Fellreev Forest
Once hunted extensively by the Rovers
of the Barrens, the whole of the
Fellreev is now
under control of the Bandit Kingdoms
or the Horned
Society. Many strange creatures roam
the trackless
woodlands in the central fastness, including a few
small bands of Sylvan Elves and
tribesmen, it
is said.
Fellreev | Encounter |
01-05 | Elves, Sylvan |
06-13 | Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart) |
14-19 | Men, Bandits |
20-23 | Men, Brigands |
24-30 | Men, Nomads (forest edges only) |
31-40 | Men, Tribesmen (Rovers) |
41-00 | Use Standard Encounter Tables |
2 | Giant, Frost |
3 | Forlarren |
4 | Ent |
5 | Pudding, White |
6 | Bear, Northern |
7 | Porcupine, Giant |
8 | Bugbear |
9 | Wolf |
10 | Ogre |
11 | Orc |
12 | Dog, Wild |
13 | Lycanthrope, Werewolf |
14 | Manticore |
15 | Dragon, White |
16 | Baluchitherium |
17 | Ogrillon |
18 | Grim |
19 | Korred |
20 | Lycanthrope, Foxwoman |
Reduce - Reuse - Recycle