Cairn Hills

World of Greyhawk


The northward-thrusting arm of the Abbor-Alz (q.v.)
is known as the Cairn Hills. These hills surround
Midbay on Nyr Dyv and form the borderland
between territory claimed by Greyhawk City and that
of the Duchy of Urnst. Several thousand gnomes
dwell in the central portion of the Cairn Hills, halflings
enjoy its lower Northern slopes, while many
dwarvenfolk live in the area where it meets the
Abbor-Alz and the hills become young mountains. In
the hinterland below Nyr Dyv's Midbay, where the
hills are very rugged, there have been strange burial
sites discovered from time to time. These rich finds
are of a people unknown even to the demi-humans,
evidently predating them! Discoverers returned with
harrowing tales of horrid guardians, death, and
worse, but carried back ingots of precious metal,
gems, and other treasures as well. The discovery of
these burial sites gave the hills their name, and also
makes them a target for many foolhardy adventurers.
There are no settlements east of the marshes around
the Upper and Lower Neen Rivers until the eastern
edges of the hills are reached.

01-05 Dwarves
06-10 Gnomes
11-14 Hobbits, Hairfeet
15-17 Hobbits, Stout
18-23 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
24-29 Men, Bandits
30-33 Men, Brigands
34-36 Men, Characters
37-45 Men, Merchants
46-48 Men, Patrol
49-50 Men, Rhennee
51-60 Men, Tribesmen
61-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables

* 10% of all gnoll encounters will include flinds.
** 5% of all orc encounters will include ogrillons.

TEMPERATE CIVILIZED Hills and Rough Terrain (d8+d12)
2 Hollyphant
3 Obliviax
4 Scarecrow
5 Snyad
6 Beetle, Giant Fire
7 Basilisk
8 Killmoulis
9 Man, Bandit
10 Lycanthrope, Werewolf
11 Man, Merchant
12 Man, Patrol
13 Wolf
14 Gnoll
15 Hobgoblin
16 Jackal
17 Pedipalp, Large or Huge
18 Wolf, Dire
19 Jackalwere
20 Heucuva

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