The Incantatrix
by Ed Greenwood

Spell Notes - - - Notes to the Dungeon Master
Dragon - Classes - Dragon 90

The enchanting incantatrix
A spell-shielding, spell-stealing NPC class
by Ed Greenwood

" B u t   h o w   c o u l d   a   m e r e   w i z a r d   d e f e a t   t h e   A r c h m a g e   w i t h   a   s p e l l
s o   b e y o n d   h e r   p o w e r s " -- a s k e d  t h e  s a g e  s k e p t i c a l l y .
" I t   i s   s a i d , "   r e p l i e d   t h e   t e l l e r - o f - t a l e s   i n   a   l o w ,   g u a r d e d   v o i c e ,
" t h a t   s h e   s t o l e   t h e   s p e l l   f r o m   h i s   o w n   mind!"
" I m p o s s i b l e ! " sputtered the sage.
The other shook his head slowly. "No, my friend," he corrected
the learned one. "Not for an incantatrix."

Although the spells and powers of incantatrixes are akin to those
of magic-users, these rare and mysterious individuals have unique
spells and a dweomercraeft all their own. They are especially adept
at countering and negating the magics of other spellcasting creatures
and individuals, and at dealing with creatures who exist simultaneously on more than one plane (such as certain undead). But at the
same time, incantatrixes are woefully weak in physical combat of
any sort, and their offensive spells are severely limited. Although
incantatrix spells resemble the magics of many spellcasting classes,
the penalty paid for such breadth of ability is the lessened power, by
comparison, of most incantatrix spells.

In the Realms, according to the sage Elminster, such individuals
were and are very rare. It was not until the Testing of the ?witch?
Alaertha by the Council of the Mighty in long-ago Guldethym that
such spellcasters were recognized as a distinct breed (or class) of
magic-users, even as we look upon illusionists, with unusual talents
in their own right. Most were previously thought, as apprentices, to
be magic-users of limited intelligence and a twisted or ?tainted?
intellect; they seemed unable to comprehend and wield certain magics (such as  burning hands, magic missile,  and  shocking grasp),  but
were capable of grasping some illusionist magics, and of self-training
themselves to an astonishingly great mastery of certain spells ? even
if with painfully slow years of practice and study.

All those identified as incantatrixes (and there are only seven
known living incantatrixes in the Realms at present) thus far have
been females of human or half-elven stock. It is not known whether
beings of other races and sexes can become incantatrixes, but some
sages suspect that the (human male) spellcaster known as Durngrym, an adventurer who lived some seven hundred winters ago,
was an incantatrix (the male term, according to the sage Marridus,
is "incantatar"). The individual presently known only as "The
Mage of Stars" may also be an incantatar.

An incantatrix must have the same faculties for mastery of magic
(minimum ability scores) as a magic-user, and they learn their craft
through tutelage, practice, and study as do magic-users. They thus
use cantrips as an apprentice, and are as restricted in the use of
armor and weapons as magic-users are.

All incantatrixes can immediately grasp both  read magick  and read
illusionist magic  (see below) when introduced to those spells, and
with continued study their powers become quite different from those
of both magic-users and illusionists. To learn spells "belonging" to
classes other than magic-user that are understandable to them,
incantatrixes must employ tutors of those classes or obtain the
knowledge from scrolls (a process which, once the scroll is deciphered, requires long, painstaking research and experiment). Those
few spells unique to the class must be learned from another incantatrix who can herself cast them, or developed through much research.
(An incantatrix must have an intelligence of 18 to cast 7th-level
incantatrix spells, a minimum intelligence of 17 to cast 6th-level
incantatrix spells, and so on.)

The few incantatrixes known have all been secretive, quiet loners,
revealed as at least a bit paranoid by their words and actions. Their
lives seem dominated by an urge to improve their arts, and those
who have risen to the highest levels (23rd and above), it is whispered, do study and sometimes master the offensive spells of magicusers that were beyond their powers when they were of lower level.

Incantatrixes may be of any alignment. Although they do not in
any sense seem to be an organized sisterhood or "secret society,"
they often, having similar aims and interests, act together to combat
common foes -- notably, those individuals who use magic in a dangerous, irresponsible manner. They seem to particularly dislike those
who often create  gates  or otherwise compel or allow creatures to
enter the Prime Material Plane from other planes. As a druid protects his forest, and in another sense all forests, an incantatrix will
attempt to police the unrestrained use of magic about her abode, or
challenge (not always openly) such uses that she observes elsewhere.
An incantatrix who does not have to do this often may live in seclusion and study, like a sage ? and anyone who lives nearby may not
even realize that she has spellcasting ability.

To advance in level, an incantatrix must accumulate the necessary
XP and then be tutored (for 1-4 weeks, depending
upon her skills and prior accomplishments) by an incantatrix of at
least as high a level as the one she is trying to achieve, or by a
magic-user of at least 3 levels higher than the level she is trying to
achieve. If none are available, an incantatrix can self-train, a process
requiring access to a sizable library of magical tomes and 4-12 weeks
of isolated, continuous study. This training is distinct from learning
individual spells from illusionists, clerics, and druids. An incantatrix
c a n   h e r s e l f   m a s t e r   m a g i c - u s e r   s p e l l s   o f   a t t a i n a b l e   l e v e l   w i t h o u t   s p e c i f i c   t e a c h i n g   f r o m   a   m a g i c - u s e r .
I n   a d d i t i o n ,   i n c a n t a t r i x e s   h a v e   a   n u m b e r   o f   u n i q u e   t a l e n t s   a n d
a b i l i t i e s .

A t   3 r d   l e v e l   ( D w e o m a e d a r ) ,   a n   i n c a n t a t r i x   g a i n s   t h e   a b i l i t y
t o   see ethereal creatures,  including out-of-phase creatures and those
employing temporary magic such as spells or magic items, when the
incantatrix is on any plane that the ethereal plane permeates (such
as the Prime Material), and so long as the ethereal creature occupies
an equivalent Ethereal Plane position within 3"  of the incantatrix's

At 4th level (Memurge), an incantatrix gains the ability to physically or magically attack creatures who are out of phase,  ethereal,
blinking  rapidly about, and so on. For magical attacks of this sort,
the incantatrix may use several of the spells she gains at higher
levels, such as  disrupt undead, ray of oblivion, feeblemind, hold
monster,  and  power word, stun  -- but not  stealspell  or  unbinding.

At 6th level (Weirworker), an incantatrix gains immunity to the
level-draining powers of creatures employing energies from the
Negative Material Plane, such as xeg-yi and many undead.

At 8th level (Spellbinder), an incantatrix gains the ability to sense
the general nature of a spell's effects as it is being CAST, if the casting
is done by a spell-user within 4"  that the incantatrix can clearly
observe. This ability will also work through a  wizard eye  or a  crystal
ball.  The spell-like natural powers and vocal-only spells of dragons
and certain other beasts cannot be identified in this way.
For example, this power would allow an incantatrix observing the
opening gestures of the casting  of  a  ray of enfeeblement  (by a magicuser) to determine that the spell affects only one target creature and
that it is in some way connected with weakness. The spell's duration, precise intended effects, and specific effectiveness against the
target in question would not be known to the incantatrix, except by
subsequent observation. Note that this ability is  not  the same as that
imparted by an  ESP  spell, and usually does not give an incantatrix
time to determine what spell is being cast, for the purpose of casting
her own counterspell.

At 20th level, an incantatrix gains a still-mysterious ability to
drain magic from an item or device that has charges, and USE that
magical force to restore her own vitality. (Only two incantatrixes, the
long-ago Alaertha and the present-day Ishaera, are known to have
reached this level of accomplishment, and neither has revealed much
of her arts to others.) This power does not work on a permanent
item that has no charges, nor on an artifact or relic. It cannot be
used to augment or restore spells or magical items possessed by the
incantatrix, but only as a form of  cure light wounds  magic; one
drained magical charge gains 2-8 hit points for the incantatrix.
To use this power, the incantatrix must remain still, holding the
item to be drained with her bare hand or hands, for one round per
charge drained. An incantatrix can use this ability before combat to
temporarily augment her hit points above her normal maximum ?
but this does not raise her level or hit dice for purposes of spellcasting, saving throws, and the like. These extra, ?phantom? hit points
last for only 1 turn before their energy is forever lost, but any magical or physical damage suffered by the incantatrix during that turn
diminishes and exhausts the "phantom? hit points before the incantatrix suffers any real hit-point damage.

dice for 
hit points
Level title
0 -- 2,500 1 1 Gramaryaer
2,501 -- 5,000 2 2 Coronar
5,001 -- 12,000 3 3 Dweomaedar
12,001 -- 24,500 4 4 Memurge
24,501 -- 44,000 5 5 Diathosil
44,001 -- 69,000 6 6 Weirworker
69,001 -- 120,000 7 7 Nightstar
120,001 -- 190,000 8 8 Spellbinder
190,001 -- 290,000 9 9 Incantatrix

250,000 experience points per level after the 9th.
Incantatrixes gain 2 hit points per level after the 9th.

                                                                                                                                                                                Spells usable by level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 - - - - - -
2 2 1 - - - - -
3 2 2 - - - - -
4 3 2 - - - - -
5 4 2 1 - - - -
6 5 3 1 - - - -
7 5 4 2 - - - -
8 6 5 2 - - - -
9 6 6 3 - - - -
10 6 6 4 1 - - -
11 6 6 5 2 - - -
12 6 6 6 3 1 - -
13 6 6 6 4 2 - -
14 6 6 6 5 3 - -
15 6 6 6 6 4 1 -
16 6 6 6 6 5 2 -
17 6 6 6 6 6 3 1
18 6 6 6 6 6 4 2
19 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
20 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
21 6 6 6 6 6 6 5
22 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

An incantatrix attains maximum spell progression at 22nd level,
although she may still continue to gain levels and hit points.

- 1st level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level 5th level 6th level 7th level
1 Comprehend languages Continual light Blink Confusion Anti-magic shell Cloudkill Duo-dimension
2 Dancing lights Detect charm Clairaudience Dimension door Bigby's interposing hand * Dispel possession Maze
3 Detect magick Detect invisibility Clairvoyance Dispel exhaustion Feeblemind Enchant an item Mind blank
4 Dispel illusion Dispel magic Detect lie * Disrupt undead Globe of invulnerability Hold monster Power word, stun
5 Erase ESP Explosive runes Locate object Guards and wards Legend lore Prismatic sphere
6 Feather fall Forget Haste Protection from normal missiles * Spell shield Repulsion * Stealspell
7 Identify Invisibility Infravision * Ray of oblivion Teleport * Spell reflection Time stop
8 Light Knock Invisibility, 10' r. Wizard eye Wall of force True seeing * Unbinding
9 Message Know alignment * Maladweomer - - - -
10 Nystul's magic aura Leomund's trap Minor globe of invulnerability - - - -
11 + Read illusionist magic Levitate Non-detection - - - -
12 Read magick Magic mouth Remove curse - - - -
13 Remove fear Mirror image Resist fire - - - -
14 Shield Obscurement Slow - - - -
15 Ventriloquism Resist cold Suggestion - - - -
16 Write Wizard lock Tongues - - - -

* = Unique spell (described hereafter)

+ = Official spell first published in DRAGON issue #66 (text reproduced hereafter)

Spell notes
E x c e p t   f o r  read illusionist magic  and the unique spells, all spells
employed by incantatrixes are described in the Players Handbook,
with differences from the "standard" (Players Handbook) form
noted on the table and in the following text. Such differences exist
primarily because earlier incantatrixes (from whose writings young
ones study) learned or developed such variations. With sufficient
research, an incantatrix might be able to develop variant spells
closer to the standard form. For that matter, magic-users could well
learn and cast the unique spells described hereafter ? but no incantatrix has ever taught these spells to a non-incantatrix; they remain
secrets of the class. The DM must judge whether a magic-user?s own
unaided research is successful in deriving such spells. In general,
unless otherwise noted, incantatrixes cast spells as do magic-users of
the same level with respect to casting time, duration, etc. If a spell is
reversible, an incantatrix can choose to learn and cast the reverse, at
the same level as the spell is listed here.

1 s t   l e v e l
Dispel illusion -- This spell is identical in range, duration, and
effects to the 3rd-level illusionist spell, but requires as its material
component a handful of glass beads or shards, marbles, cut gems, or
non-precious translucent or transparent stones. Casting time is 7
Remove fear -- As in the 1st-level cleric spell, but the maximum
bonus given to a second saving throw  vs.  fear  is +9, regardless of any
higher experience level(s) of the incantatrix.

2 n d   l e v e l
Detect charm -- As in the 2nd-level cleric spell, except that the
range of the spell (and of its reverse) is by touch only (?to hit? roll
required to touch an unwilling, unconstrained creature).
Dispel magic  -- As in the 3rd-level magic-user spell, except that
spell range is 9".
Know alignment -- As in the 2nd-level cleric spell, except that the
duration is one round per level of the incantatrix (or until dispelled
by the incantatrix commencing to cast another spell, use a magic
item, or turning her concentration elsewhere ? i.e., to emply psionics, read an inscription, etc.). One creature per round can be examined. This duration also holds true for the reverse of the spell.
Obscurement -- As in the 2nd-level druid spell, except that the
duration of the  obscurement  is only 2 rounds per level of the incantatrix, and at least a few drops of liquid (water, wine, lamp oil,
saliva) must be put on the gesturing hand of the spellcaster to effect
the  obscurement;  this is consumed in the casting.
R e s i s t   c o l d   -- As in the 1st-level cleric spell, except that the duration is only 2 rounds per level of the incantatrix.

3 r d   l e v e l
Detect lie -- As in the 4th-level cleric spell, but an incantatrix
requires a full round to cast it.
Minor globe of invulnerability  -- As in the 4th-level magic-user
spell, except that casting time is only 3 segments.
N o n - d e t e c t i o n -- As cast by an incantatrix,  non-detection  is identical in all respects to the 3rd-level illusionist spell of the same name,
except that it affects only the incantatrix and sounds emitted by her
? and not a 5? radius around her, nor any other creature(s). Note
that the incantatrix would still be invisible to  detect  spells,  ESP,
clairvoyance,  etc., and not revealed by an outline or ?blank area.?
Remove curse  -- This spell is identical to the 3rd-level cleric spell
as regards casting time, and not the 4th-level magic-user version.
Resist fire -- This spell is identical in effects to the 2nd-level cleric
spell, but its casting time varies: only 3 segments if the incantatrix
casts it upon herself, but 9 segments if she casts it on another creature (touch necessary).

4 t h   l e v e l
Dispel exhaustion -- Identical to the 4th-level illusionist spell,
except the duration is 1 turn per level, not 3.
L o c a t e   o b j e c t   -- As in the 3rd-level cleric spell, except that the
range for both  locate  object and its reverse, obscure object, is only
2"  plus 1? per level of the incantatrix.

Protection from normal missiles  -- This spell is identical to the
3rd-level magic-user spell, but an incantatrix requires 4 segments to
cast it. A piece of nutshell (coconut, walnut, etc.) is acceptable as a
material component if the incantatrix has no turtle shell.

5 t h   l e v e l
Anti-magic shell -- Identical to the 6th-level magic-user spell,
except that its area of effect is always a 12-foot-diameter sphere
centered on the pelvis of the incantatrix.
Globe of invulnerability -- Identical to the 6th-level magic-user
spell, except that the casting time is only 6 segments.
Guards and wards -- Identical to the 6th-level magic-user spell,
except that it lasts for only 4 turns per level of the incantatrix.

6 t h   l e v e l
Cloudkill -- As in the 5th-level magic-user spell, except that
casting time is 1 round.
H o l d   m o n s t e r   -- As in the 5th-level magic-user spell, except that
casting time is 6 segments, and the maximum number of creatures
that can be affected is three.
True seeing -- Like the 5th-level cleric  true seeing  (and not the
6th-level illusionist  true sight),  the incantatrix spell allows exact
determination of the alignment of creatures viewed. It also allows
items (i.e., magic swords) dedicated to a certain alignment to be
identified by their auras, a power not given by the cleric spell or the
similar illusionist spell. Casting time is 1 round, material components are as for the cleric spell, and the area of effect is 9"  sight

7 t h   l e v e l
Maze  -- As in the 8th-level magic-user spell, except that the
range can never be more than 7?, regardless of the incantatrix?s
M i n d   b l a n k   -- As in the 8th-level magic-user spell, except that the
range is by touch (or upon the incantatrix herself).
Prismatic sphere  -- As in the 9th-level magic-user spell, except
that duration is only 4 rounds per level of the incantatrix.
Time stop -- As in the 9th-level magic-user spell, except that
casting time is 1 round, and duration is 11-18 (d8 +10) segments,
regardless of the incantatrix?s level. Note that during the  time stop
the incantatrix can only cast spells which affect herself, and not
spells that directly affect other creatures.

N e w   s p e l l s
A number of spells available to incantatrixes are unique to that
class, and these are detailed below. A full description is also given
for  read illusionist magic,  an official spell that was put forth by E.
Gary Gygax in his article on new illusionist spells printed in issue
#66 of DRAGON® Magazine, for the benefit of readers who do not
have access to that issue.

Read Illusionist Magic +

Maladweomer  (Alteration) Reversible
Level:  3
Range:  1" + 1"/level
Duration:  1 round/level
Components:  V, S, M
Casting Time:  3 segments
Saving Throw:  Neg.
Area of Effect:  One person

By means of this spell, an incantatrix
causes any and all spells and spell-like powers CAST or wielded by a
TARGET creature, including those of items employed by the target, to
be at the nadir of their effectiveness; i.e., any damage caused by
offensive magics will be the minimum possible, saving throws vs.
such magics are enhanced by a +4 bonus, and spells which are extant
(such as magical  charms)  and ongoing at the time the  maladweomer
takes effect are altered in efficacy.

(For instance, a  charmed  individual who had previously failed to save vs. the spell would immediately be allowed another saving throw, with the +4 bonus.)
The material component for this spell is a small, clear glass or crystal
prism, which is smashed (with a weapon-blow, and/or against a
wall, rock, or floor) in the spellcasting.

The reverse,  empradweomer  (or "dweomerboost"), does not
require that the crystal be smashed; rather, it vanishes when
spellcasting is complete. The reverse does not require a saving
throw, has the same duration as  maladweomer,  and permits all
magic cast or wielded by the recipient creature during that time to
be of maximum efficacy (maximum damage and effects). Both forms
of the spell can be cast upon the incantatrix herself, so that  maladweomer  would enable an incantatrix to lessen her powers when
compelled to work magic against her wishes.

D i s r u p t   u n d e a d   (Necromantic)
Level:  4
Range:  7"
Duration:  4 rounds
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  4 segments
Saving Throw:  None
Area of Effect:  Cone, flaring to 1? diameter when 1" from caster's hand

    This magic requires a pinch of dust or a
strand of cobweb to activate. When cast, the spell causes a cone of
mildly cold, invisible, silent force to come into being, extending
from the caster?s outstretched hand. This field remains in existence
for 4 rounds, and moves with the caster?s hand. Any undead creatures within its confines at any time, or touched by any part of it,
are affected as follows:

Skeletons, zombies, ghouls, shadows, and such weaker undead are
instantly blasted out of existence. Wights, ghasts, wraiths, mummies, spectres, vampires, ghosts, liches, and similar evil creatures
from other planes that can be turned by clerics, as well as other
powerful undead not specifically named here, instantly suffer 1d6
damage per level of the incantatrix, with no saving throw. These
powerful undead may remain in the field for additional rounds or
even leave and re-enter it without suffering more damage; each such
disruption field  affects a particular undead creature only once, but
repeated castings of the same spell would do additional damage. In
the only reported incidence of two incantatrixes casting overlapping
disruption fields,  undead caught in the area of intersection suffered
damage from both fields.

Ray of oblivion  (Enchantment/Charm)
Level:  4
Range:  1"/level
Duration:  Permanent
Components:  V, S, M
Casting Time:  4 segments
Saving Throw:  Neg.
Area of Effect:  One person

    The material component for this magic
is a pinch of dust; it vanishes as the incantatrix tosses it into the air
and points at a TARGET to complete the casting. From her hand, a
shimmering, colorless ray stabs out to the target; if the target is
within range and not completely enclosed by solid or liquid material,
the ray will strike the target unerringly (no ?to hit? roll required),
dodging around obstacles, other creatures, etc.

When struck, the target creature must save vs. spell (magic-users
and other spellcasting beings at +1, other creatures at par) or forget
one item of magical knowledge at random (the information lost is
not able to be specified by the incantatrix or her victim). If the target
has one or more spells memorized, one spell will be forgotten ?
harmlessly lost, as if an attempt to cast it had failed. If the target is
not a spellcaster, or has no spells memorized at the time, he or she
will forget the command word of a magic item; the name of a spellcaster known to the victim; a legend, rumor, or piece of news involving magic use; the name or configuration of a magical  symbol, glyph,  or rune; or some other fact of the same sort. Only a  wish  or a
clerical  heal  or  restoration  spell will restore the lost knowledge.

T h e   t a r g e t   c r e a t u r e   m u s t   h a v e   b e e n   s e e n ,   h o w e v e r   b r i e f l y ,   b y   t h e
i n c a n t a t r i x   i n   t h e   t u r n   p r i o r   t o   t h e   c a s t i n g   o f   t h e   ray of oblivion.  The
ray  will seek out a target that is within range but obscured by cover,
invisible, blinking,  or even  ethereal  at the moment of the completion
of casting; the incantatrix need not know the target?s precise location, only the fact that it is present (and, presumably, within range).

S p e l l   s h i e l d   (Abjuration)
Level:  5
Range:  0"  (touch)
Duration:  2 rounds/level
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  1 round
Saving Throw:  None
Area of Effect:  One creature

    By casting this spell upon herself or
another creature that she touches, the incantatrix confers strong
protection against certain spells and magical attack forms. The
material component is a diamond of any size, which disappears,
with a flash of white light, during casting. The protection gives a
saving throw bonus as follows:
    +7 vs. beguiling, charm, suggestion
    +5 vs. command, domination, fear, hold, scare
    +3 vs. geas, quest
    +1 vs. confusion, feeblemind, antipathy/sympathy

D i s p e l   p o s s e s s i o n   (Abjuration)
Level:  6
Range:  Touch
Duration:  2 rounds/level
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  1 round
Saving Throw:  None
Area of Effect:  One creature

    By means of this spell, an incantatrix
can temporarily free a recipient creature from a  charm,  psionic
attack or  domination,  or ESP  or similar control and "eavesdropping" magics. If  dispel possession  is cast upon the body of the victim
of a prior  magic jar  spell, the life force controlling the victim's body
will be driven out of the stolen body, back into its jar. If the jar is not
within range of the body (see magic jar  description in the Players
Handbook) when the  dispel possession  is cast, the life force is merely
quelled for the duration of the spell, allowing the mind of the true
owner of the body to reassert itself and temporarily regain control of
its body.

By application of this spell, a  charm  is forever broken, but other
mental attacks and controls may resume at the spell expiration. The
material component of this spell is a sample of teardrops (one will
suffice) from the eye of a human, elf, or half-elf.

Spell reflection  (Abjuration/Alteration)
Level:  6
Range:  0"  (touch)
Duration:  6 rounds
Components:  V, S, M
Casting Time:  3 segments
Saving Throw:  None
Area of Effect:  One creature

    The material component for this spell is
a small glass or metal mirror, held by the recipient (which may be
the incantatrix herself or another creature she touches) and consumed during the casting. An invisible dweomer field or aura comes
into being around the protected creature, and protects him or her as
ring of spell turning  does, turning all magics back upon the caster.
The exceptions to this are noted in the description of the  ring  in the
Dungeon Masters Guide. Spells cannot be cast by a being who is
protected by this spell, but the spellcaster can end the protection
instantaneously if she so wills. Note that this ?dispelling? must be a
deliberate act; it does not occur automatically if the incantatrix turns
her attention to another matter or is rendered unconscious.

S t e a l s p e l l   (Enchantment/Charm)
Level:  7
Range:  1"/level
Duration:  Special
Components:  V, S
Casting Time:  7 segments
Saving Throw:  Neg.
Area of Effect:  One creature

    This powerful magic is famous in lejend, and the one power that above all others identifies the incantatrix as a person of special powers.
By means of this incantation, any
s i n g l e   b e i n g   t h a t   t h e   i n c a n t a t r i x   p o i n t s   a t   ( w h o   i s   w i t h i n   r a n g e )   m u s t
s a v e   v s .   s p e l l   a t   - 1   ( c r e a t u r e s   f r o m   p l a n e s   o t h e r   t h a n   t h e   P r i m e   M a t e r i a l   s a v e   a t   p a r ) ,   o r   s u f f e r   t h e   t h e f t   o f   a n y   o n e   m e m o r i z e d   s p e l l
f r o m   h i s   o r   h e r   m i n d .   ( I f   t h e r e   i s   n o   m e m o r i z e d   s p e l l   t o   b e   s t o l e n ,
t h e   stealspell  has no effect and is lost.) The stolen spell is determined
randomly, and is not chosen by either the incantatrix or her victim.

The magic of the  stealspell  works even against a victim who is unconscious or insane; psionic protections,  anti-magic  shell and all
similar shielding spells, and  mind bar  and the like, are all powerless
against this spell.

A stolen spell may be ?cast? immediately  by  the  incantatrix  or
held in her mind for later use (subject to the restrictions described
below), without material components or even any need for the incantatrix to understand the spell. She will not automatically know
the identity or the nature of the stolen spell (and would probably
only find out this information, without expelling the magic, if it was
revealed by the victim from whom the spell was stolen). By expelling
the stolen spell from her mind, the incantatrix may be able (by this
means only) to use a spell to which she would not normally be entitled ? but because she doesn?t know what the spell is, she may end
up aiding rather than harming an opponent. Any stolen spell takes
effect, when expelled, as though it was cast by the being from which
it was stolen, with regard to level of effectiveness, damage caused,
alignment considerations, and so forth. Spell-like natural powers
employed by beings, and psionics, cannot be stolen by means of this

The stolen spell is transferred from the victim's mind to the incantatrix at the end of the casting of  stealspell,  and the transfer takes
one segment. A spell which the victim has already begun to cast will
never be stolen; if it is the last or only spell in the victim?s mind, the
spell will be ruined and lost (just as if the victim had been disturbed
during the attempted casting), but no energy or information will be
transferred to the incantatrix.

The incantatrix can retain the stolen spell, instead of expelling it
from her mind, and subsequently record it by means of a  write  spell,
which erases the stolen spell from the incantatrix?s mind as it is
recorded, without discharging its power. However, an incantatrix
cannot herself use a spell denied to her by class or level that she has
recorded in this manner; she will have produced only a scroll that is
useless to her, except as an item to sell or barter. When a stolen spell
is recorded in this fashion, the identity and nature of the spell can
become known to the incantatrix (by means of  read magic),  so  she is
able to determine whether the scroll is of use to her.

Unbinding  (Alteration)
Level:  7
Range:  0"
Duration:  7 rounds
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  1 round
Saving Throw:  None
Area of Effect:   2" radius sphere around caster

    When an  unbinding  spell is cast (a
process involving a lodestone -- not necessarily magical -- and a
pinch of saltpeter), a sphere of magical force comes into being about
the caster, and moves with her for the duration of the spell. It affects
many magics that are within, or come to be within, its area of effect,
as follows:

Hold  spells of all types,  guards and wards, temporal stasis, imprisonment, time stop,  and  wizard lock  spells, as well as  cubes  and  walls
of force,  are all ended or negated immediately; i.e., an  imprisoned
creature emerges as though a  freedom  spell had been cast, and so

Pentagrams, thaumaturgic circles, and similar magical circles or
confining runic constructions are shattered or obliterated, freeing
any previously trapped occupants (who will know who has freed
them, but are not in any way under the control of the incantatrix).
A  magic mouth  will speak, regardless of its specific trigger, and
vanish forever. The effects of a  statue  spell are ended, and a  magic
jar  is shattered -- forever destroyed, and the life force within it
snuffed out.

Any magics that contain, constrain, or conceal (i.e.  invisibility)
creatures or items are destroyed by contact with the area of effect of
this spell (with the exceptions noted below); the spell also causes
physical locks to open, props and wedges or spikes to come loose,
chains to part, bars to lift, and seals to break, etc.

Note that all of these effects occur regardless of the caster?s wishes,
and are not discerning:  all  seals break, not just a few specific targets
-- even including the stoppers on potion bottles, ties on wineskins,
fastenings on clothing, and the like. Those on the person of the
incantatrix, or being carried or worn by her, will remain undisturbed, but any others (even those of allies) will be affected. Note
also that the opening of locks or other closures does not prevent any
alarms or booby traps attached to them from functioning normally.
Spells such as  anti-magic shell, Leomund?s tiny hut, minor globe
of invulnerability, globe of invulnerability, prismatic sphere, shield,
and similar protective magics are not affected by an  unbinding,  nor
does it reveal or change back (to flesh) petrified creatures. Untriggered  symbols  or  glyphs of warding  are unaffected by an  unbinding,
and it does not set free elementals and invisible stalkers bound to
service by others.

Notes to the Dungeon Master
An incantatrix should be a rare and mysterious character -- a
secretive being who walks her own way. She may accompany a party
temporarily to further her own ends, or in return for sufficient monetary or magical reward.
At no time should an incantatrix be a handy-for-the-hire NPC,
nor a party member as such. The incantatrix class is too strong to be
used for PCs -- and yet, weaker at high levels than
magic-users or clerics, and weak in a physical fight at any level.
Note that an incantatrix character would realize this about herself,
and thus would avoid getting into situations of open conflict as often
as it is possible to do so.

1. SUBCLASS = n/a
    STRENGTH = 6
    WISDOM = 6
    CHARISMA = 6
5. MULTI-CLASS POSSIBILITIES = <With thanks to Ed Greenwood and Terrance Rozanski, the following combinations are possible: C/IN, F/IN, IN/T. C/IN/T, F/IN/T>
20. COMBAT =



