When a random encounter is indicated by the periodic check,
and you do not have an encounter
table specifically devised for the area, roll
a d20. Cross-index the level
of the dungeon (or whatever is equivalent to
it) with the die result
and read up to find which DUNGEON RANDOM
Roman numeral monster level, I to X) to consult to
find the type of monster
encountered. Once the table is found, dice will
discover at random which
monster has been encountered and in which
1. Wandering Monster Check:
Every 3rd turn the GM rolls
to see if any wandering
monsters are encountered (typically
1 in 6 -- consult specific
level key for non-standard
frequency of check or likelihood
of encounter).
- OSRIC, page 138
The Numbers column
assumes that the encounter will take place on the
level which is equivalent
to the level assigned to the particular monster
order to adjust for the
more difficult conditions on lower levels of the
dungeon, and the relatively
easier ones above, use the following rules:
Lesser monsters on lower
levels have their numbers augumented by a like
number of the same sort
of creatures for each level of the dungeon beneath
that of the assigned
level of the monster type encountered.
Example: First level monsters
on the 2nd level of a dungeon will be twice
as numerous as the Numbers
variable indicates, i.e. 2-8 giant ants, rather
than 1-4, if they are encountered
on the 2nd level (or its equivalent) of a
dungeon. The same is true
for second level monsters encountered on the
3rd dungeon level, third
level monsters on the 4th dungeon level, etc.
There are two exceptions
to this rule:
1. Characters
are increased by level of experience rather than by
numbers encountered, as indicated in the DUNGEON RANDOM MONSTER TABLE
2. Ninth
and tenth level monsters are typically given attendant monsters,
rather than greater numbers, in lower dungeon levels, i.e., a demon
prince encountered on the 11th dungeon level might have a single
type I demon attendant, while on the 15th level of the dungeon the
same demon prince might have 5 such lesser demons or a pair of type
III escorts.
Greater monsters on higher
dungeon levels will have their numbers reduced by 1
for each level of the
dungeon above their assigned level, subject to a minimum
number of 1. Example:
1-3 shadows are normally encountered on
the 4th level of the dungeon;
as shadows are fourth level monsters, a maximum
of 2 can be encountered
on the 3rd dungeon level, and but 1 on the
2nd level. (Fourth level
monsters cannot be encountered on the 1st level of
the dungeon.) Hydras, for
instance, will have fewer heads, while creatures
with attendants will have
fewer or none at all on the lesser-numbered
Equivalent Level Of
The Dungeon |
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X |
1st | 1-16 <3 x I>
(DMG | FF | MM2) |
17-19 <2 x II>
(DMG | FF | MM2) |
20 <1 x III> | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2nd-3rd | 1-12 <5 x I> | 13-16 <4 x II> | 17-18 <3 x III> | 19 <2 x IV> | 20 <1 x V> | - | - | - | - | - |
4th | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-16 | 17-18 | 19 | 20 | - | - | - | - |
5th | 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-12 | 13-16 | 17-18 | 19 | 20 | - | - | - |
6th | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-12 | 13-16 | 17-18 | 19 | 20 | - | - |
7th | 1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6-10 | 11-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19 | 20 | - |
8th | 1 | 2 | 3-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | 11-14 | 15-16 | 17-18 | 19 | 20 |
9th | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 9-12 | 13-15 | 16-17 | 18-19 | 20 |
10th-11th | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-16 | 17-19 | 20 |
12th-13th | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 10-12 | 13-18 | 19-20 |
14th-15th | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7-8 | 9-11 | 12-17 | 18-20 |
16th | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8-10 | 11-16 | 17-20 |
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-02 | Ant, giant | 1-4 |
03-04 | Badger* | 1-4 |
05-14 | Beetle, fire | 1-4 |
15 | Demon, manes | 1-4 |
16-17 | Dwarf
4-14 |
18 | Ear seeker | 1 |
19 | Elf | 3-11 (d6+d4+1) |
20-21 | Gnome | 5-15 |
22-26 | Goblin | 6-15 |
27-28 | Hobbit**
9-16 |
29-33 | Hobgoblin | 2-8 |
34-48 | Human -- see Human Subtable below | - |
49-54 | Kobold
6-18 |
55-66 | Orc
7-12 |
67-70 | Piercer | 1-3 |
71-83 | Rat, giant | 5-20 |
84-85 | Rot grub | 1-3 |
86-96 | Shrieker | 1-2 |
97-98 | Skeleton | 1-4 |
99-00 | Zombie
1-3 |
* Not encountered below the 2nd level; treat as a roll of 29-33 (hobgoblin) thereafter.
** Not encountered below the 4th level; treat as a roll of 71-83 (Rat, giant) thereafter.
Monster Level I: Human Subtable
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-25 | Bandit* | 5-15 |
26-30 | Berserker* | 3-9 |
31-45 | Brigand* | 3-9 |
46-00 | Character -- see Character Subtable below | - |
* Upper level leaders and sub-leaders are not with groups numbering
under 30, and at only 50% of normal level (rounded up) for groups under
60. As a general rule, you may wish to exclude all of these encounters
levels below whatever point you find them to be unlikely.
Character Subtable (Used For Encounters On All Dungeon Levels)
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01 | Badger, giant* | 1-4 |
02-16 | Centipede, giant | 3-13 |
17-27 | Character -- see Character Subtable below | - |
28-29 | Devil, lemure | 2-5 |
30-31 | Gas spore | 1-2 |
32-38 | Gnoll | 4-10 |
39-46 | Piercer | 1-4 |
47-58 | Rat, giant | 6-24 |
59-60 | Rot grub | 1-4 |
61-72 | Shrieker | 1-3 |
73-77 | Stirge +
5-15 |
78-87 | Toad, giant | 1-4 |
88-00 | Troglodyte | 2-8 |
* Note encountered below the 3rd level; treat as a roll of 32-38 (Gnoll) thereafter.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-10 | Beetle, boring | 1-3 |
11-20 | Bugbear | 2-7 |
21-30 | Character -- see Character Subtable | - |
31-32 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1 |
33-34 | Fungi, violet | 1-3 |
35-40 | Gelatinous cube | 1 |
41-45 | Ghoul +
1-4 |
46-50 | Lizard, giant | 1-3 |
51-54 | Lycanthrope, wererat
2-5 |
55-60 | Ochre jelly | 1 |
61-72 | Ogre
1-3 |
73-74 | Piercer | 2-5 |
75 | Rot grub | 1-4 |
76-77 | Shrieker | 2-5 |
78-84 | Spider, huge | 1-3 |
85-93 | Spider, large | 2-5 |
94-95 | Tick, giant | 1-3 |
96-00 | Weasel, giant | 1-4 |
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-28 | Black | very young (1) |
29-62 | Brass | very young (1) |
63-00 | White | very young (1) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-08 | Ape, carnivorous | 1-3 |
09-14 | Blink dog | 2-5 |
15-22 | Character -- see Character Subtable | - |
23-24 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1 |
25-30 | Gargoyle | 1-2 |
31-36 | Ghast | 1-4 |
37-40 | Gray ooze | 1 |
41-44 | Hell hound
1-2 |
45-47 | Hydra, 5 or 6 heads | 1 |
48 | Hydra, pyro-, 5 heads | 1 |
49-62 | Lycanthrope, werewolf | 1-2 |
63-75 | Mold, yellow | - |
76-78 | Owlbear
1-2 |
79 | Rust monster | 1 |
80-82 | Shadow | 1-3 |
83-90 | Snake, giant, constrictor | 1 |
91-94 | Su-monster | 1-2 |
95-96 | Toad, ice | 1 |
97-00 | Toad, poisonous | 1-3 |
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-09 | Black | young/sub-adult (2/3) |
10-20 | Blue | very young/young (1/2) |
21-30 | Brass | young/sub-adult (2/3) |
31-37 | Bronze | very young/young (1/2) |
38-50 | Copper | very young/young (1/2) |
51-54 | Gold | very young/young (1/2) |
55-70 | Green | very young/young (1/2) |
71-80 | Red | very young/young (1/2) |
81-88 | Silver | very young/young (1/2) |
89-00 | White | young/sub-adult (2/3) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-08 | Character -- see Character Subtable | - |
09-15 | Cockatrice | 1-2 |
16-18 | Displacer Beast | 1-2 |
19-22 | Doppleganger | 1-3 |
23-24 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1 |
25-26 | Hydra, 7 heads | 1 |
27 | Hydra, pyro-, 6 heads | 1 |
28 | Imp | 1-2 |
29-31 | Leucrotta | 1-2 |
32-50 | Lizard, subterranean | 1-3 |
51-52 | Lycanthrope, wereboar | 1-3 |
53-60 | Minotaur | 1-3 |
61-64 | Mold, yellow | - |
65 | Quasit | 1 |
66-67 | Rust monster | 1 |
68-70 | Shrieker | 2-5 |
71-72 | Slithering tracker | 1 |
73-74 | Snake, giant, amphisbaena | 1 |
75-82 | Snake, giant, poisonous | 1 |
83-86 | Snake, giant, spitting | 1 |
87-00 | Spider, giant
1-2 |
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-08 | Black | young adult/adult (4/5) |
09-20 | Blue | sub-adult/young adult (3/4) |
21-30 | Brass | young adult/adult (4/5) |
31-37 | Bronze | sub-adult/young adult (3/4) |
38-50 | Copper | sub-adult/young adult (3/4) |
51-54 | Gold | sub-adult/young adult (3/4) |
55-70 | Green | sub-adult/young adult (3/4) |
71-80 | Red | sub-adult/young adult (3/4) |
81-88 | Silver | sub-adult/young adult (3/4) |
89-00 | White | young adult/adult (4/5) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-03 | Basilisk | 1 |
04-10 | Carrion crawler | 1-2 |
11-16 | Character -- see Character Subtable | -- |
17 | Devil, erinyes | 1-2 |
18-19 | Djinni | 1 |
20-21 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1 |
22-25 | Green slime | -- |
26-28 | Hydra, 8-9 heads | 1 |
29-32 | Jackalwere | 1-2 |
33-36 | Lammasu | 1-3 |
37-38 | Lycanthrope, werebear | 1 |
39-41 | Lycanthrope, weretiger | 1-2 |
42-50 | Manticore | 1-2 |
51-55 | Medusa | 1 |
56 | Mold, brown | -- |
57-58 | Mold, yellow | -- |
59-60 | Ogre magi | 1-2 |
61-68 | Otyugh | 1 |
69-70 | Rakshasa | 1 |
71-73 | Salamander | 1-2 |
74-77 | Spider, phase | 1-3 |
78-88 | Troll | 1-3 |
89-93 | Wight | 1-4 |
94-95 | Wind walker | 1-2 |
96-98 | Wraith | 1-2 |
99-00 | Wyvern | 1 |
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-08 | Black | old (6) |
09-19 | Blue | adult (5) |
20-29 | Brass | old (6) |
30-36 | Bronze | adult (5) |
37-48 | Copper | adult (5) |
49-52 | Gold | adult (5) |
53-65 | Green | adult (5) |
66-78 | Red | adult (5) |
79-87 | Silver | adult (5) |
88-00 | White | old (6) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-05 | Black pudding | 1 |
06-10 | Character -- see Character Subtable | -- |
11-14 | Chimera | 1-2 |
15 | Demon, succubus | 1 |
16 | Demon, type I | 1 |
17 | Demon, type II | 1 |
18 | Demon, type III | 1 |
19 | Devil, barbed | 1 |
20 | Devil, bone | 1 |
21 | Devil, horned | 1 |
22-23 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1 |
24 | Efreeti | 1 |
25-26 | Elemental* | 1 |
27-30 | Ettin
1 |
31-35 | Giant, hill or stone | 1-3 |
36-38 | Giant, fire or frost | 1-2 |
39 | Golem, flesh | 1 |
40-41 | Gorgon | 1 |
42-43 | Groaning spirit | 1 |
44-46 | Hydra, 10-12 heads | 1 |
47 | Hydra, pryo-, 7-9 heads | 1 |
48-49 | Intellect devourer | 1 |
50 | Invisible stalker | 1 |
51-52 | Lamia | 1-2 |
53-56 | Lizard, fire | 1-3 |
57-59 | Lurker above | 1 |
60 | Mezzodaemon | 1 |
61-63 | Mimic
1 |
64-65 | Mind flayer | 1-2 |
66-69 | Mummy | 1-2 |
70 | Naga, spirit | 1-3 |
71-73 | Neo-otyugh | 1 |
74 | Night hag | 1-2 |
75-78 | Roper | 1-2 |
79-82 | Shambling mound
1-2 |
83-86 | Shedu | 1-2 |
87 | Slug, giant | 1 |
88-91 | Spectre | 1 |
92-93 | Trapper | 1 |
94-95 | Umber hulk +
1 |
96-97 | Will-o-wisp | 1-3 |
98-00 | Xorn +
1-3 |
* Choose, or use equal probabilities as applicable.
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-08 | Black | very old (7) |
09-19 | Blue | old (6) |
20-29 | Brass | very old (7) |
30-36 | Bronze | old (6) |
37-48 | Copper | old (6) |
49-52 | Gold | old (6) |
53-65 | Green | old (6) |
66-78 | Red | old (6) |
79-87 | Silver | old (6) |
88-00 | White | very old (7) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01 | Aerial Servant | 1 |
02-06 | Character -- see Character Subtable | - |
07 | Demon, type IV | 1 |
08 | Demon, type V | 1 |
09 | Demon, type VI | 1 |
10 | Devil, ice | 1 |
11-12 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1 |
13-17 | Ghost | 1 |
18-21 | Giant, cloud | 1-2 |
22-23 | Golem, clay | 1 |
24-26 | Hydra, 13-16 heads | 1 |
27 | Hydra, pyro-, 12 heads | 1 |
28-29 | Intellect devourer | 1-2 |
30-35 | Lurker above | 1 |
36-41 | Mold, brown | --- |
42-43 | Mold, yellow | --- |
44-47 | Mind flayer | 1-4 |
48-50 | Naga, guardian | 1-2 |
51-56 | Neo-otyugh | 1 |
57-64 | Purple worm | 1 |
65-69 | Rust monster | 1 |
70-73 | Slug, giant | 1 |
74-78 | Trapper | 1 |
79-86 | Vampire | 1 |
87-92 | Will-o-wisp | 2-5 |
93-00 | Xorn | 2-5 |
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-13 | Black | ancient (8) |
14-24 | Blue | very old (7) |
25-31 | Brass | ancient (8) |
32-35 | Bronze | very old (7) |
36-43 | Copper | very old (7) |
44-47 | Gold | very old (7) |
48-62 | Green | very old (7) |
63-78 | Red | very old (7) |
79-82 | Silver | very old (7) |
83-00 | White | ancient (7) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-09 | Character -- see Character Subtable | - |
10-12 | Devil, pit fiend | 2 |
13-15 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1-2 |
16-21 | Giant, storm | 1-2 |
22-23 | Golem, stone | 1 |
24-30 | Hydra, 17-20 heads | 1 |
31-33 | Hydra, pyro-, 12 heads | 1 |
34-40 | Mold, brown | 1 |
41-50 | Mold, yellow | 1 |
51-52 | Nycadaemon | 1 |
53-64 | Purple worm | 1 |
65-67 | Rust monster | 1 |
68-69 | Titan, lesser | 1 |
70-73 | Titan, minor | 1 |
74-80 | Umber hulk | 1-4 |
81-83 | Vampire* | 1 |
84-93 | Will-o-wisp | 2-5 |
94-00 | Xorn | 2-9 |
* Former cleric, with full powers, of 7th - 10th level.
<Note the 2-9 xorn, when their NA is listed as 1-4>
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-10 | Black, 2 | ancient & old (8 & 6) |
11-22 | Blue | ancient (8) |
23-31 | Brass, 2 | ancient & old (8 & 6) |
32-34 | Bronze | ancient (8) |
35-42 | Copper | ancient (8) |
43-46 | Gold | ancient (8) |
47-62 | Green | ancient (8) |
63-78 | Red | ancient (8) |
79-82 | Silver | ancient (8) |
83-00 | White, 2 | ancient & very old (8 & 7) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
01-12 | Beholder | 1 |
13-20 | Character -- see Character Subtable | - |
21-28 | Demon, prince* | 1 |
29-30 | Devil, arch-* | 1 |
31-40 | Dragon -- see Dragon Subtable below | 1-2 |
41-50 | Golem, iron | 1 |
51-60 | Lich | 1 |
61-70 | Titan, elder | 1 |
71-80 | Vampire** | 1 |
81-00 | NO ENCOUNTER | - |
* Select or find randomly.
** Former magic-user, with full powers, of 9th - 12th level.
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
01-20 | Blue, 2 | ancient & very old (8 & 7) |
21-26 | Bronze, 2 | ancient & very old (8 & 7) |
27-33 | Copper, 2 | ancient & very old (8 & 7) |
34-35 | Chromatic | (Tiamat) |
36-40 | Gold, 2 | ancient & old (8 & 6) |
41-60 | Green, 2 | ancient & very old (8 & 7) |
61-63 | Platinum | (Bahamut) |
64-94 | Red, 2 | ancient & old (8 & 6) |
95-00 | Silver, 2 | ancient & old (8 & 6) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.
Dice Score | Creature Encountered | Numbers |
Dragon Subtable
Dice Score | Dragon Type | Age Category (Hit Points/Die) |
Determine the number of HD for a dragon as normal.