Concatenated Cantons of Perrenland

World of Greyhawk

His Gravity, Franz, Voorman of All Perrenland (R15)

CAPITAL: Schwartzenbruin: (pop. 25,000 +)




The original Flan tribes dwelling in the Yatil Mountains
were far more warlike and fierce than most of
their fellows elsewhere in the Flanaess. The would-be
invaders were absorbed by these powerful clans --
Oerids, Suloise, and even a few of Baklunish stock.
Attempts at expansion into Perrenland by Furyondy and later
Ket were vigorously resisted by the inhabitants,
strong mountaineers and valley-dwelling folk
alike. These attempts, as well as nomadic incursions
into the AREA, broughtt the various clans together in a
loose association under the banner of the strongest of
their number, Perren, c. 400 CY. Clan holds were
marked into cantonments, and the leaders (hetmen,
voormans, or whatever) elected an executive head,
like unto a king with limited powers to rule for an
eight year period, with counsel from the assembled clan
leaders. This system has proven workable for the
nation, and Perrenland is relatively prosperous
through trade with northern nomads, the Baklunish
states, and Veluna-Furyondy. Her chief export is
her well-trained merc bands, however. Such a
force is typically made up of pikemen (30%) and pole
armed mountaineers (20%), with lowland crossbowmen (30%)
and other infantry (10%) armed with battleaxe,
flail, etc. rounding out the infantry contingent;
the remaining 10% is cavalry. Half of the horse
is heavy, coming mainly from the Schwartzenbruin
AREA, while the remainder is medium, bow armed
cavalry from the Clatspur region. Although Perrenland
does not claim the valley of the Quagflow River
below the Clatspur Range, the High Elves from that
region will often be seen in service with a band of
Perrenlanders. (Such forces serve as scouts and light
infantry and are bow armed; such an addition is typically
equal to 10% of the human force.) Bands of
mercs of this sort will be found in armies
fielded by Veluna, Furyondy, and Bissel. Even
Ket has used them in a dispute with Tusmit.

Perrenland is always careful to maintain strict watch
on all frontiers. Bodies of superb militia can be raised
in but a single day to support the permanent garrisonss
which are quite small. A small squadron of warships
suffices to assure the nation of maintaining Lake
Quag as its own private domain. These vessels are also
used as escorts for merchant barges and cogs traveling

THE COPPER RAIDER (adventure outline)

- Encounter
01-06 Demi-humans (01-05 = Dwarf, 06-70 = Elf, 71-80 = Gnome, 81-100 = Hobbit)
07-10 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
11-14 Men, Bandits
15-17 Men, Brigands
18-25 Men, Merchants
26-28 Men, Nomads1
29-32 Men, Patrol, Levies
33-36 Men, Patrol, Medium
37-40 Men, Pilgrims
41-45 Men, Raiders
46-50 Men, Tribesmen2
51-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables

* 10% of all gnoll encounters will include flinds.
** 5% of all orc encounters will include ogrillons.

1 In north of Perrenland
2 hillmen in Perrenland

TEMPERATE CIVILIZED Plains and Scrub (d8+d12)
2 Lammasu, Greater
3 Ghost
4 Lycanthrope, Wererat
5 Castle
6 Ankheg
7 Owl
8 Man, Pilgrim
9 Man, Bandit
10 Cattle, Wild
11 Man, Merchant
12 Falcon, Small
13 Man, Patrol
14 Character Party (RG)
15 Bugbear
16 Hobbit
17 Man, Dervish
18 Goblin
19 Oliphant
20 Quasi-elemental, Lightning


Perrenland is based on the Swiss Confederation where both my father and Feff Perren's were born 

Originally Posted by haakon1
In my Greyhawk, Perrenland is neutral, because it exports mercenaries to all sides -- Ket, Iuz, Highfolk, and sometimes Bissel. Normally, the cantons try to decide to export troops to only one side at a time, though. It's a weird combo of mostly Swiss (cantons, mercenaries, crossbows, and cheese) and a little American Indian (Flannae gods, which in my campaign means American Indian mysticism, nature respect, etc.).

I imagine all Greyhawk DM's have different takes on Greyhawk's many lands, and that my Swiss part fits what Gary would have done, but the American Indian stuff is nothing like what was intended. Is that a correct guess?

As for the inclusion of American Indian culture in Perrenland, indeed, it is different from what I would have done. As I tend to favor the Swiss military of the medieval period, I'd have included Welsh so as to have longbowmen in the battles of pikes, and maybe some Magyar horse archers as support units too <EEK!>


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