Creatures that lurk in cemetaries and crypts
by Nick Kopsinis and Patrick Goshtigian

The graveyard -- the name sends chills
up the spine of any who consider visiting
it, day or night. Many stories are told
around a village or town about who or
what is buried there, powerful heroes and
treasure to fit them; however, the tales
also contain stories of lights floating mys-
teriously around a certain grave or of
ghastly figures prowling over the grounds.

A graveyard is an area near cities,
towns, and villages that lends itself to
adventure. By definition, a graveyard is a
burial place for the deceased, but this is
very vague. For technical purposes, the
term ?graveyard? has been given two
separate identities:

1st, typical burial grounds include the
town cemetery, rundown ghost towns,
ancient ruins, former battlefields, haunted
forests, and other possibly haunted areas.
The words ?possibly haunted? are what
distinguish these burial grounds from the
other classification.

2nd, evil-enchanted burial grounds
are limited to known evil-enchanted cemeteries,
tombs, and crypts. These areas are
greatly known and feared for their evil

In either type of graveyard there is a
chance for a random encounter. In any
graveyard, there will be two types of
creatures found: undead, whose presence
is expected, and living creatures, whose
occupations involve traveling near or
through graveyards, or whose habitats
might include the graveyard and its surrounding
area. Typical graveyards are
commonly frequented by men, and are
thus good hunting grounds for hungry
creatures. Also, these graveyards make
great homes for unpleasant scavengers
since carrion abound here. As for the
haunting of these places, that?s only a
"possibility." In evil-enchanted graveyards,
the degree of evil is known and accepted
as fact. The evil nature of these places
provides an excellent shelter for their evil
inhabitants. The nature of the graveyard?s
surroundings tends to be evil; therefore,
summoning evil creatures would be much
easier from this base point.

The greatest factor involving light at
night is the moon. The amount of light
present during a full moon differs so
greatly from that of a new or half moon
that included on each chart are the three
representative phases of the moon: half,
full, and new. The cycle used here is based
on a 28-day rotation; consider three nights
before and after the phase night to be
included in that phase period. The use of
the moon?s phases is logically justified by
the fact that under a full moon certain
light-fearing creatures (such as vampires,
wights, and ghosts) would refrain from
venturing under it, while some creatures
(men, lycanthropes, demihumans)
wouldn?t travel without such a light source
available. The differences between each
moon phase represent the light?s effect on
the creatures? percentage of appearance.

To use the tables in this article, distinguish
what type of graveyard is applicable,
find the table whose time is the closest to
the actual game time, and cross-index the
roll with the closest moon phase as explained

Practical use of these tables can easily
enhance any gaming campaign which
includes outdoor adventures, since these
tables specialize in areas not thoroughly
covered in the DMG. Be prepared; don?t let
your players catch you six feet under!


Dusk                                                                                                       Phase of Moon
Creature New Half Full
Adherer 01 01 01
Bat1 02-11 02-11 02-11
Boggart 12 12 -
Choke creeper* 13-15 13-15 12-14
Demihuman2 16-34 16-36 15-36
Galltrit 35-37 37-39 37-39
Gargoyle 38-41 40-43 40-42
Ghast 42-44 44-45 43
Ghoul 45-48 46-49 44-45
Hangman tree* 49-51 50-52 46-48
Leucrotta 52 53 49
Lycanthrope3 - 54-58 50-57
Lycanthrope, human form** 53-57 59 -
Men4 58-81 60-84 58-84
Moon dog 82 - -
Mummy 83-84 85-86 85-86
Rat 85-89 87-90 87-90
Rot grub* 90-91 91-92 91-92
Spider5 92-95 93-96 93-96
Wight 96 - -


97-00 97-00 97-00

* These creatures have little or no movement.
** Refer to the lycanthrope subtable for type of lycanthrope in human form.

Midnight                                                       Phase of Moon
Creature New Half Full
Adherer 01-02 01-02 01-02
Bat1 03-16 03-16 03-16
Boggart 17-19 17-18 17
Choke creeper* 20-22 19-22 18-20
Demihuman2 23-26 23-26 21-27
Galltrit 27-30 27-30 28-31
Gargoyle 31-35 31-35 32-35
Ghast 36-41 36-40 36-38

42-49 41-47 39-43
Hangman tree* 50-52 48-51 44-49
Leucrotta 53-54 52-53 50-51
Lycanthrope3 55-59 54-63 52-65
Lycanthrope, human form** 60 - -
Men4 61-65 64-71 66-75
Moon dog 66-68 72 76
Mummy 69-71 73-75 77-79
Rat 72-78 76-81 80-84
Rot grub* 79-80 82-83 85-86
Spider5 81-86 84-89 87-92
Wight 87-93 90-94 93-95

94-96 95-96 96
Zombie 97-00 97-00 97-00

    * -- These creatures will have little or no movement.
    ** -- Refer to lycanthrope subtable for type of lycanthrope in human form.

Dawn                                                                            Phase of Moon
Creature New Half Full
Adherer 01 01 01
Bat1 02-10 02-10 02-10
Boggart 11 11 11
Choke creeper* 12-14 12-14 12-14
Demi-human2 15-31 15-32 15-34
Galltrit 32-34 33-35 35-37
Gargoyle 35-38 36-39 38-40
Ghast 39-41 40-41 41
Ghoul 42-46 42-45 42-43
Hangman tree* 47-50 46-49 44-48
Leucrotta 51 50 49
Lycanthrope3 52 51-52 50-53
Lycanthrope, human form** 53-56 53-58 54-60
Men4 57-76 59-80 61-84
Moon dog 77 - -
Mummy 78-79 81-82 85-86
Rat 80-84 83-86 87-90
Rot grub* 85-86 87-88 91-92
Spider5 87-90 89-92 93-96
Wight 91-96 93-96 -
Zombie 97-00 97-00 97-00

* These creatures will have little or no movement.
** Refer to lycanthrope subtable for
type of lycanthrope in human form.
(Numbers refer to subtables)

1 -- Bat Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-13 Doombat
14-18 Giant bat
49-60 Mobat
61-00 Ordinary bat

2 -- Demihuman Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-40 Dwarf
41-70 Elf
71-85 Gnome
86-00 Halfling

3 -- Lycanthrope Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-05 Foxwoman
06-26 Werebear
27-35 Wereboar
36-50 Wererat
51-60 Weretiger
61-00 Werewolf

4 -- Men Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-15 Caretakers
16-30 Clerics
33-35 Drunks
36-50 Grave robbers
51-60 Guards <Sentinels>
61-65 Magic-users
66-75 Mourners
76-85 Pilgrims
86-00 Pranksters

5 -- Spider Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-25 Giant spider
26-55 Huge spider
56-90 Large spider
91-00 Phase spider


Dusk                                                       Phase of Moon
Creature New Half Full
Adherer 01-02 01-02 01-02
Apparition 03 - -
Bat1 04-09 03-08 03-08
Boggart 10 09 -
Choke creeper* 11-12 10-11 09-10
Coffer corpse 13 12 -
Daemon2 14 13 -
Death knight 15 14 -
Demihuman3 16-28 15-29 11-27
Demodand4 29 30 -
Demon5 30 31 -
Devil6 31 32 -
Galltrit 32 33 28
Gargoyle 33-35 34-36 29-30
Ghast 36-39 37-40 31-33
Ghoul 40-45 41-46 34-37
Hangman tree* 46-47 47-48 38-41
Haunt 48 49 42
Hellcat 49 50 43
Huecuva 50-51 51 44
Leucrotta 52-53 52-53 45-46
Lycanthrope7 - 54-57 47-56
Lycanthrope, human form** 54-56 58 -
Men8 57-74 59-76 57-79
Moon dog 75 77 -
Mummy 76-77 78-79 80-81
Penanggalan 78 - -
Phantom 79 80 82
Poltergeist 80 81 83
Rat 81-83 82-84 84-86
Revenant 84 85 87
Rot grub* 85 86 88
Shade 86-88 87-90 89-91
Shadow demon 89 - -
Son of Kyuss 90 91 92
Spider9 91-93 92-94 93-95
Vampire 94 95 -
Wight 95 - -
Zombie 96-98 96-98 96-98
Zombie, juju 99 99 99
Zombie, monster 00 00 00


                                                                                                Phase of Moon
Creature New Half Full
Adherer 01-02 01-02 01-02
Annis 03 03 -
Apparition 04-05 04-05 03
Bat1 06-09 06-10 04-08
Boggart 10-11 11 -
Choke creeper* 12-13 12-13 09-10
Coffer corpse 14-15 14-15 11-12
Daemon2 16 16 13
Death knight 17 17 14
Demihuman3 18 18-20 15-19
Demodand4 19 21 20
Demon5 20 22 21
Devil6 21 23 22
Galltrit 22-23 24-25 23-24
Gargoyle 24-27 26-29 25-27
Ghast 28-32 30-33 28-31

33-35 34 -
Ghoul 36-42 35-40 32-37
Groaning spirit 43 - -
Hangman tree* 44-45 41-43 38-40
Haunt 46 44 41
Hellcat 47 45 42
Huecuva 48-49 46-47 43-44
Leucrotta 50-51 48-49 45-46
Lich 52 - -
Lycanthrope7 53 50-52 47-57
Night hag 54 53 58
Nightmare** 55 54 59
Men8 56 55-59 60-66
Moon dog 57-59 60-61 67-68
Mummy 60-62 62-64 69-71
Penanggalan 63-64 65-66 72-73
Phantom 65 67 74
Poltergeist 66 68 75
Rat 67-70 69-72 76-79
Revenant 71 73 80
Rot grub* 72 74 81
Shade 73 75-77 82-83
Shadow 74-75 78 84
Shadow demon 76-77 79 85
Son of Kyuss 78 80 86
Spectre 79-80 81 -
Spider9 81-84 82-85 87-90
Vampire 85-86 86-87 91-92
Vargouille 87 88 -
Wight 88-90 89-90 93-94
Will-o-wisp 91 92 -
Wraith 92-95 93-95 95
Zombie 96-98 96-98 96-98
Zombie, juju 99 99 99
Zombie, monster 00 00 00

* - These creatures will have little or
no movement.
** - This creature will have a rider (a
powerful demon, devil or night hag) 85%
of the time.
    (Numbers refer to subtitles)



Dawn           Phase of Moon
Creature New Half Full
Adherer 01-02 01-02 01-02
Apparition 03 - -
Bat1 04-08 03-06 03-06
Boggart 09 07 -
Choke creeper* 10-11 08-89 07-08
Coffer corpse 12 10 09
Daemon2 13 11 -
Death knight 14 12 -
Demihuman3 15-26 13-25 10-25
Demodand4 27 26 -
Demon5 28 27 -
Devil6 29 28 -
Galltrit 30 29 26
Gargoyle 31-33 30-32 27-29
ghast 34-36 33-35 30-31
Ghost 37 - -
Ghoul 38-42 36-40 32-35
Hangman tree* 43-45 41-44 36-41
Haunt 46 45 42
Hellcat 47 46 43
Huecuva 48-49 47-48 44-45
Leucrotta 50-51 49-50 46-47
Lycanthrope7 52-53 51-53 48-52
Lycanthrope, human form** 54 54-57 53-59
Men8 55-68 58-73 60-77
Moon dog 69 74 -
Mummy 70-71 75-76 78-79
Penanggalan 72 - -
Phantom 73 77 80
Poltergeist 74 78 81
Rat 75-77 79-81 82-84
Revenant 78 82 85
Rot grub* 79 83 86
Shade 80-82 84-86 87-88
Shadow 83-84 87-88 89-90
Shadow demon 85 - -
Son of Kyuss 86 89 91
Spectre 87 - -
Spider9 88-90 90-92 92-94
Wight 91-92 93-94 95
Wraith 93-95 95 -
Zombie 96-98 96-98 96-98
Zombie, juju 99 99 99
Zombie, monster 00 00 00

* -- These creatures will have little or
no movement.

** - Refer to lycanthrope subtable for
type of lycanthrope in human form.


Note: Creature subtables are not dependent upon moon phase.
1 -- Bat Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-13 Doombat
14-48 Giant bat
49-60 Mobat
61-00 Ordinary bat

2 -- Daemon Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-17 Greater daemon
18-35 Lesser 
36-70 Mezzodaemon
71-00 Nycadaemon


3 -- Demihuman Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-04 Dwarf
41-70 Elf
71-85 Gnome
86-00 Hobbit


4 -- Demodand Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-45 Farastu demodand
46-75 Kelubar demodand
76-00 Shator demodand


5 -- Demon Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-02 Demon lord
03-27 Major demon
28-74 Minor demon
75-80 Demon prince
81-00 Semi-demon
<make subtables for this sub-table>

6 -- Devil Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-02 Archdevil
03-05 Duke
06-30 Greater devil
31-65 Least devil
66-97 Lesser devil
98-00 Devil prince/princess
<make subtables for this sub-table>

7 -- Lycanthrope Subtable
Dice* Creature Encountered
01-05 Foxwoman
06-26 Werebear
27-35 Wereboar
36-50 Wererat
51-60 Weretiger
61-00 Werewolf


8 -- Men Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-10 Caretakers
11-30 Clerics
31-35 Drunks
36-60 Grave robbers
61-65 Guards
66-75 Magic-users
76-80 Mourners
81-85 Pilgrims
86-00 Pranksters


9 -- Spider Subtable
Dice Creature Encountered
01-25 Giant spider
26-55 Huge spider
56-90 Large spider
91-00 Phase spider