
C2 The Ghost Tower of Inverness
World of Greyhawk

CLIMATE: Temperate
TERRAIN: Wilderness Hills

The rocky hills which run east and west between the
Nesser River and Woolly Bay are known as the
Abbor-Alz. The northern verges of the hills are relatively
safe, and these are claimed by the Duchy of Urnst,
as are softer highlands which are covered by the Celadon Forest.
The central and southern portions
are very arid, however, and wild tribesmen
dwelling within these hills turn back all intruders--if
they manage to return at all. These hills are so rough
and precipitous as to preclude mounted movement or
even the passage of organized bodies of soldiers, so no
aggression has proven successful in clearing these tall
heights. Occasional adventurers will return with tales
of having prospected within these hills, stories of
encounters with the natives, monsters, and the like,
but most cannot be believed. There certainly are
riches within the Abbor-Alz, however, for Urnst has
productive mines in that part which is held by the

How far the hills continue into the Bright Desert is
unknown. The peoples dwelling in and beyond the
Abbor-Alz are as unfriendly as the highland

Dice Roll Encounter
01-03 Giants, Hill
04-10 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
11-15 Men, Patrol, Medium
16-40 Men, Tribesmen (plus 20-80)
41-43 Ogres
44-45 Trolls
46-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables: 
Temperate Wilderness Hills (DMG) (FF) (MM2)
* 10% of all gnoll encounters will include flinds.
** 5% of all orc encounters will include ogrillons.

TEMPERATE WILDERNESS Hills and Rough Terrain (d8+d12)
2 Gorgon
3 Displacer Beast
4 Ant Lion, Giant
5 Bee, Giant Bumble-
6 Harpy
7 Giant, Verbeeg
8 Scorpion, Large
9 Giants, Hill
10 Wolf
11 Orc
12 Ogre <>
13 Lycanthrope, Werewolf
14 Tiger
15 Spider, Huge
16 Mantis, Giant
17 Aspis
18 Hybsil
19 Vulture, Giant
20 Manticore


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