Special skills, special thrills
Varying powers helps avoid cleric stereotypes
by Roger E. Moore
Egyptian Mythos Elven Mythos Norse Mythos Ogrish Mythos Orcish mythos
Dungeons & Dragons Dragon magazine - Classes Dragon #85

Clerics make a rather bland bunch in
AD&D® game campaigns. Regardless of the
religions they practice, they all get the same
spells and have the same abilities. A cleric
of Thor has little to distinguish him, in
game terms, from a cleric of Set or from a
cleric of Zeus. True, the Clerical Quick
Reference Charts in the DEITIES &
DEMIGODS Cyclopedia add some usable
material, for clerics who worship those
deities. But why stop there? Why, for instance,
can?t the priests of a god of fire use
more fire spells?

In Gary Gygax's articles on the deities of
Greyhawk (printed in DRAGON® Magazines
#67-71 and in the new WORLD OF
GREYHAWK Fantasy Game Setting),
special powers and abilities that clerics of
certain gods received as a result of their
worship were introduced. Some clerics were
given new spell powers or offensive abilities,
while others were able to borrow magical or
technical skills usually associated with other
character classes due to the spheres of influence
their gods controlled. For instance:

At 11th level, clerics of Heironeous gain
one bolt of energy per week. The bolt itself
is not magical, although some special power
is involved in drawing the energy from the
Positive Material Plane. The bolt does 5d6
damage to natives of the Prime Material
Plane; 5d4 to beings from the Elemental
Planes, Limbo, or Nirvana; 10d6 to undead
or those from the Lower (evil-aligned)
Planes; 15d6 to other creatures (not including
undead) from the Negative Material
Plane; and no damage to those from the
Upper (good-aligned) Planes or the Positive
Material Plane. The bolt has a range of 70
feet, takes one segment to aim and discharge,
and always hits its target.

At 6th level, clerics of Hextor gain the
abilities of a 1st level assassin, and then
improve one level of assassin?s ability for
every two levels gained as a cleric thereafter
until 16th level, when they reach the maximum
of 6th-level assassin ability.

Each cleric who worships St. Cuthbert is
a member of one of three sects. One group
can cast a friends spell once per day starting
at 2nd level; the second can use a shillelagh
spell starting at 3rd level; and the third can
cast ESP once per day starting at 4th level.

Clerics of Celestian can gain up to seven
special spells gradually between 1st and
16th level, starting with feather fall and
continuing with jump, levitate, spider
climb, fly, dimension door, and teleport.

Clerics of Olidammara can hide in
shadows as well as a thief of one level lower
in ability. (Presumably, this ability is gained
starting at 2nd level.) They also get the 
musical skills of a bard at various levels,
and may use change self at 8th and higher
levels as an illusionist of equal level.

Glossography, some of the powers given to
clerics were modified from the way they
were stated in the magazine articles. In
these modified versions, clerics are required
to "pay" an experience-point penalty, ranging
from 5% to 15% of the total XPs
needed to go from one level to the next, to
acquire the special powers.

This is one possible way to balance the
effect of giving clerics access to such powers,
though one may argue that some of the
penalties are too severe or not severe
enough. However, the idea of having special
powers granted to a deity?s clerics is very
appealing. It makes every cleric different
and special in some way, and adds more
meaning to the role of clerics in general

The awarding of special abilities may be
balanced by means other than increasing
the number of experience points required
for advancement. Some religions may restrict
the number and types of clerical spells
their priests may receive, while some might
require tithes, quests, sacrifices, or services
of a special nature. The armor, weapons,
and equipment that a cleric is permitted to
carry or use may also be restricted or modified;
in many cases such restrictions already
exist and are noted in the game books,
particularly the DDG book.

A list of suggested clerical powers, along 
with restrictions that can be used to balance 
them, is presented below.  If this material is 
adopted into a campaign, the DM may 
create a series of adventures in which the 
clerics of his world learn that the gods are 
about to gift them with special abilities not 
before available.  However, clerics may be 
required to perform quests in order to prove 
themselves worthy of these new powers.  
Great power struggles may develop across 
the land as the gods take a larger hand in 
the affairs of mortal beings. 

Only a few of the pantheons from the
DDG are dealt with here, and not all the
deities from each of those pantheons are
included. Druidic and neutral deities are
not mentioned; there is still some uncertainty
and disagreement as to whether or
not neutral clerics can exist (but, after all,
someone has to worship neutral gods . . . ).

Also included is material on the gods of
the elven, orcish, and ogrish religions from
the DDG book and from the Best of
DRAGON® Magazine Anthology, Volume
III, because player-character clerics may be
half-elves, half-orcs, or (using the variant <add elves and orc shamans>
published in DRAGON Magazine #73) <add Best of Dragon IV>
half-ogres. Members of such races would
not be restricted to any racial religion,
though a non-human cleric would be
equally likely to follow a non-human religion
as a human one.

Egyptian mythos
Ra: Clerics of this deity cannot use any
darkness spells, but upon reaching the 11th
level they gain the power to cast a sunbeam
from their hands once per week. A sunbeam
has a range of 1" per level of the cleric, a
one-segment casting time and instantaneous
duration. Only a verbal component is
required. The sunbeam affects only one
creature and does 4d10 points damage (save
vs. spells for half damage).

Anhur: Clerics of Anhur are often dualclassed,
with initial experience as a fighter
or ranger. All clerics of this god are permitted
to use edged weapons of any sort upon
achieving the 9th level of experience; however,
they can never gain proficiency with
such weapons and must always use them at
a -3 penalty ?to hit? (unless proficiency
with the weapon was gained earlier when
the cleric was a fighter or ranger). These
clerics are further restricted to wearing only
leather armor.

Anubis: In this sect, clerics are forbidden
to use a raise dead or resurrection spell
without consulting their deity through a
commune spell first (and getting an affirmative
answer). They can wear no armor, but
magical defenses and devices may be used.
In return, these clerics gain a base 5%
chance to recognize thieves and assassins on
sight. This chance increases by 5% per level
after the 1st level. In addition, they receive
a +1 to hit and damage those they recognize
as thieves or assassins, from their righteous

Bast: As noted in the DDG book, all
clerics of Bast gain a +1 bonus to hit and
damage when battling snakes. They will
also not be attacked by cats of any sort,
unless they transgress against their religion
or attack the cats first (which is a transgression
in itself).

Isis: Clerics of this goddess may use all
magical wands, staves, and rods as a magicuser
or cleric (whichever is more favorable)
upon reaching 9th level. They can wear no
armor at all, however, and can't use shields.

Seker: Clerics of Seker have increased
powers to turn or destroy undead; count 5-
12 (d8 + 4) undead turned instead of 1-12 on
the "turn-away" table, or 9-12 instead of 7-
12 (where applicable). At 11th level, these
clerics also gain the power to cast a lightbolt
from their hands once per day. This magical 
bolt has a range of 6", takes one segment to
cast, and affects only a single undead creature
per casting. The undead being takes
3-30 points of damage with no saving throw
allowed; magic resistance will help, however.
Only verbal and somatic components
are needed.

Elven mythos
Half-elf player-character clerics, either
single-classed or multi-classed, generally
gain special powers when they achieve the
maximum level(s) possible in the class(es)
they operate in. The special powers are
balanced by the prohibition on any further
progression. These powers are still fairly
limited and tend to vary depending on
what alternate classes (if any) the cleric has.

Corellon Larethian: Half-elves who follow
Corellon's ways are almost always
multi-classed, most of them as cleric/
rangers. They must take the longbow and
longsword as weapons if they have a fightertype
alternate class. Cleric/rangers and
cleric/fighters gain the power to cast an
enchanted weapon spell once per day when
they reach the maximum level of ability in
both classes; the spell will function as if cast
by a magic-user of 7th level. Cleric/magicusers
and "pure" clerics can learn to use
the longsword when they reach maximum
level(s). Cleric/fighter/magic-users who
achieve maximum levels in all classes obtain
the ability to track as a ranger.

Aerdrie Faenya: Clerical followers of the
goddess of the air are usually cleric/fighters
or cleric/magic-users. Cleric/fighters, cleric/
rangers, and "pure" clerics gain the ability
to cast a feather fall spell once per day when
they attain 5th level as a cleric. When a
cleric/fighter, cleric/ranger, or "pure" cleric
attains maximum levels in all classes, the
character receives the power to cast a fly or
gust of wind spell once per week (character
's choice, one or the other gained permanently).
Cleric/magic-users will get an
improved version of the fly spell upon
reaching maximum levels, without checking
for their chance to know it (according to
intelligence). With this special spell, they
will always get an extra 6 turns (instead of
1-6) on the spell"s duration. This special fly
spell will replace the regular version of the
spell in the character"s repertoire if the
character already had already learned it;
otherwise, it counts as an "extra" spell,
over and above the usual limit specified for
the character's intelligence. Cleric/fighter/
magic-users will gain both the feather fall
spell (if it is not already known) and the
special fly spell when appropriate.

Erevan Ilesere: Half-elf cleric PCs who
worship this god gain the ability to pick
pockets as a thief of a level equal to their
cleric level (all dexterity and racial bonuses
applicable). NPC elves who worship Erevan
may become multi-classed cleric/thieves or
cleric/fighter/thieves, but player-character
elves cannot (the addition of an infinite progression 
class to the cleric class is too
unbalancing a special power compared to
the others given here).

Hanali Celanil: Half-elves of this cult
(usually clerics or cleric/magic-users) may
receive the same 5% chance of gaining 2
points of charisma with respect to members
of the opposite sex, as elven clerics receive.
In addition, they receive a +10% bonus on
their reaction rolls against all human or
elven NPCs, regardless of the other character
's alignment, because of their appearance
and aura.

Labelas Enoreth: Half-elf clerics who
worship the elven deity of time and longevity
have the same chance (1%) to have the
effects of aging undone by their deity as
elven clerics receive. They also gain a saving
throw against slow spells once they
attain the maximum level of ability in all
the classes they possess. Most half-elves are
either clerics or cleric/magic-users in this

Solonor Thelandira: Nearly all half-elven
clerics of this deity are cleric/rangers or
cleric/fighters; a few are cleric/fighter/
magic-users, and almost none are "pure"
clerics or cleric/magic-users. Those with a
fighter or ranger mixed class will always
take the longbow as a weapon of proficiency
at first level, and they receive the power to
cast enchanted weapon once per day when
they have reached the maximum level in all
classes they possess. Half-elf clerics without
a fighter or ranger mixed class will receive
the ability to use a longbow normally (attacking
on the cleric's "to hit" table) when
they reach maximum level in all their

Norse mythos
Odin: Clerics of the "All Father" gain
the use of the spear at 5th level (in place of
a regular cleric's weapon), and at 9th level
and above they can will themselves to go
berserk in combat once per day for a maximum
of as many rounds as they have levels
of cleric ability. While berserk, these clerics
attack at a +2 bonus "to hit." To balance
these powers, clerics of Odin are limited to
ringmail armor only (shield permitted), and
are limited to having only one of each sort
of necromantic-type healing spell per day
(e.g., no more than, one cure light wounds
and slow poison spell for 3rd and 4th level
clerics per day).

Aegir: Starting at 5th level, clerics of
Aegir may pray for and gain the spell water
breathing and can cast it as a magic-user of
equal level. All clerics of this deity know
how to swim; they can wear no armor
heavier than leather, but may use shields.

Balder: Clerics of the Norse god of
beauty and charisma gain the spell friends
upon reaching 3rd level as a bonus spell, in
addition to all others they have. The spell
effect is as if cast by a magic-user of level
equal to the cleric. Balder's clerics are limited
to ring mail armor at best, and must
have a minimum charisma of 13.

Bragi: Clerics of the god of poetry and
song all know how to play at least one musical
instrument. Upon attaining 7th level,
they gain the power to raise morale and
inspire ferocity in listeners while playing
music (as per the bardic power). This musical
ability also stills shriekers and negates
song attacks by various monsters, but has
no charm ability. Clerics of Bragi wear only
leather armor at best, since metallic armor
interferes with musical ability (it's too
noisy). They also refuse to use shields.

Forseti: Clerics of the deity of justice gain
the innate ability to detect lie. This ability
starts at 1st level with a base success chance
of 20%, which increases by 10% per level
thereafter until the 9th level of experience is
reached (100% chance of success). They
may still take detect lie as a regular spell if
they wish, but never the spell's reverse
(undetectable lie). The innate power may be
used any number of times per day. However,
if a cleric of Forseti ever tells a lie, or
hedges the truth so as to give a false impression,
the cleric loses all the powers of that
class and becomes a fighter (with 8-sided hit
dice) forever more. These clerics are also
restricted to ringmail armor, with shield.

Frey: Clerics of the god of fairyland
automatically learn to speak the elven
tongue at their 1st level of experience and
have the duration of their light spells doubled.
They can only wear leather armor,
however, but may use shields.

Frigga: Only women can become clerics
of Frigga, and they cannot wear armor
(though they may use other magical devices
to help their armor class). Frigga grants her
clerics the power to use gust of wind as a
3rd-level cleric spell (as if cast by a magicuser
of the same level as the cleric), and
control weather spells cast by her clerics will
override, or persevere against, all such
spells cast by clerics or druid?s of lower level
than the cleric in question.

Heimdall: Only human males may serve
"the bright god" as clerics. They are only
surprised 1 time in 6 until they reach 9th
level, when the chance falls to 1 in 12.
However, they cannot use shields, must
wear plate armor even on sea voyages, and
must strive to be the first member of their
party to attack an enemy force in battle (in
their function of protecting the group).

Thor: Those who follow the god of thunder
must take the hammer as a weapon at
1st level, and can wear only ringmail armor
(shields are permitted). At each level at
which the cleric would normally gain another
weapon, the cleric may opt to gain an
additional +1 bonus "to hit" with the
warhammer (at levels 5, 9, 13, etc.); doing
this prevents the cleric from gaining a new
weapon at that level, however.

Ogrish mythos
Vaprak: The DDG book notes that ogre
and troll shamans of Vaprak have a 2%
chance to gain a berserk rage in combat if
they pray for it. This power gives the shaman
a +2 "to hit" and damage bonus,
though with a penalty of -2 on the shaman's
armor class. Berserk rage lasts for 12-30
rounds (2d10+10), and the shaman must
pray for a full round beforehand in order to
have a chance of receiving this ability. Half-ogre
shamans of Vaprak may also receive
this benefit and are especially feared because
they tend to use magical armor and
weapons in addition. Since half-ogres can
only attain 4th level at best, this power is
not ruinous to game balance.

Orcish mythos
Gruumsh: Half-orc clerics of Gruumsh
must tear out their own left eye, which gives
them a -2 penalty ?to hit? on all missile or
thrown weapon attacks. In return, they gain
the ability to use a spear when they reach
maximum level (4th). If multi-classed as a
fighter or assassin, the cleric must take the
spear as a weapon at first level, and once
the multi-classed cleric reaches maximum
levels, he can paralyze a foe by touch, once
per week. This power takes one segment to
activate and is magical in nature.

Bahgtru: Clerics of this deity cannot wear
armor and must have a minimum strength
of 16, but upon attaining maximum level(s)
they may gain a strength spell once per day.
The spell has a duration of 24 turns.

Shargaas: Half-orcs who are clerics of
Shargaas are almost always multi-classed as
thieves or assassins. All of this deity's clerics
are restricted to leather armor. Once they
reach their maximum level of cleric ability,
all clerics (multi-classed or not) have their
infravision range extended to 90 feet; at the
same time, they must take a -2 penalty "to
hit" against all targets when in full daylight
or in the area of effect of a continual light
spell. Upon attaining maximum cleric level,
they can also cast one extra darkness spell
per day, in addition to their usual spells.

Ilneval: Clerics of this deity are almost
always cleric/fighters. When they achieve
their maximum level of clerical ability, they
gain an additional point of charisma with
respect to orcs and half-orcs only.

Yurtrus: Clerics who worship Yurtrus can
wear only cloth armor (as detailed in the
Best of DRAGON Magazine Anthology,
Volume III), but are immune to the effects
of normal diseases (they serve as disease
carriers, instead). They also gain a +4 bonus
to their saving throw against cause disease
spells and similar disease-causing magics.

Luthic: Clerics of Luthic gain improved
healing powers, amounting to +1 HP per die
of healing done by the shell (no more than 8
points per die, however). They can only
wear leather armor

Dungeon Masters may wish to modify,
add to, or subtract from these special abilities
to fit them to their own concepts of
what these religions represent. The campaign
balance should also be kept in mind,
though the addition of minor powers to
characters can be done without serious
damage. DMs should be prepared to modify
or retract powers given to clerics as the
game progresses, if such powers cause more
problems than they solve.

MAY 1984