Aubayreer's Workbook

Appearance: This book is fashioned
of a long strip of green hiexel bark, folded
and refolded upon itself accordion fashion.
It is bound, protected, between
two rectangular pieces of oiled wood
held together with hempen cord. Upon
one of the boards is carved a rune, thus:

and by this rune the work can be identified
as that of the mage Aubayreer.

History and Description: Aubayreer
was a mage of the Dalelands in the
first days of settlement, and later sailed
east to what is now Aglarond, where he
founded a sorcerous ruling dynasty
that continues to this day. The many
works Aubayreer made while High
Mage of Aglarond, and later Mage-King,
are kept securely in the libraries of the
palace there, but the original workbook
Aubayreer developed as an apprentice
to the mages of the Covenant (see
below) has been lost.

Early in the reign of Lurskas, grandson
of Aubayreer, thieves broke into the royal
libraries. Several were slain by the guardians
and protective magics of the place,
and these indeed kept the more powerful
tomes safe, but the workbook was stolen.
It vanished into the debatable lands east
and south of Aglarond, and no definite
trace of it has been found since, although
reports of the activities of several mages
(notably Nuzar of the Seven Curses) have
hinted that they have perused Aubayreer's Workbook, or at least copies of the
two spells Aubayreer developed which
end the work.

That the book still exists is attested to
by the unceasing efforts of the royal
house of Aglarond to recover it. The
present ruler, the shapeshifting Mage-
Queen known as "The Simbul," is
known to have slain the wizard Thanatus
and to have ransacked the libraries
of the school of magic at Mirrorstar in
her attempts to seize the workbook.
Aubayreer's lone apprentice, the nowdead
mage Nytholops, set down in his
Chronicles the contents of the workbook,
for it was from this book (and no other)
that Aubayreer taught him the Art.

Contents: There are (or were) 18
faces of folded bark in Aubayreer's Workbook. The foremost is usually
blank; it served as a surface for various
protective magics (explosive runes,
symbols, and the like) when desired.
The next 14 surfaces contain the spells

  • read magic,
  • burning hands,
  • dancing lights,
  • enlarge,
  • identify,
  • light,
  • message,
  • write,
  • ESP
  • wizard lock,
  • dispel magic,
  • explosive runes,
  • fireball, and
  • extension I.



    Then follow three special spells --

  • hailcone (Aubayreer's version of ice storm),

  • and two unique spells, Aubayreer's
  • phase trap and
  • thunderlance.
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