Dim Forest


World of Greyhawk

The huge old trees of this vast forest are
so broad and leafy as to make the ground beneath dim
on the brightest and sunniest of days. No tracks are
known, but some certainly must exist to allow passage
through the leagues of the woodland. Olvenfolk are said
to dwell in that portion west of the Javan; terrible
creatures live elsewhere within its bounds.

Dim Forest Encounter
01-03 Demi-humans (01-05 = Dwarf, 06-70 = Elf, 71-80 = Gnome, 81-100 = Hobbit)
04-12 Elves, Sylvan
13-18 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
19-22 Men, Bandits
23-25 Men, Brigands
26-27 Men, Patrol, Light
28-31 Men, Raiders
32-35 Men, Tribesmen (woodsmen)
36-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables

2 Death Watch Beetle
3 Elf, Grugach
4 Atomie
5 Bee, Giant Honey
6 Dragon, Green
7 Boar, Giant
8 Kobold
9 Boar, Warthog
10 Rhinoceros
11 Centipede, Giant or Huge
12 Bear, Black
13 Beetle, Giant Stag
14 Porcupine, Giant
15 Clubnek
16 Owlbear
17 Kech
18 Greenhag
19 Elfin Cat
20 Basilsik, Greater


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