Brewing Up A New NPC: THE WITCH
Written by Bill Muhlhausen
Revised and edited by
Kim Mohan and Tom Moldvay
Followers, hirelings, and apprentices The High Secret Order of Witches Usable weapons and  magic items Explanations of inherent abilities Spells
Dungeons & Dragons Dragon magazine - Classes Dragon #43

Editor’s note: In the last two years, Dragon magazine has gained
thousands of loyal readers. Many of those readers (as well as some
who have been with us for even longer than that) have asked for a
rendition of the Witch as a character class for D&D or AD&D. Since it
has been two years since an article of this sort appeared in Dragon,
and since the last witch article was in an issue (#20) which is now out
of print, we’ve decided to present a new version of the class as a nonplayer
character which DMs can incorporate into their campaigns.

Author Bill Muhlhausen is responsible for the original manuscript
from which this article evolved. He drew upon many of the witch characteristics
outlined in Dragon’s previous articles on the subject, added
several original touches, and sent it in for our examination.. The next
step in the process was engineered by Assistant Editor Kim Mohan,
who edited the manuscript for clarity and completeness. Then it was
subjected to the critical eye of Tom Moldvay, a frequent contributor to
Dragon a member of the Design Department at TSR Hobbies, Inc.,
and an authority on the subject of witches and witchcraft in a historical/
academic sense. Alterations which he suggested were helpful in
developing the witch into a character which is believable and playable.

It should be re-emphasized that the witch as presented here is designed
to be used as a non-player character — a participant in an adventure
who is played by the DM according to his/her preferences,
the needs of a particular adventure or campaign, or the requirements
of a particular set of circumstances. It is not recommended that the information
be used to run a player character, although that could be
done. Dragon’s responsibility, as we see it, is not to set forth major rule
changes or additions to the already complex D&D and AD&D game
systems, but rather to suggest supplements to the game which can be
used to add diversity, interest and excitement to an existing campaign.
The Anti-Paladin, published in issue #39, was one such suggestion.
This is another. And there will be more to come.

There are two orders of Witches. Low Order Witches may progress
to level 16, and High Secret Order Witches may advance to level 22.
Witches may be of any alignment,

The prime requisites for a Witch are Intelligence and Wisdom, each
of which must be 15 or higher. If a Witch’s abilities are generated
randomly, use one of the four methods described in the Dungeon
Masters Guide.
<Method V
STR 3d6
INT 8d6
WIS 9d6
DEX 4d6
CON 5d6
CHA d100, 01-50 = 3d6
    51-00 = 7d6
COM d100, 01-50 = 3
    51-00 = 7d6

Only humans and elves can be Witches, and only humans can be
members of the High Secret Order. Elves are limited to no higher than
9th level as Witches. Elven Witches may be multi-classed characters.

Witches have 4-sided hit dice; they receive a hit die for each level of
experience up to and including 11th level. Thereafter they receive one
additional hit point for each level of experience, i.e., 11 + 1 for 12th
level, 11 + 2 for 13th level, and so on. Witches receive Constitution
bonuses as do Magic-Users. Witches use the attack and saving throw
matrices for Magic-Users.

Witches with above-average Intelligence receive bonus spells, similar
to the procedure for a Cleric with above-average Wisdom:
Intelligence Spell Bonus
13 One 1st level spell
14 One 1st level spell
15 One 1st level spell
16 One 2nd level spell
17 One 3rd level spell
18 One 4th level spell

The spell bonuses are cumulative; e.g., a Witch with 15 Intelligence
receives three additional first-level spells. A Witch must have a minimum
Intelligence of 16 to cast eighth-level spells. A Witch’s chance to
know each listed spell and a Witch’s minimum/maximum number of
spells is dependent on Intelligence, as for Magic-Users.

Followers, hirelings and apprentices
When a Witch reaches 9th level she automatically attracts 20-200
followers (2d10x10) if she establishes a place of worship. Since
Witches worship FORBIDDEN gods, such a place of worship must be kept
secret besides being cleared of wandering monsters. The followers will
remain secret to the outside world except under extreme circumstances.
A Witch may also obtain the services of hirelings in the
normal manner.

A Witch may have as many as 3 apprentices in training at one time.
All apprentices are, of course, Witches themselves, and cannot be of a
level higher than one-fourth of the Witch’s experience level. Thus, a
Witch of level 4 could have from 1-3 first-level apprentices, and can
not have a second-level apprentice until reaching level 8 herself (fractions
are rounded down).

Apprentices can acquire experience points through normal means,
and also can receive the benefit of up to one-half of the Witch’s own
acquired experience points. The awarding of a Witch’s experience
points to her apprentice(s) can only take place when the points gained
would not raise the apprentice(s) to a level more than one-fourth the
level of the Witch herself.

For example: A seventh-level Witch with 60,000 experience points
has a first-level apprentice with 2,300 experience points, and the
Witch performs an action which awards her 500 experience points.
The apprentice would be entitled to count half, or 250, of those points
(if the Witch desired to award the points to the apprentice), except
that such an addition would raise the apprentice to second level, and
the Witch cannot have a second-level apprentice until she herself
reaches eighth level. So the apprentice can be awarded a maximum
of 200 points because she must remain at first level, and from that
point onward the apprentice will not be able to record any more experience
points gained until the Witch herself advances to eighth

If a Witch has more than one apprentice, the experience points she
elects to give away must be divided as equally as possible among all
eligible apprentices. The Witch may either award experience points to
apprentices (up to the maximum allowable) or may keep all of them
for herself, but may not do both.

The High Secret Order of Witches
Upon reaching level 10, a Witch must decide whether or not to
apply for membership in the High Secret Order. This application may
only be made by Witches with at least 16 Intelligence and 16 Wisdom.
The Witch must also possess at least one of the following objects: any
magic crystal ball, any magic broom, a Mirror of Mental Prowess, a
Mirror of Life Trapping, or one of these objects, depending on alignment:
Libram of Silver Magic if Lawful, Libram of Gainful Conjuration
if Neutral, or Libram of Ineffable Damnation if Chaotic. Unless
accepted into the High Secret Order, a Witch may progress no farther
than level 16. A Witch who joins the High Secret Order may progress
to level 22.

High Secret Order Witches, in addition to the spells acquired
normally, receive one additional High Secret Order spell for each
level they have gained while in the High Secret Order. For example,
at 10th level they would receive one High Secret Order spell, at 15th
level they would receive 6 High Secret Order spells, and at 22nd level
they would receive 13 High Secret Order spells.

There is only one Queen of Witches and one Princess of Witches
for each alignment type. A Princess who acquires enough experience
points to become Queen when there is a reigning Queen must either
remain at Princess level (gaining no additional powers or abilities) or
initiate combat against the current Queen in an attempt to overthrow

Usable weapons and magic items
Witches may use any weapon type which can be used by Magic-
Users, and have the same restrictions as Magic-Users on the wearing
of armor. A Witch cannot use magical rings; otherwise, she may use
any magic item which a Magic-User is able to employ.

Explanations of inherent abilities

Brew poisons and narcotics: A Witch can brew one dose of
either a poison or a narcotic each day, providing she possesses the
necessary ingredients. The mixtures cannot be used to coat weapons,
but must be ingested by the intended victims. A Witch learns how to
brew Type A ingestive poison at level 3. She learns how to brew an
additional type of ingestive poison for every two levels she progresses
beyond third level. Thus, at 11th level a Witch can brew Type E
poison. Poison types are as per the Dungeon Masters Guide. Saving
throws are applicable.

A narcotic has the effect of a Sleep spell on a victim with 8 or fewer
hit points, if the saving throw is failed. A victim with from 9-16 hit
points will be reduced to half Dexterity and half normal movement for
12 turns; a victim with 17-24 hit points will lose one-third Dexterity
and one-third movement rate for the same 12-turn duration; a victim
with 25 or more hit points will lose one-sixth of Dexterity and movement
for the duration of the narcotic’s effect. A successful save will
halve the effect and duration of a narcotic.

Brew truth drug: A Witch may brew one dose of truth drug per
week. A victim who ingests a dose of the drug will fall into a stupor,
and is forced to answer from 1-4 questions truthfully. The truth drug
can only affect an individual of the same or a lower experience level
than the Witch who brewed the potion.

Brew love potion: A Witch can brew one love potion per week.
The potion will have the effect of charming an individual who drinks it
and does not save successfully vs. spells. The potion has a chance of
affecting a victim of the same number of levels as the Witch who
brewed the potion. Thus, a 9th-level Witch could brew a potion to
affect a 9th-level Fighter or lower, but not a 10th-level Fighter. Each
potion has a maximum duration of one week, with a 15% chance
each day (cumulative) that the potion will wear off at the end of the
first through sixth days. Victims who make a successful save vs. spells
are not affected.

Read Magic-User, Druid & Cleric scrolls: Druid scrolls can be
read with no chance of failure. Magic-User and Illusionist scrolls can be
read with a 10% chance of spell failure. Cleric scrolls can be read by a
Witch, but only those spells which are both Cleric and Witch spells
may be employed.

Candle magic: A Witch may manufacture one candle per month.
For each 3 days spent in making the candle, it will burn for one
turn, up to a maximum of 10 turns (for a candle which took 30 days to
make). The magic of a candle takes effect when the candle is snuffed
out, or burns down to nothing at the end of its duration, At 9th level, a
Witch may make red or blue candles. The ability to make other colors
of candles is gained as the Witch rises in experience level. A candle
must be burned in the presence of the intended victim in order to

Red Candle: Victim affected as a love potion, duration 1 day for
each turn of burning. There is no saving throw, and no chance of the
love potion effects wearing off before the full duration.

Blue Candle: One turn of protection from evil/good (Witch’s
choice) for each turn of burning.

Yellow Candle (level 10): One turn of telepathy (Witch able to
read victim’s mind) for each turning of burning.

Purple Candle (level 11): Acts as a truth drug, allowing one
question to be asked of a victim for each turn of burning — and all
such questions are always answered truthfully.

Gold Candle (level 12): Cures 1-6 points of damage to the object
of the magic for each turn of burning.

Black Candle (level 13): One curse can be placed on a victim for
each turn of burning, up to a maximum of six turns of burning and six
curses. The curses are weakness (Strength reduced to 3), insanity (Intelligence
and Wisdom both reduced to 3), clumsiness (Dexterity reduced
to 3), poverty (all precious metals, gems and jewels on victim’s
person turned to clay), loneliness (Charisma reduced to 3) and ex
haustion (Constitution reduced to 3). Saving throws can be attempted
for each curse, and if successful negate that particular curse only.
Casting Remove Curse negates one curse for each casting of that

Saving throws may be attempted, where applicable, for the effects
of all candles except red candles. Any candle which does not burn
continuously for at least one turn will have no effect. A candle which is
extinguished midway through a turn is treated as though it had not
burned at all during that turn, but that turn will be counted against the
maximum amount of time a certain candle may be burned. Example,
A candle with a maximum life of 5 turns is extinguished midway
through its third turn of burning. Its effects will be as though it had only
burned for two turns (not two and a fraction), but if it is re-ignited later
it will have only two turns of burning left before it goes out automatically.

Acquire Familiar: Similar to a Find Familiar spell, except that
there is no chance of not acquiring a familiar. The familiar adds its hit
points to the Witch’s, but if the familiar dies, the Witch only loses the
hit points the familiar originally added, not an additional double the
number of hit points added. A Witch can only obtain one familiar in a
10-year period, so if her familiar dies she must wait until the end of the
period for another.

Brew flying ointment: The Witch may brew enough ointment
per week for 1 human-sized individual to fly (as per the Fly spell).
The flying duration is 1-4 turns plus a number of turns equal to the
Witch’s level. The ointment must be smeared over the recipient’s
naked body to work.

Manufacture control doll: Once per week, a Witch can make
1 clay or wax doll which she can use to control 1 character or
monster. Dolls are made to fit general categories, e.g. a man, woman,
a troll, a dragon. To work, a part of the specific target (nail clippings,
lock of hair, bit of outer skin or scales, etc.) must be made part of the
doll. Once the specific material is added, the doll acquires a focus. The
doll now must be shown to the intended victim. If the victim fails to
save vs. spells, the victim is charmed (as per a Charm spell). The
charm lasts as long as the doll is intact and in the Witch’s possession. If
the Witch loses the doll or the doll is destroyed or damaged, the
charm is broken.

Fascinate: The power of fascination may be used once per day. A
Witch merely has to concentrate to exercise the power. Any individual
who looks at the Witch and fails to save vs. spells will faithfully serve
the Witch as long as the fascination lasts. The fascination will last a
number of rounds equal to the level of the Witch. Service while fascinated
will be nearly absolute, stopping just short of following suicidal

Limited Wish: Usable once per month. Identical to the 7th level
Magic-User spell of the same name.

Shape Change: Usable once per day for no longer than 2 turns
each time. Identical to the ninth-level Magic-User spell of the same

Witches' Experience and Abilities Table
XP Exp. level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Level Title Inherent ability gained
0-2,500 1 1 - - - - - - - Medium -
2,501-5,000 2 2 - - - - - - - Soothsayer -
5,001-10,000 3 2 1 - - - - - - Sibyl Brew poisons and narcotics
10,001-20,000 4 3 2 - - - - - - Mystic Brew truth drug
20,001-35,000 5 4 2 1 - - - - - Oracle -
35,001-50,000 6 4 3 2 - - - - - Siren Brew love potion
50,001-75,000 7 5 3 2 1 - - - - Enchantress -
75,001-100,000 8 5 4 3 2 - - - - Sorceress Read Magic-User, Druid & Cleric scrolls
100,001-200,000 9 5 5 3 2 1 - - - Witch Candle Magic
200,001-350,000 10 5 5 4 3 1 - - - Crystal Witch Acquire familiar
350,001-600,000 11 6 5 4 3 2 - - - Amethyst Witch -
600,001-900,000 12 6 6 5 3 2 1 - - Topaz Witch -
* 13 6 6 6 4 3 1 - - Sapphire Witch Brew flying ointment
* 14 6 6 6 5 3 2 1 - Ruby Witch -
* 15 6 6 6 6 4 3 1 - Emerald Witch Manufacture control doll
* 16 6 6 6 6 5 3 2 1 Diamond Witch -
* 17 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 2 Witch Mother Fascinate
* 18 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 Priestess -
* 19 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 High Priestess -
* 20 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 Eternal Priestess -
* 21 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 Princess of Witches Limited Wish
* 22 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Queen of Witches Shape Change

* (300,000 exp.
pts. per level
for each additional
level beyond 12th)

Spell descriptions and explanations
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th High Secret Order

General notes on Witch spells

Immunity: All djinn, efreet and Clerics are immune to the effects
of a spell cast by a Witch is that spell is not described as "Identical to
the ________ spell of the same name," where "__________" is the
name of another spell-casting character class.

Alignment restrictions:  Several Witch spells are described as
only by Witches of certain alignments.  In many other cases, the
USE of a spell may be contraindicated by the nature of the spell as regards
the alignment of the spell caster.  DMs who choose to make the
Witch a NPC in their campaign should USE great discretion
in the selection and USE of certain spells by a Witch of a
particular alignment.

Material components:  All spells described as "Identical to the
___________ spell of the same name" will have verbal, material, and/or
somatic components as required by their listing in the Players Handbook.
All other spells are considered to require at least verbal and
somatic components, with material components left to the discretion
of the DM employing the Witch as a NPC.  It would be permissible to
require no material component for such spells, and it would certainly
also be permissible to assign particular material components to some
|or| all of such spells.

DM discretion:  As is usually the case with "unofficial" variants of
this nature, the discretion of the DM is to be used in all cases where a
description or explanation may seem vague or incomplete.  The
strictures set forth  here are intended only as guidlelines, and each DM
should feel free to CHANGE any particular aspect of a spell (or any other
part of the Witch description) to suit the preferences and/or needs of the
individual and his/her campaign.

Casting time:  To conserve space, casting times are not listed in <non-issue: include casting times>
the explanation/descriptions for each spell.  The following general
rules apply:  Casting Time for any spell described as "identical to" |or|
"generally the same as " an existing spell is the same as described in
the Players Handbook for the spell referred to.  Casting time for any
other spell of the 8th level or lower is a number of segments =equal= to
the level of that spell.  Casting Time for any High Secret Order spell,
including spells from the PH, is 9 segments-- except for Banish,
which has a casting Time of 5 segments.

First level
1. Change Self +
2. Charm Man I +
3. Control Vapor +
4. Cure Wounds +
5. Darkness +
6. Detect Evil +
7. Detect Illusion +
8. Detect Poison +
9. Faerie Fire +
10. Find Familiar +
11. Give Wounds +
12. Light +
13. Magic Boomerang +
14. Mending +
15. Minor Quest +
16. Read Languages +
17. Reflected Image +
18. Seduction I +
19. Sleep +
20. Unseen Servant +

Change Self — Identical to the 1st-level Illusionist spell of the
same name.

Charm Man I — Witch must have a Charisma score of at least 11
to cast this spell. The spell affects a maximum of 5-8 (d4 + 4) men of
3rd level or lower in a 16-foot radius from the Witch, and has a duration
of 2-5 (d4+1) turns.  It affects victims the same as a Charm Person
spell. If there is a leader with a group of men, he may dispel the
charm if his Charisma plus a roll of d8 is 6 points or more higher than
the Witch's Charisma <Comeliness?> <Take the higher of the 2?>.  If the spell is not dispelled by a leader, each
man within the AREA of effect must attempt a save vs. magick.  A successful
save negates the effect of the spell for that man only.  If there
are more men within range than the maximum number who can be
affected, the spell will be directed against the lower-level men first.  The
spell will NOT work on any man who has taken damage from any other
action of the same Witch during the current encounter.

Control Vapor — Range is 10 feet times the level of the Witch,
area of effect is a 3” diameter sphere. A quantity of gas or vapor may
be controlled and moved about, with a maximum movement of 6” per
round. The spell caster may move while controlling the gases, but may
not begin casting another spell while the control is being maintained.
The duration of the spell is 1 turn, or until dispelled.

Cure Wounds — Usable only by Witches of Good or Neutral alignment.
By touching one character or creature, the Witch can heal from
1-6 points of damage. Neutral Witches cannot use Cure Wounds and
Give Wounds on the same day.

Darkness — Identical to the first-level Illusionist spell of the same
name. Only Evil and Neutral alignments may employ this spell.

Detect Evil — Identical to the first-level Cleric spell of the same

Detect Illusion — Identical to the first-level Illusionist spell of the
same name.

Detect Poison — By touching a character or creature, the caster
can detect the presence of poison in that creature and determine what
measures, if any, can be taken to neutralize the poison.

Faerie Fire — Identical to the first-level Druidic spell of the same

Find Familiar — Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Give Wounds -- Usable only by Witches of Evil or Neutral alignment.
By touching one character or creature, the Witch can cause
from 1-6 points of damage. Neutral Witches cannot use Give Wounds
more than once per day.

Light — Identical to the first-level Cleric spell of the same name.
Usable only by Witches of Good alignment.

Magic Boomerang — Range 2”, maximum duration 10 rounds.
This, magical missile is plus 3 to hit if cast by a Witch of level 1-16 and
plus 4 to hit if cast by a Witch of level 17 or higher. The boomerang
may be thrown around corners if the caster is in plain view of the
corner and has just seen an opponent go in that direction, but the
missile is only plus 1 to hit when thrown around a corner. The boomerang
will damage opponents who require magic weapons to be hit. It
may be thrown once each round for up to 10 rounds, scoring 1 point
of damage for each successful hit, or it may be thrown once only for a
fixed amount of damage (if it hits). If thrown once, damage caused is 4
points for a caster of levels 1-3, 5 points for a caster of levels 4-6, 6
points for levels 7-9,8 points for levels 10-12, 10 points for levels 13-
16 and 12 points for levels 17 and higher. The caster may specify subdual
damage only, as per the procedure for subdual outlined for
dragons in the Monster Manual. The spell is usable once per day. <Subdual, Unearthed Arcana>

Mending — Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of the same

Minor Quest -- Range 2”, duration 6 hours, area of effect 5”
diameter sphere. The spell will affect up to 12 experience levels’ worth
of humanoid opponents, or up to six levels (hit dice) worth of monsters,
with lowest-level opponents in a group affected first. The caster
must be able to verbally communicate with her opponents for the
spell to work. By using this spell, the Witch can send her attackers
away from her on an imaginary errand for themselves, such as going
to town for supplies or going to a nearby river to get water. If the intended
victim or victims fail a saving throw, they will be compelled to
attempt the errand, provided that it poses no direct threat to their
safety or well-being. There is a chance of 20% plus 1% per level of
the caster that the quested being or beings will forget all about the
Witch after the spell has worn off or after the quest is completed.

Read Languages -- Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell
Comprehend Languages, except that only written communications
may be understood.

Reflected Image -- Range 4”, duration 1 day per level of the
caster or until dispelled, area of effect up to 2” by 2”. This spell enables
a Witch to form a picture on any reflecting surface.

Seduction I -- Range 6”, duration 2 turns or until dispelled, area
of effect one man. Spell causes the affected man to cast aside all
weapons, armor and clothing in an attempt to seduce the, Witch, leaving
the victim virtually defenseless to attacks from the Witch or any
other character or creature. Immediately after the spell wears off or is
dispelled, the victim can retrieve one of his dropped weapons on a roll
of 11 or more on d20. If the roll is 16 or more, the victim may also retrieve
a shield or helmet. Rolls may be repeated each round until successful,
as long as the victim stays within grasping range of the
weapon or other object to be recovered. The saving throw for this
spell is computed by adding the Seduction spell level (1 through 8) to
the Charisma score of the Witch and subtracting the Wisdom score of <Comeliness>
the intended victim. The resulting number is used as a modifier (plus
or minus) to a roll of d20. The adjusted die roll must be equal to or
greater than a certain number, depending on the class of the intended
victim, for the save to be successful. Fighters and Rangers need a 13
to save, Thieves and Assassins 12, Paladins 10, Magic-Users and Illusionists
9, and Clerics, Druids and Monks need 8 to save.

Sleep — Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of the same
name, except in the number of creatures which can be affected.  The
spell will affect from 2-16 creatures of 1 HD (or level 1), 2-12 creatures
of 1+1 to 2 HD (or level 2), 1-6 creatures of 2+1 to 3 HD
(or level 3) and 0-1 creatures of 3+1 to 4 HD (or level 4).
Each group is rolled for separately, making it possible for the spell to
affet up to 35 creatures at one time.

Unseen Servant — Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Second Level
1. Bless +
2. Charm Man II +
3. Detect Invisibility +
4. ESP +
5. Find Traps +
6. Hold Person +
7. Hold Portal +
8. Identify +
9. Knock +
10. Locate Object +
11. Magic Mouth +
12. Nature Call +
13. Pacify +
14. Pit +
15. Purify Food & Drink +
16. Pyrotechnics +
17. Seduction II +
18. Speak with Animals +
19. Speak with Plants +
20. Speak in Tongues +

Bless — Identical to the first-level Cleric spell of the same name,
except that only Good and Neutral Witches may cast.

Charm Man II — Same as Charm Man I, except that duration is 5-
10 (d6 +4) turns and number of men affected is 7-12 (d6 + 6) of 4th
level or lower.

Detect Invisibility — Identical to the second-level Magic-User
spell of the same name.

ESP — Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the same
name, except that the character or creature to be affected must be

Find Traps — Identical to the second-level Cleric spell of the same

Hold Person -- Identical to the second-level Cleric spell of the
same name.

Hold Portal — Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Identify -- Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of the same
Knock — Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Locate Object -- Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Magic Mouth -- Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Nature Call -- Range 12” radius around Witch. The spell summons
from 1-10 small birds or mammals (up to the size of a squirrel or
hawk) or one creature as large as an eagle or a wolf. The spell allows
communication with the summoned creatures, enabling the caster to
give the creatures one of two orders. The summoned creatures can be
made to rush at an opponent and fake an attack, causing confusion in
monsters of animal intelligence or lower and causing more intelligent
opponents to attack at -2 to hit for a duration of 1 turn. The summoned
creatures cannot be forced to rush at a character or creature
they would normally flee from. Summoned creatures can also be
made to act as messengers, carrying any object their size will permit
them to carry for up to 3 days.

Pacify — Range 6”, duration 4 turns plus 1 turn per level of caster
area of effect 1” x 1” x 2”. The spell will affect from 1-8 creatures of 6
HD or less, causing those who fail a saving throw to cease combat
and either leave the scene or lie down on the spot to rest (50%
chance of each). Pacified characters or creatures will not harm the
Witch or her party as long as the pacified creatures are not harmed. A
pacified creature is allowed another saving throw each time that creature
is attacked while under the influence of the spell. The spell does
not affect undead.

Pit — Range 6”, area of effect 4”. The spell creates a 20-foot-deep
and 20-foot-wide pit anywhere within the area of effect. The spell may
only be used in an outdoor environment, and cannot be employed inside
a structure or enclosure or underground. If used as an offensive
measure, intended victims are permitted a saving throw. A successful
save made by a stationary opponent means the caster misjudged the
target’s position or distance from the caster, and the pit is formed at a
location 20 feet away from the intended victim or victims. A successful
save made by an intended victim who is in motion means that the
target has a 70% chance of avoiding the pit during the next round. A
victim who falls into the pit will take 2d6 damage if stationary before
the fall, 3d6 if moving before the fall. The spell remains in effect until 6
creatures have fallen into the pit, or until it is dispelled.

Purify Food & Drink -- Identical to the first-level Cleric spell of
the same name, except that only Good Witches may cast it.

Pyrotechnics -- Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Seduction II — Same as Seduction I, except for determination of
saving throw.

Speak with Animals — Identical to the first-level Druidic spell of
the same name.

Speak with Plants — Identical to the fourth-level Druidic spell of
the same name.

Speak in Tongues -- Duration 2 turns plus 1 turn per level of
caster. The spell enables a Witch to understand the language of any
intelligent entity and communicate with that entity in that language.
No saving throw allowed. Only one language may be understood and
spoken for each casting of the spell, but it is possible to cast the spell
again (while the first casting is still in effect) and understand up to
three languages at once (with three separate castings).

Third Level
1. Calm +
2. Clairvoyance +
3. Comfort +
4. Continual Light +
5. Cure Disease +
6. Dissipate Vapor +
7. Fireball +
8. Invisibility +
9. Lightning Bolt +
10. Mystic Rope +
11. Phantasmal Force +
12. Phantom Light +
13. Plant Entrapment +
14. Protection from Normal Missiles +
15. Remove Curse +
16. Seduction III +

Calm -- Area of effect 7” radius from caster, duration 6 turns.
Number of characters or creatures affected is unlimited within the area
of effect. All insects, animals, humanoid types, and monsters of 5 HD 
or less will lose their will to fight, even if currently engaged in
combat to the death. Saving throws are made at -2. The magic resistance
of any intended victim is lowered by 15% (subtraction) from its
normal magic resistance for purposes of determining whether this
spell is successfully cast. Every attack on a calmed being entitled that
being to another saving throw at + 3. Members of the Witch’s party
are unaffected by the spell unless one or more of them is attacking the
Witch. The caster has no control over beings who are calmed after the
spell has taken effect.

Clairvoyance -- Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Comfort — Range 2”, duration 36 turns (6 hours), number of creatures
affected up to 10. Recipients of the benefit of this spell will feel
no pain, heat, cold, hunger, thirst or exhaustion and need not eat or
rest for the duration of the spell. The spell does not negate normal
damage taken, but it does negate the effects of a Wand of Fear,
Drums of Panic, any similar magic item, or a Sleep spell. Recipients receive
a + 1 to all saving throws for the duration of the spell.

Continual Light -- Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the
same name.

Cure Disease — Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the same

Dissipate Vapor -- Range 1” per level of the caster, duration 2
turns, area of effect 5” x 5” x 5”. This spell disperses any gaseous substance.
Creatures with intelligence (such as an air elemental) are entitled
to a saving throw. The movement rate of the dissipating gas is

Fireball — Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the same
name, except that only an Evil or Neutral Witch may cast it, and only
one Fireball may be cast in a day.

Invisibility — Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the 
same name.

Lightning Bolt -- Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of
the same name, except that only Evil and Neutral Witches may cast it,
and only one Lightning Bolt may be cast in a day.

Mystic Rope -- Range 10”, duration 2 turns plus 5 rounds for 
each level of the caster above 6th level, or until the rope is destroyed
or dispelled. The spell creates a magical rope in the Witch’s hand or
on the ground in front of any creature designated by the Witch who is
within range. The rope can be of any length desired up to 100 feet. It
will unerringly carry out the Witch’s orders to move about, attach itself
to any solid object so that characters can pull on it or use it to climb or
descend a surface, or ensnare up to six small, three man-sized, or one
giant-sized creature. In order to ensnare second and subsequent opponents,
the rope must first successfully ensnare the creature upon
whom the ensnarement is currently being attempted. The rope can attack
only one potential victim at a time. Any part of the rope not being
used to tie up a character can move at a rate of 9”, and will drag an already
ensnared creature around in an attempt to tie up other victims.
The rope is considered to have a strength of 19. Saving throws are allowed
to any creature in danger of being tied up, but a new saving
throw must be made at the start of every round in which the danger
still exists. Saving throws in the third and subsequent rounds are made
at + 2. Any creature being chased by the rope is -1 to hit other opponents
in that round. Actual ensnarement, once a saving throw is
failed, takes one full round, after which the victim is rendered helpless
until and unless the rope can be cut or untied by the victim or
destroyed by an attack form which will damage it. The rope has 1 hit
point for each 4 feet of length, and has a saving-throw number of 12
against all attack forms which can harm it. The rope can be destroyed
by Dispel Magic or Disintegrate if it fails its save. The breath weapon of
a dragon, strong acid, and magical fire or lightning will all cause
damage to the rope, and it will be destroyed and immediately disappear
if its hit points are reduced to less than one-third of its original
total. Normal weapons have no effect on the rope, but magical
weapons can cut through the rope in 2 rounds. The rope suffers no
damage from such blows, but will simply become two separate pieces
of rope, each piece retaining the proper proportion of the rope’s
current number of hit points. Any captive with exceptional Strength
(17 or above) has a chance of freeing itself in each round after becoming
ensnared, but must save at -2 in the round after becoming freed in
order to avoid immediately being tied up again. The percentage
chance for a victim to free itself is 5% for a captive of 17 Strength,
10% for Strength 18/01 to 18/50, 15% for 18/51 to 18/75, 20% for
18/76 to 18/90, 30% for 18/91 to 18/99, 40% for 18/00, 50% for
Strength 19, 55% for 20, 65% for 21, 75% for 22, 85% for 23 and
95% for Strength 24. A victim may make an attempt to free itself
once per round. Dragons or dragon-sized creatures have a constant
80% chance per round to free themselves from the rope, but the percentage
drops to 40% if the dragon is ensnared about the head, so as
to render its breath weapon useless. Dragons may attempt no offensive
action while trying to break an ensnarement about the mouth.

Phantasmal Force — Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell
of the same name.

Phantom Light — A mobile Faerie Fire that will either follow behind
the Witch and her party or lead the way, at a distance of up to
12”. Identical in all other respects to the regular spell.

Plant Entrapment — Range 5”, duration 2 turns, area of effect 2”
x 2”. Tree branches, grasses, shrubs and the like within the area of effect
will grab at and attempt to hold motionless all living and undead
creatures within their reach, and may attempt to disarm or strangle an
intended victim if the Witch orders the attempt. If a victim fails to save
against the spell, there is still a chance for the victim to free itself
manually from the grasp of the plants, with the possibility of success
dependent on the size and strength of the plant life doing the entrapping.

Protection from Normal Missiles — Identical to the third-level
Magic-User spell of the same name

Remove Curse — Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the
same name.

Seduction III — Same as Seduction I, except for determination of
saving throw.

Fourth Level
1. Charm Monster +
2. Control Fluid  +
3. Cure/Cause Serious Wounds +
4. Glyph of Warding
5. Hallucinatory Terrain +
6. Infravision +
7. Levitate +
8. Mirror Image +
9. Neutralize Poison +
10. Plant Growth +
11. Polymorph Other +
12. Polymorph Self +
13. Seduction IV +
14. Shock +
15. Strength +
16. Wall of Water +

Charm Monster — Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Control Fluid — A Witch may control an amount of liquid equal 
to 6 cubic feet for each level of experience of the Witch. For a maximum
duration of 3 turns, the liquid may be made to move at the
Witch’s directions at the rate of 3” per round. The Witch may herself
move about while this spell is in effect, but she may not begin to cast
another spell until this spell ends or is dispelled.

Cure/Cause Serious Wounds — Generally the same as the
fourth-level Cleric spell Cure Serious Wounds (reversible). Only
Witches of Good or Neutral alignment can Cure, and the spell will restore
3-13 (2d6 + 1) points of damage. Only Witches of Evil or Neutral
alignment can Cause, and the spell will administer 2-12 (2d6) points
of damage.

Glyph of Warding — Identical to the third-level Cleric spell of the
same name.

Hallucinatory Terrain — Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User
spell of the same name.

Infravision — Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Levitate — Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Mirror Image — Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Neutralize Poison — Identical to the fourth-level Cleric spell of
the same name.

Plant Growth — Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Polymorph Other — Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell
of the same name.

Polymorph Self -- Generally the same as the fourth-level Magic-
User spell of the same name, except that the Witch may only use the
claw and bite attacks of the creature which is assumed, and not any
special attacks.

Seduction IV — Same as Seduction I, except for determination of
saving throw.

Shock — Area of effect 6” radius of Witch, duration 1 round. The
casting of this spell creates a blast of electrical energy emanating in all
directions from the Witch, doing 4-32 points of damage to each character
or creature within the 6” radius. The spell affects friends and
enemies alike. A successful saving throw cuts damage in half.

Strength — Identical to the second-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Wall of Water — Range 3”, duration 6 turns, area of effect up to
4” wide, 4” high, 1” thick. The casting of this spell creates a magical
barrier of water which is impervious to normal fire, but not to a Fireball
or other magically created flame. Creatures of flame take 5-30 points
of damage when passing through it. The wall’s swirling currents block
missile fire, including Magic Missile and Magic Boomerang. Any living
or undead thing with less than 5 hit dice cannot pass through the wall.
Creatures with 5 or more hit dice can pass through, but will take 3-18
points of damage in doing so. Creatures which can pass through it will
need 2 rounds to do so, unless the creature has Strength of 18/51 or
greater, in which case it moves through at its normal movement rate.
The wall cannot be used to create a Water Elemental. The wall must
have one of its sides resting on the ground or floor. The spell caster
may pass through the wall unharmed, and may fill up to 5 water flasks
from it without harm. Any water stored in this manner will lose all its
magical properties. When the spell ends or is dispelled, the water does
not disappear but instead becomes normal water and flows out along
“the surface it is contacting.


Fifth Level
1. Animal Growth +
2. Anti-Magic Shell +
3. Charm Animal +
4. Immunity +
5. Insect Plague +
6. Monster Summoning I +
7. Oracle +
8. Produce Flame +
9. Seduction V +
10. Slow +
11. Spirit +
12. Teleport +
13. Transmute Rock to Mud +
14. Weakness +
15. Water Breathing +
16. Wizard Eye +

Animal Growth — Identical to the fifth-level Druidic spell of the
same name.

Anti-Magic Shell — Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Charm Animal — Generally the same as the second-level Druidic
spell Charm Person or Mammal, except that the spell affects only nonhumanoid

Immunity — Duration 3 hours for each experience level of the
caster. The character or creature touched by the Witch after the casting
of the spell is immune to diseases and poisons for the duration of
the spell. Only one individual (or the Witch herself) may be affected 
with one casting, and the spell can only be used once per day.

Insect Plague -- Identical to the fifth-level Cleric spell of the same 

Monster Summoning I -- Identical to the third-level Magic-User the same name.
spell of the same name.

Oracle -- Generally the same as the fifth-level Cleric spell Commune,
except that the spell can be used only once per week.

Produce Flame — Generally the same as the second-level Druidic 
spell of the same name, except that the flame does not have to 
originate from the caster's hand and may be created anywhere within
a 3" radius of the Witch. 

Seduction V -- Same as Seduction I, except for determination of 
saving throw. 

Slow -- Identical to the 3rd-level MU spell of the same 
name, except that the spell may only be cast by Witches of Good or 
Neutral alignment.

Spirit -- Duration 4 plus 1-8 turns, range touch.  The spell allows 
the Witch or any one character or creature she touches to have a non-corporeal 
body that can pass into and through, objects.  The recipient 
of the spell becomes transparent, but the outline of its body can be 
seen.  Only lateral movement is allowed, at a rate of 12" per round.  
Normal weapons and missiles have no effect on a creature in Spirit 
form, magick weapons do half damage, and offensive spells are only 
30% effective (15% if a save is made).  Combat is possible with other 
noncorporeal forms such as Shadows, Spectres, Ghosts, and Wraiths, 
as well as elementals of the medium through which the recipient is 
passing.  The recipient of this spell may cast no spell higher than level 2 
against opponents not in spirit form which cannot do full damage to 
the recipient.

Teleport -- Identical to the 5th-levell MU spell of the same 
Transmute Rock to Mud — Identical to the fifth-level Magic-User
spell of the same name. 

Weakness — Duration 1 turn per experience level of the caster,
range touch, area of effect one individual. The spell cuts the victim’s 
Strength in 1/2 (fractions rounded up) for the duration of the spell or 
until dispelled.  A Strength of 18/01 or greater is reduced to 10. 

Water Breathing -- Identical to the third-level Magic-User spell of the 
same name

Sixth level
1. Animate Dead +
2. Destroy Life Level +
3. Evaporate Fluids +
4. Haste +
5. Leomund's Secret Chest +
6. Lower Water +
7. Seduction VI +
8. Telekinesis +
9. True Sight +
10. Vision +
11. Wards of Defense +
12. Worship +

Animate Dead -- Indentical to the 3rd-level Cleric spell of the 
same name. 

Destroy Life Level -- Duration 1 turn or 2 touches, whichever 
comes first. All saving throws made at -5.  The Witch must make a successful 
roll to hit the victim's AC for the spell to work.  Witches 
of level 20 and higher are allowed a duration of 2 turns or 3 touches.  
The effect of the spell is to drain life energy levels, identical to the
effect of a Wight.

Evaporate Fluids -- Same as Dissipate Vapor, except that the 
spell is effective against liquids instead of gases or vapors. 

Haste -- Identical to the 3rd-level MU spell ov the same Name.

Leomund's Secret Chest -- Identical to the 5th-level MU 
spell of the same name. 

Lower Water -- Identical to the 4th-level Cleric spell of the 
same name. 

Seduction VI -- Same as Seduction I, except for determination of 
saving throw. 

Telekinesis -- Identical to the 5th-level MU spell of the same name. 

True Sight -- Identical to the 6th-level Illusionist spell of the same 
name, except that only Witches of Good alignment may cast this spell. 

Vision -- Duration 1 turn for each 7 levels of experience of the 
caster (fractions do not count).  This spell enables the Witch to make 
any transparent or reflecting object into a crystal ball for one viewing. 
A crystal ball created in this manner does not count as one of the required 
items for a Witch desiring admission to the High Secret Order. 
<rename this spell to avoid confusion with the Vision spell in the PHB>

Wards of Defense — Duration 5 segments per experience level of
the caster. The spell creates a stationary force field of a 2” radius
around the Witch, shielding her from all magickal or physical attacks for
the duration of the spell or until it is dispelled. The Witch may cast
spells of level 3 and lower from inside the field, and may fire missiles
from within the field. The Witch may move about within the field, but
if she moves up to or beyond the 2” radius from her original position,
the spell is dispelled.

Worship — Range 12”, duration 3 turns per level of the caster or
until dispelled. The spell affects one intelligent (semi-intelligent or
higher) creature, regardless of HD. Characters or creatures with
magic resistance are entitled to a saving throw as usual, and will have
their magic resistance reduced by a factor of 90% for purposes of determining
whether the spell takes effect. Characters or creatures without
magic resistance save at -2. The effect of the spell is to put the
entity into a trance from which it cannot be revived until the spell expires
or is dispelled. The victim will obey simple commands from the
Witch, and if the victim has spell-casting capability it will cheerfully cast
one spell from its repertoire (of the Witch’s choice) on behalf of the

Seventh Level
1. Astral Projection +
2. Call Spirit +
3. Control Lycanthrope +
4. Control Undead +
5. Earthquake +
6. Fire Storm +
7. Geas +
8. Lejend Lore +
9. L o v e +
10. Seduction VII +
11. Stone to Flesh +
12. Wall of Ice +

Astral Projection -- Identical to the seventh-level Cleric spell
Astral Spell.

Call Spirit — Range 2” from corpse containing spirit to be called.
NO saving throw allowed. The spell must be cast at night, and the
name of the deceased must be known to the Witch before casting.
One round after casting, the spirit of the deceased character or creature
is summoned to the Witch. She may then ask the spirit four
questions of any sort, and the spirit is compelled to answer truthfully if
the answer is known to it or can be obtained by it. Before any
questions are asked, the spirit must be told whether it is supposed to
search the spirit world for the answer(s) or to rely entirely on its own 
knowledge. There is a base chance of 50% that the spirit will know
the answer to any question(s) asked of it. This chance is adjusted upward
by 20% if a search of the spirit world is called for. However, a
search of the spirit world will take from 5 rounds up to one day, depending
on the difficulty or complexity of the question, per question. If
a spirit does not know and is unable to discover the answer to a
question, it will inform the caster of that fact. The spell lasts until dispelled,
or until the caster has received 4 responses from the spirit.
    <spirits and souls are 2 different things in AD&D>
    <what is the spirit world?>

Control Lycanthrope -- Range 12” radius of the caster, duration
permanent or until dispelled. No saving throw allowed. Any and all
lycanthropes within range are affected, and will not automatically
attack the caster. However, for each day or part of a day the spell remains
in effect, there is a 5% chance (cumulative) of the affected creature(
s) breaking the spell and attacking the Witch. (Roll separately for
each creature.)

Control Undead — Same as Control Lycanthrope, except that
the spell affects any and all undead creatures within range.

Earthquake -- Identical to the seventh-level Cleric spell of the
same name.

Fire Storm — Identical to the seventh-level Druidic spell of the
same name.

Geas — Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of the same

Lejend Lore -- Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Love — Range touch, duration permanent or until dispelled. The
spell is usable only by Witches of Good or Neutral alignment. The
spell acts as a permanent love potion if the intended target fails its saving
throw. The spell can only be removed by a Limited Wish or a
Wish, Only one target can be affected for each casting of the spell.

Seduction VII — Same as Seduction I, except for determination
of saving throw.

Stone to Flesh -- Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Wall of Ice -- Identical to the fourth-level Magic-User spell of the
same name.

Eighth level 
1. Charm Man III +
2. Clone +
3. Death +
4. Dispel Enchantment +
5. Mass Polymorph +
6. Reincarnation +
7. Rust Monster Touch +
8. Seduction VIII +
9. Summon Devil +
10. Temporary Resurrection +
11. Wither +
12. Youth +

Charm Man III — Same as Charm Man I, except that the spell affects
9-16 (d8 + 8) men of level 5 or lower.

Clone -- Identical to the eighth-level Magic-User spell of the same

Death — Range 12”, duration 1 round, area of effect 4” x 4”. This
spell instantly kills from 2-16 creatures (undead included) within the
area of effect, as long as the intended victims have 7 or fewer hit dice.
Or, one creature of more than 7 hit dice can be killed. No saving throw
is allowed in either case. The effects of this spell can be negated if a
successful Dispel magic has been cast earlier in the same round, or by
a Dispel Enchantment spell cast by another Witch (see below).

Dispel Enchantment — Range 12” for creatures, touch for magic
items. This incantation dispels any type or level of spell which is currently
in effect within range of the Dispel Enchantment spell, or
renders useless any single magic item which is touched by the caster.
No saving throw allowed. Duration of the spell is 1 round for dispelling
spells, 1 turn for neutralizing magic items.

Mass Polymorph — Range 12”, area of effect 6” x 6” x 6”. Caster
may polymorph up to 10 man-sized creatures, as per the Pollymorph Other spell. 
Saving throw is made at -3 for each creature, -4 if only
one or two creatures are intended to be affected. In addition, any
character or creature which makes a successful system shock roll has
no chance of being polymorphed. Up to three different types of creatures
may be among the creatures which are changed into; for
example, in a group of at least three targets, the Witch could turn one
or more of them into a cat, one or more into a dog, and one or more
into a mouse. Creatures larger or smaller than man-sized will cause
the maximum number affected to be altered accordingly, with two
small-sized creatures equivalent to one man-sized creature, and two or
three man-sized creatures equivalent to one large-sized creature.

Reincarnation — Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell of
the same name.

Rust Monster Touch — Duration 1 turn or until dispelled, range
touch. The spell affects all ferrous metals as if they had been touched
by a Rust Monster, and can affect as many items as the Witch can
touch within the duration of the spell. Magical items made of metal get
a save at -4; otherwise, no saving throw allowed.

Seduction VIII — Same as Seduction I, except for determination
of saving throw.

Summon Devil — Usable only by Witches of Evil alignment. The
spell is generally the same as the fifth-level Magic-User spell Conjure
Elemental, except that the conjured devil will vanish without attacking
should the Witch’s concentration be disturbed. Arch-devils cannot be
conjured, and any intelligent devil that is conjured and performs a
service for the Witch may claim a service from her at any future time.
Protection from Evil must be cast by a Cleric or Magic-User in the
Witch’s party, or the Witch herself must burn a blue candle, before the
spell can be cast. No saving throw allowed.

Temporary Resurrection -- Duration 2 days per experience
level of the caster, range 6”, only one character or creature can be affected
on each casting. The spell will cause the affected character or
creature to be brought back to life with its full powers. No saving throw
allowed. The spell is reversible, with Temporary Death causing the
affected creature to be rendered lifeless for the duration. A saving
throw is allowed for the reverse of the spell. Only Witches of Evil or
Neutral alignment may cast Temporary Death.

Wither — Duration 1 turn or 2 touches, whichever comes first. The
spell will cause any character or creature which is touched to immediately
age 100 years. Intelligent creatures (low intelligence or
higher) are allowed a <save>.

Youth — Duration 2 rounds, usable once per day. Affects one
character or creature per casting of the spell. Anyone or anything
touched becomes 10 years younger for the duration of the spell.

High Secret Order spells
1. Banish +
2. Circle of Blindness +
3. Combine +
4. Dissipation +
5. Find the Path +
6. Guards and Wards +
7. Intensify +
8. Maze +
9. Paralyzing Pit +
10. Prismatic Sphere +
11. Prismatic Spray +
12. Reflection +
13. Seek +
14. Solidify +
15. Transport Via Plants +
16. Vaporize +
17. Volcanic Circle +
18. Weight Concentration +
19. Wind Walk +
20. Write +

Banish -- Range 24”, area of effect 2” x 4” x 4”. The effect of this
spell is to send any character or creature (including another Witch) or
an inanimate object which has been animated straight to Hell, with a
40% chance of the banished creature or thing appearing directly in
front of a very irritated major devil. The spell affects one creature or
thing only, but is infallible and operates regardless of any attempts to
dispel or counteract it. Even creatures the Witch cannot actually
detect may be banished if one is threatening her well-being in a direct
way, as long as that creature or thing lies within the spell’s area of

Circle of Blindness -- Range 7”, area of effect 3” radius of impact
point, duration 3 turns. No saving throw. All Witches are immune
to the effects of this spell. Within the area of effect, the spell neutralizes
normal vision <link> and hearing and negates the effects of the following
spells: ESP, Detect Invisibility, Detect Magic, Detect Evil/Good, Locate
Object, Seek, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, lnfravision and Wizard
Eye. The spell also renders useless any magic item which offers any
sort of detection ability. The circle is immobile, and victims may
blunder out of the area of effect. The only other ways to counteract
the effects of the spell before it wears off are Wishes of any sort, the
Witch spell Dispel Enchantment, or by the intentional premature dispelling
of the spell by the caster.

Combine -- This spell allows the caster to combine the casting of
2 or more spells, not to exceed a total of 7 spell levels. Range, duration
and area of effect of the combination spell are determined according
to the smallest and/or shortest such figures for the spells involved.
<cf. combine>

Dissipation — Range 5”, area of effect 4” x 4” x 4”. The spell enables
a Witch to disperse any single elemental, cloud or mist or any
magically created wall (including a Wall of Force). The duration is 5
rounds for any cloud or mist, 1 round for any other object dispersed.

Find the Path — Identical to the sixth-level Cleric spell of the same

Guards And Wards — Identical to the sixth-level Magic-User spell
of the same name.

Intensify — Range 15” (outdoors only), duration 1 turn, area of
effect 1/2 mile square. This spell multiplies the power of one currently
existing natural phenomenon: A light breeze would become a hurricane-
strength wind, the sound of rustling leaves would become a
deafening tumult, a sprinkle of rain would become a flash flood.
Dispel Magic has no effect on this spell.

Maze — Identical to the eighth-level Magic-User spell of the same

Paralyzing Pit ? Range 8”. The spell, when cast outdoors, causes
the immediate formation of a pit 2” x 2” x 2”. Victims falling into the
pit, either upon its formation or in subsequent rounds, automatically
take 2-12 points of damage from the fall. In each round after the fall, a
victim must make a saving throw vs. magic or be paralyzed. The
paralyzation feature of the pit lasts for 6 rounds after the formation of
the pit, but the pit is permanent and will continue to inflict the 2-12
points of damage to anyone or anything which falls into it later. When
the spell is cast in a dungeon or inside any other type of enclosure, no
pit is formed; instead, a paralyzation field 1” thick and 2” wide, to the
maximum possible height, is formed. The field lasts for 12 rounds. Victims
are allowed a saving throw at + 1, and if a save is failed the victim
is paralyzed for 2 rounds. Victims are entitled to a new saving throw
every second round they are in the field, but must make a successful
save in two consecutive rounds to avoid being paralyzed all over
again. The spell caster may enter the pit or the field without being adversely

Prismatic Sphere -- Identical to the ninth-level Magic-User spell
of the same name.

Prismatic Spray -- Identical to the seventh-level Illusionist spell of
the same name.

Reflection — Duration 2 turns, area of effect immediate area
around spell caster. This spell creates a shimmering cloud around the
Witch, causing any magical attack used against her to be turned
against the attacker. Attacks with normal weapons have no effect and
are not reflected. The spell will not reflect the effects of a Banish spell
or any detection spell. Banish will still work, and all detection spells
will simply have no effect.

Seek — By casting this spell, a Witch immediately gains the ability
to determine the location of any single item, place, or creature and
visualize all major aspects of its immediate surroundings (within 5”).
She will be able to tell generally in what part of a world or area the
thing being sought exists, and the closer she actually is to the thing
being sought, the more definite her general idea will be. The spell may
be used by a Witch for her own BENEFIT, or she may be induced to cast
it on behalf of another character or creature, as long as that individual
is of the same specific alignment as the Witch. When the spell is performed
on behalf of someone else, the Witch must be provided with
an extremely detailed description of the item being sought. As payment
for her service, the Witch will require a magic item in the
individual’s possession (50% chance) or a sum of from 10,000-
40,000 gold pieces.

Solidify — Range 3”, area of effect 2” x 2” x 2”. By casting this
spell, the Witch can cause the atmosphere within the area of effect to
solidify. The solidifying process takes 5 rounds, after which any
creature(s) within the area of effect will be trapped and unable to
move. The atmosphere forms into a rock-like substance which is solid
and hard, but porous enough to allow trapped creatures to breathe.
The substance is not affected by Dispel Magic or Dissipation or any
other similar spell.

Transport Via Plants -- Identical to the sixth-level Druidic spell of
the same name.

Vaporize — Range 3”, duration 10 rounds, area of effect 4” wide x
2” deep x 2” high. Any rock, mineral matter, or metal in the affected
area is turned into a thick fog which can be blown away. Dispel Magic
has no effect on this spell.

Volcanic Circle — Range 8”, duration 3 rounds. The spell creates
a circular line of cohesive lava 1” wide by 1/4” deep which radiates outward
from the point of origin at the rate of 12” per round. Creatures
which the lava passes beneath will take 8-80 points of damage from
the molten rock. Creatures immune to normal fire are unaffected. The
spell caster is likewise unharmed. Ground which has already been
passed over by the circle is safe to walk on. Dispel Magic has no effect
on this spell.

Weight Concentration/Dilution — Range 10”, duration 6
turns, area of effect up to 10 creatures or objects. The spell enables the
Witch to triple a target’s weight, making it move more slowly, become
unable to fly, etc. Weight Dilution, the reverse of the spell, causes a
target’s weight to be reduced to one-tenth of its normal amount,
meaning that strong winds could blow away men, wagons, or other
normally heavy objects. Targets are allowed saving throws. Dispel
Magic has no effect on this spell.

Wind Walk -- Identical to the seventh-level Cleric spell of the
same name.

Write — Identical to the first-level Magic-User spell of the same

1. SUBCLASS = n/a
    WISDOM =
20. COMBAT =


1. Blackleaf (Dark Dungeons)

1. Opium Warlock
























Robin Neheli (hf Warlock 2)


"beautiful witch"




clore wrote:
A pity Ms. Rowling doesn't know the correct names for various magical practitioners...
although the fortune she has made using misnomers pretty well belies the necessity for such knowledge

Specifics, please. Personally I'm pretty impressed with her knowledge of the traditional lore.

To be exact, a witch is properly one that serves evil, and a male witch is a warlock, not a wizard.
There is ample evidence that during the middle ages there was indeed a cult of Satanists calling themselves witches that sought to do malign works in service of the Devil.

This sort of confusion extends elsewhere to the term sorcerer, that belonging properly to one that calls up demons to perform services for him.

Ms. Rowlings "knowledge" seems to come from recent make-believe about Druidical practices and "the Old Religion,"
neither of which have a modicum of actual historical evidence upon which to base their claims/


themattjon wrote:
Taken from a Christian point of view, of course 
Olde English translation:
wizard = wise man
witch = wise woman
But of course, I digress from the topic of the thread, as religious debate doesn't have any more a constructive part here than a political one would 

As if only Christians can read historical recores about Satanist cults?
The fact is that there were witches in the middle ages that were pladged to serve the Devil.

Wise in OE was "wicca," was it not?

In any event, the Romans stamped Druidism out so thoroughly as to leave no trace of what its practitioners actually believed,
only that they birned a lot of people alive at needfire (ceremonies).
the Romans were not gentle, but they surely did not like either the Carthaginian or Celtic religions.


Darius wrote:

Middle English, from Old English wIse; akin to Old High German wIsa manner, Greek eidos form, idein

(I too can look up and copy and paste from dictionary sites 

Which is more than some can manage...


I can copy and paste from the OED (CD-ROM), though given the definitions you gave, you might not like it if I quote the material on those words.
(I'm afraid it supports Rowling's usages much better than yours.)[/quote]

Are you still posting here?


Originally Posted by Thulcondar
Mr. Gygax,

I'm back with another question, and again apologies if you've covered this somewhere else.

How do (did?) you view "witches" in Greyhawk? I am aware of the "witch" character class which appeared in the early days of The Dragon, but it seems to me that you've given witches a bit more status than a mere character class in your writings.

I'm thinking specifically of Iggwilv, of course, who is variously known as the Witch-Queen, Greatest of Witches, etc. as well as the denizens of Grimalkinsham in your Gord story, "Revel in Rel Mord". In the latter work, witches as a group seem on a par with Hags and Annises... and universally old, powerful, and ugly to boot. That seems to imply they are inhabitants of the lower planes just as are the hags, but then again it doesn't sound completely convincing, as one of the witches is said to be the Baronness of the good thorp of Grimalkinsham, implying a human origin.

I don't recall seeing anything from you in the Sorceror's Scroll to the effect that a class of witches was in the works a la the doomed-to-obscurity Mountebank. Any insights you might have on the subject, specific or general, would be most welcome. The scanty evidence is contradictory on the surface, but that has been the case before, and it usually turns out that you have had some holistic intent in your mind that, once explained, neatly ties together the disparate threads.

My thanks for taking the time to listen to the query of a fan since the age of 12.

To cut to the chase here, I envisage witches and warlocks as humans pledged to the evil and malign. some so excell that they become more than human...

For details of this IU suggest you have a look at the Mythus game rules in which I had Witchcraeft skill detailed, or get ahold of the Shamanism & Witchery supplement for the Lejendary Adventure game system. Article material covering the latter is likely to be found at

If it is no longer available, I believe that the Trolls will be publishing the book in the coming year.

BTW, I was age 12 when I became a dedicated SF anf fantasy fan, reading a pulp zine or book about every day



Originally Posted by Thulcondar
Heh, I'll be sure not to mention that to my wife, who is IRL a pagan witch. Oh, the rants I hear every time Wizard of Oz comes on...

I like your take on witches/warlocks; I was fooling around with ideas revolving around herbalism mixed with spellcraft and so forth, but it never really jelled.
Any tips on how you would approach your vision of witches and warlocks in a 1st Ed. AD&D setting?
Ordinary magic-users who enter into a pact with the denizens of the Lower Planes, and at certain levels gain new abilities in return?
Or a new class unto itself?


Witches really have nothing do do with modern Wiccan beliefs, something that was formulated in the last century supposedly based on Druidical paratices.
As the Romans absolutely wipes out every vestage of Druidism, there is nothing of that old pagan religion to use in forming a new one save a few names.

Anyway, witches in the meddle ages were definately Satanistsbent on doing the malign.
That is my model for witches and warlocks in the RPG.
I would certainly make it a separate class.
The background for it is detailed and complex, so I again suggest regerencing the Mythus game treatment of them or else the LA game system's optional sourcebook, Shamanism & Witchery, the latter being more easily translated into AD&D mechanics.
BTW, there are four sorts of Shamans, and one is near to Wiccan.
