Manual of the Planes

Minauros is the layer of the avaricious,
and ruled by Mammon,
who has despoiled massive regions of his realm to build the sinking city of Minauros,
his capital.
The ground of the third layer is marshy and wet,
and continual rains,
and sleet pass over the land.
The only solid ground is the hard volcanic ridges that undulate across the landscape like great serpents frozen into the ground.
The city Minauros is built of black stone not found in the plane and is continually settling into the swamps.
Mammon and his servants are constantly occupied with gathering more material to support the city.
A barrier to Dis exists only 30 feet above the roofs of Mammon's palace.
It is guarded very carefully.
The land surrounding this decaying city is wet and filled with rot and decaying bodies;
movement rates over this ground are halved.
The plane is the most disease ridden of the lower planes --
there is a 13% chance per visit that an extraplanar traveler contracts a disease while in this realm.

Frequency of Devils on Minauros (The 3rd Hell)
Ruler = Mammon Abishai = U Arch = VVR Barbed = C Bearded = C Bone = U Erinyes = R Horned = VR
Ice = 0 Nupperibo = C Fiend = VR <alt> Spined = C Styx = VR Achaierai = C Barghest = VR Daemon = VR
Hell Cat = U Hell Hound = U Hoardling = R Imp = C Lemure = U Mephit = C Nightmare = R Rakshasa = C
Stench Kow = C - - - - - - -

Die Roll Frequency
2 Very rare
3 Very rare
4 Very rare or rare
5 Rare
6 Rare
7 Uncommon*
8 Uncommon*
9 Common**
10 Common**
11 Common**
12 Common**
13 Common**
14 Uncommon*
15 Uncommon*
16 Rare
17 Rare
18 Very rare or rare
19 Very rare
20 Very rare

* Alternately; choice of two very rare creatures.
** Alternately; choice of two rare creatures.

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