Core 1e - Official 1e (1.5) - Alternate (based on GHA)

0. Ask your DM about which Method is used.
0a. Ask your DM about the two 15s requirement. (PHB.9)

CENTAURS: Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, CF, CR, DF.
DWARF, GRAY (DUERGAR): Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CT, CA, FT, FA.
DWARF, HILL:  Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Acbroat, Assassin, CF, FT.
DWARF, MOUNTAIN: Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, FT.
ELF, DARK (DROW): Cavalier, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Magic-User, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CR, CM, CT, CA, FM, FT, FA, RM, MT, MA, CFM, CFT, CMT, FMT.
ELF, GRAY (FAIRY): Cavalier, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Magic-User, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CR, CM, CT, CA, DF, DR, DM, DT, FM, FT, FA, RM, MT, MA, CFM, CFT, CMT, FMT.
ELF, HIGH: Cavalier, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Magic-User, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CR, CM, CT, CA, DF, DR, DM, DT, FM, FT, FA, RM, MT, MA, CFM, CFT, CMT, FMT.
ELF, VALLEY: Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Magic-User, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CR, CM, CT, CA, DF, DR, DM, DT, FM, FT, FA, RM, MT, MA, CFM, CFT, CMT, FMT.
ELF, WILD (GRUGACH): Druid, Fighter, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, FT.
ELF, WOOD (SYLVAN ELF): Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Magic-User, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CR, CM, CT, CA, DF, DR, DM, DT, FM, FT, FA, RM, MT, MA, CFM, CFT, CMT, FMT.
GNOME, DEEP (SVIRFNEBLIN): Cleric, Fighter, Illusionist, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CI, CA, FI, FT, FA, IT, IA.
GNOME, SURFACE: Cleric, Fighter, Illusionist, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CI, FI, FT, IT.
HALF-ELVES: Cavalier, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Magic-User, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, Bard. Multi-class options the same as that of the elven parent.
HALF-OGRES: Fighter, Cleric, Thief, Assassin, CF.
HALF-ORCS: Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Acrobat, Assassin, CF, CA, FT, FA.
HOBBITS (all): Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Thief, Acrobat, CF, DF, DT, FT.

1. ABILITIES (Example)
Roll your abilities.
Ensure two 15s.
(example) Roll again until you get a set with 2 15s.

Pick race.

(Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Hobbit, Half-elf, Half-orc, Human)
Add race modifiers (PHB.14)
Dwarf or Hobbit: Pick sub-race.
    (Dwarf: Hill or Mountain)
    (Hobbit: Hairfoot, Stout, Tallfellow, Mixed)

Pick class.

Pick alignment.

Roll for HP, keep your first roll.
Add CON bonus.

Pick languages if you want.

Roll for starting gold.
    Multi-classed characters roll for each class.
Buy equipmnent in-game.

Pick your weapon proficiencies.

Roll d100.
Roll first, and the result is 90+ then check the PHB. Otherwise, go to the next step.
<Optional: require an 18 in INT and/or WIS and/or CHA>

NOT recommended (qv. DMG.11)

Roll for secondary skills (DMG.12)

12. AGE
Determine age.
Apply age modifiers.

Your DM might give you a chance at some bonus items. (DMG.25)
10% chance for a suit of plate mail (if you can use it)
10% chance for a dagger +1 (if you can use it)
10% chance for a random potion (if you can use it)
If you have 1 or more of the above items, then reduce your starting gold by 50%.

DMG.39 (Acquisition of MU spells)
    No need to roll to know.
    Read Magick is known to all wizards.
    Give 1 bonus Miscellaneous spell.


Update your DMG. Info at top of page 12.

Males +
Females +

Appendix P.
    Multi-classed characters check for each class.

Appendix O.
    Concentrate on the heavy items first.
        Armor & Weapons.


(T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil)
(Insert your campaign details here)

Begin with light riding horse and tack.
    AC 7, HD 2 (24 = up to 300, 12 = up to 500)

Magic-users begin with a spellbook. (20#)
Clerics begin with a holy symbol.
Thieves begin with thieving tools (30 gp).
    <note that these items are not free; deduct from your starting gold>
    <recommended: if a character does not have enough money for beginning equipment, then assign the item, and subrtarc the difference from future treasures>

Choose deitey: [Greyhawk, Deities by Alignment] [Greyhawk Deities]

Human table, Greyhawk campaign (Note extra languages at this step).
Non-human tables, Greyhawk campaign (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Orcs)
Recommended: 2 rolls, take the one closest to Hommlet.

Jeffrey Miller
Mike Hecht
Rich Claar

(As Official as I can get)
(1st Level Characters)

1. Roll for your SC (Social Class)
This determines what classes you can enter.

2. Choose Race
(Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Hobbit, Half-elf, Half-orc, Human)
2a. Height and Weight.

3. Choose class

4. Roll for your ability scores.
Your DM will inform you as to what Method(s) are used.
You'll need two 15s. Again, your DM will inform you about how to ensure two 15s.

5. Once you have  your base numbers, adjust your COM with your CHA

6. Apply race modifier.

7. Determine age, apply age modifiers.

8. Determine homeland (World of Greyhawk). This works differently for barbarians.

9. Determine birth rank.

10. Determine legal status of parents.

11. Choose alignment.

12. VERY optional: determine characteristics (DMG.11, 100)

13. Choose deity

14. Roll for secondary skills.
15. Choose your weapon proficiencies.
16. Choose non-weapon proficiencies.
16a. Choose languages.

17. Determine starting gold.
Your DM will inform you as to whether to purchase equipment before the Game, or in-game.
The latter is preferable.

18. Optoinal: Assign bonus items (DMG.25)

19. Optional: Roll for magic items. I rule that multi-class characters get 1 set of rolls for each of their classes.

20 Calculate encumbrance.

21. Magic-users and illusionists, roll for your initial spells..
22. Roll for your cantrips.
23. Optional: Your DM might give you some bonus spells.
24. You begin with 2 spellbooks. Each weighs 45 pounds.

25. Roll for your HP. Average HP is the minimum.
26. Determine if your character has psionic ability.

27. Name your character.
28. Optional: make or find an image.

I think that covers everything.
If I've missed something, please let me know.


AD&D 1.5+


-1.1 Are you generating a Level 0 character, or, a Level 1 character ?
(Note: sometimes, with the latter, you will end up generating a Level 0 character, anyway).

Determine Social Class.
This determines what Character Classes you can enter.

0.1 Choose your Race (Race/Class list).
0.2 Choose your Class (Race/Class list)..

0.3 Now that you have chosen your race, determine your Circumstances of Birth.

0.4 Determine your characters' Birthplace.
Human table, Greyhawk campaign (Note extra languages at this step).
Non-human tables, Greyhawk campaign (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Orcs)
Birthplace table (Unofficial), Forgotten Realms campaign.
(For barbarian characters, choose your homeland in Step 3).

Human: Use Method V.
Non-Human: Use Method I. (Remember to generate Comeliness, with 3d6)

1b. Modify your Comeliness with your Charisma modifier.
1c. Raise two highest scores to 15, if needed. If equal scores, raise in the order of S, I, W, D, C, Ch.

Class (Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Magic-user, Illusionist, Thief, Assassin, Monk, Multi-Class)
    2a. Image --> roll d00 (Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Magic-User, Illusionist, Thief, Assassin, Monk)

    3a. Height (male) (female)
    3b. Weight (male) (female)
    3c. Age (Young Adult, Mature, Middle Aged). Adjust ability scores for age.

    4a. (Optional) Characteristic, General Tendency.

    Secondary skill
    5a. Weapon proficiencies && weapon specialization. Single class only for specialization.
    5b. Check to see if your character is keen-eared (see Listening at Doors)
    5c. Determine languages (see Intelligence)
    5d. Non-weapon proficiencies

    6a1. (Optional*) 10% chance for a +1 dagger, and halve starting gold.
    6a2. (Optional*) 10% chance plate mail, and halve starting gold.
    6a3. (Optional*) 10% chance for a random potion, and halve the starting gold.
    6b. (Optional) Roll for magic items, Appendix P of the DMG.
    6c. Determine starting gold.
    6d. Purchase equipment.
        (T1-4 campaign: buy in-game. You start with a riding horse or pony, as well as appropriate tack && harness).
        * Only make the roll if your character can use the item.

Cantrips (M-U)
Spells (M-U)

Note XP needed for next level

Record AC && HP


11a1. Human table, Greyhawk campaign (Note extra languages at this step).
11a2. Non-human tables, Greyhawk campaign (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Orcs)
11b. [Greyhawk, Deities by Alignment] [Greyhawk]


Mountain Dwarf Cleric
Mountain Dwarf Fighter
Mountain Dwarf Thief
Mountain Dwarf Assassin

Gray Dwarf Cleric
Gray Dwarf Fighter
Gray Dwarf Thief
Gray Dwarf Assassin


Dark Elf.Cavalier
Dark Elf.Cleric
Dark Elf.Fighter
Dark Elf.Ranger
Dark Elf.Magic-User
Dark Elf.Thief
Dark Elf.Assassin

Gray Elf.Cavalier
Gray Elf.Cleric
Gray Elf.Druid
Gray Elf.Fighter
Gray Elf.Ranger
Gray Elf.Magic-User
Gray Elf.Thief
Gray Elf.Assassin

Valley Elf.Cavalier
Valley Elf.Cleric
Valley Elf.Druid
Valley Elf.Fighter
Valley Elf.Ranger
Valley Elf.Magic-User
Valley Elf.Thief
Valley Elf.Assassin

Wild Elf.Druid
Wild Elf.Fighter
Wild Elf.Thief
Wild Elf.Assassin

Wood Elf.Cleric
Wood Elf.Druid
Wood Elf.Fighter
Wood Elf.Ranger
Wood Elf.Magic-User
Wood Elf.Thief
Wood Elf.Assassin


Deep Gnome.Cleric
Deep Gnome.Fighter
Deep Gnome.Illusionist
Deep Gnome.Thief
Deep Gnome.Assassin








Mixed Halfling.Cleric
Mixed Halfling.Druid
Mixed Halfling.Fighter
Mixed Halfling.Thief

Stout Halfling.Cleric
Stout Halfling.Druid
Stout Halfling.Fighter
Stout Halfling.Thief

Tallfellow Halfling.Cleric
Tallfellow Halfling.Druid
Tallfellow Halfling.Fighter
Tallfellow Halfling.Thief


Dwarf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Dwarf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)

Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MT)
Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Dark Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Dark Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Dark Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Dark Elf.Cleric/Thief (CT)
Dark Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Dark Elf.Fighter/Magic-User
Dark Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Dark Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Dark Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Dark Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Dark Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MUT)
Dark Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Dark Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Dark Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Dark Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Dark Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Gray Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Gray Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Gray Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Gray Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Gray Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Gray Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Gray Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Gray Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Gray Elf.Fighter/Magic-User
Gray Elf.Fighter/Thief(FT)
Gray Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Gray Elf.Ranger/Magic-User
Gray Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Gray Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MUT)
Gray Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Gray Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Gray Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief(CFT)
Gray Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Gray Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Valley Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Valley Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Valley Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Valley Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Valley Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Valley Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Valley Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Valley Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Valley Elf.Fighter/Magic-User
Valley Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Valley Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Valley Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Valley Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Valley Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MT)
Valley Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Valley Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Valley Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Valley Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Valley Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Wood Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Wood Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Wood Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Wood Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Wood Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Wood Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Wood Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Wood Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Wood Elf.Fighter/Magic-User
Wood Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Wood Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Wood Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Wood Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Wood Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MT)
Wood Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Wood Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Wood Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Wood Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Wood Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Wild Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)

Gnome.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Gnome.Cleric/Illusionist (CI)
Gnome.Fighter/Illusionist (CI)
Gnome.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Gnome.Illusionist/Thief (IT)

Deep Gnome.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Deep Gnome.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Deep Gnome.Cleric/Illusionist (CI)
Deep Gnome.Fighter/Illusionist (CI)
Deep Gnome.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Deep Gnome.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Deep Gnome.Illusionist/Thief (IT)
Deep Gnome.Illusionist/Assassin (IA)

Half-Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Half-Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Half-Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Half-Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Half-Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Half-Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Half-Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Half-Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Half-Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Half-Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Half-Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Half-Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Half-Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MT)
Half-Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Half-Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Half-Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Half-Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Half-Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Thief (CT)
Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Half-Dark-Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Half-Dark-Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Half-Dark-Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Half-Dark-Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Half-Dark-Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MUT)
Half-Dark-Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Half-Dark-Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Half-Dark-Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Half-Gray-Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Half-Gray-Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Half-Gray-Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Half-Gray-Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Half-Gray-Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Half-Gray-Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Half-Gray-Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Half-Gray-Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Half-Gray-Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Half-Gray-Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Half-Gray-Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Half-Gray-Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MUT)
Half-Gray-Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Half-Gray-Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Half-Gray-Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Half-Gray-Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Half-Gray-Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Half-Valley Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Half-Valley Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Half-Valley Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Half-Valley Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Half-Valley Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Half-Valley Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Half-Valley Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Half-Valley Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Half-Valley Elf.Fighter/Magic-User
Half-Valley Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Half-Valley Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Half-Valley Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Half-Valley Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Half-Valley Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MT)
Half-Valley Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Half-Valley Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Half-Valley Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief (CFT)
Half-Valley Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Half-Valley Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Half-Wood Elf.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Half-Wood Elf.Cleric/Ranger (CR)
Half-Wood Elf.Cleric/Magic-User (CM)
Half-Wood Elf.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Half-Wood Elf.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Half-Wood Elf.Druid/Ranger (DR)
Half-Wood Elf.Druid/Magic-User (DM)
Half-Wood Elf.Druid/Thief (DT)
Half-Wood Elf.Fighter/Magic-User
Half-Wood Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Half-Wood Elf.Fighter/Assassin (FA)
Half-Wood Elf.Ranger/Magic-User (RM)
Half-Wood Elf.Ranger/Thief (RT)
Half-Wood Elf.Magic-User/Thief (MT)
Half-Wood Elf.Magic-User/Assassin (MA)
Half-Wood Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User (CFM)
Half-Wood Elf.Cleric/Fighter/Thief(CFT)
Half-Wood Elf.Cleric/Magic-User/Thief (CMT)
Half-Wood Elf.Fighter/Magic-User/Thief (FMT)

Half-Wild-Elf.Fighter/Thief (FT)

Halfling.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Halfling.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Halfling.Druid/Thief (DT)
Halfling.Fighter/Thief (FT)

Mixed Halfling.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Mixed Halfling.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Mixed Halfling.Druid/Thief (DT)
Mixed Halfling.Fighter/Thief (FT)

Stout Mixed Halfling.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Stout Mixed Halfling.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Stout Halfling.Druid/Thief (DT)
Stout Halfling.Fighter/Thief (FT)

Tallfellow Mixed Halfling.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Tallfellow Mixed Halfling.Druid/Fighter (DF)
Tallfellow Halfling.Druid/Thief (DT)
Tallfellow Halfling.Fighter/Thief (FT)

Half-Orc.Cleric/Fighter (CF)
Half-Orc.Cleric/Assassin (CA)
Half-Orc.Fighter/Thief (FT)
Half-Orc.Fighter/Assassin (FA)

Korobokuru.Oriental Barbarian
Korobokuru.Wu Jen

Carp Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Carp Hengeyokai.Kensai
Carp Hengeyokai.Bushi
Carp Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Cat Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Cat Hengeyokai.Kensai
Cat Hengeyokai.Bushi
Cat Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Crab Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Crab Hengeyokai.Kensai
Crab Hengeyokai.Bushi
Crab Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Crane Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Crane Hengeyokai.Kensai
Crane Hengeyokai.Bushi
Crane Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Dog Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Dog Hengeyokai.Kensai
Dog Hengeyokai.Bushi
Dog Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Drake Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Drake Hengeyokai.Kensai
Drake Hengeyokai.Bushi
Drake Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Fox Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Fox Hengeyokai.Kensai
Fox Hengeyokai.Bushi
Fox Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Hare Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Hare Hengeyokai.Kensai
Hare Hengeyokai.Bushi
Hare Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Monkey Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Monkey Hengeyokai.Kensai
Monkey Hengeyokai.Bushi
Monkey Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Raccon Dog Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Raccon Dog Hengeyokai.Kensai
Raccon Dog Hengeyokai.Bushi
Raccon Dog Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Rat Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Rat Hengeyokai.Kensai
Rat Hengeyokai.Bushi
Rat Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Sparrow Hengeyokai.Shukenja
Sparrow Hengeyokai.Kensai
Sparrow Hengeyokai.Bushi
Sparrow Hengeyokai.Wu Jen

Human.Oriental Barbarian
Human.Wu Jen/Ninja
Human.Wu Jen

Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai
Bamboo Spirit Folk Kensai
Bamboo Spirit Folk Bushi
Bamboo Spirit Folk Monk

River Spirit Folk Samurai
River Spirit Folk Kensai
River Spirit Folk Bushi
River Spirit Folk Monk

Sea Spirit Folk Samurai
Sea Spirit Folk Kensai
Sea Spirit Folk Bushi
Sea Spirit Folk Monk

Kender Holy Order of the Stars

Tinker Gnome Tinker

Silvanesti Elf Paladin
Silvanesti Elf Fighter
Silvanesti Elf Ranger
Silvanesti Elf Student Wizard
Silvanesti Elf Holy Order of the Stars

Qualinesti Elf Cavalier
Qualinesti Elf Fighter
Qualinesti Elf Ranger
Qualinesti Elf Magic-User (Renegade)
Qualinesti Elf Student Wizard
Qualinesti Elf Thief
Qualinesti Elf Scout
Qualinesti Elf Holy Order of the Stars

Kagonesti Elf Fighter
Kagonesti Elf Barbarian
Kagonesti Elf Ranger
Kagonesti Elf Thief
Kagonesti Elf Scout
Kagonesti Elf Holy Order of the Stars

Dimernesti Elf Cavalier
Dimernesti Elf Paladin
Dimernesti Elf Fighter
Dimernesti Elf Student Wizard
Dimernesti Holy Order of the Stars

Ansalonian Half-Elf Knight of the Crown
Ansalonian Half-Elf Fighter
Ansalonian Half-Elf Ranger
Ansalonian Half-Elf Magic-User (Renegade)
Ansalonian Half-Elf Student Wizard
Ansalonian Half-Elf Thief
Ansalonian Half-Elf Scout
Ansalonian Half-Elf Cleric (Heathen)
Ansalonian Half-Elf Druid (Heathen)
Ansalonian Half-Elf Holy Order of the Stars

Ansalonian Hill Dwarf Fighter
Ansalonian Hill Dwarf Barbarian
Ansalonian Hill Dwarf Ranger
Ansalonian Hill Dwarf Thief
Ansalonian Hill Dwarf Scout
Ansalonian Hill Dwarf Holy Order of the Stars

Ansalonian Mountain Dwarf Cavalier
Ansalonian Mountain Dwarf Paladin
Ansalonian Mountain DWarf Fighter
Ansalonian Mountain Dwarf Thief
Ansalonian Mountain Dwarf Scout
Ansalonian Mountain Dwarf Holy Order of the Stars

Gully Dwarf Fighter
Gully Dwarf Barbarian
Gully Dwarf Thief
Gully Dwarf Scout
Gully Dwarf Holy Order of the Stars

Irda Cavalier
Irda Paladin
Irda Fighter
Irda Ranger
Irda Student Wizard
Irda Thief
Irda Scout
Irda Holy Order of the Stars

Minotaur Fighter
Minotaur Barbarian
Minotaur Ranger
Minotaur Student Wizard
Minotaur Thief
Minotaur Scout
Minotaur Holy Order of the Stars

Human Knight of the Crown
Human Student Wizard
Human Holy Order of the Stars

This is based on the 0-level characters section of GREYHAWK ADVENTURES

Roll 3d6 for 7 abilities
20 + 2d20 Aptitude Points
1 point = 1 point in an ability score
You need a minimum of two 15s.
Comeliness is used.
Charismamodifies Comeliness.

Dwarf = 5 AP
Dwarf, Mountain = 6 AP
Dwarf, Gray = 9 AP
Elf = 6 AP
Elf, Dark = 9 AP
Elf, Gray = 7  AP
Elf, Valley = 7 AP
Elf, Wild = 6 AP
Elf, Wood = 6 AP
Gnome = 5 AP
Gnome, Deep = 10 AP
Half-Elf = 4 AP
Halfling, Hairfoot = 3 AP
Halfling, Mixed = 4 AP
Halfling, Stout = 5 AP
Halfling, Tallfellow = 4 AP
Half-Orc = 2 AP
Human = 0 AP

    2a. Choose gender.
    2b. Raise scores to race minimums
    2c. Apply race mods +
    2f. height && weight (male)* (female)*
    2g. Keen-eared? (10% chance for humans, d6: 1-3 = HN 15%, 4-6 = HN 20%)
    * disregard footnotes

Cavalier = 11 AP
Paladin = 17 AP
Cleric = 2 AP
Druid = 3 AP
Fighter = 0 AP
Barbarian = 18 AP
Ranger = 3 AP
Magic-USer = 1 AP
Illusionist = 1 AP
Thief = 8 AP
Assassin = 4 AP
Monk = 11 AP
Bard = 9 AP

    3a. Raise scores to class minimums
    3c. age & aging mods (adjust COM if middle-aged or older)
    Middle-aged = 1 AP
    Old = 2 AP
    3d. Psionic? If you are a human, dwarf, elf, half-elf, or hobbit, AND if you have I, W, and/or CH of 16+:
    Roll the dice and think later. Get back to me if you have a unmodified result of 96%+.

Neutral assassin = 1 AP
Good assassin = 2 AP
Good thief = 1 AP

  4a. Choose alignment
    4b. Choose deity (LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE) (Demi-Human Deities)

Each slot costs 1 AP

5a. Homeland (human) (elf) (dwarf) (gnome) (hobbit) +
    Roll twice, take the result closest to Hommlet
    Half-breeds use the human table 50% of the time
5b. Social class +
    Bump your result up to the min. in the right column
    Note the exact number
    0-level Knight-classes don't bump up their SC
5c. Birth Rank +
5f. Parent's Marital Status +
    Is your character a basterd or a bitch?
5g. Secondary Skill +
    Roll twice for non-humans, taking the most appropriate result
5h. Weapon proficiencies (1st Edition)
    Choose combat skills for each character class if multi-classed
    Clerics can use the weapon of their deity
5i. Non-Weapon proficiencies (1st Edition)

Your SC (Social Class) number x 2 is the amount of gp that you start with

6a. Roll for money +
    Modify this for Social Class (LLC = 0 money, MLC/ULC = 1/2 money, LUC = x2 money, MUC = x3 money, UUC = x4 money)
6b. Equipment
    6b2. Priests: WHS (Wooden Holy Symbol) -- 1 gp. Wood is just the default. Druids: begin with oak leaves.
    6b3. Wizards: Spellbook & a clear crystal or mineral prism -- 5 gp -- (or a yellow tinted piece of mica -- 1 gp -- for illusionists) & components for the spells in their spellbook, if needed.
    6b4. Thieves: Thieves tools (deduct 30 gp).
6c. Optional: Roll for special item (10%)
    d6, 1-2 = plate mail, 3-4 = dagger +1, random potion (d100, d100)
    If you can't use it, you don't have it.
    Divide your starting gold by 2 if you have a special item.
6d. Optional: Roll for magick items.
    Roll for each of your classes, if you are a multi-class character.
6e. T1-4: begin with light riding horse + tack (saddle blanket, saddle, large saddlebags, bit & bridle: #47). 42 gp.
    Roll 2d8 for your horse HP. AC 7. Up to 300 pounds = Move 24. Up to 500 pounds = Move 12.
6e1. T1-4: if under 5', begin with pony + tack (saddle blanket, saddle, small saddlebags, bit & bridle: #47). 32 gp.
    Roll 1d8+1 for your pony HP. AC 7. Up to 200 pounds = Move 12. Up to 300 pounds = Move 6.
6f. Optional: 1d3-1 horse/pony quirks, horse/pony name.
6g. Encumbrance: to start, just note down the ENC of weapons & items that are 10 pounds or more (e.g. armor).
6h. Optional: Instead of buying your equipment at the Trading Post in Hommlet, buy your equipment from the Official 1e list.


You may add abilities from other classes.
Every ability that you add costs 1 AP.
Every ability that you add costs 10% XP.

Turning Undead
Cleric Spells, 1st level
Exceptional STR
Exceptional CON
Magic-User Spells, 1st level
1 Thief Ability

* Weapon of Choice
Lance bonus damage
Stat improvement
Immune to Fear/Circle of Protection
90% immunity to mind-affecting spells
+2 saves vs. illusion
Function at -HP
Enhanced healing
Detect Evil
+2 to all saves
Immune to Disease
Lay on Hands
Cure Disease
Protection from Evil, 10 r.

* Druid Spells, 1st level
+2 to saves vs. fire & lightning

* Enhanced DEX bonus
Enhanced CON bonus
Fast movement
XP for destroying magic items
Barbarian save bonuses
Surprise others
Back protection
Detect Illusion
Detect Magic
Ranger Damage Bonus

* Illusionist spells, 1st level

* Assassinate

* Extra weapon damage
Missile deflection
1/2 damage on a successful save

* Charm
Raise Morale

1 HP = 1 AP
Up to 18 AP can be spent on HP.

    2.2a. Image, Humans --> roll d00 (Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Magic-User, Illusionist, Thief, Assassin, Monk, Multi-Class)
    2.2b. Image, Demi-humans --> acccess the ROGUES GALLERY directory. Choose or randomly generate an image.

3. Race (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Hobbit, Half-elf, Half-orc, Human)
    3a. Apply racial modifiers
    3b. Height (male) (female)
    3c. Weight (male) (female)
    3d. Age (Young Adult, Mature, Middle Aged). Adjust ability scores for age.
    3e. Greyhawk, human: Roll d100 to determine your birthplace (human)
        3e1. Choose alignment
        3e2. Note bonus languages
        3e3. Note human sub-race
    3f. Greyhawk, demi-human: Roll d100 to determine your birthplace (demi-human)

4. Alignment
    4a. (Optional) Roll for a Trait(s). NOT recommended.
    4b. [Greyhawk, Deities by Alignment] [Greyhawk Deities]

5. Secondary skill
    5a. Weapon proficiencies (check this at step 2)
    5b. Check to see if your character is keen-eared
    5c. Choose or roll for Languages (Optional: random language determination)

6. Equipment
    6a. (Optional) 10% per class for a special item, if the character can use it.
        Roll d3. Reduce your starting GP by 1/2.
        6a1. plate mail
        6a2. dagger +1
        6a3. random potion
    6b. (Optional) Roll for magic items, Appendix P of the DMG.
    6c. Determine starting gold.
    6d. Purchase equipment.
        6d1. T1-4: most equipment is purchased in-game.
        6d1a. T1-4: if Time is an issue, your DM might let you pre-buy equipment. Use this table, not the one in the PH.
        6d2. T1-4: begin with a light riding horse (pony for dwarves, etc.), and a #47 pound tack bundle (small saddle bags for ponies).

7. Spells (M-U) (Intelligence)

8. Note XP needed for next level

9. Record AC && HP
    9a. Record THACO
    9b. Record saves

10. Psionics

11. Name your character


Each participant in the campaign created by the referee must create one or
more game personas. The game persona of each participant is called the
PC in order to differentiate it from personas created by the
referee, called non-player characters. The DM is advised to
limit player characters to one per participant at commencement of the
campaign, though as play progresses, additional player characters may be
added in a judicious manner. Each player develops the abilities of his or
her character through random number generation (by means of dice
rolling) to determine the basic characteristics of the persona, the abilities.
The player then decides what race the character is, what the character's
class is, the alignment of the character, and what the character's name is
to be. The character will speak certain languages determined by race,
class, and alignment. He || she will have a certain amount of gold pieces
to begin with, and these funds will be used to purchase equipment needed
for adventuring. Finally, each character begins with a certain number of
hit points, as determined by the roll of the die (or dice) commensurate
with the character's class. Class determines the type of die (or dice) rolled.
All characters begin at 1st level. All of this is completely explained in the
following paragraphs.

An Explanation of the Usages of the Term "level": The term level has
multiple meanings in this game system. Although substitute terminology
could have been used in ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS,
common usage of the term level to include multiple meanings is prevalent
amongst existing players, so the term has been retained herein. The
usages for level are:

1. Level as an indication of Character power: A player character begins
the game at 1st level, i.e. the lowest possible level for a player
character. The higher the level number, the more powerful the
character is.


‘All levels’

Dear Editor:
I have experienced both types of AD&D
games, both as a player and as a DM. When I
began playing 4 years ago, my DM gave
one-tenth (yes, one-tenth) experience points
earned to characters. He gave none for treasure.
In one night, my 1st-level magic-user
didn’t participate at all, expect for taking up

My second DM started me out with a very
good ranger. He advanced fairly quickly.
Since then he has explored countless dungeons,
wildernesses, cities, and planes of existence.
I still have him. That early campaign
was one of the most enjoyable I have ever

After speaking with many players and DMs,
I have come to the conclusion that the best
possible campaign would include all levels of
play, from first level to the point where characters
are no longer challenged by anything
less than a demigod. No one will deny that
there are more high-level monsters for a party
to encounter, or that these monsters are
much more interesting. Which would excite
you more, hacking up orcs or slinging fireballs
at a mind flayer while dodging psionic

Another question: If characters should not
advance beyond sixth or eighth level, why are
there provisions for 29th-level magic-users,
meteor swarms, hammers of thunderbolts, artifacts,
and quivering palms? Why is there no
upper limit in advancement? If Mr. Gygax had
intended a lower-level game, why did he write
this into the AD&D game system?

The object of the game is unquestionably to
“role play.” If you actually follow any alignment,
you will be obligated to increase your
power, so you will be better able to further the
ends of your alignment. The closest thing to
“winning” in the AD&D game is acquiring levels
and powerful items. Cutting them (characters)
off just before these goals are attained is
robbing them of much of the fun possible in
the game. At least let them have a taste of
power. When that gets old, begin the cycle
anew with first-level characters.

Sean P. Healy
Wichita, Kan.
(Dragon #61)
<check DMG.8>

2. Level as used to indicate the depth of the dungeon complex beneath
the ground: The 1st level of a dungeon is the first layer of the
underground complex of tunnels, passages, rooms, chambers, and so
forth. It is the 1st level beneath the ground. Beneath the 1st level is the
2nd, below that is the 3rd. 4th, Sth, etc. The higher the number, the
lower the dungeon level (and the more hazardous its perils).

3. Level as a measure of magic spell difficulty: The magic spells
available to some classes of characters are graded by difficulty factor
- which, incidentally, reflects the spells' effectiveness to some
extent. 1st level spells are the basic ones available to beginning
characters. They are generally the least powerful spells. Next come
2nd level spells, then come 3rd level spells, and so on. The highest
level of any type of magic spell is 9th level, spells usable only by 18th
level magic-users - lesser magic-users can possibly employ such
spells under certain circumstances which are explained hereafter,
but only at considerable risk.

3. Level as a gauge of a "monster's'' potential threat: Relatively weak
creatures, monsters with few hit points, limited or non-existent
magical abilities, those which do little damage when attacking, and
those which have weak, or totally lack, venom are grouped together
and called 1st level monsters. Slightly more powerful creatures are
ordered into 2nd level, then comes 3rd. 4th, 5th, and so on all the way
up to 10th level (the highest, which includes the greatest monsters,
demon princes, etc.).

It was initially contemplated to term character power as rank, spell
complexity was to be termed power, and monster strength was to be
termed as order. Thus, instead of a 9th level character encountering a 7th
level monster on the 8th dungeon level and attacking it with a 4th level
spell, the terminology would have been: A 9th rank character encountered
a 7th order monster on the 8th (dungeon) level and attacked it with a 4th
power spell. However, because of existing usage, level is retained
throughout with all four meanings, and it is not as confusing as it may now


Just a quick FYI:

I did a horror spinoff of AD&D where the players were all yound teenagers, Boy Scouts, and their stats were based on their own estimates of what they possessed when that age. Of course there were no scores above 15, and most were in the 8-10 range. It worked well, and we had a lot of fun with the adventure in a huge onl seemingly abandoned mansion;)

maybe not perfect, but not too hard to change so that is (closer)
some people enjoy spending their unfortunately limited free time with their friends, rather than their dice


Originally Posted by RFisher
If a new player in an OAD&D campaign says he wants a character like the Grey Mouser, would you just advise him to be a thief and accept that a PC can't easily combine the talents of the literary character? Would you suggest the dual class rules? Would you make up something special?

Personally, I've usually opted for the first route. While games and literature can inspire one another, they are vastly different things. I've had players, however, that bristle at the fact that the TSR Lankhmar products had to "break the rules" to accommodate those iconic characters.

I would advise the player to develop a thief character that was of his own creation, albeit it one that was modeled after a fictitional hero. If the PC stats were good enough, I'd then point out that the character could begin play as a fighter, and then be switched to thief later on so as to have a dual class one akin to the Gray Mouser.

Unabashed plug: This difficulty highlights the drawback of a class based RPG. Because I was unsatisfied with having disappointed players, the LA game system's skill-bundle base allows for the creation of just about any kind of character the player (of GM) wants, and at the same time retains archetypes.


Originally Posted by Geoffrey
Gary, I've noticed that Lejendary Adventure avatars start off more powerful than do AD&D characters, and the avatars don't accumulate as much power over time as do AD&D characters. How would the orders in LA, which all have 12 ranks, compare in terms of power to AD&D character levels? For example:

12th rank avatars roughly equal X-level AD&D characters
11th rank avatars roughly equal y-level AD&D characters

Howdy Geoffrey,

that's a good question, and by that I mean a tough one. As an Avatar in the Lejendary Adventure game starts with about all the Health (hit points) he is ever goint to have, the only real comparison can be in success probability for an action. Even there, activations (spell casting) is not certain in the LA game. The addition od new skill bundles automatically or by choice also makes it difficult to equate one with the other. Without actual parallels in many places such a comparison must bE very general. Okay, I've hedged sufficiently to CMA

12th Rank = 4th level AD&D PC
11th Rank = 5th
10th Rank = 6th
9th Rank = 7th
8th Rank = 8th
7th Rank = 9th
6th Rank = 10th-11th
5th Rank = 12th-13th
4th Rank = 14th-15th
3rd Rank = 16th-17th
2nd Rank = 18th-19th
1st Rank = 20th +


Originally Posted by A'koss
Hmmm, I'm not sure I buy that (and I apologize in advance if this is getting OT). BD&D characters and AD&D characters are very much like superheroes as well. High level character could destroy entire towns of LL foes, fall from orbit, possess superhuman attributes, etc. You certainly have more options and "powers" in 3e to be sure, but I certainly wouldn't call the early edition characters "historical human archetypes" by comparison. They're all geared towards representing mythological and fantasy archetypes anyway.

Just my 2 bits.



That is parsing words. The mythological and fantasy archetypes are very human, quite mortal save for some of their magical attributes, mostly gained through brave deeds. Robin Hood, Lancelot, Sir Roland, and the host of examples in fairy tales told by Andrew Lang, even Fafhed and the Gray Mouser and Harold Shea are very much human, within normal human mental and physical bounds. Conan has marvelous strength, bit is is at best preternatural.

Superheroes are generally superior species or mutats, or else rely on fantastic science to be vastly superior to all but others of their ilk. Their purpose is different from the fantasy RPG norm as well, although in fantasy one can move to any extreme and remain within the bounds of the genre. The main difference is the miindset of the game and those that play.


Originally Posted by A'koss
Eh? Nothing I've pointed out here contradicts the RAW... All I'm really saying here is, from the average man's/soldier's perspective, what's the difference between a 15th level AD&D character and a 3e one? They're both effectively demigods/superheroes to his eyes.



How about this:

A 15th level PC in AD&D requires years of gaming, and when arriving at thay level the character is generally retired.

In new D&D arriving at that level takes a mere few months, and that PC is nothing compared to the half-dragon/half-vampire multi-prestige class one that the kid next door stomps around the campaign world with


Originally Posted by A'koss

... And let's be honest here, didn't we all experiment playing "dragonmen", vampires, lycanthropes, githyanki and other exotic monster characters in AD&D? 



Never happened in any campaign I ever ran, and none of the DMs I knew allowed such stuff either. <confused>

Of course there were those young power gamers who took my April Fools' joke character class, the Ultimist seriously and asked for more details 


<everything that follows here is rough drafts / source material for compiled character generation flowcharts>