The Twofold Talisman
by Roger Moore, Philip Tatercyznski, Douglas Niles, & Georgia Moore
The Heart of Light Pregens - Scoring The Ebon Stone
1st Edition AD&D Dragon magazine Adventures Dragon #84

The Twofold Talisman is an RPGA
tournament module for the AD&D game.
It is played in 2 parts. Players must complete
each adventure in 4 hours (real
time), using the 8 pregenerated characters
provided with this text. During the
adventures, players may only consult the
Players Handbook; tournament rules permit
no other references. Optionally, Dungeon
Masters may adapt these scenarios
into their campaigns with little trouble
and play them without time restrictions.

Each of the 2 adventures stands alone,
yet they both concern the same quest: to
restore the gems of the Twofold Talisman.
In each adventure, characters must recover
a magical gem; when they escape with the
gem from each separate adventure setting,
they have completed that part of the quest
successfully. The first adventure, The Heart
of Light, is presented here. The second half
of the quest, The Ebon Stone, will appear
in the next issue of DRAGON® Magazine.

The performance of PC
parties in tournament play is evaluated
according to the standard RPGA network
scoring system, a summary of which is <link>
printed on page 54. The Twofold Talisman
was run at the GEN CON® XVI Game
Convention in August 1983. The comments
and suggestions made by the DMs and
players involved at the convention are
gratefully acknowledged.

The Twofold Talisman
by Roger Moore, Philip Tatercyznski, Douglas Niles, & Georgia Moore
The Twofold Talisman is an RPGA
tournament module for the AD&D® game.
It is played in two parts; the first half of the
adventure, The Heart of Light, appeared in
last month's issue of DRAGON® Magazine.
This issue contains the second half,
The Ebon Stone. In tournament competition,
players must complete each adventure
in four hours (real time), using the eight
pregenerated characters provided with the
text. During the adventure, players may
only consult the Players Handbook; tournament
rules permit no other references.
Optionally, DMs may adapt
these scenarios into their campaigns and
play them without time restrictions. This
adventure, and its predecessor The Heart of
Light, may also be used as general guidelines
for creating other tournament adventures
for the AD&D game.

Each of these two adventures stands
alone, yet they both concern the same
quest: to restore the gems of the Twofold
Talisman. The performance of playercharacter
parties in tournament play is
evaluated according to the standard RPGA
Network Player Ranking System, a summary
of which was presented in last month?s
DRAGON Magazine with The Heart of
Light adventure. (Included with this
month?s adventure is the other half of the
ranking system, for players to evaluate the
judge who ran the adventure for their
group.) The Twofold Talisman was run at
the GEN CON® XVI Game Convention in
August 1983. The comments and suggestions
made by the DMs and players involved
at the convention are gratefully


Gnome    Kabbalist+Burglar (Kabbalistic Burglar)
HP 24 AC 3 front, 6 rear Armor: +2 leather
Str 11 Int 15 Wis 10 Dex 17 Con 10 Cha 12
Move base 6" Ht. 3'6" Wt. 85# Age 65 Al CN
Saving throws:
    Par/Poison 12
    Pet/Poly 11
    R/S/W 9
    Breath 15
    Spell 10
Languages: Alignment, common, dwarvish*, gnome, goblin, hobbit,
kobold, burrowing mammals.
Special abilities: detect slope 80%; detect unsafe walls/ceilings/
floors 70%; detect depth underground 60%; detect direction of
travel underground 50%; infravision 60'; +4 to hit from behind,
with triple damage; +1 to hit vs. kobolds & goblins; -4 to be hit by
gnolls |or| larger humanoids and giants.

Bend bars/lift gates: 2%
Open doors: 1-2

Base number to hit AC 0: 19
Weapons: Short sword; damage 1-6/1-8.
    Dagger +1; damage 1-4/1-3 (+1); +1 bonus to hit (for
        magic); range 1" / 2" / 3".
    Sling w/bullet, damage 2-5/2-7; +2 bonus to hit (for
        dexterity); range 5" / 10" / 20".
    Sling w/stone, damage 1-4/1-4; +2 bonus to hit (for
        dexterity); range 4" / 8" / 16".

Proficient in: all weapons listed.

Thief abilities: pick pocket 55%, open locks 57% , detect traps 50%, move
silently 50%, hide in shadows 41%, hear noise 30%, climb walls 75%, read
languages 25% .

Magic items carried: +2 leather; +1 dagger; bag of holding (5,000 gp capacity).

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
cloaks; rope (50'); belt purse w/30 gp; thiefs tools; 20 sling bullets. (Torches
illuminate a 40' radius and burn for 6 turns.)

Number of spells available: 1st level 4; 2nd level 2; 3rd level 1. (Choose
from illusionist spell list.)

Half-elf    Canon + Guide (Canonical Guide)

HP 43 AC 1 front, 2 rear Armor: +1 plate,
normal shield
Str 17 Int 16 Wis 17 Dex 14 Con 17 Cha 10
Move base 9" Ht. 5'11" Wt. 140# Age 50 Al NG
Saving throws
    Par/poison 9
    Pet/poly 12
    R/S/W 13
    Breath 13
    Spell 14
    (vs. FEAR: 11)

Languages: Alignment, common, elf, gnome, goblin, hobbit,
hobgoblin, orc. <link to orcish>

Special abilities: detect secret doors 1 in 6 within 10' (2 in 6 if
searching); infravision 60'; +6 to damage vs. giant-class creatures;
30% resistant to sleep and charm.

Bend bars/lift gates: 13%
Open doors: 1-3

Base number to hit AC 0: 16

    Long sword+1; damage 1-8/1-12 (+2); +2 bonus to hit (for strength & magic).
    Dagger; damage 1-4/1-3 (+1 for strength); +1 bonus to hit (for strength); range 1"/2"/3".
    Short bow; damage 1-6/1-6; +1 bonus to hit (for strength); range 5"/10"/18".

Proficient in: all weapons listed, plus mace.
    <UA: weapon specialization in long sword>

TURN undead on: skeleton D, zombie D, ghoul T, shadow T, wight 4, ghast
7, wraith 10, mummy 13, spectre 16, vampire 20.

Magic items carried: +1 plate mail; +1 long sword; +1 arrows (5); <magic arrows>
cloak of elvenkind.

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
cloaks; rope (50'); belt purse w/30 gp; holy symbol; 20 normal arrows; 2
daggers. (Torches illuminate a 40' radius and burn for 6 turns.)

Number of spells available: 1st level 5; 2nd level 5; 3rd level 3. (Choose
from cleric spell list.)

Half-elf    Theurgist + Robber (Theurgistic Robber)

AC 2 front, 6 rear Armor: leather with +2 ring
HP 27

Str 13 Int 17 Wis 15 Dex 16 Con 15 Cha 16
Move base 12"
Ht. 5'2"
Wt. 105#
Age 36
Al N.

Saving Throws:
    Par/poison <?>
    Pet/polymorph <?>
    R/S/W 11
    Breath 15
    Spell 12
    (vs. fear 11)

Languages: Alignment, common, elf, gnoll, gnome, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, orc*. <link>

Special abilities: detect secret doors 1 in 6 within 10' (2 in 6 if
searching); infravision 60'; +4 to hit from behind, with triple damage;
30% resistant to sleep and charm.

Bend bars/lift gates: 4%
Open doors: 1-2

Base number to hit AC 0: 19

Weapons: Short sword +1; damage 1-6/1-8 (+1); +1 bonus to hit (for magic). <+1 for STR also>
Dagger; damage 1-4/1-3; +1 bonus to hit (for strength); range 1"/2"/3".

Proficient in: both weapons listed.

Thief abilities: pick pocket 65%) open locks 52%) detect traps 45%) move
silently 47%, hide in shadows 42%) hear noise 20%) climb walls 92%) read
languages 30%.

Magic items carried: +1 short sword; +2 ring of protection (to AC only);
pearl of power (2nd level spell).

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
cloaks; rope (50'); belt purse w/30 gp; thiefs tools; 4 daggers. (Torches
illuminate a 40' radius and burn for 6 turns.)

Number of spells available: 1st level 3; 2nd level 2.
(Choose from magic-user spell list.)

Human    Lama
HP 49
AC 0 front, 2 rear
Armor: +1 plate,
+1 shield.<small shield>

Str 9 Int 15 Wis 17 Dex 14 Con 17 Cha 13

Move base 9" Ht. 5'6" Wt. 124# Age 30, Al CG

Saving Throws:
    Par/Poison 5
    Pet/Poly 10
    R/S/W 11
    Breath 13
    Spell 12
    (vs. fear: 9)

Languages: Alignment, common, elf, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, orc*. <link>
Special abilities: bonus spells for high wisdom.

Bend bars/lift gates: 1%
Open doors: 1-2

Base number to hit AC 0: 16

Weapons: <Horseman's> Mace +1; damage 2-7/1-6 (+1); +1 bonus to hit (for magic).
<Quarter> Staff; damage 1-6/1-6.
Hammer; damage 2-5/1-4; range 1"/2"/3".

Proficient in: all weapons listed.
TURN undead on: skeleton D, zombie D, ghoul D, shadow T, wight T,
ghast 4, wraith 7, mummy 10, spectre 13, vampire 16.

Magic items carried: +1 plate mail; +1 <medium> shield; +1 <horseman's> mace; periapt of proof
against poison (+2).

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
cloaks; rope (50'); belt purse w/30 gp; holy symbol. (Torches illuminate a
40' radius and burn for 6 turns.)

Number of spells available: 1st level 5; 2nd level 5; 3rd level 3;
4th level 1. (Choose from cleric spell list.)

Half-elf    Enchanter.
HP 35
AC 2 front, 4 rear
Armor: bracers of AC 4
Str 12 Int 14 Wis 15 Dex 16 Con 17 Cha 11.
    Saving Throws:
        Par/poison 13
        Pet/polymorph 11
        R/S/W 9
        Breath 13
        Spell 10
        (vs. fear 9)

Languages: Alignment, common, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling,
hobgoblin, orc*. <link>

Special abilities: detect secret doors 1 in 6 within 10' (2 in 6 if
SEARCHING); infravision 60'; 30% resistant to sleep and charm.

Bend bars/lift gates: 4%
Open doors: 1-2

Weapons: Staff +1; damage 1-6/1-6 (+1); +1 bonus to hit (for magic).
Dagger; damage 1-4/1-3; +1 bonus to hit (for strength); range 1"/2"/3".
Dart; damage 1-3/1-2; +1 bonus to hit (for strength); range 1½"/3"/4½".

Proficient in: all weapons listed.

Magic items carried: bracers of <defense>, AC 4; l l<?> staff; wand of fire
(4 charges).

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
cloaks; rope (50'); belt purse w/30 gp; 6 darts; 2 daggers. (Torches illuminates
a 40' radius and burn for 6 turns.)

Number of spells available: 1st level 4; 2nd level 3; 3rd level 2;
4th level 1. (Choose from magic-user spell list.)

Hobbit    Filcher
HP 35
AC 7 front, 7 rear
Armor: +1 leather
Str 14 Int 8 Wis 10 Dex 13 Con 16 Cha 6
Move base 9" Ht. 3'0" Wt. 60# Age 41 Al LN
Saving throws:
    Par/poison 8
    Pet/poly 11
    R/S/W 8
    Breath 15
    Spell 9

Languages: Alignment, common, dwarvish, elf, gnome, goblin,
hobbit, orc*. <link>

Special abilities: detect slope 75%; detect direction of travel underground
50%; infravision 30'; +4 to hit from behind, with triple
damage; surprise on 1-4 if 90' from rest of party.

Bend bars/lift gates: 7%
Open doors: 1-2

Base number to hit AC 0: 19

Weapons: <Katzbalger> +1; damage 1-6/1-8 (+1); +1 bonus to hit
(for magic).
Dart +3; damage 1-3/1-2 (+3); +3 bonus to hit (for magic);
range 1½"/3"/4½".
<Bat>; damage 1-6/1-3; range 1"/2"/3".

Proficient in: all weapons listed.
Thief abilities: pick pocket 60%, open locks 57%) detect traps 50%) move
silently 57%, hide in shadows 52%, hear noise 25%, climb walls 77%, read
languages 25%

Magic items carried: +1 short sword, detects precious metals within 10';
+3 darts (3); boots of levitation.

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
cloaks; rope (50'); belt purse w/30 gp; thiefs tools; 3 darts. (Torches illuminate
a 40' radius and burn for 6 turns.)

Dwarf: Champion
AC 2 front, 4 rear
HP 57
Armor: +1 chain mail, +1 <buckler>
Str 18/95 Int 11 Wis 12 Dex 10 Con 16 Cha 9(7)
Move base 6" Ht. 4'2" Wt. 156# Age 142 Al LG
Saving Throws:
    Par/poison 6
    Pet/Poly 11
    R/S/W 8
    Breath 12
    Spell 9
Languages: Alignment, common, dwarvish*, gnome, goblin, kobold,
orc*. <link>

Special abilities: 3 attacks per 2 rounds; detect slope 75%; detect
new work 75%; detect sliding/shifting wall 662/3%; detect stonework
traps 50%; detect depth underground 60%; detect direction of
travel underground 50%; infravision 60'; +1 to hit vs. goblins, half
orcs, orcs*, hobgoblins; -4 to be hit by ogres or larger humanoids and <link>

Bend bars/lift gates: 35%
Open doors: 1-4 (1)

Base number to hit AC 0: 14

Weapons: Battle axe +1; damage 1-8/1-8 (+6); +3 bonus to hit
(for strength & magic).
Hand axe; damage 1-6/1-4 (+5); +2 bonus to hit
(for strength); range 1"/2"/3".
Dagger; damage 1-4/1-3 (+5); +2 bonus to hit
(for strength); range 1"/2"/3"

Proficient in: all weapons listed, plus mace and short sword.

Magic items carried: +1 chain mail; +1 shield; +1 battle axe; potion of water

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
rope (50'); belt purse w/50 gp; 2 daggers. (Torches illuminate a 40' radius
and burn for 6 turns.)

Human: Champion

AC 1 front, 4 rear
Armor: chain mail, +1 <medium> shield
HP 50

Str 18/50 Int 13 Wis 8 Dex 15 Con 15 Cha 14.
Move base 9" Ht. 6'2" Wt. 175# Age 28 Al CG.

Saving throws:
    Par/poison 9
    Pet/poly 10
    R/S/W 11
    Breath 11
    Spell 12

Languages: Alignment, common, dwarvish*, elf.
Special abilities: 3 attacks per 2 rounds.

Bend bars/lift gates: 20%
Open doors: 1-3

Base number to hit AC 0: 15

Weapons: Two-handed sword; damage 1-10/3-18 (+3); +1 bonus
to hit (for strength).
Hand axe; damage 1-6/1-4 (+3); +1 bonus to hit
(for strength).
<Footman's> Mace +1; damage 2-7/1-6 (+4); +2 bonus to hit
(for strength & magic).

Proficient in: all weapons listed, plus long sword, short sword,
and dagger.

Magic items carried: +1 <large> shield; +1 <footman's> mace; +1 ring of protection; potion of invulnerability.

Other equipment: wineskin; backpack; flint, steel, & tinder; torches (3);
rope (50'); belt purse w/50 gp; two-handed sword; 2 hand axes. (Torches
illuminate a 40' radius and burn for 6 turns.)

The RPGA™ Network Player Ranking System

The details of this system for scoring AD&D tournaments first
appeared in issue #11 of the POLYHEDRON™ Newszine. It attaches <link>
a numerical rating to each player’s, or each team’s, performance
in a tournament, but at the same time leaves plenty of room for
the judgment of the referee.

Here’s how it goes: The referee gives each participant a score of 1
to 10 in each of eight basic categories and four “bonus point” areas,
then multiplies the score by a modifier for that category, and totals
all the modified scores to get the participant’s final rating.

Basic categories
A. Reaching event objective: Did the character/s accomplish the
objective set down for them at the beginning of the event? (xl 0)

B. Teamwork: If this was a team event, did the players work in
the best interest of their team? (x8)

C. Role playing: Were the characters played the way they should
have been role-played (with respect to class, character intent, alignment,
race, etc.)? (x7)

D. Rule knowledge: Did the player/s display an exceptional
knowledge of the game rules? Subtract from this score for repeated
attempts to “referee” the event themselves. (x6)

E. Character/s survived: Score within the 1-10 range based on
remaining hit points of character/party; 10 = no hits taken; 5 = half of
hit points taken; etc. (x5)

F. Reaching secondary objective: Did the character/s accomplish
any alternate objectives set down for them at the beginning of the
event? (x4)

G. Ingenuity: Did the player/s come up with any creative or
ingenious ideas that helped the party without distracting it from its
purpose? (x3)

H. Individual risk taken: Did the player’s character assume any
risks for the party? Subtract for any such actions taken needlessly or
foolishly (x2)

Bonus point areas
1. Fun: Was this group to play with? Would you like to run
these players in a group again? (x2)

2. Power abuse: Did the party achieve its goals without using
excessive, “heavier” magic, weaponry, or other resources? Subtract
points for powers used in a wasteful or inefficient manner. (x1½)

3. Treasure: Was the treasure found by the party an important
aspect in the event, or did it just weigh them down or waste their
time? Score high for treasure found, if that was all or part of the
party’s objective, or for treasure that was found and used to accomplish
the objective. (x1)

4. Determination: Should any extra points be given to this team
or player for the determination and identification of magic items,
runes, machines, etc.? Do not confuse this with the established goals
of the event. (x½)

And yes, in case you players are wondering, there is a Judge
Ranking System that goes along with this; see The Ebon Stone in
next month’s issue of DRAGON® Magazine for the second half of
the package.

The RPGA Network
Judge Ranking System

The details of this system for scoring
AD&D® game tournaments first appeared
in issue #11 of the POLYHEDRON <link>

At the end of a session, each player
gives the judge a score of 1 to 10 in each of
7 categories. Each score is multiplied
by a modifier for that category, and the
modified scores are added together to get
the judge's overall rating.

The categories
A. Game knowledge: Did the referee
know the game rules? Could he or she find
specific information quickly? (x10)

B. Decisiveness: Was the referee firm
in his decisions without being offensive or
abusive? (x9)

C. Descriptions: Was the referee clear
and understandable in his descriptions of
rooms, encounters, and so forth? (x8)

D. Control: Did the referee allow a
player or players to perform any illegal
actions (such as using the same spell
twice)? Did he allow players to browbeat
their way through the adventure? (x7)

E. Time management: Did the referee
waste time by giving excess information,
straying from the subject, etc.? (x6)

F. Fun: Was the referee fun to play
with? Did he help you to have an enjoyable
time? Would you play with this referee
again if given the opportunity? (x6)

G. Role playing: Did the referee play
the monsters and NPCs well? Did he allow
you to play your character?s role? (x4)

The Player Ranking System designed to
be used in conjunction with these ratings
was published in DRAGON® issue #84.

Just plain magic

Dear editor:
Are the Heart of Light and the Ebon Stone
from the Twofold Talisman in issues #84 and #85
considered as artifacts or relics?

Stan Mah
Alhambra, Calif.
(Dragon #91)

None of these objects were designed as artifacts
or relics. In general terms, neither the “Talisman”
items nor the shields are powerful enough
or versatile enough to qualify (And just what are
the qualifications for “relicship” That sounds
like a good idea for an article.) The Heart of Light 
has a gold-piece value higher than that of

many artifacts and relics, but that fact alone
doesn‘t give it any special status; it is possible to
randomly roll up a gem with a value of 1,600,000
gold pieces, but that doesn’t make it an artifact.

The Heart of Light and the Ebon Stone might 
be defined as unique magick items -- 1 of a 
kind, but still at the same level of power as most 
of the non-unique magick items.  

-- KM
(Dragon #91)