Crystalmist Mountains


G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
World of Greyhawk

The Crystalmist range is the highest on the Flanaess.
It begins where the Ulsprue and the Barrier Peaks
join and runs southeast to the Hellfurnaces. Beyond
these mountains to the west is the Dry Steppes area,
while several small states nestle against its eastern
slopes where arms are thrust northward and eastward.
Amidst the high peaks and weird valleys of the Crystalmists
dwell many and varied monsters, tribes of
humanoids, and many giants, ogres, and the like.
Despite this fact, men often enter the range in search
of precious metals and gems, for exceptionally bold
and sturdy mountain dwarves also reside amidst these
mountains. A great glacier in the middle of the range
gives rise to the Davish River (which flows through
Sterich to join the Javan).


01-04 Dwarves, Mountain
05-10 Giants (01-02 = Cloud Giant, 03-04 = Ettin, 05-06 = Fire Giant, 07-08 = Fog Giant, 09-10 Frost Giant, 11-80 Hill Giant, 81-82 = Mountain Giant, 83-85 = Stoner Giant, 86 = Storm Giant, 87 = Titan, 88-99 = Giant Troll, 00 = Giant Two-Headed Troll)
11-15 Giants, Frost
16-18 Giants, Hill
19-20 Giants, Mountain
21-24 Giants, Stone
25-35 Humanoids (01-05 = Gnoll*, 06-10 = Goblin, 11-15 = Hobgoblin, 16-94 = Orc**, 95 = Qullan, 96-100 = Xvart)
36-38 Men, Cavemen
39-42 Men, Tribesmen
43-47 Ogres
48-50 Trolls
51-00 Use Standard Encounter Tables

* 10% of all gnoll encounters will include flinds.
** 5% of all orc encounters will include ogrillons.

2 Cave Fisher
3 Gorgimera
4 Dragon, Red
5 Lion, Spotted
6 Bat, Giant
7 Giant, Stone
8 Bloodhawk
9 Vulture, Normal
10 Spider, Large
11 Dwarf, Mountain
12 Bat
13 Orc
14 Lion, Mountain
15 Cockatrice
16 Bear, Black
17 Caveman
18 Chimera
19 Khargra
20 Galeb Duhr


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