Hraak Forest

World of Greyhawk

The Hraak is a largish pine and fir
woodland within the territory claimed by descendants
of Stonefist. It borders the Corusks north of
Hraak Pass.

Hraak Forest Encounter
01-05 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
06-10 Men, Tribesmen
11-20 Ogres
21-25 Quaggoths
26-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables

2 Giant, Frost
3 Forlarren
4 Ent
5 Pudding, White
6 Bear, Northern
7 Porcupine, Giant
8 Bugbear
9 Wolf
10 Ogre
11 Orc
12 Dog, Wild
13 Lycanthrope, Werewolf
14 Manticore
15 Dragon, White
16 Baluchitherium
17 Ogrillon
18 Grim
19 Korred
20 Lycanthrope, Foxwoman


Ecology Fund

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