D1 Descent Into The Depths Of The Earth

This chapter covers general notes on the underworld
that stretches from King Snurri’s
fortress to the vaults of the drow. Specfic encounter
areas are covered in the next 6 chapters.
The following deals with the passages
and random encounters within them.

A. The Realm
General Description
The following may be read verbatim, or
simply paraphrased as needed.
The passageway from the caverns beneath
the Hall of King Snurre Iron Belly runs to the
NW, rough and twisting, from 12 feet
to 16 feet width for some 300 feet. Then it
suddenly widens to 30 feet and more in
places, obviously hewn, and goes almost perfectly
NW, slowly sinking in gentle
slopes and by natural terraces. 

The rock is of all colors, although grays,
browns, and yellowish tan are most common.
Parts of the route are worked, but much of the
tunnels are natural passages, caves, galleries, and
so forth. The route always descends. The darkness
is not total; there are sometimes patches of
phosphorescent lichens, lighting the way with a
faint glow (almost like faerie fire).

Swarms of fire beetles pass Now and again,
and their glowing abdomens shed sufficient
light to see clearly. Cave bats flutter overhead
periodically, huge ugly things which have forsaken
the clean air of the upper world for the
foul atmosphere of the subterranean. Now
and again a current of dank, cold air can be
felt moving downwards and bearing a musty
scent throughout the corridors of this dismal

Should the party ever remain still and listen,
they will note many strange sounds--twitterings,
squeakings, scrabblings. Various
and sundry tiny noises can be heard, noises
which are disturbing despite their muted

Using the Maps
The characters’ map, found in the furthest
reaches of the fire giant king’s hall, shows only
a relatively narrow section of the whole AREA, hat
part which pertains to this adventure and
the others in the set. You might {wish} to develop
the other areas shown on your large-scale
map. If so, you can then allow your
players to explore passages which are off their
map, thus eventually completing their version,
and, of course, having many adventures
along the way. You can place other drow enclaves,
locate the realm of the mind flayers,
expand the underground sea and place the
Kuo-Toan stronghold, etc. For various ideas,
see Appendix 3.

The maps in the map book show 3 typical
passages of the undergound. The widest
passage is a section of Primary Tunnel, the
next widest is a Secondary route section, the
smallest is a Tertiary Passage, regular or secret.

Use a combination of these tools-the
large-scale hex map of the whole underground
complex, and the smaller ones for passages ov
various sizes--for the party’s travel and exploration
of the entire underworld.

Whenever a random encounter occurs, assume
that the party is near the center of a
small piece map appropriate to the passage
size. You may of course turn it to any orientation
desired. Note that the sample maps include
faults, spurs, splits, rubble, small caves,
sink holes, crevasses, columns, stalactites, occasional
pools, rivulets, and even streams. <Flowing Water, DSG>

Do NOT penalize the party if they take sensible
steps to insure a successful adventure, such
as deciding to take a number of pack mules to
carry supplies and equipment--even an extra
spell book. As always, be as fair and unbiased
as possible. Neither help by suggestion |or| inference
nor hinder in any manner not called
for. Managing a party with mules can be trying
for a referee, but it is probable that these
beasts will be SLAIN at the 1st encounter area

As there is no practical way of establishing
any sort of route camp to safely store goods of
any sort, the characters will be presented with
a problem. This is compounded by the following
Beyond the first encounter area, teleportation
over any distance greater than 1 /2 mile is impossible.

When a character with this ability first considers
its use, inform the player that the PC
can feel strange forces, possibly magnetic,
which will certainly hinder teleportation.

Thus, short of the use of a wish, the party is
committed to go and return afoot. They may
have to return to the surface after concluding
this module, |or| they may be able to press on,
for the treasures along the way are aimed at
supplying them with the force necessary to
continue. Certain creatures have been specifically
placed so that they may offer assistance or

Travel along the system of subterranean
passages will be at a {slow} rate because of the
slippery and often slanting or terraced floors.
Footing is treacherous in places, and the tiers
to clamber down are often nearly 3 feet from
top to bottom. If mules accompany the party,
these beasts will <NOT> slow movement, for they
are sure-footed and negotiate the worst places
with relative ease. The rubble && detritus,
natural projections, protrusions, ledges, and
stoney spears are more common and prove a
real hazard in the secondary and tertiary tunnels.
These lesser-traveled ways offer more
places for lurking foes than do
the primary arteries of The Underworld.

Assume that the max. rate of travel is
1 mile (1 hex) per day per 1 inch of basic
movement rate, based on the slowest member
of the expedition, and only if unnecessary delays
are avoided and mapmaking is sketchy.
Reduce movement by 1 mile for every hour of
delay, and assume that careful mapping will
{slow} the party to 6 miles per day at most.

You may have crevasses and sinkholes as often
as is illustrated with the tunnel pieces, or
you may include such hazards every mile or so.
There is certainly a chance for a slip and fall
into a crevasse if proper care is not exercised.

Crevasses are 110-300 feet deep, so consider
any fall as fatal if it is not prevented in some
way. Adventurers roped together, using poles
to hold onto, etc. are not likely to slip. Otherwise,
consider there is a 1 in 20 chance of slipping
while trying to MOVE around or otherwise
pass over a crevasse. Any such slip will precipitate
a fatal fall. Should you feel extremely benevolent,
you might allow a save or
DEX check as a chance of a last desperate
grab for a handhold. <cf. Stopping a Fall>

Sink holes are 10'-80' deep. While there
is no real chance of slipping into them, if the
party is running in {haste} or traveling without
light, treat sink holes as pits, with a 1 in 3
chance of falling in. Damage thus sustained is
1d6 per 10 feet. <cf. Damage From Falling>

Ceiling height in the primary tunnels
ranges from 20' to 50', the average being
about 35 feet. In the secondary passages
the roof overhead varies from 15' to 40'
above the floor, with 25' being usual. In
the narrow tertiary tunnels the ceiling is from
8' to 25' high, with an average of 15' or so.
Where enlargements occur, the roof
will be near max. height. In large caves
or caverns, the ceiling height will be 10' to
20' above normal max.. In huge caverns,
such as the one in Chapter 8, ceiling
height is 100', 150' and as high as 200'
in places. Before PCs find this place
(should they hold to the path), there are 2
encounter areas they must contend with. (See
Chapter 7).

B. Denizens
2 races of creatures dominate the setting,
creatures with whom most adventurers should
as yet be unfamiliar. The most dominant by
far are the drow--the powerful dark elves of
lejend, who now rule most of these passages
and whose Vault lies at the end of the tunnels.
The Kuo-Toa (or gogglers), a race of fish-like
humanoids Now fading in power, battle
herein against final extermination. Though
not the equals of the drow by any means, they
still merit special attention by the DM, for
their many skills are noteworthy.

** NOTES **

** CHAPTER 6: Into The Depths **

Please study the details given for each of
these races (especially the drow) before continuing
this adventure. You should be proficient
in proper play of the spells usable by every <dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness 5' radius>
drow (and familiar with their effects)--so
much so that all such enemies that you represent
fight with skill and intelligence, fighting
to defend their homeland from alien invaders
(the PCs!) with all the tools at
their disposal.

Various additional notes are given below.

1. Drow (Dark Elf)

Nearly every drow wears a brooch indicating
his or her alliance with either a merchant clan
or a Noble house. Whenever such brooches
are left to random determination, use Drow
tables 1 or 2 to find the exact type and affiliation.

Drow Table 1: Brooches of the Noble Houses
1d8 Brooch description Noble House
1 Crossbow, platinum Godeep
2 Daggers, silver (crossed) Everhate
3 Javelin, electrum Tormtor
4 Mace, adamantite Despana
5 Nightmare's head, bronze Noquar
6 Staff, copper Eilservs
7 Sword, mithril Kilsek
8 Wand, gold Aleval

Drow Table 2: Brooches of the Merchant Clans
1d20 Brooch description Allied Noble House
1-2 Bars, 4 (pewter) Eilservs
3 Bone, white enameled Eilservs
4 Chain links (3), brass Tormtor
5 Cresent, silver Aleval
6-7 Gem, red enameled Despana
8 Hook, black iron Kilsek
9 Horsetail mushroom, pink enameled Noquar
10 Lozenge, green enameled Everhate
11 Morel mushroom, white enameled Godeep
12 Mushrooms (2), yellow enameled Noquar
13-14 Puffball mushroom, tan enameled Kilsek
15-16 Prism, blue enameled Tormtor
17 Shelf fungi, russet enameled Despana
18 Star, lilac enameled (5-pointed) Eilservs *
19 Urn, violet enameled None **
20 Whip, bronze coiled Eilservs

* inclination only, no formal alliance
** currently uncommitted, no inclination

There are 3 types of drow patrols in the
underworld--all-male, all-female, and mixed
(drow and other creatures). The number and
type of non-drow troops are determined by
the size of the passage in which they are encountered.
Use Drow tables 3 and 4 to find
the exact composition of any patrol encountered.

Drow Table 3: Patrol composition

Male or Female
7-10   Fighters
1         Patrol Leader
1         Patrol Commander

Mixed Patrol
2        Male Fighters
-        Male Patrol Leader
(var)    Troops (ee table 4)

Drow Table 4: Non-Drow Patrol Troops

Roll 1d6, and add 0 for a Primary passage,
+6 for a Secondary passage, or +12 for a Tertiary
1d6 (+) Troops
1-3 11-16 bugbears
4-5 2 trolls + 11-16 troglodytes
6 4 ghasts + 7-12 ghouls
7 11-14 bugbears
8-11 2 trolls + 11-16 troglodytes
12 4 ghasts + 7-10 ghouls
13-15 2 trolls + 7-10 troglodytes
16-18 4 ghasts + 7-10 ghouls

The size of a drow merchant train determines
the number and class of its members, as
summarized on Drow Table 5. It also determine
the chance of the train carrying valuables
(other than the usual trade goods), and
if so, the number of rolls to make; see Drow
Table 6.

Drow Table 5: Merchant Train Composition
Train Size Male Merchants Drow Fighters Leaders
Small 1-2 2 1
Medium 3-4 6 2
Large 5-8 12 3
Train Size Bugbear Guards Slave Bearers Pack Lizards
Small 4 5-8 1-2
Medium 8 9-16 3-4
Large 16 17-24 6-9

Drow Table 6: Merchant's Valuables
Merchant Train size Chance for Valuables Number of Rolls (on table below)
Small 30% 1
Medium 45% 2
Large 75% 3
1d100 Valuables Carried Example
01-45 110-300 silver ingots -
46-75 31-50 gold ingots -
76-80 5-10 platinum ingots -
81-83 2-5 mithril ingots * -
84-85 1-4 adamantite ingots ** -
86-89 1-100 gems, base value 50 gp each 3 sardonyx
90-94 5-12 potions 10 potions (potion of speed: 200, potion of hill giant control: 400, oil of fiery burning: 500, potion of healing: 200, potion of human control: 500, potion of clairaudience: 250, elixir of life: 250, elixir of life: 250, oil of fumbling: --, elixir of youth: 500)
95-98 1-4 scrolls 1 scroll: Melf's acid arrow, rope trick, Otto's tin soldiers, wall of fire
99-00 1 magick item (ring, rod, staff, wand, or miscellaneous magick) ring of protection +2 (2400)

* value in the underworld 250 gp per pound
** value in the underworld 400 gp per pound
(all ingots weigh 10 pounds each)

Drow Table 7: Races of Slaves
1d20 Race of Slave
1 bugbear
2 dwarf
3 elf
4-5 gnoll
6 goblin
7 half-elf
8-9 half-orc
10-12 hobgoblin
13-17 human
18-19 euroz
20 troglodyte

2. Kuo-Toa
Kuo-Toans are fish-like humanoids, the
products of spawning. All Kuo-Toans with the
same Hit Dice have the same hit ponts, as follows:

                    Hit Points for
Hit Dice Males Females
2 12 10
3 18 15
4 28 24
5 35 30
6 42 36
7 56 49
8 64 56
9 72 n/a
10 90 n/a
11 99 n/a
12 120 n/a

Outside of their shrine, the Kuo-Toa are encountered
in one of three types of groups: pilgrims,
a cleric party, or a war party.

Pilgrims: These travelers are usually heading
for the shrine to make their abulations.

14-24 Pilgrims (unarmed, 1-6 female)
2-5 Warriors with dagger and short bow
1 Patrol Leader with dagger and harpoon
1 Monitor
2 Priests (unarmed)
11- 14 Slaves bearing shell offerings to the
Sea Mother and equipment (food,
clothing, erc.).

<Priest> Party: This is a group of priests going to
or coming from the shrine detailed in Chapter
10. The party consists of the following:

7-12 Warriors with dagger, <ox-tongue> spear, and  <buckler>
5-8 Warriors with dagger and short bow
2 Patrol Leaders with dagger and harpoon
4 Priests (unarmed)
1 Lama (unarmed)
5-8 Slave bearers (unarmed)

War Party: These creatures will occasionally go
forth to capture slaves or raid a group that is
hostile to their kind or has given offense to the
Sea Mother.

24 Warriors with dagger, <ash> spear, and <medium> shield
8 Warriors with dagger and short bow
8 Warriors with dagger, net, and <ox-tongue> spear
4 Patrol Leaders with dagger and harpoon
2 Commanders with dagger and harpoon
1 War Party Lord with dagger and harpoon
2 Monitors
4 Whips with dagger, <ox-tongue> spear, and garrotte
1 Fanatic (<Priest>|Assassin) with mantrap and garrote
12 Slave bearers (unarmed)

C. Encounters
Placed encounters

Handle all noted encounter areas with great
care. Antagonists of the party should act and
react in organized fashion--the drow and illithids
w| great cunning and cleverness, the
trolls, bugbears, troglodytes, and similar denizens
of the cavern in Chapter 7 not quite so
intelligently, but with vigor and purpose.

Random Encounters
There are separate tables for random encounters
in the tunnels, according to the size
of the passage or proximity to a special encounter
area. Make 1 random encounter
check for each mile (hex) of tunnel traveled
through, plus one check per night (as the
party decamps). The probabilities of such an
encounter vary according to the locale, and are
shown on each table.

PRIMARY PASSAGE: 1 in 10 chance
1d100 Creatures encountered
01-15 Beetles, fire (2-5)
16-18 Beholder (1)
19-20 Black pudding (1)
21-25 Bugbears (13-18)  with slaves (19-24)
26-39 Drow merchant, small train
31-35 Drow merchant, medium train
36-39 Drow merchant, large train
40-44 Drow patrol, male
45-49 Drow patrol, female
50-59 Drow patrol, mixed
60-64 Gas spore (1)
65-69 Ghouls (9-16) and ghasts (2-5)
70 Gray ooze (1)
71-72 Green slime (1)
73-77 Illithids (1-2) and wererats (2-5) (a, b)
78-80 Marlgoyles (3-18)
81-82 Mold, brown (1)
83-84 Mold, yellow (1)
85-86 Ochre jelly (1)
87-88 Purple worm (1)
89-90 Rust monster (1)
91-92 Shadows (2-5)
93-95 Slug, giant (1)
96-00 Trolls (1-4) and troglodytes (9-16) (a)

SECONDARY PASSAGE: 1 in 12 chance
1d100 Encounter
01-10 Beetles, fire (2-5)
11-15 Bugbears (13-18) and slaves (19-24)
16-17 Bullette (Bullette) (1) (c) 
18-22 Drow merchant, small
23-27 Drow merchant, medium
28-32 Drow patrol, male
33-37 Drow patrol, mixed
38-42 Ghouls (9-16) and ghasts (2-5)
43-47 Illithids (1-2) and wererats (2-5) (d)
48-52 Lizards, subterranean (2)
53-57 Lizards, huge subterranean (2)
58-60 Lurker above (1)
61-63 Piercers (5-20)
64-66 Purple worm (1)
67-69 Shadows (2-5)
70-74 Shriekers (5-8)
75-79 Shriekers (1-4) and violet fungi (1-4)
80-82 Slug, giant (1) 
83-85 Snake, giant constrictor (1) (e)
86-92 Spiders, giant (2-5)
93-94 Spiders, phase (1-4)
95-97 Ropers (2-5)
98-00 Rust Monster (1) (b)

TERTIARY PASSAGE: 1 in 12 chance
1d100 Creature Encountered
01-07 Ants, giant (11-30; 1 in 10 is a warrior)
08-17 Beetles, fire (2-5)
18-22 Drow merchant, small train
23-27 Drow patrol, male
28-32 Drow patrol, mixed
33-35 Green slime (1) (c)
36-38 Illithids (2-8)
39-45 Jermlaine (15-30) (c)
46-48 Lich (1)
49-53 Lizards, subterranean (2-3)
54-56 Lurker above (1)
57-68 Piercer (5-20)
69-71 Rust monster (1)
72-74 Shadows (2-5)
75-77 Shambling mounds (1-4)
78-80 Shriekers (2-8)
81-83 Slithering tracker (1)
84-88 Svirfnebli (2-8) (d)
89-91 Trapper (1)
92-94 Umber hulks (1-2)
95-97 Vampire (1)
98-00 Xorn (2-5)

a. If within 6 miles of the Kuo-Toan shrine,
the encounter is with a party of Kuo-Toan
<priests> instead.

b. If within 6 miles ov the Vault of the drow,
the encounter is a drow patrol (mixed type)

c. If within 6 miles of the Kuo-Toan shrine or
other Kuo-Toan outpost, the encounter is
with a Kuo-Toan war party instead.

d. If within 6 miles of the Kuo-Toan shrine,
the encounter is with a band of Kuo-Toan
pilgrims instead.

** CHAPTER 7: The Route to the Warrens **

In the first 1/3 of the journey to the Vault
of the Drow, there are 2 set encounters:
with a drow outpost and a next of illithids
(mind flayers). The latter are the friendly enemies
of the drow, and should the party be able
to prove to the dark elves that they have SLAIN
mind flayers, there is a 90% chance the drow
will be well-disposed toward the party. The
other 10% may be aware of the party’s involvement
in the destruction of the giants,
seek to stop the characters before they reach
Lolth’s temple, or just do not care about the illithids.

Encounter Area D-3
Use encounter piece 11? for this meeting, facing
either end of the piece in a southeast--northwest
direction to conform to the
passageway. The area is south of the tunnel
nexus. It is dimly illuminated by phosphorescent

This is a drow checkpoint with 2 separate
patrol groups, males to the left, females to the
right. The males will have two pickets out on
duty to observe the passage in both directions.
Despite rivalry between the groups each will
cooperate fully with the other in an intelligent
attack and defense pattern. The two groups
are detailed below.

Each dark elf has a small leather pouch containing
1-4 pp per level of experience (the
higher in the case of a multi-class). Each drow
above 4th level has, in addition, one gem
(worth 100 gp) per level above 4th.

Drow Male Contingent
There are 10 Swordsmen (3rd level Fighters) to the SW,
2 of whom are on guard duty and will
report the presence of any creature moving
along the passage. The 2 leaders are Villains (4th
level Fighters), and the unit commander is a Myrmidon (6th
Level). The commander’s liaison is a noble
named Jeggred (of House Aleval), a Spellblade (Swashbuckler/Enchanter)
(Fighter/Magic-User) (Levels 5 / 7). If he is SLAIN or taken
and carefully searched, he is found to be wearing
small brooch of a brass wand, inscribed (in
drow) Alevd.

Male Fighters (10): MR 54 % ; AC 0; HD 3 (hp
13 each); THACO 17; SA + 1 to hit with
crossbow; chain + 1, <medium> shield + 1 , <cinquedea>
+1, dagger +1, hand crossbow with 10
poisoned bolts; XPV 214 each, 2,140 for all

Male Leaders (2): MR 58 O h ; AC - 2 ; HD 4 (hp
18 each); THACO 16; SA +2 to hit with
javelins; chain +2, <large> shield +2, <xiphos>
+2, dagger +2, atlatl with 3 poisoned javelins;
XPV 337 each

Male Commander: MR 62 % ; AC - 3; HD 6
(hp 28); THACO 16; SA +1 to hit with
crossbow; chain + 3, <medium> shield + 3, short sword
+4, dagger +2, hand crossbow with 10
poisoned bolts; XPV 793

Jeggred of House Aleval: Spellblade (Swashbuckler/Enchanter) (Level 5/7 Fighter/
Magic-user); MR 64%; AC - 2 ; hp 33;
THACO 14; SA +2 to hit with crossbow;
chain +4, short sword +2, dagger +2,
hand crossbow with 10 poisoned bolts, rope
of entanglement; XPV 5,712; Spells:
First Level: magick missile(x2), sleep, ventriloquism
Second Level: detect invisibility, mirror
image, ray of enfeeblement
Third Level: lightning bolt, slow
Fourth Level: ice storm

Drow Female Contingent
This group consists of 8 female <Warriors>,
2 <Swordswomen>,
led by 2 female <priestessa>
The lesser is Akordia, a Canon (Level 6) noble of the House of Despanna.
She carries a special sling staff and 3 glass
globes (see notes below). Hidden on her person
is a small brooch of a blue-black mace, inscribed
(in drow) Despana.

The leader, High Priestess Vlondril (9th
level), is a servant of the Great Fane of Lolth.
She is always cloaked in black, but wears a
magical lurker cloak (see Appendix B) underneath.
She is charged with reporting to the
Fane any significant event which transpires after
the fall of Snurre (and the ruin of Eclavdra’s
plans, for the latter is an opponent of the
Fane). Thus, if for any reason the drow are seriously
threatened, she will attempt to save
herself by using her magickal cloak to change
into a lurker above and fly off without being

Hidden in Vlondril’s hair is a golden spider
pin inscribed (in drow) Lolth, Queen Death

Female Fighters (8): MR 54%; AC 0; HD 2
(hp 10 each); THACO 17; SA +1 to hit
with crossbow; chain +1, buckler +1,
<katzbalger> +1 , dagger + 1, hand crossbow
with 10 poisoned bolts; XPV 154 each,
1,232 for all

Female Patrol Leaders (2): MR 56%; AC 0;
HD 3 (hp 15 each); THACO 17; SA +1 to
hit with javelins; chain + 1, buckler +1 ,
short sword +1, dagger +1, atlatl with 3
poisoned javelins; XPV 235 each

High Priestess Vlondril: <Level 9 Cleric>; MR
68%; AC -6; hp 48; THACO 8 (with
footman's mace); chain +4, <medium> shield +3, <footman's mace +4>,
lurker cloak (polymorph self to lurker above; see Appendix B)
under normal black cloak; XPV 4,876; Spells:
First Level: bless, cure light wounds (x2),
protection from good, <cause> fear (x2)
Second Level: augury (x2), hold person
(x2), silence 15’ radius, snake charm
Third Level: continual darkness, cure disease,
prayer, speak with the dead
Fourth Level: cure serious wounds, poison, tongues
Fifth Level: cure critical wounds.

Canon Akordia: Level 6 <Priestess>; MR 62 % ; AC
-3; hp 30; THACO 17; SA/SD + 1 to hit
with staff sling; chain +3, buckler +3,
mace +1, staff sling <delete?>, 3 glass globes (see below); <+1 or +3?>
XPV  l,105; Spells:
1st Level: cure light wounds (x3), curse, <cause> fear.
2nd Level: hold person, silence 15’ radius, resist fire.
3rd Level: animate dead, cure disease.

Staff sling: Minimum range 3”, maximum
9” ; - 2 to hit at 6” or more. Minimum ceiling
height 30 feet. Apply standard procedures for
miss location, but triple distance (to 3-18

The missiles for this weapon, three glass
globes carried by Akordia, contain a luminous
irritant fluid. This vaporizes on impact in an
AREA of effect, a cloud 10 feet in diameter and
12' tall (half diameter if broken on vertical
surface). Each victim within the AREA must
save vs. poison or be blinded and out of action
(scratching furiously) for 7-10 rounds or until
the eyes are washed. The luminous droplets
on the body cause an AC penalty of
+ 1 to +4, lasting for 2-5 turns or until
washed off. Both effects last for 1 round at
least, and can only be removed by another full
round of washing.

The side caves contain only a few spare
items--sleeping silks, several small boxes of
provisions, and individual kits with eating
utensils, cups, etc. There are 2 Black Metal
medallions (of adamantium alloy) bearing a
likeness of a spider on one side and a female
drow on the other. Each is suspended by a fine
loop of black chain. Hidden at the bottom of
one provision box is a bone tube belonging to
Vlondril. It contains a scroll of 7 cleric
spells: find traps, neutralize poison (x2),
tongues, cure critical wounds, heal, stone tell.

Encounter Area M-12
Use encounter piece II (reversed) when this
encounter occurs. This area is the westernmost
spy post of the illithids, one of which the drow
are well aware but do NOT care to deal with at
this Time, due to the recent reverses suffered.
As is usual throughout the sunless world,
phosphorescent lichens growing sparsely
about these passages and caves, and make it
possible for normal vision to function at up to
10 feet.

There are 12 ratmen working herein with
the mind flayers. 4 wererats are in the tunnel
proper (2 above the cave AREA and two
below), about 60' from the center. These
watchers are in rat form, and will scurry back
to give WARNING if any creatures approach.

They have drow baselards + 1, and baldrics <wiktionary>
and hangers kept to either side of the passageway
where their eight comrades guard 2 illithids
(4 to one side, four to the other).

The stronger illithid is near the cave.pool
with a bound drow merchant captive. He is
questioning the dark elf about the current alliances,
power groups, and feuds between the
drow clans and noble houses. If the illithid
gets any chance, he will kill the drow so no
tales can be carried.

When the party is sighted, the ratmen RUSH
to warn their masters and fellows. The wererats
prepare to ambush the party, but only after
each illithid delivers an opening mind
blast. The weaker of the mind flayers will survey
the melee, using <psychic> domination upon
any character who approaches, while the
stronger returns to be ready to do away with
the prisoner. When the battle goes against
their servants, the illithids flee NW and
then into the secret tertiary exit to the northeast.

Wererats (12): hp 17 each; XPV 218 each,
2,616 for all

Illithids (2): hp 43, 38; XPV 2,316, 2,256

The wererats nest in the caves opposite
those which contain the pool. In a small place
(suitable for their rat size, but which must be
crawled into by even so small a creature as a
gnome) is a nest of animal skin, old cloth,
bones, etc. Under this is a dull olive cloak
(non-magkical but valuable if the party eventually
reaches the Vault of the Drow) which was
among the drow merchant’s possessions. Each <link:merchant>
ratman has 30 gp and a gold ring set with
moonstone (worth 400 gp) as indication of
service to the illithids.

On the other side, the mind flayers have encamped
in the alcove off the pool AREA. They
have folding cots, a small table, 2 folding
stools, some utensils, and hampers for food. <>
Each has a small coffer of personal effects.
Each coffer has poisoned needles in the latch.
One contains a potion of healing, 200 gp, and
a black sapphire (worth 5,000 gp). The other
has 1 5 0 gp , 5 8 pp , a potion ov polymorph (self) &
scarab of death, and a small silver crescent
brooch (of the Aleval merchant clan). <link:merchant>

A nearby nook, blocked by a small boulder,
contains an iron chest. Within it are 300 copper
and 300 silver ingots (10 pounds each).
These are used as bribes to subvert drow servants.
The handle of the chest lid is actually an
iron tube which contains a scroll of protection
from undead (1500), and (hidden in an inner lining)
a scroll of protection from demons (2500).


(Encounter Area Q- 18 / 19)

Encounter occurs 1 in 12; check each turn
Western Half -
1. Drow..Patrol, mixed * -
2. Drow..Merchants * -
3. Gargoyles (2-8) Gargoyle: hp 22 each; XPV 275 each
4. Trolls (2-5)  Troll: hp 28 each; XPV 749 each
Eastern Half -
1. Troglodytes (7-18) Troglodyte: hp 12 each; XPV 60 each
2. Bugbears (2-12)  Bugbear (Underworld type): AC 3 (ring jack
and <medium> shield); hp 14 each; Dmg 4-10 (heavy
morning star) or 2-8 (heavy throwing
spear); XPV 191 each
3. Trolls (2-5) Troll: hp 28 each; XPV 749 each
4. Troglodytes (7-18) Troglodyte: hp 12 each; XPV 60 each

Encounter Details

* Drow (patrol or merchants): As described on
page ##. Equal chances for small, medium,
or large merchant train.

All bugbears, gargoyles, troglodytes, and
trolls in this chapter are <as above> unless otherwise

Areas 1-40

** CHAPTER 9: The Journey to the Shrine **

Use the Random Encounter tables noted in
Chapter 6 for encounters between the warrens
of the cave--dwellers and the shrine of the kuo-toans.
There are in addition two encounter areas
along this route.

When a random or pre-set encounter occurs,
use the special encounter piece included
especially for the purpose--the sample passageway
sections |or| the encounter pieces as appropriate.
Note that encountered monsters
will act /react with intelligence and organization
commensurate with their mentality and
social development. This is especially applicable
with respect to the ancient race of kuo-toa
people, who have a highly structured and
complex society within their shrine AREA.

Where the main passage nears the shrine
chamber, they way becomes quite well-lit for a
subterranean tunnel, with many growths of
phosphorescent lichen growing along walls
and ceilings, shedding a dim but constant

Encounter Area W-27

Use encounter piece IV for the crossing of
the Svartjet River. The surface is very smooth <cf. Underground Waterways, DSG>
here, as the channel is over 80 feet deep. On
the far bank, in the cove shown, is moored an
8‘ x 14‘ barge with a sculling oar. This barge is
operated by Thoopshib, a kuo-toan of great
size and strength.

Thoobshib is a rogue monitor with 18 dexterity
and 18/00 strength. He is quite chaotic
and a bit insane. He is a 13th level for purposes
of attack and saves, and attacks
4 times per round, always to kill. Thoopshib
may be unbalanced, but he is very sly. Normally,
any creature acquainted with his service
will whistle or call for service, pay a fee of 1 pp
(or its equivalent), and be ferried across. The
solitary kuo-toan does not care who or what he

If the barge is threatened or attacked, he
will leap into the Svartjet and summon his
only companion, a giant gar over 30 feet long.
The gar stays just upstream from the crossing
AREA, and if it is urged on by Thoopshib, it has
a 15% /round chance of upsetting the barge.
The gar will bite damage 80% of the time
anyone is in the water there, 25% if the character
is walking on the water, though only
10% if levitating or flying up to 20 feet above
the water (the maximum height of its leap).

Thoopshib, Kuo-Toan..Monitor: HD 13 (hp
90); THACO 6; #AT 4; Dmg 4-10/4-10/2-
512-5; SA/SD see special notes; XPV
Koronnah, Giant Gar: hp 65; XPV 1,200

The noise of the river will mask normal
sounds from the hearing of the kuo-toan, but
bright light in the cavern will certainly attract
his attention. He will come forth and offer in
the common speech of the underworld (undercommon)
to take the party across for the
proper fee each. Each time he repeats this offer
(and it will not be understood by the party
without magickal aid or an interpreter), he has
a 10% cumulative chance of going berserk
and attacking.

When Thoopshib sculls the barge, it will
take him only 6 rounds to travel directly across
to moor the barge in the opposite bank cove.
If others scull the craft, it will take twice that
long, they will move diagonally downstream,
and there will be no possibility of mooring the
barge, so it will be carried off downstream by
the current after disembarkation. If
Thoopshib is somehow forced to take a party
across, he will leap into the Svartjet in midstream,
taking the sculling oar with him, and
seek his giant gar friend. The barge will be carried
downstream at a rate of 9 miles per hour. <cf. Flowing Water, DSG>
There is a 70% chance that the vessel will
ground at hex B2-24, but failing that it will
continue at an average speed of 5 miles per
hour all the way to the Sunless Sea. Travel upriver
in the barge is impossible. It is not possible
to walk along the riverside.

One of the side caves serves Thoopshib as a
home. He has a large pile of dried seaweed to
sleep on, various shell and stone containers
and utensils, and odds and ends of worthless
gear are around the place. He has found a natural
pot in the floor, however, and a stalagmite
thrust into the mouth of this opening
appears to be quite natural. Beneath this stopper
he has sequestered 1,420 gp, 691 pp, 77
gems worth 10 gp each, 2 potions of extra-healing  (400 each), <banded agate>
a Black Metal medallion with a spider
relief on one side and the head of a female
drow on the other, a poisonous cloak, and a
gold sphere (a 9-die fireball from a necklace of
missiles: 50 x 9).

Encounter Area A2-31
Use encounter piece V when this area is
reached. Describe the multitude of openings
available to the party, and indicate that this
area is faintly lit by the glowing lichens and
phosphorescent streaks of mineral in the walls
of the passageway. They will nor see any creatures
or hear any noise, but there are 8
svirfnebli watching them from hiding.

There are 5 swordsmen (3rd level deep gnome..fighters),
2 heroes (4th level deep gnome..fighters), and
1 swashbuckler (5th level), named Trosli Garnetgetter.
If the party stops and searches the area (or
calls out in friendly terms), the Svirfnebil
leader will show himself and offer the PEACE
sign, recognizing the party as creatures from
the upper world. He will converse in sign language,
or speak normally if some magickal
means of communication or understanding is
available. If the adventurers offer not fewer
than one 100 gp gem per deep gnome, and
agree to going “halfies” on any others taken,
the Svirfnebli will certainly agree to accompany
the party to the shrine cavern.

The deep gnomes hate the kuo-toa people
as much as they despise the drow, and this
group has spied upon the shrine, for they are
prospecting in the area. As they have just
taken the last gems from a vein here, they are
willing to get others from their enemies. Naturally,
the small fighters know the passages
well, and they have small secret passages
which allow them to spy upon the shrine from
high on the walls or from above.

Trosli Garnetgetter is of a very respected noble
gnomish family. He has an ability normally
possible only to deep gnomes of higher
level; that is, he is able to call a creature from
the Elemental Plane of Earth once per day to
serve or otherwise aid him, but this Trosli is
loath to do, for he must pay the elemental
creature in fine gems. The creature answering
the call is determined at random using the following
table :
1d20 Result
1 24 HD earth elemental
2-7 16 HD earth elemental
8-12 12 HD earth elemental
13-16 8 HD earth elemental
17-19 xorn
20 summons fails

Each of the Svirfnebli has a small tablet
compounded of special minerals which restore
4 HP, while their leader has a full dozen
extra of these curatives. Trosli Garnetgetter
also has a pouch containing six large stones
which shatter and release an obscuring gas
(15’ diameter cloud, 10 feet high) when
smashed by hurling against a hard surface, as
well as 4 yellowish rocks which release poison
gas in a similar cloud when smashed.

Each of these deep gnomes has double the
number of gems usual to their kind, i.e. 10-40
worth 10 gp each. <malachite>

Svirfnebli, 3rd level (5): MR 20%; AC 2; hp
20 each; 7 gas darts; XPV 305 each, 1,525
for all
Svirfnebli, 4th level (2): MR 25%; AC 1; hp
25 each; 3 acid..darts; XPV 430 Each, 860 for
Svirfnebli leader Trosli Garnetgetter: Level
5 Fighter; MR 30 % ; AC 0; hp 30; 3 acid darts,
6 stones of obscuring gas, 4 stones of poison
gas; XPV 585

**CHAPTER 11: The Borders of the Drow Kingdom**

The path from the realms of the kuo-toans
plunge further into the darkness, the primary
passage well-worked and illuminated by the
ghostly images of phosphorescent lichens.
The secondary and tertiary passages are less
brightly lit, and far ahead in those passages,
the characters can hear occasionally the moans
and gibbering of a creature in pain, terminated
by a scream of agony, from sources
unknown, finally fading into absolute silence.

Use the tables provided in Chapter 6 for
random encounters, plus the three pre-set encounters
in this chapter. As the characters approach
the Vault of the Drow, certain
encounters become more common (including
demons in the tertiary passages).

Encounter Area 42-49
Use piece VII from the special map for this
encounter. All passages, save the northeastern
one directly to the drow vault, debouch into a
large chamber directly below a massive wall
with sentries pacing its battlements. This
chamber is 130 feet long, 120 feet wide, and
150 feet high along its great central dome’s
apex. Buttresses and flying arches carved from
living rock support the massive roof of the cavern,
and its side walls are polished smooth to
a height of about 35 feet. Vegetation and minerals
give a bluish glow to the AREA, a dim and
shadowless light.

The northeastern quadrant of the chamber
is guarded by a stone wall, 8 feet thick and 30
feet high not counting its 7-foot crest, a crennelated
battlement pierced with small
crosslets. There are 2 massive gates fashioned
of beaten bronze, protected with long
spikes which point outward and prevent any
creature from forcing these valves by body
pressure. Each gate opens inward by windlass
and counterweight. In the area behind the
wall are two buildings, 20 feet tall, with a 4-
foot-high parapet along the courtyard sides.
Each is pierced with narrow slits closed from
the inside with bronze shutters, and each has
but a single door, also of bronze and bristling
with spikes.

The wall is patrolled by 4 male drow
.fighters, whose equipment includes 10-foot-long
long military forks. Below at the gates are
4 additional 2nd level male drow,
equipped as are those on the wall but without
military forks. With these gate tenders is a 5th
level male drow leader.

Combat note: Those defending behind a
parapet gain a -2 AC bonus; those on a crennelated
battlement gain -4. Increase missile
ranges by 10 feet for every 15 feet of wall
height; a hand crossbow fired from the wall
has a range of 80 feet. Additional range is always

Inside the long eastern building are two
dozen cots, and 16 guards are usually off duty
here. In a rack to the right of the door are 12
military forks. There are pegs along the walls
for garments and personal gear, and each soldier
has his own small trunk. In addition, a
long benched table and two small chairs are
readily seen. The stairs lead to a trapdoor to
the roof (and an additional flight of steps to
the battlement). Stored under the stairs are
four boxes of provisions, a large barrel of water,
a smaller barrel with violet-colored wine,
and a box containing 24 pouches, each of
which holds 10 small poisoned crossbow bolts.

The western building houses the drow leaders,
2 other male Swashbucklers and their
Spellblade commander. There are
4 beds in the room, separated by small
folding screens. Near each bed is a small chest,
a chair, and a small writing table with parchment,
quill, and various orders. In the forepart
of the place is a table and 4 chairs with
various pieces of silver dinnerware (but worth
only the value of their weight in silver, as they
are plain). Each small trunk contains a jeweled
goblet (three of 3,000 gp and one of 5,000 gp
value), and the commander’s holds 10 gems
(100 gp each) and a platinum tube (1,000 gp) <alexandrite>
containing a scroll of four spells (charm monster,
invisible stalker, lightning bolt,
passwall). In the storage area underneath the
stairs which lead to the roof are 2 ration
boxes, a tun of water, a cask of wine, a crate
with 18 poisoned javelins, a small wooden
trunk with 20 blank parchment scrolls, a large
hamper filled with blankets, and a locked iron
chest covered with an old blanket. Inside the
chest are 4 Black Metal medallions (with a
spider on one face and a female drow on the
other) on fine chains, a pale green robe, 2
pairs of tinted lenses, 4 potions of healing (4 x 200),
and 2 potions of plant control (2 x 250).

Each drow carries 1-6 pp per level of experience
and 1-6 gems (10 gp each). <moss agate>

Guards (24 males): MR 54% : AC 1; HD 2 (hp
10 each); THACO 20; chain +1, buckler
+ 1, shortsword + 1 , hand crossbow with 10
poisoned bolts, military fork; XPV 138
each, 3,312 for all

Leaders (3 males): MR 58%; AC -2; HD 5
(hp 23 each); THACO 18; chain +2, buckler
+2, katzbalger +2, dagger +2, atlatl
with three poisoned javelins; XPV 475
each, 1,425 for all

Framentza, Outpost Commander: (Spellblade: Myrmidon|Enchanter)
(Level 6|7 Fighter/Magic-User); hp 33; MR 64%; AC
-5; THACO <15>; chain +3, buckler +3,
gladius +3, dagger +2, wand of viscous
globs (48 charges), wings of flying (750).
XPV 5,112; Spells:
1st level: burning hands, charm person,
comprehend languages, magick missile
2nd level: mirror image, ray of enfeeblement,
3rd Level: fireball, hold person
4th Level: wall of fire

Encounter Area E-47
Use encounter piece VIII for this meeting.
The AREA has a permanent illusion cast over it.
As soon as the PCs step out of a tunnel mouth,
they see the following. A starry sky gleams
overhead, and a bright crescent moon beams
down upon the place, filling it with soft white
light. Flowering dwarf trees and blooming
shrubs and bushes circle the central garden,
and beautiful flowers bloom everywhere. The
perfume of jasmine, magnolias, lilacs, orange
blossoms, honeysuckle, and camellias fill the
air with so heady a scent as to make one gasp.
There is a particularly lovely grotto in the tenter
of the place, lustrous marble steps leading
down to a rose--surrounded statue of
alabaster--a breathtaking sculpture of a nude
human female poised gracefully with one
hand outstretched as if to pluck a rose. Several
small birds can be heard twittering amidst the
branches of the leafy bushes and shrubs, while
a nightingale sings its sweet song from high
atop a tree..

The statue is Silussa, a succubus. She produces
1 charm person effect per round until
her true nature is discovered. When this occurs,
she uses suggestion to cause disorganization
and dissent. When the PCs first come
into the place, or if they are in doubt about
what they know, she uses ESP for guidance. If
seriously threatened by attacks or faced with
death, she will become ethereal. In no event
will she gate in another demon, for she relies
upon the aid of her paramour, Belgos.

The twittering birds are actually 60 bats
hanging about the walls of the cavern, and 40
giant rats around the walls. They have informed
their master of the approach of the
party, and upon his command the bats flutter
up and obscure vision while the rats attack.
Any hit will kill a bat.

The master of the bats and rats is Silussa’s
lover, a male drow..vampire named Belgos,
who is in bat form when the party enters.
When as the PCs become aware that something
is amiss, he orders his minions to attack,
and at some point thereafter changes to drow
form and attacks personally--first by charm
gaze, then by physical blows. Belgos is absolutely
fearless and 75% likely to strike aside
any holy symbol before him (even though
such action will cause him 2-12 points of damage).
He will do his utmost to prevent any
creature from going NW from the area
toward the drow vault.

If Silussa is attacked, Belgos gains a + 1 bonus
to hit and to damage.

Giant Rats (40): hp 2 each; XPV 4 each

Normal Bats (60): hp 1 each; XPV 1 each

Silussa the Succubus: hp 40; XPV 2,340

Belgos, male Drow..Vampire: AL CE; INT Exc;
SZ M; MV 12” / 18” (MC B); MR 66% : AC
0; HD 8 4-3 (hp 57); THACO 12; #AT 1;
Dmg 5-10; SA double energy drain; SD
magick weapon to hit; at will darkness, detect
magick, faerie fire, know alignment,
levitate; ring of protection + 1 (2000), Black
Metal drow medallion; XPV 5,184

The island-like center of the cavern is
merely bare rock, but its floor hides a secret
entrance which opens to a narrow flight of
steps leading down. At the bottom of these
stairs is a chamber hewn out of the rock, a 16’
x 14‘ room richly furnished with rugs upon the
floor, tapestries on the walls, and erotic sculpture
here and there.

Acting as the evil pair’s servitor in this area
is a charmed Svirfneblin named Olaf Wodehopper,
who Belgos and Silussa intend to
make their next repast. Olafs armor &&
weapons have been thrown into a small nook
screened by wall hangings. Olafwill obey any
command from either Silussa or Belgos.

Svirfneblin Olaf Wodehopper: MR 20% ; AC
7; HD 3 (hp 21 , currently 11); THACO 18;
#AT/Dmg unarmed; SA/SD see special
notes; XPV 308; will not use any power except
non-detection unless ordered to by
the vampire or succubus

Within this room are 2 lounge chairs, a
silk couch, a beautifully wrought coffin, a
small table, a chest, a wardrobe, and a folding <chest=x>
screen. On the table are two chalices (2,500 gp
each), a ewer (4,000 gp), and a basin (3,000
gp), all of worked gold and set with gems. The
ewer contains blood, and the goblets traces of
the same. The basin contains a barely visible
fluid, which will spill easily. This oil of etherealness
(three potions’ worth) (3 x 600) may be obtained
only with careful examination and handling.
Beside the couch is a small coffer of rose
quartz (1,000 gp) which holds 6 fine rubies
(5,000 gp each) and six pieces of gold jewelry
set with gems--two rings (2,000 and 4,000
gp), a necklace (16,000 gp), a pair of earrings
(3,000 gp), and a bracelet (10,000 gp).

While all of the other furnishings are of
high quality, their value is not sufficient to be
considered treasure. Some grooming items are
scattered about, and a number of normal garments
are hung in the wardrobe. Amongst
them is a cloak of poisonousness. In the inner
pocket of an old robe is a flat ebony case which
is lined with lead to block all magick. Within
this case are pipes of the sewers (1750) and a ring of
spell storing (animate dead, knock, maze,
polymorph self). (2500) Carelessly cast into the bottom
of the closet are a pair of strange pinkish
lenses, and unless a careful SEARCH is made they
will be overlooked.

Encounter Area U2-48

Use encounter piece IX when the party enters
this AREA. When the cavern can be observed,
the PCs VIEW a welter of bones,
exoskeletons, dried mummy-like husks, and
other unidentifiable materials. But unless the
party is drow-sized and wearing drow cloaks,
their entry results in up to 7 characters
each being attacked by 2-5 fine web strands,
flung from above. Each such attack is equal to
a web spell effect.

Closer examination of the remains in the
cavern shows that these were humans, troglodytes,
bugbears, orcs, goblins, gnomes, various
insects (mostly fire beetles and giant ants),
spiders (dead mates of the inhabitants of the
place as well as wandering victims of other
sorts), and various and sundry unknown parts
of dead things.

50' above, in a network of webbing
which covers the whole roof, lurk seven giant
black widow spiders. After flinging their web
strands, these monsters hasten down to attack,
arriving in position to do so 1 round after
they make the web attack. These arachnids are
pets and friends of the drow, and as symbols
of the deity of the dark elves are often fed prisoners
or slaves no longer useful to the drow.
Due to this relationship, they do not molest
the dark elves; but any creatures with the drow
are always food for the ever-hungry spiders, so
they quickly act to gain such meals. The spiders
are in great fear of the vampire Belgos
and his demon mistress, for this pair will occasionally
taunt them or carry one off to sacrifice
to the demoness Lolth. If it appears that either
or both of these creatures are within the cavern,
the black widows will flee to their holes
in fear.

Giant Spiders (7): hp 31, 28, 27, 25, 25, 24,
22; XPV 315 + 4/hp each, 3,115 for all

The numbered tunnel spurs are the lairs of
these spiders. Each tunnel is about 45 feet
above the floor of the cavern, a roughly circular
opening of 8 feet in diameter. Area E is a
deserted lair. Areas 1-7 are spun with webs but
contain no treasure. Area 8 is the lair of the
queen spider of this nest, a particularly
bloated and disgusting monster of unusual
size and virulent venom ( - 2 penalty to saving
throws). The black widow queen seldom ventures
forth from her tunnel, but if any creature
sets foot in it she rushes to attack the
daring intruder of her abode.

Black Widow Queen: as giant black widow
but AC 0; XPV 578

Amidst the jumble of remains of the spider’s
victims is a quiver (containing 8 arrows +1), <XP 8 x 20> <quiver cap. 12 arrows>
a vial (potion of poison), a wand (of polymorphing,
with 2 charges), <XP 2 x 35> and a rotten
backpack (containing 100 gp, a pouch with
8 gems worth 50 gp each and five vials of <moonstone>
holy water, and the remains of iron rations
long since rotted away). If the pack is lifted
up, it comes apart and the holy water vials
break. Two husks of recent victims have pinkish
cusps still affixed to their eye sockets, and
if these remains are examined thoroughly by
the party it is 80% likely that both pairs of
these lenses will be found, even though they
are polarized crystal and not magickal.

Far back in the lair of the black widow
queen is the treasure she guards, a golden idol
made in the likeness of Lolth. It is both magical
and evil. Be sure you are familiar with the
following notes before proceeding.

Description: The idol is about one foot long
and about as wide where the legs project. It
has six spider legs, but the foremost are those
of a human or elf, complete with hands. More
gruesome still, a drow’s face peers from a position
between the great staring sets of spider
eyes in the head. On the bulging abdomen are
four spinnerets. (There are six spider eyes and
two drow eyes. All are made of black saphires
set in gold. The gems are worth 10,000,
5,000, 2,000, and 1,000 gp--two of each).

Picking up the The idol:  The idol weighs only
10 pounds, and is thus obviously hollow.
Anyone who holds it gains knowledge and USE
of the following powers, each usable on command:
(a) the equivalent of a web spell up to
40” distant from the spinnerets, simply by
pointing them at the target and thinking of
the result; (b) immunity to all webs, and the
power to travel along them as would a giant
spider; (c) cause fear in large and huge spiders,
or command..giant spiders to obedience
for 3-12 rounds.

Keeping the Idol: Possession of the idol
brings 2 great dangers. The foremost danger
is that of complete desire for the object.
The character picking it up must make a save vs. poison ( - 2 on the die) or be
overwhelmed with the conviction that he or
she alone can withstand the danger of the
idol, so none other may ever touch it. Each
person handling the idol must so save, and
those failing are convinced that all others handling
it will (or have) become evil. (Only a remove
curse can dispel this conviction.) Thus,
desire is masked in altruism and the certain
knowledge that the victim is acting in the best
interests of the party by retaining the idol and
attacking any member who subsequently may
have handled it and be subjected to the evil
that he or she alone can withstand.

The second and more insidious danger lies
in a slow metamorphosis that any possessor of
the statue will certainly undergo. For 6 days
nothing happens except that a careful exami
nation of the character’s limbs reveals that he
or she has black arid bristly hairs peeping
forth, and if the idol is removed from the possessor
prior to the end of the 6th day, this hair
growth slowly disappears. From the 7th
through 66th days of possession, a slow but inexorable
change takes place. Four vestigial
legs gradually emerge and grow into those of a
giant spider, while the legs of the victim
change to become the same as a spider’s; the
character’s abdomen swells and rounds; mandibles
begin to grow from the victim’s mouth,
and as the head enlarges, the buds of new,
multi-lensed eyes can be seen. On the 67th
day the transformation is complete and totally
irreversible; the victim has the mind of a giant
spider and nothing will ever return the original
form. If a cure disease, remove curse, and
atonement are placed upon the character prior
to the 60th day, there is a 99% certainty that
the process can be reversed, but this chance
drops 13% per day from the 60th to 66th

Value: If the idol can be brought whole
from the place it will fetch 200,000 gp in a
large city, but is an evil act to so dispose of it,
as it should be destroyed. Any mutilation of
the idol, such as removing the gem eyes, destroys
both its powers and its evil curse.
