22. Temple of Lolth

While the characters are opening the door
hidden by the illusion (#19A), Lolth is preparing
for their arrival in her temple. Here to
assist her are 10 giant solifugids, 10 giant pedipalps,
and 2 driders, 1 male and 1
female. The monsters are scattered about the
outer edges of the room when the party enters;
only 4 are in striking distance during
the 1st melee round. The driders stay back to
use their spells before entering the melee.

The chamber appears to be identical to
room #13 (deck B) except that there is only a
pair of doors in the wall opposite the entrance
to the temple, rather than 14 single ones.
However, the lead-grey center floor is actually
a 10-foot-deep pool of viscous quicksand. Any
character who steps onto this AREA falls in (no
SAVE). The victim fights, defends, and
saves at -4, loses Dexterity adjustments (if
any), and may NOT CAST spells. The victim sinks
to the bottom of the pool in 1-4 rounds, and
dies (of suffocation) in that time. A victim at
the edge of the quicksand may climb out, but
this takes a number of rounds equal to
1d6 + 10 minus the AC of the victim. Subtract <AT (Armor Type), not AC>
1 round for each person helping. If the victim
hangs onto a secured rope, of course, sinking
is avoided. (Note that water breathing is of no
use, but an airy water spell will prolong Life for
1-4 rounds, after which the character dies
from dust inhalation. Adaptation, such as
from the necklace, allows breathing while in
the quicksand.)

DMZ (Dispel Magick Zone): This operates in
exactly the same manner as that in room #13
(deck B), at 16th level magic use.

L: Lolth is waiting here when the party enters
the room, standing on a platform which is one
inch under the surface of the quicksand, She is
in her spider form. When the door begins to
open, She casts darkness 15’ radius directly in
front of it. She does NOT advance to attack,
rather staying on the platform to cast spells.
She depends on her AC and MR 
to protect herself. If her HP
are reduced to 33 or less, she flees along the
pathway and escapes by the double doors, <teleport without error is a better choice>
heading for her lair (room #32). There is no
treasure in this room.

Lolth: See Appendix A.

Solifugids, Giant (10): hp 54 each; XPV 782
each, 7,820 for all

Pedipalpi, Giant (10): hp hp 36 each; XPV
350 each, 3,500 for all

Drider Female, Angaste: hp 29; XPV 1,407
First level: bless, command, protection from good
Second Level: hold person, resist fire, silence 15' radius
Third Level: animate dead, bestow curse
Fourth Level: cause serious wounds

Drider Male, Krenaste: hp 42; XPV 1,686;
First Level: magick missile (x2), reduce, shield
Second Level: invisibility, stinking cloud
Third Level: fireball (x2), slow
Fourth Level: fumble, ice storm

>>23. Chamber of the Goat-Beast>>