyph causes all items of
paper on the toucher or
passer to disintegrate. This
includes scrolls, maps (if
on paper), spell books, Iibrams,
manuals, etc. Each item must
save separately as if it were the character
saving vs. magic. If the save is made the
effect is negated. This Glyph is generally
used to ward libraries, scroll cabinets
and the like and may only be cast by a
cleric of 7th level or higher.


Madness. This
Glyph causes the toucher
or passer to go instantly
insane, screaming wildly,
shaking as if with palsy
and babbling about terrors
in the dark. This madness is permanent
unless saved against, in which case it
lasts 2 rounds per level of caster. An insane
victim cannot fight, be reasoned
with, or cast spells. A device which cures
insanity (e.g., Staff of curing) or a Wish
or another means of curing insanity can
reverse it. This Glyph may only be cast
by clerics of 9th level or higher.


Acid. This Glyph
when touched or passed
explodes into a shower of
corrosive acid that will
spray everyone within 10
feet of the Glyph. Damage
is 2 pts. per level of caster, half if save is
made, for each character caught in the
shower. Only clerics of 8th level or higher
level may cast this Glyph, and items such
as armor which could be affected by an
acid shower must save vs. acid.


Life drain. This Glyph
drains one life level for
every 10 levels of the caster.
(i.e. a 10th- to 19thlevel
caster would drain
one level, a 20th-level caster
two). Extremely powerful, this Glyph
may only be cast by a 10th-level or
higher cleric. It also is somewhat evil in
nature; though good clerics may use it,
such use must be done with good reason.
Save negates the effect. <energy draining: alt>


The raiser. This
Glyph causes the toucher
or passer to be hurled upwards
at tremendous
speed and be smashed against
the ceiling (or, if
outdoors, to be raised to a height of 100
feet and then fall). Damage is 3 pts. per
level of caster from the smashing effect
or 10d6 from a fall outdoors. A save
against Dexterity is also required for the
smash effect, and if it is failed the user is
considered to have taken the blow directly
in the head, with a chance of instant
death (01-15) or at least a very bad
concussion (15-00). A save against the
Glyph negates the effect. Note: Depending
on ceiling height indoors, the character
will take additional damage from
the fall after being smashed, 1d6 for each
10 feet.


The silence. This
Glyph causes the toucher
to become both deaf and
mute permanently. Save
causes the effect to last
only 2 rounds per level of
caster. A Restoration will cure one effect
(choice of the character casting the Restoration),
and two such spells will cure
both effects. A carefully worded Wish
will also work as a complete cure.


Poison. This
Glyph poisons the toucher
or passer, actually creating
a toxin in the blood
that does 5 points of poison
damage for each level
of the caster per round (i.e., each round
the victim takes five more points of damage
that is in all respects poison damage).
Slow poison or Neutralize poison
or a Heal are the only defenses. If the
Glyph is saved against, the damage is 2
pts. per level of caster per round. Though
the Glyph affects all alignments, it may
only be cast by clerics of evil alignment
who are 9th level or higher. Note: Though
the damage is poison, the save is still
made against magic; however, the DM
    may, at his or her option, allow saves
against poison in each round that the
poison is in effect.


Causes fire damage,
2 pts. per level of caster,
half if save is made.


The ager. This
Glyph causes the toucher
or passer to age 5 years
for each level of the cas-
ter. If save is made, the
is negated. A system
shock roll is also required due to the
rapidity of the aging, and if it is failed the
victim dies (this is not required if an initial
save is made). Any victim aged
beyond his/her normal life span automatically
dies if that aging is 10 or more
years beyond the usual limit. Obviously,
this Glyph could be of aid to certain “victims”
(particularly non-human ones or
monsters). However, clerics should not
be permitted to use it to purposely age a
young character. Only clerics of 8th level
or higher may cast it.


The sanctifier.
This Glyph causes 2 pts.
electrical damage per level
of caster to all evil creatures
and characters of
 evil alignments, 4 pts. per
level of caster to undead of all types, and
disintegrates all unholy symbols or evil
magic items (i.e., items that are intrin
sically evil, such as evil swords, talisman,
Librams of ineffable damnation,
etc., but not items that are merely pos-
sessed by evil characters). Saves cause
half damage. Holy symbols save as if
they were the character saving vs. magic
as do items (with any applicable
plusses as a bonus), but each item must
be rolled for separately. A very powerfu
good Glyph, this has no effect on good
or true neutral alignments (with the ex-
ception of neutral undead) and can only
be cast by a cleric of good alignment of
10th level or higher.


The sleeper. This
Glyph causes the toucher
or passer to fall into a
deep, unshakeable sleep
for 1 turn per level of caster,
or half that time if save
is made. Elvish and half-elvish resistance
to sleep applies. Only a Wish can
awaken the sleeper, and it is possible to
take damage from the resulting sudden
fall (1-3 points).


Causes disease.
This Glyph infects the
toucher or passer with a
terrible, rotting disease
that sets in immediately.
The disease begins rotting
tissue and does so for as many turns as
the level of caster at a rate of 5 points of
damage per turn. If save is made, the
rotting proceeds at a rate of only 2 points
per turn. Cure disease will reverse it.
Charisma will be lowered because of the
stink of the rotting tissue. This Glyph
(which in form is the reverse of Cand, the
Demon Ward) may only be
cast by clerics of
evil alignment of 9th level or higher.


Drains Intelligence.
This Glyph drains
1 point of Intelligence for
every 2 levels of the caster or
half that if saved against.
If all Intelligence is drained,
the victim becomes a mental vegetable.
It will not work on totally non-intelligent
creatures or any undead. Only a cleric of
7th level or higher may cast it.


The bleeder. This
Glyph causes any wounds
on the toucher or passer
to open and begin bleeding
even if the wounds are
bound. Wounds will continue
bleeding for 2 rounds per level of
caster, such bleeding draining an additional
2 pts. every round. If save is made,
the bleeding continues for only 1 round
per level of the caster. Binding will not
help; the wounds must be cured to stop
the bleeding. A Periapt of wound closure
will prevent the effect. Note: All damage,
including the bleeding damage, must be
cured by spell or device to stop the effect.
Also, if a character without wounds
should touch or pass the Glyph, it will
not fire. Poison damage does not trigger
the effect, only actual wounds. This may
be cast by a cleric of 8th level or higher.


The web. This
Glyph, when touched or
passed, explodes to become
a 20’ x 20’ superstrong
web, which is immune
to fire. The web lasts
2 rounds per level of the caster, half that
time if save is made. Characters with
Strength less than 18/50 have no chance
of breaking the webs, and they cannot be
cut. Characters with Strength of 18/50 or
more have a 10% chance of managing to
free themselves each round. The web
appears in the 20 square feet directly in
front of the Glyph and anchors itself
firmly to the ground. This may be cast by
clerics of 9th level or higher. Oil of slipperiness
will negate the web’s effect.


Demon ward. This
Glyph is exactly like Cand
and Jash, except that it affects
demons up to Type
VI. All limits and mechanics
are otherwise exactly
the same (higher-type demon will destroy
it, etc.) This may only be cast by
clerics of 12th level or higher.


Causes electrical
damage to all lawful alignments
only, 2 pts. per level
of caster, half if save is
made. Only clerics of chaotic
alignment may cast.


The scream. This
Glyph when touched or
passed emits a monstrous
scream that stuns everyone
within 20 feet for 2
rounds per level of caster,
half that if save is made. This scream also
has a 60% chance of attracting wander-
ing monsters and will most certainly
alert anyone within 50 feet to the presence
of intruders. Characters who are
not within 20 feet or who for some reason
are deaf will not be affected. This may be
cast by clerics of 6th level or higher.


The stoner. This
Glyph turns the toucher
or passer to stone, either
permanently or for 2
rounds per level of caster
if save is made. All damage
done to the stone is applied to the
victim, if and when he or she revives. A
Stone to flesh will reverse. Note: The
character does not become a statue but
simply a lump of stone. This can be cast
by a cleric of 9th level or higher.


Causes cold damage,
somewhat like Brown Mold.
The toucher or passer takes
2 pts. of cold damage for
every level of the caster,
half that if save is made.


Gembane. All
gems, jewels, etc. on the
toucher || passer’s person
disintegrate. A save negates
it, but only one save
is allowed, except for magic
gems or items of magic involving
gems. All magic gems are rolled for separately
as if they were the character
saving against magic, with any applicable
plusses used as bonuses. This is
generally used to ward large hoards of
gems and may be cast by a cleric of 6th
level or higher.


Regression. This
Glyph causes the toucher
or passer to become a 1-
year-old child in all respects.
The victim shrinks
to child size and is for all
intents and purposes a child. Equipment
does not shrink, but remains adult-sized.
A save negates the effect. This may be
cast by clerics of 7th level or higher. In
the case of monsters affected, they become
1-year-old baby monsters.


The traveller.
This Glyph causes the
toucher or passer to be
teleported instantly to another
location. When used
indoors it teleports the victim
to a spot directly outside the building,
dungeon, etc. he or she is in. When
used outdoors it teleports victim to a
spot 1 mile away for every level of the
caster, in a random direction. A save negates
the effect. This may be cast by
clerics of 10th level or higher. Note: A
cleric could cast this Glyph as an “escape
hatch” for later use, but a save still
must be made, and if successful the
Glyph will not function. Only one character
may be teleported by the Glyph.


Causes electrical
damage plus system shock.
This Glyph delivers 3 pts.
of electrical damage per
level of caster, plus forces
a system shock roll. If the
system shock roll is failed, the victim
dies. A save negates the necessity for the
system shock roll and halves all damage
(round fractions down). This may be
cast by clerics of 9th level or higher.


Death. This
Glyph slays the toucher
or passer. A save negates
the effect, but this save is
against magic, not against
death magic. A most dreaded
Glyph which can only be cast by clerics
of 15th level or higher. Good clerics
will cast it only with very sound reason.

General notes: All Glyphs affect both
man and monster alike and all permit
saves of one type or another. All
Glyphs have an effect but once, except
for the three Demon Wards which remain
until somehow negated (by speaking
the name, an Erase spell, or by a
higher-type demon passing). Clerics
should actually draw any Glyph cast on a
piece of paper in order to determine both
casting time and the correctness of the
Glyph (a Glyph traced incorrectly should
always fail to function). To bypass a
Glyph, the name must bespoken loudly
within 10 feet of the Glyph. It ‘is possible
to make a Glyph permanent by a Wish or
Permanency spell, but this is up to the
DM to decide. Glyphs may affect the caster
just as they would any character if the
name of the Glyph is not spoken, and
once a Glyph is cast it is as invisible to
the caster as to anyone else. Glyphs
should be fairly difficult to come by, especially
the more powerful Glyphs. However,
all temples should have a basic
number of Glyphs available to clerics of
their denomination.

Possible magic items pertaining to glyphs

1) Ring of Glyphs: A ring akin to a Ring
of spell storing which has 2-5 predetermined
Glyphs in it. Each Glyph may be
cast but once, but the ring may be recharged
with the same Glyphs it originally
possessed. The ring would automatically
enable a cleric to cast that Glyph
normally. The Glyph would still need to
be learned in the usual fashion. This ring
would permit casting of Glyphs that
would normally be beyond the power of
the cleric (e.g., it would permit a 7th level
cleric to cast Yaghsa or Zic).

2) Glyph Books: Like spell books, except
that they give only the names of
certain Glyphs and their functions. If
magical, they would permit a cleric to
thereafter cast that Glyph. If merely records
kept by another cleric, they would
at least impart the name of the Glyph and
its effect. In no case would they permit a
cleric to cast a spell opposite to his
alignment or beyond his or her level.

3) Glyph Scrolls: Any scroll with a
Glyph of warding spell should be accompanied
by a specific Glyph. If the
Glyph could not be cast because of
alignment differences, the scroll would
be useless. If the Glyph were of a level
beyond the cleric, treat the casting as for
a magic-user casting a scroll spell of
higher level than his or her own, with
appropriate chance of failure.

4) Rod || staff of Glyphs: A charged
item whose sole function is to create certain
Glyphs of Warding. The rod or staff
would have a predetermined set of Glyphs
(I suggest only 3), each of which would
require more charges. For example, a
staff might contain Fryz, cast by use of 1
charge, Cino by use of 2 and Wod by use
of 3 charges, the name of the Glyph being
the appropriate command word. The
item would be used by touching it to the
area to be warded (the size of which
should also be predetemined and constant).
Only a cleric could use it, and
again it would not automatically give the
cleric the power to cast that particular