Random magic items (Pete Mohney) (57.22)

Beware of Quirks and Curses: Magic Items Aren't Always Nice (Tom Holsinger and Candy Peterson) (34.30)

Treasure Trove: An assortment of all-new enchanted items (91.51)
Treasure Trove II: A new system for swords -- and more (99.45)

Creative magic items: DMs are not limited to what's in the book (Ken Hughes) (98.18)

    Curing the Monty Haul malady (Roger E. Moore) (82.46)
    History of a game that failed: An essay on mistakes -- and how not to make them (David F. Godwin) (99.22)



Bazaar of the Ordinary (36.5.28)
Nasty additions to a DM's arsenal (Richard Fichera) (77.20)
Five new enchanted objects: Magic items you won't find in the AD&D® books (86.26)


Animal Control *
Clairaudience +
Clairvoyance +
Climbing +
Delusion **
Diminution +
Dragon Control **
Extra-Healing +
Fire Resistance +
Flying +
Gaseous Form +
Giant Control *
Giant Strength * (F)
Growth +
Healing +
Heroism (F)
Human Control *
Invisibility +
Invulnerability (F)
Levitation +
Longevity +
Oil of Etherealness +
Oil of Slipperiness +
Philter of Love +
Philter of Persuasiveness +
Plant Control +
Polymorph (Self)
Speed +
Super-Heroism (F)
Sweet Water +
Treasure Finding +
Undead Control +
Water Breathing +

Elixir of Health +
Elixir of Life +
Elixir of Madness **
Elixir of Youth +
Fire Breath +
Oil of Acid Resistance +
Oil of Disenchantment +
Oil of Elemental Invulnerability +
Oil of Fiery Burning +
Oil of Fumbling **
Oil of Impact +
Oil of Sharpness +
Oil of Timelessness +
Philter of Beauty +
Philter of Glibness +
Philter of Stammering & Stuttering **
Rainbow Hues +
Ventriloquism +
Vitality +

Potion Cauldron (BD1.61)
    C2H5OH (potion) (Gary Jaquet) (4.21)
    Potion of Direction (XP Value: 350. GP Sale Value: 800) (Roger E. Moore)
    Potion of Explosions (XP Value: 450 (full bottle) or 75 (per vial). GP Sale Value: 900 (full bottle) or 150 (per vial)) (David Baldwin)
    POTIONS OF FORGETFULNESS (e.p. value 400 g.p. sale value 800) (Len Lakofka) (28.31)
    Potion of Frost Resistance (XP: Value: 250. GP Sale Value: 400) (Michael Persinger)
    Potion of Mind Restoration (XP Value: 650. GP Sale Value: 1300) (Michael Persinger)
    Potion of Missile Protection (XP Value: 400. GP Sale Value: 800) (Michael Persinger) (91.54)
    Potion of Nutrition (XP Value: 150. GP Sale Value: 500) (Michael Persinger)
    Potion of Toughening (XP Value: 300. GP Sale Value: 600) (Richard Lucas)
    Psionics-boosting potions (Roger E. Moore)
        Green (XP Value: 300. GP Sale Value: 600)
        Violet (XP Value: 300. GP Sale Value: 650)
        White (XP Value: 200. GP Sale Value: 300)
        Gray (XP Value: 200. GP Sale Value: 350)
        Silver (XP Value: 300. GP Sale Value: 650)
        Yellow (XP Value: 300. GP Sale Value: 600)
        Red (XP Value: 350. GP Sale Value: 650) (91.55)
    Potion of Pain Suppression (XP Value: 0. GP Sale Value: 100) (Stephen Martin) (99.49)

Oil of Phosphorescence (XP Value: Nil. GP Sale Value: 100) (Michael Persinger) (91.53)

Magical Oils: Try Lotions Instead of Potions (Larry Walters) (33.47)

The durations for most oils when applied is 1 day unless otherwise
Points of damage caused or cured is permanent.
When a spell is mentioned or “. . . as the spell . . .” is said, it means
use the duration, area of effect, etc. of that spell when the oil is used.
All oils can be found in powder form.
The letter found before the name of the oil is the restriction in regard
to character class:
A: All character classes may use.
C: Only clerics (druids) may use.
F: Only fighters (paladins, rangers, thiefs, monks) may use.
W: Only wizards (magic users, illusionists, witches) may use.
Beings are usually entitled to a saving throw when hostile magic is
used against them. This also applies to oils unless otherwise stated.

    1. ABSINTHE (A): When applied to another person, that person will take twice the damage given to others. (100 | 500)
    2. AFRICAN JU JU (A): Raises charisma by 2 and gives a plus 2 to all saving throws. (100 | 500)
    3. ALLSPICE (FU): Plus 1 to STR. (150 | 750)
    4. ALLSPICE (FU) : Adds +4 to all saves vs. magick. (250 | 650)
    5. ANGER (A): Calms berserk warriors. (300 | 900)
    6. ARIES, ANISE (W) : Increases range (double) and effect (enables user to see infrared and ultraviolet spectrums) of clairvoyance spells. (100, 400)
    7. APHRODISIA (A): Raises CHA to 18 for sexual purposes. <COME> (200 | 550)
    8. ARABIAN NIGHTS (W): Plus 5 to charisma. (300 | 1500)
    9. ATTRACTION <x> +3 to CHA. <COME> (200 | 700)
    10. BAT'S BLOOD (A): Does 2-8 points damage when sprinkled
    on characters of good alignment. (205 | 750)
    11. BEND OVER (A): +5 to saves vs. magick (1000 | 5000)
    12. BERGAMOT (A): +6 to saves vs. magick (600 | 1800)
    13. BLACK ARTS (W): When applied to the forehead and
sprinkled in an X over where the victim will step, the victim
must make a save vs. magick or instant death will
result. Evil characters only. (700 | 2100)
    14. BOTTOM #20 (W): When applied to the doorknob of the
victim's house, the victim must make a save vs.
magick at -3 or take 3-18 pts. damage. (100 | 300)
    15. BRUNO'S CURSE (A): Protection from evil. (-- | 400)
    16. BUDDHA (A): Increases chance to reach the gods by 5, 10, or 15%, depending on potency.
        Type I: (300 | 900)
        Type II: (600 | 1800)
        Type III: (900 | 2700)
    17. BULLS (F): Increases STR to 18 to 1 turn, then subtracts 2 from original STR for 6 turns. (100 | 300)
    18. CARNATION (C): Cures disease. (150 | 450)
    19. CHOCOLATE (A): Makes all wandering monsters friendly
for 1 day if save fails; otherwise, they will go into
frenzy. (100 | 300)
    20. CINTRONELLA (A): +3 to CHA. (125 | 625)
    21. CIVIT (A): Protection from good. (100 | 300)
    22. CLEO MAY, CLEOPATRA, COME TO ME (F): Increase sexual charisma <COME> by 4. (100 | 300),
    23. COMMANDING(C):  As a command spell when this oil is touched to another. (300 | 900)
    24. CONCENTRATION (WC): Causes silence in a 3" radius. (400 | 1200)
    25. CONFUSION (W): Causes confusion, as the spell, when
    thrown or applied to another.  Save applicable. (W) 900, 2700
    26. CONQUERING GLORY (FC): Adds 1 to hit probability when applied to a weapon for 1 turn. (FC) 500, 1500
    27. CONTROLLING (A): Charm, as Charm Person spell, when
    applied to another.  Can also charm monster adding 1 to
    save for each HD above 1. (A) 600, 1800
    28. CRAB APPLE  (A): When applied to another that person will
    be well disposed towards you (in the way of giving info,
    drinks, etc.) 100, 300
    29. CROSSING (WC): When sprinkled in the victim's path, the
    victim will 3-18 pts. of damage and his/her strength
    and constitution will be lowered to 3 for the day if saving
    throw fails. Evil characters only. 600, 1800
    30. CUMIN SEED (A): When sprikled in the doorway of one's
    dwelling, this dwelling will be protected from evil. (A) 100, 300
    31. CYPRESS SEED (A): Increases probability of a friendly
    reaction from chaotic gods. (A) 100, 300
    32. DAMNATION (WC): When sprinkled on another, victim must
    make a save vs poison or die. 300, 900
    33. DESIRE ME (A): When applied to oneself, it makes the next
    being of the opposite sex fall madly in Love with you.  No save. (33.52) 500, 1500
    34. DO AS I SAY (A): Gives the user the power to detect illusion or charm. 300, 900
    35. DOUBLE CROSS (W): When sprinkled on enemy it confuses as spell.
    Also, when applied to oneself, it will cause anyone with 10 or less INT to
    believe whatever the wearer says. Duration: 1 turn. 600, 1800
    36. DRAGONS BLOOD (C): This potent oil will remove curse,
    cure disease, uncharm, or cure 3-18 pts damage. 500, 1500
    37. DRAGONS BLOOD (C): see 37. 500, 1500
    38. DREAM (A): Causes sleep when sprinked on another. 600, 1800
    39. ENCHANTMENT (A): +2 to CHA. 900, 2700
    40. EUCALYPTUS (A): Cures 2-12 pts of damage. 200, 600
    41. EVE (A): When used by a female, it has the ability to charm
    men for the duration of the oil. 300, 900
    EVIL EYE (A): Protection from evil. 200, 600
    EXODUS (A): When thrown on another, he/she will flee
    from the thrower. 200, 600
    EXORCISM (C): Removes curse. 300, 750
    FIVE FINGER GRASS (F): Protection from good, and increases
    Dexterity by 2. 250, 750
    FRANGI PANI (A): When applied to oneself, all around
    him/her will trust him/her and tell him/her secrets, indiscretions,
    etc. Duration: 1 turn. 200, 600
    GALANGAL (A): When applied to oneself before going to
    court, the judge will always find in favor of the user. 100, 400
    GARDINIA (A): When sprinkled on a person he/she will
    be held as a Hold Person spell. 200, 600
    GET AWAY (A): Will protect a dwelling from evil. 300, 900
    GRAPE (A): 100 GP will appear where this oil is
    poured. 100, 500
    HIGH CONQUERING (FC): Adds 2 to hit probability to
    weapon applied to. 600, 1800
    HINDU GRASS (C): Adds 3 to wisdom. 250, 750
    HOLY, HOLY TRINITY (C): Does 3-12 pts. of damage to
    beings of evil alignment.  Good characters only. <900, 2700>
    HONEYSUCKLE (A): When this oil is rubbed in the eyes,
    the user's range of sight is doubled and infravision is also
    obtained. 100 | 300
    HYPGNOTIC (A): Relaxing agent. 300, 900
    HYSSPO (A): Does 1-6 pts. damage vs. beings of evil alignment.
    Good characters only. 200, 600
    JAMAICA (A): Cures 2-8 pts of damage. 200, 600
    JEZEBEL (A): See EVE. 300, 900
    JINX REMOVING (A): After 3 days of continued usage of
    this oil, it will remove curse. 200, 600
    HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR (FC): Adds 3 to hit probability
    of weapon anointed for 1 turn. 500, 1500
    KING SOLOMON (C): Increases wisdom by 3. <300 | 900>
    KLUDDE (C): Speak with animals. (300, 900)
    LAVENDER (A): Increases WIS and DEX by 2. (100, 300)
    LIFE (A): Cure disease. (250, 750)
    LILY OF THE VALLEY (C): Can only be contained in
    gold.  Causes 2-12 pts damage to all creatures NOT of good
    alignment.  Good characters only. (200, 600)
    MAGNOLIA (A): Doubles psionic strength for 3 turns when
    used by those who possess psionics. 150, 450
    MANPOWER  (F): Increases STR by 2. 400, 1200
    MERCURY (A): When one anoints himself with this oil he
    will be able to contact one of the gods, ask the being a
    question, and this being will answer this question with a
    short phrase or word, truthfully. 100, 300
    MOJO (A): This oil has the power to grant  one 5th-level
    wish. 100, 500
    MOON (W): With the use of this oil, one can teleport him/herself
    as with the spell (only once). 200, 600
    MUSK (A): Adds 1 to STR and increases natural sex drive. 100, 400
    NARCISSUS (W): Causes sleep when thrown on another. 200, 600
    NEW LIFE (C): Use as Forget spell. 200, 600
    NINE MYSTERY (C): Use as Locate Object spell. 300, 900
    OBEAH (W, C): As Remove Curse spell. 400, 1200
    OLIBANUM (A): Reduces damage taken by 1/2. 200, 600
    POWER (W): Removes charm placed upon another or
    oneself. 750, 2250
    PRIMROSE (A): Draws the truth from a liar. Duration: 1 turn. 200, 600
    REVERSIBLE (A): Reverses any spell put on a person or
    object. 500, 1500
    ROSEMARY (A): When worn on the temples, wrists, and
    ankles it has the following attributes: Cures 2-8 hp of
    damage, protects from evil, and gives +3 to saves
    vs. offensive magick. 200, 600
    RUE (C): Cure insanity if used for 3 days. 100, 300
    SANDALWOOD (C): Cures 2-16 pts. of damage sustained
    from blunt weapons. 300, 900
    SNAKE (C): When a green candle is anointed with this oil
    and burned, it will cure disease as the spell. 250, 750
    SPIKENARD (A): Cures 1-8 pts of damage when used on
    characters of good alignment, but causes 1-8 on characters
    of evil alignment. 300, 900
    SPIRIT (C, W): Speak with dead, as the spell. 300, 900
    TIME (W): When this oil is thrown in the air, a time stop will
    occur for 10 seconds. 600, 1800
    VERBENA (A): Completely protects against Curse and Geas. (400 1200)
    VIBRATION (A): When this oil is applied to oneself and
    another, that other person will be under your charm. (300, 900)
    VIRGIN OLIVE (C): When applied to a holy symbol or
    cross it will add 4 to a cleric's roll to TURN undead, it will also
    cause 2-16 pts of damage on evils if SAVE fails. 100, 300
    VISION (A): Gives the power to see invisible and see into
    the ultraviolet spectrum. 900, 1800
   VOODOO (A): When thrown at an enemy it reduces his
    STR to 3 if SAVE fails. 200, 600
    WILL POWER (F): When applied it raises one's STR by 5. 500, 1500
    WINTERGREEN (C): Cures 1-6 pts damage and adds 5
    to saves vs disease. 100, 300
    WISHING (A): When this oil is put on a candle and burned,
    one can write a wish on a piece of parchment and it will
    come true (if under 7th level). 900, 2700
    WITCH'S (W): When a piece of a foe's hair is soaked in this
    oil, eight days later he/she must make a SAVE vs
    poison or die. Evil characters only. 600, 1800
    XYZ (A): Makes one 10 years younger. 300, 900
    YLANG YLANG (A): Increases CHA by 2. 300, 900
    ZODIAC OIL (A): Usually brings a favorable reaction when
    speaking with lawful gods.
    ZULA ZULA (A): When sprinkled on an enemy, this oil
    will kill or (if SAVE is successful) bring 3-18 pts of
    damage. Evil characters only.


1 spell (1-4)
1 spell (1-6)
1 spell (d8+1 or d6+1*)
2 spells (1-4)
2 spells (d8 or d6*)
3 spells (1-4)
3 spells (d8+1 or d6+1*)
4 spells (1-6)
4 spells (1-8 or 1-6*)
5 spells (1-6)
5 spells (1-8 or 1-6*)
6 spells (1-6)
6 spells (3-8 (d6+2) or 4-7 (d4+3)*)
7 spells (1-8)
7 spells (2-9)
7 spells (4-9 (d6+3) or 4-7 (d4+3)*)
Protection -- Demons +
Protection -- Devils +
Protection -- Elementals +
Protection -- Lycanthropes +
Protection -- Magic +
Protection -- Petrification +
Protection -- Possession +
Protection -- Undead +

Protection -- Acid +
Protection -- Breath Weapons, Dragon +
Protection -- Breath Weapons, Non-dragon +
Protection -- Cold +
Protection -- Electricity +
Protection -- Fire +
Protection -- Gas +
Protection -- Illusions +
Protection -- Paralyzation +
Protection -- Plants +
Protection -- Poison +
Protection -- Traps +
Protection -- Water +
Protection -- Weapons, Magical blunt +
Protection -- Weapons, Magical edged +
Protection -- Weapons, Magical missile +
Protection -- Weapons, Non-magic blunt +
Protection -- Weapons, Non-magic edged +
Protection -- Weapons, Non-magic missile +

    Scroll of Domination (XP Value: 1500. GP Sale Value: 4500) (David Baldwin)
    Scroll of Suggestion (XP Value: Nil. GP Sale Value: 1000) (David Baldwin)


Contrariness +
Delusion +
Djinni Summoning*
Elemental Command +
Feather Falling +
Fire Resistance +
Free Action +
Human Influence*
Invisibility +
Mammal Control*
Multiple Wishes*
Protection +
Regeneration +
Shooting Stars +
Spell Storing +
Spell Turning +
Swimming +
Three Wishes*
Warmth +
Water Walking +
Weakness +
Wizardry* (M)
X-Ray Vision +

Animal Friendship +
Anything +
Blinking +
Boccob +
Chameleon Power +
Clumsiness +
Faerie +
Jumping +
Mind Shielding +
Ram (of the) +
Shocking Grasp +
Sustenance +
Truth +

Dart Ring (BD1.62)
Ring of Infravision (BD.10)
Ring of Kings +
Ring of Magic Missiles (BD.10)
BOTB: The Ring of the Necromancer (Bill Howell) (29.43)
BOTB: Ring of Oak (XP value: 500 | GP sale value: 2,000) (Roger E. Moore) (45.23)
        BOTB: RINGS OF SILENCE (e.p. value 800 g.p. value 3,800) (Len Lakofka) (28.31)
        Ring of Engagement (54.77)
        Ring of Wedding (Gary Jaquet) (4.21)

    Ring of gaseous form (77.20)
    Ring of hypochondria (77.20)

Rings that do weird things: Thirteen pieces of jewelry not from the DMG (82.28)
    1. Ring of Liquid Identification (XP value: 750. GP value: 4,000) (Craig Stenseth)
    2. Ring of Infravision (XP value: 1,000 (1,500 w/ultravision). GP value: 5,000 (7,500 w/ultravision)) (Thomas Zarbock)
    3. Ring of Awareness (XP value: 1,200. GP value: 6,000) (Thomas Zarbock)
    4. Ring of Light (XP value: 1,000. GP value: 5,000) (Thomas Zarbock)
    5. Ring of Icebolts (XP value: 2,000. GP value: 7,500) (Charles C. Craig)
    6. Ring of Jolting (XP value: 1,000. GP value: 5,000) (Charles C. Craig)
    7. Ring of Bladeturning (XP value: 1,500. GP value: 7,000) (Charles C. Craig)
    8. Ring of Invisibility Negation (Richard Lucas)
        Clarifier (XP value: 1,000. GP value: 12,000)
        Killer (XP value: 1,800. GP value: 20,000)
        Destroyer (XP value: 1,300. GP value: 7,000)
    9. Jhessail's Silver Ring (XP value: 3,000. GP value: 11,000) (Ed Greenwood) (82.30)
    10. Ring of Lore (XP value: 3,500. GP value: 23,500) (Ed Greenwood)
    11. Rings of Lycanthropy (XP value: 2,500. GP value: 7,500) (Jerome Mayard)
    12. Ring of Spell Holding (XP value: 2,000. GP value: 10,000) (Jeff Abbott)
    13. Wizzo's Ring of Compulsions (Bill Birdsall)

    Ring of the Eagle (XP Value: 1,000. GP Sale Value: 5,000) (Roger E. Moore)
    Ring of the Grasshopper (XP Value: 1000. GP Sale Value: 5000) (David Baldwin) (91.56)
    Ring of Truth (XP Value: 1500. Gold Piece Sale Value: 5000) (Douglas A. Lent)

Ring of Energy (XP Value: 500. GP Sale Value: 6000) (Michael Persinger) (99.49)

Rods, et al. (Including Staves and Wands)

Rod of Absorption (C, M)
Rod of Alertness +
Rod of Beguiling (C, M, T)
Rod of Cancellation +
Rod of Flailing +
Rod of Lordly Might (F) +
Rod of Passage +
Rod of Resurrection (C) +
Rod of Rulership +
Rod of Security +
Rod of Smiting (C, F)
Rod of Splendor +
Staff of Command (C, M)
Staff of Curing (C)
Staff-Mace +
Staff of the Magi (M)
Staff of Power (M)
Staff of the Serpent (C)
Staff of Slinging (D)
Staff-Spear +
Staff of Striking (C, M)
Staff of Swarming Insects (C, M)
Staff of Thunder & Lightning +
Staff of Withering (C)
Staff of the Woodlands (D)

III.D.2. Wands
Anything Wand +
Buckler Wand (F, M, T)
Conjuration (M)
Defoliation +
Earth & Stone +
Enemy Detection +
Fear (C, M)
Fire (M)
Fireballs +
Flame Extinguishing +
Force (F, M)
Frost (M)
Ice Storms +
Illumination +
Illusion (M)
Lightning (M)
Lightning Bolts +
Magic Detection +
Magic Missiles +
Metal & Mineral Detection +
Metal Command +
Negation +
Paralyzation (M)
Polymorphing (M)
Secret Door & Trap Location +
Size Alteration +
Steam & Vapor (C, M)
Wonder +

Rod of Singing (Robert Plamondon) (37.47)
Rod of Many Things (XP Value: 7500. GP Sale Value: 25,000) (Andrew Dewar)
Wand of Ochalor's Eye (X.P. value: 3,500; G.P. value: 15,000) (Ed Greenwood) (40.45)
Iron Wand +
Nidus' Wand of Endless Repetition (X.P. value: 3,500; G.P. value: 25,000) (Ed Greenwood) (40.45)
Witch Wand (BD1.60)
Rod of Melting (XP Value: 3000. GP Sale Value: 12,000) (Richard Lucas) (99.49)
Catstaff (XP Value: 6000. GP Sale Value: 13,000) (Ed Greenwood) (99.50)

Miscellaneous Magic
Oriental magic items (David Sweet) (40.44)
More PAGES from the MAGES: The latest words of wisdom from Elminster the sage (69.67)
Pages from the Mages III: Four more magic books, courtesy of Elminster (Ed Greenwood) (92.34)
Pages from the Mages IV: More long-lost magical lore from Elminster (Ed Greenwood) (97.30)
Pages from the Mages V: From Elminster, to Ed, to you — more lore (Ed Greenwood) (100.12)

01-02 = Alchemy Jug +
03-04 = Amulet of Inescapable Location +
05 = Amulet of Life Protection +
06-07 = Amulet of the Planes +
08-11 = Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location +
12-13 = Apparatus of Kwalish +
14-16 = Arrow of Direction +
17 = Artifact or Relic (See Special Table, DMG p.124)
18-20 = Bag of Beans +
21 = Bag of Devouring +
22-26 = Bag of Holding +
27 = Bag of Transmuting +
28-29 = Bag of Tricks +
30-31 = Beaker of Plentiful Potions +
32 = Boat, Folding +
33 = Book of Exalted Deeds (C)
34 = Book of Infinite Spells +
35 = Book of Vile Darkness (C)
36 = Boots of Dancing +
37-42 = Elven Boots +
43-47 = Boots of Levitation +
48-51 = Boots of Speed +
52-55 = Boots of Springing and Striding +
56-58 = Bowl Commanding Water Elementals (M)
59 = Bowl of Watery Death (M)
60-79 = Bracers of Defense +
80-81 = Bracers of Defenselessness +
82-84 = Brazier Commanding Fire Elementals (M)
85 = Brazier of Sleep Smoke (M)
86-92 = Brooch of Shielding +
93 = Broom of Animated Attack +
94-98 = Broom of Flying +
99-00 = Bucknard's Everfull Purse +

01-06 = Candle of Invocation (C)
07-08 = Carpet of Flying +
09-10 = Censer Controlling Air Elementals (M) +
11 = Censer of Summoning Hostile Air Elementals (M) +
12-13 = Chime of Opening +
14 = Chime of Hunger +
15-18 = Cloak of Displacement +
19-27 = Cloak of Elvenkind +
28-30 = Cloak of Manta Ray +
31-32 = Cloak of Poisonousness +
33-55 = Cloak of Protection +
56-60 = Crystal Ball (M)
61 = Crystal Hypnosis Ball (M)
62-63 = Cube of Force +
64-65 = Cube of Frost Resistance +
66-67 = Cubic Gate +
68-69 = Daern's Instant Fortress +
70-72 = Decanter of Endless Water +
73-76 = Deck of Many Things +
77 = Drums of Deafening +
78-79 = Drums of Panic +
80-85 = Dust of Appearance +
86-91 = Dust of Disappearance +
92 = Dust of Sneezing and Choking +
93 = Efreeti Bottle +
94 = Eversmoking Bottle +
95 = Eyes of Charming (M)
96-97 = Eyes of the Eagle +
98-99 = Eyes of Minute Seeing +
00 = Eyes of Petrification +

01-15 = Figurine of Wondrous Power +
16 = Flask of Curses +
17-18 = Gauntlets of Dexterity +
19-20 = Gauntlets of Fumbling +
21-22 = Gauntlets of Ogre Power (C, F, T)
23-25 = Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing (C, F, T)
26 = Gem of Brightness +
27 = Gem of Seeing +
28 = Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity (C, F, T)
29 = Girdle of Giant Strength (C, F, T)
30 = Helm of Brilliance +
31-35 = Helm of Comprehending Languages & Reading Magic +
36-37 = Helm of Opposite Alignment +
38-39 = Helm of Telepathy +
40 = Helm of Teleportation +
41-45 = Helm of Underwater Action +
46 = Horn of Blasting +
47-48 = Horn of Bubbles +
49 = Horn of Collapsing +
50-53 = Horn of the Tritons (C, F)
54-60 = Horn of Valhalla +
61-63 = Horseshoes of Speed +
64-65 = Horseshoes of a Zephyr +
66-70 = Incense of Meditation (C)
71 = Incense of Obsession (C)
72 = Ioun Stones +
73-78 = Instrument of the Bards +
79-80 = Iron Flask +
81-85 = Javelin of Lightning (F)
86-90 = Javelin of Piercing (F)
91 = Jewel of Attacks +
92 = Jewel of Flawlessness +
93-00 = Keoghtom's Ointment +

01 = Libram of Gainful Conjuration (M)
02 = Libram of Ineffable Damnation (M)
03 = Libram of Silver Magic (M)
04 = Lyre of Building +
05 = Manual of Bodily Health +
06 = Manual of Gainful Exercise +
07 = Manual of Golems (C, M)
08 = Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms (F)
09 = Manual of Quickness of Action +
10 = Manual of Stealthy Pilfering (T)
11 = Mattock of the Titans (F)
12 = Maul of the Titans +
13-15 = Medallion of ESP +
16-17 = Medallion of Thought Projection +
18 = Mirror of Life Trapping (M)
19 = Mirror of Mental Prowess +
20 = Mirror of Opposition +
21-23 = Necklace of Adaptation +
24-27 = Necklace of Missiles +
28-33 = Necklace of Prayer Beads (C)
34-35 = Necklace of Strangulation +
36-38 = Net of Entrapment (C, F, T)
39-42 = Net of Snaring (C, F, T)
43-44 = Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments +
45-46 = Pearl of Power (M)
47-48 = Pearl of Wisdom (C)
49-50 = Periapt of Foul Rotting +
51-53 = Periapt of Health +
54-60 = Periapt of Proof Against Poison +
61-64 = Periapt of Wound Closure +
65-70 = Phylactery of Faithfulness (C)
71-74 = Phylactery of Long Years (C)
75-76 = Phylactery of Monstrous Attention (C)
77-84 = Pipes of the Sewers +
85 = Portable Hole +
86-00 = Quaal's Feather Token +

01 = Robe of the Archmagi (M)
02-08 = Robe of Blending +
09 = Robe of Eyes (M)
10 = Robe of Powerlessness (M)
11 = Robe of Scintillating Colors (C, M)
12-19 = Robe of Useful Items (M)
20-25 = Rope of Climbing+
26-27 = Rope of Constriction +
28-31 = Rope of Entanglement +
32 = Rug of Smothering +
33 = Rug of Welcome (M)
34 = Saw of Mighty Cutting (F)
35 = Scarab of Death +
36-38 = Scarab of Enraging Enemies +
39-40 = Scarab of Insanity +
41-46 = Scarab of Protection +
47 = Spade of Colossal Excavation (F)
48 = Sphere of Annihilation (M)
49-50 = Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals +
51-52 = Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)
53-54 = Stone of Weight (Loadstone)
55-57 = Talisman of Pure Good (C)
58 = Talisman of the Sphere (M)
59-60 = Talisman of Ultimate Evil (C)
61-66 = Talisman of Zagy +
67 = Tome of Clear Thought +
68 = Tome of Leadership and Influence +
69 = Tome of Understanding +
70-76 = Trident of Fish Command (C, F, T)
77-78 = Trident of Submission (F)
79-83 = Trident of WARNING (C, F, T)
84-85 = Trident of Yearning +
86-87 = Vacuous Grimoire +
88-90 = Well of Many Worlds +
91-00 = Wings of Flying +

01-04 = Amulet Versus Undead +
05 = Anything Item +
06-07 = Beads of Force +
08-14 = Boccob's Blessed Book (M)
15-16 = Boots of the North +
17-19 = Boots of Varied Tracks +
20 = Boots, Winged +
21-24 = Bracers of Archery (F)
25-26 = Bracers of Brachiation +
27-28 = Chime of Interruption +
29-30 = Cloak of Arachnidia +
31-34 = Cloak of the Bat +
35-36 = Cyclocone (M)
37-40 = Dart of the Hornet's Nest +
41-42 = Deck of Illusions +
43-44 = Dicerion of Light & Darkness (C)
45-47 = Dust of Dryness +
48-50 = Dust of Illusion +
51-54 = Dust of Tracelessness +
55-56 = Egg of DESIRE +
57-60 = Egg of Reason +
61-62 = Egg of Shattering +
63-65 = Gem of Insight +
66-68 = Girdle of Dwarvenkind +
69-76 = Girdle of Many Pouches +
77-79 = Gloves of Missile Snaring +
80-83 = Gloves of Thievery +
84-88 = Hat of Difference +
89-95 = Hat of Disguise +
96-00 = Hat of Stupidity +

01-05 = Heward's Handy Haversack +
06-10 = Horn of Fog +
11-12 = Horn of Goodness (Evil)
13-14 = Iron Bands of Bilarro +
15-18 = Lens of Detection +
19-21 = Lens of Ultravision +
22-23 = Mantle of Celestian +
24-27 = Murlynd's Spoon +
28-29 = Pearl of the Sirines +
30-31 = Philosopher's Stone +
32-37 = Pouch of Accessibility +
38 = Prison of Zagyg (M)
39-40 = Quiver of Ehlonna +
41-42 = Robe of Stars (M)
43-48 = Robe of Vermin (M)
49-50 = Scarab Versus Golems +
51-54 = Shadow Lanthorn +
55-57 = Sheet of Smallness +
58-59 = Shoes of Fharlanghn +
60-64 = Slippers of Kicking +
65-70 = Slippers of Spider Climbing +
71-72 = Sovereign Glue +
73-77 = Spoon of Stirring +
78-81 = Stone Horse +
82-84 = Ultimate Solution +
85-88 = Wind Fan +
89-92 = Zagyg's Flowing Flagon +
93-00 = Zagyg's Spell Component Case (M)

01 = Amulet of Power (BD1.62)
02 = Amulet of Protection from Sleep (XP Value: 500. GP Sale Value 2,000) (Richard Lucas) (91.57)
03 = Amulet of Sleeplessness (XP Value: Nil. GP Sale Value: 1,000) (Richard Lucas)
04 =  APPARATUS OF SPIKEY OWNS (Len Lakofka) (28.31)
05 = Assassin's Eyes (BD1.60)
06 = Aubayreer's Workbook (92.34)
07 = Bag of Infinite Wealth (BD.10)
08 = BOTB: Bag of Wind (Gary Gygax) (27.46)
09 = Ball of Bowling (72.51)
10 = Bell of Pavlov (XP value: 1,000 | GP sale value: 3,500) (Robert Plamondon) (45.22)
11 = Bimbomushi (40.44)
12 = Boots of Jogging (72.51)
13 = BOTB: BOOK OF A MAGIC USER (Len Lakofka) (28.31)
14 = Book of the Silver Talon (62.16)
15 = Bottle of Undead (Bruce Sears) (54.69)
16 = Box of Many Holdings (XP value: 3,500 | GP sale value: 16,000* | *GP value is a function of size. The value given here is for a box that has dimensions of 2'x2'x2'.) (John Beck) (45.23)
17 = Bracers of Attraction (XP Value: Nil. GP Sale Value: 1,000) (Bill Birdsall and Bob Reitmann)
18 = Bracers of the Merman (XP Value: 2000. GP Sale Value: 4500) (Roger E. Moore) (91.58)
19 = The Brazen Bottle (Neal Healey) (SR7.11)
20 = Candle of Methven (Richard Forsten) (39.42)
21 = The Chambeeleon (62.20)
22 = Canon of Changes +
23 = Caps of Bottling (36.5.28)
24 = Censer of Thaumaturgy (XP Value: 2500. GP Sale Value: 12,000) (Ed Greenwood)
25 = BOTB: CHIME OF WARNING (Len Lakofka) (28.31)
26 = Cloak of Guarding (XP Value: 1500. GP Sale Value: 10,000) (Ed Greenwood)
27 = Cloud Chariots +
28 = Dragonhelm (XP Value: 2,000. GP Sale Value: 25,000) (Roger Raupp and Roger Moore)
29 = Dragon's Eye (XP Value: 3000. GP Sale Value: 20,000) (Roger E. Moore)
30 = The Dread Havana Stench (54.77)
31 = BOTB: Eidolon of Khalk'Ru (Clerics, Magic-Users) (XP value: 5,000 | GP sale value: 10,000) (by Ernest N. Rowland, Jr.) (45.22)
32 = The Elder Sign (The Dragon #12)
33 = Gauntlets of Heat (XP Value: 1000. GP Sale Value: 10,000) (David Baldwin) (91.59)
34 = Gems (DDG)
35 = Fire Gem +
36 = BOTB: Flute of Dismissing (XP value: 4,000. GP sale value: 30,000.) (Richard Lucas) (47.18)
37 = Giant Black Pearl +
38 = Girdle of Lions (XP Value: 2000. GP Sale Value: 8000) (Ed Greenwood)
39 = BOTB: Glowing Globe (X.P. value: 100; G.P. value: 200.) (Ed Greenwood) (41.30)
40 = Goblet of Glory (XP Value: 1250. GP Sale Value: 12,000) (Ed Greenwood)
42 = Great Tree +
43 = BOTB: Greenstone Amulet (ED) (39.41)
44 = Grounds of Coffee (36.5.28)
45 = Guardian Egg (BD1.62)
46 = Harrowhelm (XP Value: 1500 (plus 500 for each discipline). GP Sale Value: 15,000 (plus 2500 for each discipline) (Victor Selby)
Helms of Changes (Mike Billington) (40.44)
    47 = Helm of Disguises (40.44)
    48 = Helm of Creation (40.45)
    49 = Helm of Weaponry (40.45)
50 = BOTB: Helm of Subterranean Sagacity (Dwarven Detector)
51 = Helm of enemy nondetection (77.20)
52 = Helm of Forgetfulness (BD.10)
53 = BOTB: High Anvil of the Dwarves (XP value: special. GP sale value: special) (Roger E. Moore) (58.27)
54 = Hill Seeds (BD1.62)
55 = Hobbit's Pipe (BD.10)
56 = Hockey Stick +5, Holy Terror (72.51)
57 = Hornet Cape (BD1.61)
58 = BOTB: Horn of Cornucopia (John Beck) (39.42)
59 = BOTB: HORN OF HADIES (Len Lakofka) (28.31)
60 = BOTB: Horseshoes of Hades (XP value: 1,500. GP sale value: 3,000.) (Victor Selby) (47.19)
61 = IMPERIAL JEWELS (Japanese) (The Dragon #13)
62 = IMPERIAL MIRROR (Japanese) (The Dragon #13)
63 = Ivy Bracelet (BD1.62)
64 = Jade Scepter of Defending +
65 = JEWELS OF HAIL & LIGHTNING (The Dragon #13)
66 = Junque Fude (54.77)
67 = BOTB: Keys of Sirdan (Richard Forsten) (39.42)
68 = Kusunogi no Tsurugi (40.44)
69 = BOTB: Larmacian Holy Symbol (Richard Forsten) (39.42)
70 = Leech Dust (BD1.60)
71 = BOTB: LEOMUND'S PLATE & CUP (Len Lakofka) (28.31)
72 = Locket of Satan (BD1.62)
73 = The Lost Book (54.77)
74 = Love Locket (BD1.62)
75 = Luck Charm (BD1.62)
76 = Magic Wool +
77 = The Magister (69.68)
78 = Miasma Nicotiniana (54.77)
79 = Medallion of protection from thieves, 30' radius (77.20)
80 = Miniature Metal Monster (54.77)
81 = Mirror--Crystal (BD1.62)
82 = BOTB: Mist of Rapture (ED) (39.42)
83 = Mountain Seeds (BD1.60)
84 = Mhzentul's Runes (62.16)
85 = Nanorian Stones +
86 = The Nathlum (includes new glyphs of warding) (69.69)
87 = Nchaser's Eiyromancia (62.17)
88 = Necklace of Air Breathing (XP value: Nil (to airbreathers). GP value (to air-breathers): 500.) (Roger E. Moore) (48.85)
89 = Necklace of Alteration (XP Value: 1,000. GP Sale Value: 5,000) (Jerome Mayard and Bill Birdsall) (86.28)
90 = Necklace of Bad Taste (XP Value: 500. GP Sale Value: 1000) (David Baldwin) (91.60)
91 = The Necronomicon, by Abdul Alhazred (The Dragon #12)
92 = Orjalun's Arbatel (92.35)
Pearls (40.44)
    93 = Giant Black Pearl (40.44)
    94 = Serpent Spirit Pearl (40.44)
    95 = Pearl of Flying (40.44)
    96 = Pearl of Ultimate Wisdom (40.44)
97 = Pennant of Bravery (72.51)
98 = Periapt of Protection from Vampiric lxitxachitl (XP value: 1,500. GP value: 15,000.) (Roger E. Moore) (48.85)
99 = BOTB: Pet Rocks (XP value: 2000 | GP sale value: 15,000) (Roger E. Moore) (45.22)
    100 = (Malevolent) Pet Rocks (XP value: -- | GP sale value: 1,000) (Roger E. Moore) (45.22)

1 = Pipe of Reeking (54.77)
2 = Pipeweed of Tranquility (BD.10)
3 = Pipeweed of Stoning (BD.10)
4 = Pipeweed of Illusion (BD.10)
5 = Pipeweed of Acapulco (BD.10)
More feather tokens (Edward J. Greenwood) (54.67)
    06 = Bridge (XP value: 500. GP sale value: 5,000)
    07 = Chest (XP value: 1,000. GP sale value: 5,000)
    08 = Crown (XP value: 1,000. GP sale value: 2,000)
    09 = Flame (XP value: 500. GP sale value: 2,000)
    10 = Sword (XP value: 1,000. GP sale value: 6,000)
    11 = Wing (XP value: 1,000. GP sale value: 6,000)
    12 = Arbor (XP value: 1,000. GP sale value: 5,000)
    13 = Eye (XP Value: 1,000. GP sale value: 7,000) (54.68)
    14 = Finger (XP value: 500. GP sale value: 1,000)
    15 = Key (XP value: 500. GP sale value: 7,000)
    16 = Jug (XP value: 500. GP sale value: 2,500)
    17 = Bind (XP value: 1,600. GP sale value: 6,000)
    18 = Spoon (XP value: 750. GP sale value: 5,000) (54.69)
    19 = Stone (XP value: 500. Gold piece sale value: 2,000)
20 = Rake of Iron +
21 = Ruby Slippers (XP: 1,000 | GP sale value: 5,000) (Robert Plamondon) (45.23)
22 = Rust Dust (XP Value: 1,000. GP Sale Value: 5,000) (Woodrow Smith)
23 = Sacred Bundle +
24 = THE SAKAKI TREE (Japanese) (The Dragon #13)
25 = The Scalamagdrion (92.37)
26 = Scepter of Defense (XP Value: 1,000. GP Sale Value: 4,000) (Susan Lawson)
27 = Seed Satchel (BD1.60)
28 = Serpent Belt (BD1.60)
29 = 'Seven Fingers' (The Life of Thorstag) (69.68)
30 = Shoes of Walking (36.5.28)
31 = Skull of Death (BD1.60)
32 = Snake Belt (BD1.62)
33 = Snake Necklace (40.44)
34 = Spongestone (XP value (for one cubic foot): 2,000. GP value (for one cubic foot): 15,000.) (Bruce Humphrey) (48.85)
35 = Sweatsuit +5 (72.51)
36 = Tamate-Bako (40.44)
37 = Tathlum +
38 = Thorn Twine (BD1.62)
39 = THE TIDE FLOWING & TIDE EBBING JEWELS (Japanese) (The Dragon #13)
40 = The Tome of the Covenant (92.38)
41 = Torc of the Gods +
42 = True Ankh +
43 = Vision Globe (XP Value: 750. GP Sale Value: 3000) (Roger E. Moore)
44 = Web of Cob (36.5.28)
45 = Wind Fire Wheels +
46 = The Workbook (69.71)
47 = Yefar’s Magic Mirrors (Gerald Strathmann) (37.47)
48 = Zadron's Pouch of Wonders: You don’t know what you’ll get until what you’ve got is gone (Phil Meyers and Steve Bill) (62.62)
49 = Helm of enemy nondetection (77.20)
50 = Bowgentle's Book (97.30)
51 = The Spellbook of Daimos (97.31)
52 = Book of Num "the Mad" (97.32)
53 = Briel's Book of Shadows  (97.34)
54 = Amulet of Psionic Reflection (XP Value: 2500. GP Sale Value: 10,000) (Roger E. Moore) (99.50)
55 = Bracers of Deflection (XP Value: 4500. GP Sale Value: 10,000) (Michael Persinger) (99.50)
56 = Dust of Forgetfulness (XP Value: 1500. GP Sale Value: 4000) (Richard Webb) (99.50)
Gem of Shielding (Richard Lucas) (99.50)
    57 = Nerve shield (XP Value: 450, GP Sale Value: 7000)
    58 = Mind shield (XP Value: 300, GP Sale Value: 5000)
    59 = Ego shield (XP Value: 300, GP Sale Value: 5000)
    60 = Id shield (XP Value: 300, GP Sale Value: 5000)
            Psyche shield (XP Value: 300, GP Sale Value: 5000)
            Brain shield (XP Value: 500, GP Sale Value: 8000)
        Gem of Scroll Reading (XP Value: 3500. GP Sale Value: 17,000) (Nick Kopsinis) (99.51)
        Hand of Remote Action (XP Value: 1400. GP Sale Value: 16,500) (Ed Greenwood) (99.51)
        Oyster Chest (XP Value: 1500. GP Sale Value: 15,000) (Nick Kopsinis) (99.51)
        Quill of Scroll Creation (XP Value: 250 (500 with ink). GP Sale Value: 600 (1000 with ink)) (Victory Selby) (99.51)
        Stone of Mysterious Sounds (XP Value: 500. GP Sale Value: 5000) (Nick Kopsinis) (99.52)

Sabirine's Specular (100.12)
Glanvyl's Workbook (100.14)
    The Red Book of War (100.16)
The Alcaister (100.18)

Non-violent Magic Items: One hundred ways to keep players guessing (Lewis Pulsipher Roland Gettliffe) (73.36)
    01. A small black scarab.
    02. An intricately carved mahogany miniature bed in a bag of woven string (netting).
    03. A round, iron 9-inch pan with a runic "F" on the handle.
    04. A normal-looking straw broom.
    05. A glass ball (several colors possible) about two inches in diameter.
    06. A rune-covered brush of dragonbone and animal bristles.
    07. A white stone of a material resembling marble.
    08. A dark green glass bottle, about the size of a half-gallon milk carton, with a screw top.
    09. A large wood-and-glass hourglass filled with yellow particles.
    10. A mechanism of gears, a projecting lever, and 3 broad wooden "leaves" emanating from a hub, a little like a clover but with each "leaf" tilted out of line with the next (like a modern electric fan, in other words).
    11. A 9-inch round iron pan with the runic S embossed on the handle.
    12. A carved miniature wooden chair.
    13. As above, but a padded couch rather than a simple chair.
    14. A 1-inch cube of a hard, whitish, translucent material, with slightly rounded edges and corners.
    15. An ordinary-looking oil lamp (73.37)
    16. An ordinary-looking needle
    17. A quill pen.
    18. A clay plant pot (size varies).
    19. A one-inch obsidian cube and a metal tuning fork four inches long.
    20. An eight-sided lantern.
    21. A hollow wooden tube, closed at one end, with a slot in the side.
    22. Two miniature metal blacksmith's anvils, one red, the other black, each about one inch in all dimensions.
    23. A wooden drawer, about 12 by 18 by 9 inches high, which may be inserted into a suitable desk, wall, etc.
    24. A miniature tree, about three inches high, made of an unidentified material.
    25. A hemisphere (circumference about 10 inches) of hard but flexible material similar to tire rubber.
    26. A blue pill about the size of an aspirin tablet, usually found in a group of 2-20.
    27. A canvas stretched on an ordinary artist's frame.
    28. A bedroll sewn along the edges so as to make it a large bag (in other words, a zipperless sleeping bag).
    29. An ordinary leather backpack.
    30. An ordinary-looking canteen.
    31. A leather drawstring purse about the size of a small fist.
    32. A pair of wooden knitting needles that enable the user to knit at double his normal speed.
    33. A box of gears and cogs, with a crank handle protruding from one side.
    34. This is a box about 12 by 12 by 2 inches. (73.38)
    35. This blanket automatically maintains a comfortable temperature for anyone sleeping under it.
    36. This is a 6-inch-long stick in the shape of a miniature candle snuffer -- a stick with a hook at the end, ending in a bell without a clapper.
    37. This object, made of an unknown substance, is formed in the shape of an ebony candle with a flame atop it, the whole being about 4 inches high.
    38. A bronze miniature bucket, complete with a bronze inner surface which looks much like water.
    39. An ordinary-appearing set of cutlery.
    40. A thick, creamy-oily concoction, which may be in virtually any type of container.
    41. A robe of chamois-lined natural wool or fur.
    42. Black arm wrappings.
    43. A piece of jade carved in the shape of an insect one inch long, suspended from a light chain.
    44. Like a pair of swimming goggles without the transparent plastic.
    45. This carved stone miniature door, about 4 by 1½ by ½ inch.
    46. A large leather glove.
    47. This is a wooden ladder 10 feet long.
    48. This 9 by 5 by 3 inch box contains several miniature metal figures playing instruments.
    49. An ordinary horse's nose feedbag.
    50. A wine cup.
    51. A strongly constructed metal box (size can vary) with a key.
    52. This is a black, covered pitcher or cylinder with one button on it.
    53. A large oil lamp.
    54. Calf-high leather dress boots. (73.39)
    55. A pair of onyx dice.
    56. A wooden log about eight inches in diameter and two feet long.
    57. A bone-and-bristle brush of untidy and uninviting appearance.
    58. A blank parchment scroll.
    59. Necklace of polished non-precious stones
    60. An ordinary rug
    61. A very small flexible strip of Metal
    62. A gold-colored Metal pen
    63. Any item of clothing
    64. An ordinary stone oven
    65. A curved metal pipe closed at one end
    66. A soft chamois cloth 1 foot square
    67. An animal harness/bridle
    68. A horse's saddle
    69. A saddle
    70. An abacus
    71. A stuffed chair
    72. Any article of clothing
    73. Any kitchen knife
    74. Any prosthesis
    75. A flat oval stone, about 1/2 an inch thick and 4 inches long
    76. A chess set or other game set (73.40)
    77. A miniature brass boot
    78. A small, dark-crystal, covered bowl, rather like a sugar bowl
    79. A dull gray stone ball the size of a child's marble
    80. An ebony flute
    81. A broom
    82. A lady's fan
    83. An ordinary lamp
    84. A leather rectangular case about 12 by 9 by 5 inches
    85. This looks like a wooden sundial without numerals, about 4 inches in diameter
    86. A wooden wand
    87. An elegant wooden pipe
    88. A glass half-gallon open pitcher
    89. A ceramic object shaped like a scroll 2 inches long
    90. A Metal box the size of a breadbox
    91. An ordinary oil lamp
    92. A short hollow wooden tube with a slot cut out of it
    93. An oil lamp
    94. A soft suede leather pouch
    95. A small pouch containing 2-12 pills, each shaped like a huge teardrop
    96. A nondescript small box
    97. Spectacles
    98. Any utensil or plate
    99. A cloak or ring
    00. A simple silver band ring

Spoon of Stirring (100 | 500) (30.36)
    Spoon of Stirring II (500 | 1500) (30.36)
Spoon of Eating (100 | 500) (30.36)
Sweet Onion (seed) (5 | 25) (30.36)
Bottle of Pleasant Odors (1k, 5k) (30.36)
Rag of Drying (250 | 1,250) (30.36)
The Mug of Warming (400 | 2,000) (30.36)
The Mug of Dribbling (xx | xx) (30.36)
The Mystical Brown Coating Box (100 | 500) (30.36)
Jug of Dyeing (Blue: 600 | 2,400) (30.36)
Jug of Dyeing (Red: 600 | 2,400) (30.36)
Broom of Sweeping (120 | 600) (30.36)
Broom of Sweeping II (120 | 600) (73)
The Eternal Salt Shaker (300 | 1500) (30.36)
The Eternal Peanut (300 | 1500) (30.36)
Everdamp Sponge (100 | 500) (30.36)
Cloth of Polishing (500 | 2,000) (30.36)
The Ever-Clean Towel (400 | 2,000) (30.36)
The Needle of Sewing (300 | 1,500) (30.36)
The Needle of Sewing II (200 | 1,000) (73)

Sticks of Standing (500 | 2,500) (30.36)
Trollflower (seed) (200 | 1,000) (30.36)
Dragon Lily (seed 1-4) (200 | 1,000) (30.36)
Chain Daisy (seeds 1-4) (50 | 250) (30.36)
Amulet of Caterpillar Control (5 | 25) (30.36)
Bracers of Cleanliness (1,500 | 8,000) (30.36)
Dust of Fertilization (300 | 900) (30.36)
Manual of Garden Flowers (Tome of Garden Flowers) (1,500 | 8,500) (30.36)
Dust of Small Bird Repulsion (50 | 250) (30.37)

TREASURE / MISCELLANEOUS / ORLOW'S DEN (William Fawcett) (30.36)
Match of Many Lights (500, 2500) (30.36)
The BrushofColors (1000, 5000) (30.36)
The Lasting Pipe (250, 1250) (30.36)
The Torch of Control (400, 2000) (30.36)
Boots of Comfortableness (Boots of Comfort) (500, 2500) (30.36)
Quill of Longwriting (4000 | 20,000) (30.36)
Enlarging Glass (1500 | 7500) (30.36)
The Obedient Hourglass (1500 | 7500) (30.36)
Potion of Housecat Control (250 | 550) (30.36)
The Scroll of Erasing (1600 | 9000) (30.36)

Coal of Warmth (1000 | 5000) (30.37)
Socks of Dryness (300 | 1500) (30.37)
Canteen of Coolness (600 | 3000) (30.37)

Hammer of Nailing (300 | 3000) (30.37)
Returning Penny (50 | 250) (30.37)
Cloak Clasp of Holding (60 | 600) (30.37)
Sphere of Darkness (2000 | 20,000) (30.37)
Faithful Knot (1000 | 5000) (30.37)
Glow Cube (80 | 800) (30.37)
Helm of Blonding (500 | 2500) (30.37)
Robe of Drying (1000 | 5000) (30.37)

TAROT OF MANY THINGS (Michael J. Lowrey) (77.6)
Aegis +
Barlithian’s mystical mirror (XP value: --- (Artifacts bring no XP. GP sale value: 120,000.) (Mark Corrington) (50.20)

TABLE  (III.E.) Special
01 = Axe of the Dwarvish Lords +
02 = Baba Yaga's Hut +
03-04 = Codex of the Infinite Planes +
05-20 = Crown of Might +
21 = Crystal of the Ebon Flame +
22 = Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar +
23-24 = Eye of Vecna +
25 = Hand of Vecna +
26 = Heward's Mystical Organ +
27 = Horn of Change +
28-29 = Invulnerable Coat of Arnd +
30-31 = Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless +
32 = Jacinth of Inestimable Beauty +
33 = Johydee's Mask +
34-35 = Kuroth's Quill +
36-37 = Mace of Cuthbert +
38 = Machine of Lum the Mad +
39-40 = Mighty Servant of Leuk-O +
41-47 = Orb of Dragonkind +
48-63 = Orb of Might +
64 = Queen Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightingale +
65-66 = Recorder of Ye'Cind +
67-68 = Ring of Gaxx +
69-74 = Rod of Seven Parts +
75-91 = Scepter of Might +
92 = Sword of Kas +
93-98 = Teeth of Dahlver-Nar +
99 = Throne of the Gods +
00 = Wand of Orcus +

        Artifacts and Relics


01-05 = Chain Mail +1
06-09 = Chain Mail +2
10-11 = Chain Mail +3
12-19 = Leather Armor +1.
20-26 = Plate Mail +1
27-32 = Plate Mail +2
33-35 = Plate Mail +3
36-37 = Plate Mail +4
38 = Plate Mail +5
39 = Plate Mail of Etherealness +
40-44 = Plate Mail of Vulnerability +
45-50 = Ring Mail +1
51-55 = Scale Mail +1
56-59 = Scale Mail +2
60-63 = Splint Mail +1
64-66 = Splint Mail +2
67-68 = Splint Mail +3
69 = Splint Mail +4
70-75 = Studded Leather +1
76-84 = Shield +1
85-89 = Shield +2
90-93 = Shield +3
94-95 = Shield +4
96 = Shield +5
97 = Shield, large, +1, +4 vs. missiles +
98-00 = Shield -1, missile attractor +

01 = Anything Armor +
02-07 = Bronze Plate Mail +1
08-11 = Bronze Plate Mail +2
12-17 = Buckler +1
18-21 = Buckler +2
22-23 = Buckler +3
24-25 = Chain Mail +4
26-31 = Elfin Chain Mail +1
32-35 = Elfin Chain Mail +2
36-38 = Elfin Chain Mail +3
39-40 = Elfin Chain Mail +4
41 = Elfin Chain Mail +5
42-50 = Leather Armor +2
51-55 = Leather Armor +3
56-62 = Plate Armor, Field, +1
63-68 = Plate Armor, Field, +2
69-71 = Plate Armor, Field, +3
72-73 = Plate Armor, Field, +4
74 = Plate Armor, Field, +5
75-80 = Plate Armor, Full, +1
81-84 = Plate Armor, Full, +2
85-87 = Plate Armor, Full, +3
88-89 = Plate Armor, Full, +4
90-93 = Ring Mail +2
94-95 = Scale Mail +3
96-00 = Studded Leather +2

        Armor and Shields

        BOTB: The Discus Shield (REM) (37.47)
        BOTB: Laeral's Storm Armor (ED) (39.42)
        BOTB: Mail of Red Dragon Scales (Vaughn Shepherd) (39.42) <cf. article in BD3>
        Armor of Acidic Secretion (XP Value: 0. GP Sale Value: 2000) (Gregory Detwiler) (99.52)
        Shield of Dragon Protection (XP Value: 1100. GP Sale Value: 10,000) (John Uustal) (99.52)

Six very special shields: More magic items from the mind of Elminster (Ed Greenwood) (89.14)
    Reptar's Wall
    Thurbrand's Protector
    Hawkstone's Bulwark
    Dzance's Guardian (89.16)
    Shoon's Buckler

       Staff of the Couatl (XP Value: 7,500. GP Sale Value: 20,000) (Pat Reinken)
       Staff of Ethereal Action (XP value: 7,000. GP sale value: 15,000.) (Ed Greenwood) (47.18)
       The Staff of the Priest Kings (Neal Healey) (SR7.11)
        Staff of Spell Focusing (XP Value: 6000. GP Sale Value: 25,000) (Richard Lucas)

01-25 = Sword +1
26-30 = Sword +1, +2 vs. magic-using & enchanted creatures +
31-35 = Sword +1, +3 vs. lycanthropes & shape-changers
36-40 = Sword +1, +3 vs. regenerating creatures
41-45 = Sword +1, +4 vs. reptiles
46-49 = Sword +1, Flame Tongue:
                +2 vs. regenerating creatures
                +3 vs. cold-using, inflammable, or avian creatures +
                +4 vs. undead
50 = Sword +1, Luck Blade +
51-58 = Sword +2
59-62 = Sword +2, Giant SLAYER +
63-66 = Sword +2, Dragon SLAYER +
67-70 = Sword, Short, Quickness (+2) +
71-76 = Sword +3
77-79 = Sword +3, Frost Brand:
                +6 vs. fire-using/dwelling creatures +
80-81 = Sword of the Planes +
82-84 = Sword +4
85-86 = Sword +4, Defender +
87-88 = Sword +5
89-94 = Sword +1, Cursed +
95-98 = Sword -2, Cursed +
99-00 = Sword, Cursed Berserking +

01-15 = Sun Blade +
16 =  Sword, Anything +
17-32 = Sword, Broad, "Final Word" Type +
33-45 = Sword of Dancing +
46-61 = Sword +5, Defender +
62-69 = Sword +6, Defender +
70-84 = Sword +5, Holy Avenger +
85-91 = Sword +6, Holy Avenger +
92-93 = Sword of Life Stealing +
94-95 = Sword +2, Nine Lives Stealer +
96-97 = Sword of Sharpness +
98 = Sword, Vorpal Weapon +
99-00 = Sword of Wounding +

A sharp system for swords: Magic blades get more personality and purpose (Pete Mohney) (99.46)
MIGHTER THAN The Pen (Magic swords) (Kyle Gray) (46.12)
BOTB: Arbane's Sword of Agility (X.P. value: 4,000; G.P. value: 15,000.) (Ed Greenwood) (41.30)
Dancing Sword of Lightning +
IMPERIAL SWORD (Japanese) (The Dragon #13)
BOTB: Singing Sword (X.P. value: 1,600; G.P. value: 10,000.) (Ed Greenwood) (41.30)
Stormbringer +
BOTB: Syrar’s Silver Sword (XP value: 1,000. GP sale value: 4,000.) (Ed Greenwood) (47.19)
Willow Wand Swords (40.44)

Seven swords: Blades of the Realms (Ed Greenwood) (74.18)
    Adjatha, "The Drinker" (74.18)
    Albruin (74.20)
    Ilbratha, "Mistress of Battle" (74.22)
    Namara, "The Sword That Never Sleeps" (74.22)
    Shazzellim (74.22)
    Susk, "The Silent Sword" (74.23)
    Taragarth, "The Bloodbrand" (74.24)

        Demonbane (XP Value: 4000. GP Sale Value: 20,000) (Ed Greenwood)
        Sword, Cursed Everstriking (XP Value: 800. GP Sale Value: 1000) (Stephen Martin) (91.61)
        Sword of Assassination (XP Value: 800 per "plus" of sword. 2000 per "plus" of sword) (Bruce E. Wright)
        Sword of Cowardice (XP Value: 2000. GP Sale Value: 10,000) (David Baldwin)
        Sword of Insanity (XP Value: 700. GP Sale Value: 3500) (David Baldwin)
        Sword of Intercession (XP Value: 1000. GP Sale Value: 5000) (Stephen Martin) (91.62)
        Sword of Night, +1 (XP Value: 700. GP Sale Value: 3500) (Stephen Martin)

        Miscellaneous Weapons

01-08 = Arrow +1, 2-24 in number
09-12 = Arrow +2, 2-16 in number
13-14 = Arrow +3, 2-12 in number
15 = Arrow of Slaying +
16-20 = Axe +1
21-22 = Axe +2
23 = Axe +2, Throwing +
24 = Axe +3
25-27 = Battle Axe +1
28-32 = Bolt +2, 2-20 in number
33-35 = Bow +1
36 = Crossbow of Accuracy, +3 +
37 = Crossbow of Distance +

38 = Crossbow of SPEED +
39-46 = Dagger +1, +2 vs. creatures smaller than man-sized
47-50 = Dagger +2, +3 vs. creatures larger than man-sized
51 =  Dagger of Venom +
52-56 = Flail +1
57-60 = Hammer +1
61-62 = Hammer +2
63 = Hammer +3, Dwarven Thrower +

64 = Hammer of Thunderbolts +
65-67 = Javelin +2
68-72 = Mace +1
73-75 = Mace +2
76 = Mace of Disruption +
77 = Mace +4
78-80 = Military Pick +1
81-83 = Morning Star +1
84-88 = Scimitar +2**
89 = Sling of Seeking +2
90-94 = Spear +1
95-96 = Spear +2
97 = Spear +3

98-99 = Spear, Cursed Backbiter +
00 = Trident (Military Fork +3) +

01-02 = Arrow +4, 2-8 in number
03 = Axe +4
04 = Axe of Hurling
05-10 = Battle Axe +2
11-13 = Battle Axe +3
14-20 = Bolt +1, 6-36 in number
21-22 = Bolt +3, 3-12 in number
23-27 = Bullet, Sling, +1, 5-20 in number
28-31 = Bullet, Sling, +2, 3-12 in number
32-34 = Bullet, Sling, +3, 2-8 in number
35 = Bullet, Sling, of Impact, 1-4 in number
36-40 = Dagger +1
41-43 = Dagger +2
44 = Dagger +2, Longtooth +
45-46 = Dagger +3
47 = Dagger of Throwing +
48-51 = Dart +1, 3-12 in number
52-54 = Dart +2, 2-8 in number
55-56 = Dart +3, 1-4 in number
57 = Dart of Homing, 1-2 in number
58-61 = Flail +2
62 = Hammer +4
63 = Hornblade +
64-68 = Javelin +1
69-70 = Javelin +3
71-75 = Knife +1
76-78 = Knife +2
79 = Knife, Buckle +
80-81 = Lance +1
82-83 = Mace +3
84-86 = Morning Star +2
87 = Pole Arm +1
88-89 = Quarterstaff, Magic +
90-92 = Scimitar +1**
93-94 = Scimitar  +3**
95 = Scimitar of SPEED**
96 = Scimitar +4**
97-99 = Spear +4
00 = Spear +5

Arrows of conscientious objection (77.20)
        Arrows of Law +
        Arrow of Charming (XP Value: 800. GP Sale Value: 2,000) (David Baldwin)
        Bi-labial Fricative (Gary Jaquet) (4.21)
        Bow of Doubling (XP Value: 1000. GP Sale Value: 6000) (Stephen Martin) (99.52)
        Breath of Death (Gary Jaquet) (4.21)
        Crossbow of Multiplication (40.44)
        Dagger +1/+2 vs. Dolphins (XP value: 800. GP value: 10,000) (Roger E. Moore) (48.85)
        Dagger +1/+2 vs. Dolphins (XP Value: 100. GP Sale Value: 1000) (Roger E. Moore)
        Dagger +1/+3 vs. Koalinth (XP value: 100. GP value: 1,000.) (Roger E. Moore) (48.12
        Dagger of Alignment Detection (XP Value: 100. GP Sale Value: 600) (Robert Tussey)
        Dagger of monster calling (77.21)
        Hammer of Penetration (XP Value: 2000. GP Sale Value: 20,000) (John Uustal) (99.52)
        Mace of Pain (XP value: 1,000. GP sale value: 7,000) (Thomas Zarbock) (54.69)
        The Skull Mace (XP value: 1,450. GP sale value: 14,500) (Roger E. Moore) (54.69)
        Spear of Yang (40.44)
        Spear +2/+4 vs. Sharks (XP value: 1,500. GP value: 10,000.) (Roger E. Moore) (48.12)
        Trident +1/+2 vs. Water Elementals (XP Value: 800. GP Sale Value: 10,000) (Roger E. Moore)
        Trident +1/+3 vs. Reptiles (XP value: 1,000. GP value: 10,000.) (Roger E. Moore) (48.12)
        Trident +1/+3 vs. Lacedons (XP value: 1,000. GP value: 10,000.) (Roger E. Moore) (48)