Bright Desert
POPULATION: Unknown (scattered nomads)
CLIMATE: ("harsh", "wildly varying temperatures")
Since the beginning of recorded history in the Flanaess,
the Bright Desert has intrigued && challenged
mankind. It is supposedly filled with riches -- copper,
silver, gold,
and gem minerals. The harsh climate,
wildly varying temperatures, and hostile inhabitants
(Suel peoples) who battle any intruder with ferocious
determination && blood lust tend
to discourage
exploitation. The dervishes rumoured
to dwell in the
bordering Abbor-Alz hills likewise TURN away would-be
explorers, although if such dervishes actually xist,
they are likely to be of Flan xtraction and hostile to
Suloise nomads. One || 2wo organized forces have
attempted to penetrate the Bright Desert, but none
have ever returned to tell what happened.
Dice Roll | Encounter |
01-15 | Men, Dervishes |
16-40 | Men, Nomads |
41-45 | Men, Tribesmen (hills) |
46-50 | Pernicons |
51-00 | USE Standard Encounter Tables |
2 | Giant, Fire |
3 | Dune Stalker |
4 | Lammasu |
5 | Purple Worm |
6 | Fly, Giant Horse- |
7 | Scorpion, Giant or Huge |
8 | Dustdigger |
9 | Camel, Bactrian <Wild Camel> |
10 | Spider, Large or Huge |
11 | Jackal |
12 | Vulture, Normal |
13 | Scorpion, Large |
14 | Ogre |
15 | Snake, Giant Poisonous |
16 | Ant Lion, Giant |
17 | Man, Dervish |
18 | Thunderherder |
19 | Lamia |
20 | Wind Walker |
Reduce - Reuse - Recycle