Sterich, Earldom Of


His Magnitude, Querchard, Earl of Sterich (F7/T8/B9)

CAPITAL: Istivin (pop 5,000)
DEMI-HUMANS: Mountain Dwarves (4,000), [Gnomes], [Halflings]
HUMANOIDS: Some (in mountains)
RESOURCES: silver, electrum, gold, gems (II: base value 50 gp) (III: base value 100-500 gp)



The Earl of Sterich is a nominal vassal of the King of
Keoland, although treated more as a favored relative
than a vassal by the king. The Sterish are loyal to
their Earl and the King of Keoland alike, and in time
of need a large contingent of the renowned {light}
cavalry and sword-armed {light} infantry of the earldom
are sent to Keoland, accompanied by companies
of stout heavy dwarvish infantry from the Crystalmists.
A good portion of the levies of Sterich must
always remain on guard to the W, however, for
many humanoids, giants, and even worse monsters
tend to follow the headwaters of the Davish River
down into the fertile low country to loot && pillage.
The halberdiers and medium horse of Sterich are thus
seldom seen outside their native land. The Earl maintains
good relations with the Grand Duchy of Geoff
(being of the same bloodline as the Grand Duke, this
is not too surprising), and some trade is carried on
with the Yeomanry via the Javan River.

Sterich Encounter
01-03 Demi-humans (01-05 = Dwarf, 06-70 = Elf, 71-80 = Gnome, 81-100 = Hobbit)
04-07 Dwarves, Mountain
08-09 Giants (01-02 = Cloud Giant, 03-04 = Ettin, 05-06 = Fire Giant, 07-08 = Fog Giant, 09-10 Frost Giant, 11-80 Hill Giant, 81-82 = Mountain Giant, 83-85 = Stoner Giant, 86 = Storm Giant, 87 = Titan, 88-99 = Giant Troll, 00 = Giant Two-Headed Troll)
10-13 Gnomes
14-15 Hobbits, Hairfeet
16-18 Hobbits, Stouts
19-24 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
25-29 Men, Bandits
30-32 Men, Brigands
33-34 Men, Cavemen (in mountains)
35-43 Men, Merchants
44-47 Ogres
50-51 Men, Raiders
52-53 Men, Tribesmen (in hills)
54 Ogres
55 Trolls
56-00 USE Standard Encounter Table

* 10% of all gnoll encounters will include flinds.
** 5% of all orc encounters will include ogrillons.

TEMPERATE CIVILIZED Plains and Scrub (d8+d12)
2 Lammasu, Greater
3 Ghost
4 Lycanthrope, Wererat
5 Castle
6 Ankheg
7 Owl
8 Man, Pilgrim
9 Man, Bandit
10 Cattle, Wild
11 Man, Merchant
12 Falcon, Small
13 Man, Patrol
14 Character Party (RG)
15 Bugbear
16 Hobbit
17 Man, Dervish
18 Goblin
19 Oliphant
20 Quasi-elemental, Lightning


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