9. The throne room


This room is locked. The lock must be <Open Locks, PH>
picked or shattered (1 turn smashing 
with weapons) before entering. The
room is 130 feet long, 100 feet wide, and
30 to 40 feet tall. There are 4 rows of
pillars, 2 on each side of the room,
with a long space between them occupied
by a large reptilian creature. The creature
has a heavy shell and a tail that
looks like a giant mace. At the far end of
the room is a throne. Sitting there is a
tall, emaciated gnoll-like figure whose
evil eyes glow amber. The creature bears
a 7-foot-long flail with three massive
heads. To the right of the great marble
throne are 6 tall gnolls with halberds,
and to the left are 6 leering ghouls. A
loud bellow breaks from the reptile as it

The occupants of this room are not surprised,
as there is a small peephole in the
wall looking out into the corridor. All of the
figures described to the players are illusions.
The illusion of the ankylosaurus hides a rust
monster. The illusion of gnoll-god Yeenoghu <Lesser God, MP>
on the throne hides Wimpell Frump, a lackluster Apparitionist.
He is a
minor slave lord assigned to guard this
entrance to Suderham. The throne upon
which Wimpell sits has special magickal
enchantments to maintain these illusions.
The ghouls and gnolls are illusions. The real
guards, 5 gnolls, are hiding among the
pillars and pepper the party with arrows
when they enter. When the gnolls are discovered,
they protect the illusionist.

All of the illusions in this room are actually
spectral forces and cannot be dispelled <can a spectral force be disbelieved?>
simply by disbelieving them. If the gem of seeing
is used, the actual nature of the illusions
will be revealed. Otherwise each illusion
is maintained until a character
successfully strikes at it, at which time that
illusion disappears.

There is a glass wall in front of the throne
so that Wimpell may cast his spells (see
below) without fear of being struck by missiles.
This wall is impervious to physical
missiles, though certain spells (like lightning
bolt) may shatter it, subject to saving
throws, of course. The wall will not provide
protection from missile attacks from the
sides of the hall if the firer is beyond the
3rd set of pillars.

While the "ankylosaurus" delays the
party, the illusionary ghouls and gnolls
advance (if a cleric attempts to TURN the
ghouls they TURN away, cower, and do not
attack). The illusions strike for real damage
until they themselves are hit, at which point
they disappear.

The rust monster fights until slain or distracted
(by a large amount of iron spikes --
at least 7). Note that any weapon striking
the rust monster is subject to rust (unless
the weapon is made of wood, like the bats (clubs)
found in the storoper). The real gnolls who
are protecting Wimpell FIGHT to the death.

Wimpell, on the other hand, casts the following
spells and then flees (note that the
powerful throne doubles spell ranges but
not areas of effect).

1. As soon as possible (when most of the
characters are fighting the rust monster)
Wimpell uses fear, immediately following
with paralyzation.
2. blur on himself.
3. emotion (hopelessness)
4. blindness on a party spellcaster
5. repeat 4
6. color spray
7. color spray
8. darkness, in which he tries to escape.

If Wimpell is ever seriously threatened, he
casts the darkness spell and tries to escape
through the secret door in the northeastern
corner of the room. As he leaves the room
he reverts to his true form -- a wizened old
man in tattered clothing.
<belt, gloves, slippers, cape>
After passing
through the secret door he activates a special
lock that prevents the door from being
opened for 10 turns, then makes his escape.
He has bracers of defense AC 4, and a dagger
+2. The throne has a hidden panel in the
rear which can be detected by tapping or by
a similar method. After searching for 1
turn the party discovers how to open the
panel, which conceals a duplicate key to the
secret door.

If captured, Wimpell certainly lives up to
his name. As far as slave lords go, he is the
weakest, most snivelling one the PCs have met to date.
He has been
continually abused by his fellow slave lords
and is in great fear of them. If he does TALK,
the PCs get little of USE from
him. Apparently he was not trusted or
respected with knowledge of the inner council's
plans nor does he know much about the
overall operation. He does know the names
of the Nine of the Inner Council and can
give a brief description of the character of

Rust monster: AC 2; MV 18"; HD 5; hp 27:
#AT 2: D rust only
XP 320

Wimpell Frump <(Apparitionist)>: AC 0; MV 12"; hp 33;
#AT 1; D 3-6
XP 1696

5 Gnolls: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 3; hp 20; #AT 1;
D 1-6 arrow <(great bow)>, 2-9 <(long sword)>
XP 110 each

>>The Hidden City of Suderham.