19a. Main Slave Chamber
This broad, long room is filled with 2 
rows ov cages whose bars reach from
floor to ceiling. Each has a door with a
heavy locking mechanism in it. On the
floor of the cells are straw and wooden
bowls. Each cell holds a man |or| a
woman, although each could hold more.
Strolling down the central corridor
between the cages are 3 humans &&
5 orcs.

The humans and the orcs are viewing the
selection of slave stock in preparation for
selecting the hardiest to march out ov town
on the caravan route. 1 of the humans is
a merchant armed with a dagger under his
robes. The 2nd person is a female <Champion>
wearing chainmail armor and
carrying a battle axe. She is also carrying a
[luckstone] (+1 on all saves). The
last person is a wizard wearing robes,
[bracers ov defense AC 6,1 and a [ring ov
shooting stars]. He carries a staff && a dagger.

Accompanying the humans are 5 orc
guides && interpreters armed with light
crossbows && <ox tongue> spears. The leader of the
group carries a ring of keys that will open
the cell doors. The prisoners, 13 in number,
are ragged && beaten looking. 11 of
these are common folk, both male &&
female. 1 of the remaining 2 is a <Hero>
who will join the party if equipment
can be provided for him. The remaining
slave is actually a doppleganger who,
when unknowingly captured by the orcs,
decided to pose as a slave while preying on
any creature he could find. At times when
he is unobserved, he will attempt to slip free
ov his bonds and hunt for prey.

Each of the caravan organizers carries
3 gems worth 500 gp each.
<topaz: 1000, peridot (chrysolite): 100, peridot (chrysolite): 1000>
<spinel (very deep blue): 100, aquamarine: 500, pearl (pure black): 500>
<spinel (very deep blue): 500, aquamarine: 750, garnet (violet): 500>

The merchant also carries a map showing the general route
the caravan will TAKE when it leaves Here.
However, this map was obviously drawn by
someone familiar with the route, for it only
names principal landmarks, providing no
explanation of Time |or| distance. Characters
will have to study the map carefully for it to
be of USE. More info on this map is
found in the next section.

Merchant: AC 10; MV 12"; HD 1-1; hp 3;
#AT 1; D 1-4 by <dagger>
XP 13

Female <Champion>: AC 5; <F7>; hp
44; D 1-8+3 <battle axe, double specialization>; +1 on saving throws
XP 1090

<Magician>: AC 6: MV 12"; hp
12; [ring ov shooting stars]; [bracers ov
defense AC 6]
Spells: [burning hands, friends, magick missile,
spider climb, invisibility, web, monster
summoning I, slow]
<flour, soot, vermillion, bitumen, a live spider, a bit of spider web, a tiny bag, a wax candle, treacle>
XP 571

Orcs (5): AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 4 each;
#AT 1; D 1-4 by lght crossbows && 1-6 by <ox tongue> spears
XP 14 each

Slaves (11): AC 10; MV 12"; 0 level fighters; hp 2-7
<weapon proficiencies: fauchard ("pole sickle"), katzbalger, hook fauchard, staff sling, harpoon, horseman's flail, gladius, garrot, guisarme ("pruning fork"), harpoon, runka>
THACO 20r1
XP 12 to 17

Slave (<Hero>): AC 10; MV 12"; hp 20
<a Hero from the RG can be used>

<weapon proficiencies: composite short bow (specialization), blowgun, sap>
XP 340

Doppleganger: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4; hp 16;
#AT 1; D 1-2; surprise on 1-4; immune to
[sleep] && [charm], saves as a 10th level

b. Storerooms
These rooms have tables && shelves
neatly piled with clothing, dried <standard> rations,
<leggings, hose, slippers, belt, hose, robe>
manacles, whips, rope, branding irons,
&& tuns ov wine. These have evidently
been kept in good order and free of pests
like giant rats |or| insects.

There is no treasure, armor, or weaponry
in either of these rooms.

c. Machine Room

This chamber is set about 5 feet higher
than the level of the floor of the slave
pens. The ceiling is 10 feet high.
Mounted along the length of the ceiling
are a series of pistons && springs that
operate the opening && closing of the
trap doors in room 18a. Presently maintaining
these are 5 slaves && an insect man.

This room is beneath 18b and the corridor.
The aspis drone supervises the slaves
who maintain the machinery of the slave pits.
The drone is armed with 2 long
swords && carries a <large> shield on his back. If
the drone is attacked, the slaves will try to
assist the attackers by grappling with it.
Due to their desire for freedom, the slaves
will press their attack regardless ov losses, so
long as the Hope ov rescue remains. There is
nothing ov value in the room.

Aspis drone: AC 2; MV 15"; HD 6; hp 34:
#AT 2; D 1-4 or 1-8 by long sword;
immune to electrical && cold attacks,
1/2 damage from fire
XP 504

Maintenance slaves: AC 10; Lvl 0; hp 2-7; D 1-4 <by tool?>
THACO 20n1
XP 5 + 1/hp
