Suss Forest


World of Greyhawk

The Suss is a dreary place, full of thorn trees, brambles,
briars, and thickets. Its massive trees are black
with age, and seem to whisper and talk amongst
themselves when an interloper dares to pass beneath.
Some claim that ripples of waving leaves and moving
branches can be seen in the path of those entering the
place, but this is unproven. The western end of the
forest is of a different nature than the rest. Where it
grows upon the Lortmil Mts. the woodlands are open
and clean, but east of the Jewel River their character
becomes foreboding and hateful. The farther south
one goes, the worse the forest becomes, until it is
filled with an oppressive and evil atmosphere where it
climbs the Drachensgrab hills.The humanoid bands
of the Pomarj, particularly kobolds, orcs, and gnolls,
seem to love this forest, and many hundreds are
known to dwell within its depths alongside the native
gibberlings, ettercaps, and susserus. They likewise use
it s a highway to move northward to raid in the Wild
Coast.Celene, or even the Ulek states and into Verbobonc.
The folk of the Wild Coast at one time made
concerted efforts to clear the Suss, and managed to
drive its verge back several leagues. Due to the disappearance
of timbering parties and the threat of
marauding humanoids, such operations are no longer
conducted anywhere, however. The edges of the Suss
are watched closely by the petty nobles and lordlings
of the Wild Coast. A lost, ruined city of the Old
Suloise is said to be hidden somewhere in the Suss
forest, but few dare to venture on such a quest, particularly

Suss Encounter
01-02 Demi-humans (01-05 = Dwarf, 06-70 = Elf, 71-80 = Gnome, 81-100 = Hobbit)
03-04 Ettercaps
05-08 Gibberlings
09-12 Gnolls
13-18 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
19-24 Kobolds
25-27 Men, Bandits
28-29 Men, Brigands
30 Men, Characters
31-33 Men, Patrol, Light
34-35 Ogres
36-37 Spiders, Giant
38-40 Spiders, Large
41-42 Susseri
43-48 Tree (sentient, semi-mobile, some are dangerous)1
49 Trolls
50-55 Vegetation (dangerous)1
56-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables

* 10% of all gnoll encounters will include flinds.
** 5% of all orc encounters will include ogrillons.

1Use those described in AD&D game or devise special ones.

2 Death Watch Beetle
3 Elf, Grugach
4 Atomie
5 Bee, Giant Honey
6 Dragon, Green
7 Boar, Giant
8 Kobold
9 Boar, Warthog
10 Rhinoceros
11 Centipede, Giant or Huge
12 Bear, Black
13 Beetle, Giant Stag
14 Porcupine, Giant
15 Clubnek
16 Owlbear
17 Kech
18 Greenhag
19 Elfin Cat
20 Basilsik, Greater


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